2024東京銀座必逛10選✨傳說中的步行者天國🔥UNIQLO全球旗艦店、伊東屋文具、銀座三越、GINZA SIX、日本底片相機、親子丼、底片相機店、銀座下午茶|東京自由行・JAPAN 4K vlog

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Hello everyone, good morning. I am minmin. When you see the bustling atmosphere behind me, you know that we are here in Ginza today. Every Saturday and Sunday, it transforms into a pedestrian's paradise. The concept of pedestrian's paradise actually has its original origin. From Europe , Japan was the first country in Asia to introduce the idea of ​​giving up the entire right of way to pedestrians during holidays so that pedestrians can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of walking on the streets. Here in Ginza, there is a little knowledge why Ginza is called Ginza because in the Edo period, Ginza was the area where silver coins were made, so the place name here is called Ginza. Ginza not only has many high-end well-known brands , but also a lot of Michelin. There are restaurants and many high-end dessert shops , and not only that. Many well-known foreign brands, such as McDonald's or Apple Store, also opened their first flagship stores in Ginza. Ginza is also listed as the place to go to Ginza. If so, you can choose to take the subway to Ginza Station . You can also take the Yurakucho Line to Ginza Ichimachi Station and then walk to the main street of Ginza . Now we will quickly take you to Ginza. One-day tour GO Ginza not only has high-end brands you can buy , such as the Itoya Main Building behind me . When you get to the street of Ginza, you can see a big red paper clip sign at the door, so you know it is this one. Itoya, Itoya, sells all kinds of Japanese stationery . This Itoya main building has a total of 12 floors , eight of which are dedicated to selling stationery. Then, in Itoya There is also an Itoya annex diagonally behind the main building . The annex has three floors in total, all of which sell various handbooks. Itoya also has some special services , such as you can write on the second floor. Then send the postcard in the store at the same time , or you can also order your own unique pen on the third floor. If you buy something in Itoya and want to give it to a friend as a gift, there is also a dedicated pen on the eighth floor. You can go to a place that helps you with packaging and enjoy their services. On the second floor , you can make your own little card. You can choose the pattern you like and here you can choose the color of the gold foil and then put it on yourself like this. This very delicate heraldry is stamped on your exclusive little card and then mailed on the spot. It will be very happy to receive it. And there are many colors of stationery here for you to choose freely . It is so exquisite. It is indeed Japan today. I want to secretly introduce to you a secret attraction in Ginza, which is the Okuno Building behind me. You can see that its appearance is really different from the one in Ginza. It looks very similar to the Minsheng Community or Zhongxiao Fuxing in Taipei. This is an older residential building that was built in 1932. It originally had a beauty salon inside . After the last owner of the beauty salon passed away , some people wanted to keep this building. This original appearance was so we launched a preservation project. Now we come to the Okuno Building. Its elevator is actually manual and super retro. It’s amazing. It also has some instructions for you to take precautions on the side. It’s super cool. The first time I saw an elevator here was like this . You have to open the door with your own hands. It’s amazing . It also has to be electric to call it down. It’s so cool. It says that you must remember to follow the inner door when you take it . All the outside doors are manually closed so that it is safer. Oh my god, now that our elevator is here, come and set it up. Look at this manual elevator door. This door is so heavy. My god , this is really the first time I have seen it. Now there are different floors in this building. Different artists have moved in , and the small rooms have become their studios or art exhibition spaces . Ginza not only has high-end brands, but it also hides such a tourist attraction that is worth visiting. I recommend it to everyone. On this main street in Ginza, you can shop all LV, Chanel, Bulgari or big brands like Tiffany in one go. Then behind me, you can see the big LV building behind me. It has a very sense of design. It was specially designed by a Japanese architectural designer Jun Aoki. You can see that the wall has a very Japanese feel . And the Matsuya Department Store behind me is also very historic in Japan. It is a traditional old department store. It was built in 1925 during the Taisho period. It is an old brand department store that has been in use to this day. It has experienced different fashions in Ginza from the past to the present. Now, after being renovated, it also houses the well-known international shopping mall. You can buy well-known brands , whether it’s cosmetics or various boutique brands, and it also comes with a bowl of chicken white soup. It tastes super heart-warming. The oyakodon is seasoned with soy sauce and mirin , but the one I ordered is salt. It tastes like sea salt. I personally think it tastes a little salty , but it's still delicious. The taste of the sauce is less obvious. You can see that the main road behind me is Ginza. The street is called Chuo-dori , which means it is completely closed to cars on holidays and becomes a paradise for pedestrians. Today is a weekday , so you can still see some cars moving on the road , but Ginza is really the most upscale side of Tokyo. The location is so if you are a friend who is interested in cars, you can see many famous cars and sports cars on the road here from time to time . I think it is also a highlight that you can notice when you come to Ginza. If you come to Ginza by taking the Tokyo metro subway As soon as you exit the station, you will see the intersection in the center of Ginza. The building behind me is the Ginza Mitsukoshi department store. The building on the right is the Wako Clock Building. It mainly sells high-end watch products , and there are also some Jewelry or high-end leather goods, etc., so if you like high-end products, you can go shopping here. There is also a camera specialty store KATSUMIDO in Ginza. It was founded in 1945 and it mainly buys some domestically produced