MUST Try Local Foods | Porto Portugal ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น

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just be out with us support of portugal in this video we're trying some of the best traditional portuguese dishes and some of them were even invented here in porto and we're going to let you know whether it's worth it for you to try these things because i'm sure you've done your research and there's a lot of things you want to try but you know we give you jbo approved only be sure to subscribe to our channel because we are creating a complete portal travel guide everything you need to do and try and know before coming to portugal so as usual just be out with us during your portrait exploration be sure to stop at conga for a traditional portuguese bifana sandwich it looks really simple but it's a must try not all bifanas are the same so be sure to come to konga where they specialize in bifanas this is a bifana it is a spicy pork shredded sandwich drenched in its own juices cooked to perfection soft juicy and it's actually on a baked bun and they just like dip the bun in it after they put all the juices and we're going to taste what it tastes like right now i'm going to let you know but it's a must try when coming here wow really good this is absolutely delicious it is definitely a must try now when they say it's spicy it does have a little bit of zing to it i wouldn't necessarily say it's hot so if your um tolerance to spice is not that high this wouldn't be a problem at all they do give you extra spice which i normally like my stuff spicy so you could just kick it up a notch but this for sure it's really good it actually costs 240 and it's great if you're walking around pop into some place purchase this actually come here this is this place is called konga and this is where they have it upon researching the sandwich we didn't really think much of it irena was the one that sourced it and when i saw it i was like eh no big deal i had my mind on another sandwich but when we came here and we saw the way it was prepared even though it looked very basic and very simple this sandwich is nothing basic and it's nothing simple when it comes to the taste the looks yeah maybe but the taste is spot on and it's definitely jbo approved and on a side note i ordered a pepsi to wash it down now tell me it's just me but when in europe does the pepsi taste different than the pepsi in the us we're here at casa goes this is amazing this puts the bifana to rest like there is no there's no comparison this is another level the caramelized onions and the cheese the creaminess of the cheese the caramelized onions taste like it was like i don't know like raisin like pork wine and now i'm actually gonna try to dip it in all this goodness here oh my god oh my god there are many variations of the sandwich on the menu this one is the most popular and it's number 14 on the menu or maybe if the menu change by the time you get there make sure you ask for the most popular one goat cheese caramelized onions arugula boom and make sure you ask for the sauce on the side because it will come with the sauce inside but this dipping this is this is what the the pork has been soaking in for hours i'll drink this take a wrap in it facial everything and then you wash it down with of course some super bok chi it's a monster of a juicy rich oniony penile pork gravy dripping look at this goodness so the first time i came here i had what irena was having i saw them prepare this and i'm like okay i'm changing it up switching it up i'm going bigger i'm going better and bolder so i'm going to tackle this and i know it's going to taste amazing so let's so to let you know what's in here it's uh perennial which is um like pulled pork and we have caramelized onions in pork wine we have sheep's cheese i didn't say goat cheese i said sheep cheese and a gravy on top and just the gravy that this has been sitting in all day oh my god i can't wait this is so massive how do i even begin to eat this we are at republica and what they are is this actual hot dog here and that's what kashora's name and the way you have it they put in kind of like a little crispy bun i guess i don't even know and this this one i actually ordered it with ham there are three different ways you can get it you can get it with the uh with cheese you can get it with cheese and ham and you can get it with the cheese over the top with the sauce i opted for the second version which is called misto and that's just the hot boiled with ham and cheese so here's a look of what it looks like so there's the sausage in the middle with the cheese on this crispy bread the bread looks like really flaky let's see what it tastes like so the portuguese sausage has kind of like a smoky taste to it it kind of tastes like if you were to take salami and it has that kind of that salty taste to it it's not your typical american hot dog it definitely doesn't taste like that it tastes like like where you would go and get cured meats that's really what it tastes like has a lot of flavor the bread is actually very very flaky very light it's warm with the melted cheese and ham really good combination like it the cheapest portuguese hot dog starts at 390. then the one i ordered with the cheese and the ham that was four uh euros and then the one with the cheese on top along with the sauce that one is eight euros along with this mountain of fries this is actually really good okay for a snack jb approved we are now on the riverside of gaia and the reason why we're here is to try this popular dish it's called pastel de bacalao and the place is super extra very extravagant and very popular for this dish so let's go inside and we'll tell you what it looks like [Music] you have to go here to order first and then go get your cake hi can i please have a one cut fish cake and if you guys want you can go up sitting there so