MUST WATCH! A long hidden SECRET revealed - Accurate Prophecy with Alph LUKAU

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bring me that woman you they also come come you come what's your name sorry come here come here come here do you know each other you know how Jesus Oh gorebyss ah here I released the grace of God over all of you it was seen as I released the grace of God over all of you we received somebody say are receiving I receive it say I can I receive a I used to say that in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I worship your Lord yes Lord I thank you because you are God and beside you there is no other God you are the sheilo the pallet our breath Morningstar the lily of our Valley it is you the author and the finisher of our fee it's Jesus Christ it is you we have come to honor these men can do nothing it is you O Lord who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above Lord we pray that you do it do it for everyone under the sound of my voice to the name of Jesus do it for the man and the woman who have come hungry thirsty looking to you do it Oh God engine you answer prayer you say if my people who are called by my name shall humble himself and pray seek my face turn from the wicked ways you say our hear them from heaven I'll forgive the sins and heal the land Lord as you heal our land heal our bodies heal our families heal our works Oh God heal our ministries somebody 20 me as we pray Kenema Soto you are the King of glory slow you are the King of glory you say in your you are the Lord God of all flesh yes is there anything too hard for you to do no Lord there is nothing too hard for you to do there is nothing you cannot do oh gosh no there is no big rocket oh so yo yo yo please come my precious one what is your name Pauline your name is Pauline yes pull it I wanna help you okay touch it again that's touch it again that's with both your hands the touch Kenema say is it painful is are you sure it is painful yes it is which side and I'm a penny under your belly is now a Polina I am here to help you because God has seen you if you trust what God is doing now I promise you you will say bye-bye to the pains of yesterday the reason why I said touch again because when you touch just a little the law say that they had bad knows you you won't answer these are true is is a true if they had that knows you with wound tension and that this has been hurting you inside here and there you are in pain you feel pain yes you you you have a tendency of always sitting because of the pain is that true yes it's true ba-da-ba setting your life is misery one after another that's true but we can fix it today in the name of G for no other name has been given us but the powerful name of Jesus and now can I see something in the bracket to see every time as speed we will fix it today you must always know that it is in the name of Jesus Christ the cow is just an instrument he has no power he knows nothing by myself it is by grace Paul say we can do all things you say I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me men saying that I can do is not being boastful it is being confident and I mean the one who called you I know him it is that knowledge of Christ that allows the man of God to move in such power so it is important for me to say that so that you may not it may not become a stumbling block to your faith when you say wow look at him he feels that is all that yes I'm all that I promised you but you see I'm all that in God somebody say I am all that I ever but by myself I'm nothing but in him I'm that are you hearing me now we can fix this in the name of Jesus who mandated us and we say in my name you will lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed or recover we can fix it I receive we can remove cancer now in the name of Jesus doctors come come doctor yeah I say we can remove cancer now yes sir I just want a doctor to say amen to that Amen pastor what medical science cannot do God can even doctors agree but I'm seeing another problem 20:15 you met Shepard 2014 you married Shepard is is a truth is but you revealed to Shepard something about your health that has nothing to do with cancer it has to do with your blood yes is that true it's because the Lord is showing me that beside being a suffering of tensile you are struggling with HIV and failing true but as soon as you told him about your settle things change is a chi to change and feeling true you felt pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl if I am seeing the 23rd of December 2015 your child was born is a correct yes but a six month down the line the Lord is telling me on the 23rd of June 2016 your little girl died that's very true is a true it's true your life as young as you are has been full of tears pain from pain to pain is the correct true when your child died four days after the burial you entered into a deep depression is a correct but already the heart of your husband had turned because your husband family was putting him under pressure it say to himself now that the child is dead I have nothing to do with you that's why when you when looking for help is not the one who came to help you that's very true I am seeing a friend of your society Spada yes is a true excu is that your friend at Sandi's father yes it's my best friend your best friend is your childhood friend yes you grew up together yes but it's a male friend yes you call him you have a nickname for him you call him Momo yes oh Jesus if God will reveal even such seemingly insignificant details concerning her why will you doubt that he knows your case you call him no more but you see your husband use that suggests she out because I'm seeing two weeks after the barrier he took you to your parrot and say she's cheating on me yes but you know it wasn't through any noise it was all true yes because you see he went to test and discover that he is HIV negative we are HIV positive the child to us between the two of you are bringing you together had gone to be with the Lord so he say I wash my hand want to live you like that forgetting that you are still mourning Jesus how inconsiderate a necessity some people can be this is the painful reality of many but for her she has come to the end of her misery because of God's intervention Christ died to carry such burdens his yoke is easier now is not there you have no child you are infected you have cancer you are only two in the family you and your sister your mother when you are 17 years old that's why everything became you wanted to go to school you are intelligent but nobody could supports you because after your father the family did not want to take you things were difficult your mother was sick Clara because you are hiv-positive your mother is hiv-positive your mother when you were 17 your mother was a really really seek your sister was pregnant of a second job yes you wanted to go to school but nobody could help you that's why they sent you to the house of your auntie and Miriam yes but you see this is where the calamity started I'm here to help you metal or use me to facilitate your miracles as a metal Lord use me this afternoon to facilitate somebody's miracle I received after I have done with you no more HIV no more tears we'll have it gone well nothing is impossible with him receive it no no no don't use our doctors someone who said that no you went to their own doctors there are people who are so unbelieving that is unbelievable for go to a couple of doctors was a finish go to any doctor of your choice anyway and come back with a testimony so shall it be in the ladies but you see for this to be I need to release you from the secret that you carry in your heart if we do not deal with a secret your blessing cannot come because the one who infected you is your auntie's has been the jaws fat is a true now I'm not saying this to embarrass you because I have a solution the solution is Jesus Christ why I am saying this and I hope that is not to bring trouble in the family but it has to be held accountable you not died before you this is a difficult matter but everything exposed has no more power over us I refuse it you will not die before the devil is a liar she boundaries I declare you will leave you will declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the deceiver I destroyed the power of sudden death in your life in the name of Jesus is that true now this is what I want you to do I want you to first know that Jesus Christ knows about it too he has forgiven you you must ask for forgiveness I have spoken about it the matter is public this year is public domain [Music] it's not only secret so you might as well ask for forgiveness are you hearing me yes we are releasing you I'm opening you those you will be well you will testify you have your future you will have children you wouldn't marry again your ways are open geez in the name of Jesus we say that so is the life of everyone under the sound of my voice may you to receive your miracle today in the name of Jesus I will see swish your hands to all what you make happen for her Jehovah will make happen for you begin to breathe pray pray often time one may be carried away by fleshly desires and compromise but God forgives before ministering healing upon her pasta off gives her direction as to how to go about the seemingly difficult situation beloved God is full of mercy the story will change from henceforth provided that she comes clean to her family [Music] the man of God lays hands on her and immediately she slain in the spirt a supernatural healing begins to take place [Music] if you were blessed by this video be sure to subscribe to our channel you can catch pastor Affleck how on am i TV on the public bouquet or on our live stream on a my TV calm you can follow pasta also car on all social media platforms at of the cow
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 1,242,118
Rating: 4.733778 out of 5
Id: jje7BxRWSkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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