second-hand products. I just went in and took a look around and found that the collection of cameras is very rich, ranging from old cameras like Leica to new models of Sony's A1. I wonder if there are any fans of Jay Chou who think the scene here looks familiar, because in fact, this camera room The store is also the filming location used in Jay Chou's MV "Say Good or Don't Cry", so fans of Jay Chou don't forget to make a pilgrimage here. When talking about Ginza, everyone will immediately think of high-end brands or international boutiques . But for Don’t worry if you are not interested in these boutiques , because you can see behind me there is a super big UNIQLO. This UNIQLO flagship store is 12 stories high in total. It is also the largest of all UNIQLO branches, so the items inside are very complete. Not only UNIQLO itself , but also some co-branded items of UNIQLO and other designers can be found here . It is very easy to browse and then walk a little further. In about one to two minutes' walk , you can see a whole GU building with a total of 5 floors to browse. So here in Ginza you can buy not only high-end boutique brands but also general clothing. We just visited UNIQLO's Ginza store . UNIQLO, a 12-story building, is really easy to visit. For example, there is this UNIQLO coffee shop on the top floor of the 12th floor. It’s the first time I saw it . Not only do they run a coffee shop , they also sell coffee beans. There are also some UNIQLO home-made desserts for sale. You can eat and rest here . Now, the place we are at is the seventh floor of the UNIQLO Ginza store. On the seventh floor of the Ginza store, there is a small balcony in the sky where you can sit. Take a rest and look at the scenery of the entire Ginza. I highly recommend it to everyone. The scenery is very good. There is another commercial facility on the west side of UNIQLO. This building also has some small shops to browse. There is another one that I would like to recommend. Our cafe is where I am now. ROSE BAKERY was opened by a British wife, ROSE, and her husband. The original store was in Paris, and it also opened branches in Tokyo, South Korea, London, and this store in New York. Their specialty is that their products are all organic . They hope that customers can eat the original taste of the most original natural ingredients , so almost all of their dishes are simply seasoned with salt and olive oil so that you can taste the original taste of the ingredients without losing the taste. It's overly processed, so what I'm ordering now is this one. It's super cute . The ingredients are very natural. The decoration is also very fresh, simple and comfortable. So if you are tired from shopping at UNIQLO next door, you can come here and take a rest. It's very solid. Let’s try it right away . It’s actually rose flavored. As soon as I eat it, I can smell the aroma of roses coming out of my mouth. I think it’s because they emphasize natural food. Generally, we know that pound cake will be very oily , but theirs The pound cake is not oily at all and tastes delicious but not too loose . Usually if the pound cake is very low in oil, it may suck your saliva as soon as you bite into it . However, this one is very moist but not overpowering. The oil is delicious and the price is 715 yuan . I think it's not too expensive for the price of desserts . In fact, in this high-end area of ​​Ginza, this restaurant is quite affordable . And I was just about to start drinking with my straw. I found this place and this one emphasizes organic ingredients , so I think they are also very careful about environmental protection. For example, this one is an environmentally friendly straw made of bamboo because it is not plastic, so it is less harmful to nature. Coming soon I use a Taiwan Light straw to drink the iced tea I ordered. The GINZA SIX building behind me also wants to recommend it to everyone because this GINZA SIX building is said to have a variety of international boutique brands and many more. The biggest feature of a relatively niche designer brand is that its entire lobby is designed with high ceilings. Some installation art will be displayed from time to time. It is very artistic. In GINZA SIX , in addition to everyone's favorite Tsutaya Bookstore, there are also Tokyo must-haves. I drank Blue Bottle coffee and matcha dessert shop Nakamura Fujiyoshi. In addition, there are many delicious restaurants on different floors , so if you come to Ginza and don’t know what to eat, you can also go to this facility. Enjoy delicious food in Ginza. Speaking of commercial facilities in Ginza, there is also the building behind me, Tokyu PLAZA. This building also occupies a very large area. There are many shops to buy in , and the prices in this building are relatively affordable in comparison . There are brands such as G-Shock and Pandora that Taiwanese people love to buy. In addition, there are also some products such as home fragrances or home decorations. In addition, there are other products on the 8th and 9th floors here. Lotte's duty-free shop is also very suitable for foreign tourists to shop here. Today I took you to visit the surrounding areas of Ginza. In fact, I don't usually come to Ginza because I always think that Ginza is too high-end. I also buy a lot. I can’t bear to have such a stereotype , but actually when I came to Ginza today, I found that in addition to those high-end shops, there are also many small shops that are suitable for ordinary bourgeoisie like us to visit. I don’t know if you have heard of a Japanese The word Ginza means walking around in Ginza. I heard that this word has been passed down since the Taisho period. This is because Ginza gradually became prosperous from the Taisho period and there were many coffee shops on the street. The dessert shop is very suitable for people to take a leisurely walk there , so I recommend this attraction in Ginza to everyone. Even if you are not so interested in boutiques, you can actually come to Ginza to experience this high-end atmosphere . 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Channel: 吉田社長 Japan TV
Views: 103,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 日本旅遊, 日本文化, 日本自由行, 日本旅行, 日本生活, 日本現況, 日本散步, 4k, 吉田皓一, 日本觀光, 吉田社長JapanTV, 日本觀光列車, 日本美食, 日本必吃, 日本必去, 日本推薦, 日本4k
Id: fKxfW2nC2tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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