let's enjoy yourselves okay wonderful thank you thank you enjoy [Music] here it is pastel de bacalao it is served warm as you can see it's mostly potatoes did you even get a bite of fish or not yet yeah and um it's lightly deep fried you can see there is like a crust of i guess deep fried mashed potatoes and traditionally it is served without cheese in this place you can choose with cheese or without cheese but if you choose with cheese it is a little bit better they say a little bit creamier and everything is better with cheese well whatever they say it's spot on the goat cheese actually does add a creaminess to it for sure but right up front you taste the baccala i know it's bakala is a very present fish it's very uh it's strong the cod fish has a very strong taste it's not a mild fish whatsoever so you taste it of course with the mashed potatoes and the herbs you get the creamy texture also but with the cheese it does add like another i guess complexity of the the smoothness of it really really it is interesting taste it is very soft obviously mashed potatoes are very soft and a little bit crispy on the outside and again the cod is mixed in with mashed potatoes so you don't really see but you can definitely smell it and taste it would you get another one i want one for myself i would get another one this place is extra oh wait a minute should i say extravagant this place is absolutely mind-blowing it it doesn't look like it from the outside but you saw how it is on the inside grand staircases red carpet plush bookshelf library grand staircase organ player it's like you're in a theater but yet they serve these little beautiful small little bite-sized baccalau goodness with potatoes and cheese if you've never tried it before it is a must that you come here and try this now of course as irina said you could get it with or without cheese in here it's with cheese it is spot on it's a must and if bakalao is not your thing and cheese and all mashed potatoes and all that goodness which i don't see why it shouldn't be get dressed up come here take photos it's beautiful in there guys this place is a hundred and fifty percent jbo approved all right the next must try when you're in porto is canned sardines yes you heard me right canned sardines but not like your typical american canned sardines these are special sardines and porto specializes in sardines and they're being made locally and the only place that is jbo approved to try cancer deans is a conservative which is located in mercado bulau right now we are in the temporary market but september 15 2022 the reopening restored original market that is over 100 years old when you come here be sure to mention just be out sent you because reuben his father alex his mom and his brother will pull out a spread for you normally just the food tours come here for the tasting but if you mention us they will hook you up we created the entire vlog on this place and everything you need to know about sardine sardines 101 and why you should try them here be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the notification button so you don't miss when that video is published now that you had some cancer beans it's time to try some grilled sardines reuben recommended us this place casa sierra and they specialize on fresh seafood located in matushinos so let's give them a try grilled sardines are served with boiled potatoes with some sauce it's a lot of herbs i can smell it another popular dish we ordered is rice with seafood it does look like soup but it is actually rice there you go and this is half a portion you can only imagine what the full portion would look like very salty i can definitely see why they've been served with boiled potatoes the combination is perfect this is a really great portuguese delicacy definitely jbo approved try it and let us know in the comments how you like it the way the um sardines are actually seasoned it's not like a seasoning that they put over the entire sardine it's really basically really simple they put the sardines on the grill they take sea salt and they sprinkle it on it with some olive oil that is it so when you do get a hit of salt it's actually the grain the granular of the sea salt that you're biting into because they're definitely visible on the sardine themselves you could see the granular salt flakes on it so that's where the salt is coming from besides that you get it's just the taste of the sardines it's really good upon a couple bites you can taste kind of like the the bones and they almost feel like hair in your mouth if you know that feeling um so the bones and the sardine is really fine the potatoes are actually based with butter and herbs so they have a really great taste to them and the saltiness from the sardines perfect the reuben you nail this one again so as you can see i already ate two i'm up on my third one but i want to point some out to your attention the skin it tastes like kind of like you're eating paper and it's not a soft texture skin you really feel it in your mouth and as you can see i kind of pull the skin off what i would do is kind of just scrape the skin off as much as i can and that's what you're seeing here because the skin is a little stiff the flavor is really good because it is grilled so it's definitely worth trying as this was first served there was a lot more liquid and as we were eating sardines the rice actually soaked up most of the liquid sauce so now it's much thicker now i'm trying the seafood rice [Music] wow this rice has incredible amount of flavor i am blown away besides all the variety of seafood that i can actually see in the rice the rice is really moist and i can taste so much seafood flavor and also bell peppers and onions if you love paella this is even better you're gonna love this portuguese seafood rice all the seafood there's this clams there's salmon there's oysters mussels white fish the only difference that i would say with this as opposed to paella is that when this comes to the table it is very soupy so as you're eating it starts to get thicker the rice absorbs more of the the sauce that's on top and it becomes very fluffy so it has a lot more liquid inside of it as a then paella paella is a little drier but this is as close as you can get to paella and it's equally as good and it's definitely a mushroom cafe santiago is famous for their traditional portuguese dish called francis xenia so this cafe is open from noon till 10 45 pm and as you can see there is line outside and when there is a line you know it's going to be good so you need to go inside put your name on the list and they will come out and call you right at the door you see signs with a lot of different awards that this cafe santiago won okay so after about a five minute wait we are finally in and we have been seated so upon looking at the menu from the outside irena realized that there is no vegetarian option and there is a vegetarian option in other places but just not here so be aware of that the place is really small and narrow it's simple nothing fancy it looks more like a diner but it is really popular for francis and as we know it's one of the best place to have it so we're gonna let you know exactly what it's like in a few we did ask for the sauce on the side just because we weren't sure just how spicy it was and the sauce actually comes in this container and as you can see there's smoke coming out of it it is piping hot yes and when they gave it to me the cheese was not melted on the toast but after adding this the cheese completely melted so if you order it and you order it with the sauce on top your cheese would be totally melted when it comes unlike mine did now we tried the sauce and the sauce was not spicy at all i could not taste the spice at all so maybe one place is different from another but here in cafe santiago you're definitely safe to go but you can add spice maybe you can ask if you like it spicy and i'm not going to have it because i don't really like meat i will have a bite but i don't want to go for the entire sandwich it is massive it's definitely be sure you're hungry when you come in to eat it and usually it comes with a thick slice of bread on the bottom and on top and they say the thicker the bread the better so how was your first bite so far it is spot on it is everything that they said now what i do notice because there is soyloing steak in there now with soylent steak you know sometimes it depends on the steak that you get the cut of the steak and some steak has more muscle fibers in it so it was kind of difficult to cut through to get through to the fibers but and also when i took my first bite i kind of bit into one of those fibers so it was kind of chewy because of the soylent steak but besides that the flavor is really great the sauce is really really really good again as irina said as far as the spiciness from one to ten this is for me it's not even a one i taste no hint of spiciness at all and the sauce the taste very interesting i i don't know how to describe the taste i definitely think beer based and i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to really drown this in the sauce because the sauce does make a tremendous difference in the taste for sure and of course with the french fries it's great too this french fries is going to soak up all this goodness so with that being said is definitely 100 jbl approved the reason why it is so special is especially here in porto because it was originated in florida a portuguese immigrant traveling to france got inspired by their croquet months year and decided to take them up 10 times and add different meats cheese on top egg on top and the sauce so this is how it came about traditionally it has wet cured ham portuguese sausage steak or roast beef covered with melted cheese egg and the sauce on top so the sauce is what makes the different frenzy zinnias different uh in uh different establishments so the sauce is kind of like traditional pizza sauce how every pizzeria has their own specialty sauce the same is here with franzinius it is tomato based sauce with beer some restaurants also add pork wine so different people really different chefs make it different style of sauce and some sauce tastes more potent and some sauce is a little bit more mild and also traditionally it is being served with french fries and you can order the sauce on the side and just kind of deep dip french fries in the sauce and eat it or you can pour it on the entire sandwich and again you can order it with the egg and with french fries all without the egg and french fries and again different establishments put different things inside even as we told you here they have different varieties with meats and some even have a vegetarian option in our next video we are taking you on a tour of must try sweets and drinks in porto portugal be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the bell notification to be the first to know when we publish our next video with your support we will continue making informative travel videos like this to help you get the most out of your vacation abrigada so much for watching and as usual just be out with us
Channel: Living The Globe
Views: 45,734
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Keywords: portuguese food, portugal food, portuguese cuisine, porto portugal, portugese food, portugal food guide, food vlog, portugal food tour, porto food, porto travel guide, francesinha porto, porto travel, travel vlog, travel vlog 2022, porto food tour, porto restaurants, francesinha portugal, francesinha porto sauce, francesinha portos famous sandwich, francesinha porto portugal, francesinha porto anthony bourdain, portuguese food in portugal, portugal food cost
Id: T3AY10qT7Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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