MUST SEE in Chiapas Mexico, Cañón del Sumidero

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Welcome to Eat Baila Travel this is Jenny and I'm Kevin thank you for joining us today.   Today's vlog is going to take you to one of Mexico's most breathtaking national landmarks el Sumidero canyon. If you're looking for travel ideas and want to  learn about mexico's off the beaten path travel   destinations that are not super flooded with  tourists be sure to subscribe to this channel   because we are not only looking for a home in Mexico we're also traveling throughout the entire country I think our tour van is here so  let's get going, let's go!  You can find tours leaving from Tuxtla Gutierrez or San Cristobal de las Casas. In our case we were staying in Tuxtla and booked our tour from there  You can also make the trip on your own without booking a tour but our hostel recommend is to take a tour as it's more cost effective.  Getting to the miradores by taxi and then paying for your boat tour on your own  will add up quickly So if you want the miradores which we really did we recommend booking the tour El canon de Sumidero national park has five miradores that are open to the public today in our tour we're gonna visit three of them and   this is our first one. El mirador la coyota was the first stop and it is 800 meters above the river   it was also the first stop for other  tours so it got crowded fairly quickly We spent 15 minutes at this mirador and then headed to the next   We're at our second stop at our second mirador El Tepejuaje. El Tepejuaje is a tree that used to grow in abundance here at this mirador. This mirador is 900 meters above the rivers   and every view looks beautiful jenny pointed out something really cool about this place. I haven't been to horseshoe bend in the US. but i've seen pictures and the curve reminds me of it And the third and final mirador in our stop is Mirador Las Chiapas.  which is dedicated to the indigenous community los chiapas it's probably the biggest  Mirador we've seen and it's really nice to  even come and check out local artesanias   apparently Amber is cultivated in this area and we've learned some really cool things about it The ambar is a natural resource with a black light you can tell if the stone is real or fake. Mirador Los Chiapa is the biggest one and also our favorite it is the highest mirador standing at 1,000 meters above the river if this is your last stop before the boat tour   we recommend using the bathroom and  buying snacks for the long drive down so after number three we're heading out to  the boat trip from the mirador up here it   takes 15 minutes to drive down to where  we're gonna get them you know that means Once you arrive here at this dock they sell chips, last time to use the bathroom. and then we have a two-hour tour sometimes depending on the wind you either finish   off your tour at Corso de Chiapa or you come back to the Chiapa de Corzo or you come back to the dock   so we'll see the wind has been a little  bit crazy the last couple of days   we still don't know what exactly where we are going to end up. So we're barely starting our tour Jenny is afraid of crocodiles   well i'm afraid of the sun don't make the  mistake that we did we didn't bring hats   on block okay and we'll see how your  forehead looks like at the end of this tour.   Before the tour stars they want to make sure that you get lit quite literally lit. Would you like tecate light or indio? I like this tour already. Rio grijalva begins in Guatemala where it's known as Rio Selegua and it stretches out to 600 kilometers   reaching all the way to Villahermosa Tabasco and emptying out in the gulf of Mexico.   In addition to its beauty Rio Grijalva is very important to Mexico since it's home to the Chicoasen dam   Which is the seventh tallest in the world and the largest hydroelectric power plant in Mexico. You will get wet! Oh my god! I am soaked! The water doesn't smell good either so This was truly a one of a kind experience that made me fall more in love with Mexico There were even a few surprises like a Christmas tree, caves and even monkeys. Our tour was perfect until our boat broke down in the middle of the river What happened? I don't know the broke down and we gotta switch over to another one If you've seen our Patreon exclusive on Zipolite You'll see this is not the first time that this happens to us The first time this happened to us wasn't a  bus coming from Zipolite and now we're doing it   with a boat join our Patreon community so you can check out that video this is quite the experience We have better seats on the new boat. Besides the view the most impressive part for us was learning the history of these canyons.  The tallest part of the canyon is named mirador Los Chiapas in honor of the indigenous peoples   who leapt to their death while being chased by the Spanish for enslavement   thousands of men women and children chose death over a life of slavery The boat tour ends at Chiapa de Corzo which is the Pueblo Magico. and now we get to have lunch excited to eat   as part of the tour the last like 10 minutes  of the boat ride i was just so sleepy i don't have any energy I need food! Our tour guide took us to eat at a local   buffet and the food was amazing but we  were so hungry that we forgot to vlog We're sorry for not sharing our food with you all we literally had maybe i had at least three plates of food.  I'm so so hungry we weren't eating  well all day and it was good i recommend it. Oh my god!   Chiapa de Corzo is a Pueblo Magico an archaeological  site where the earliest signs of mesoamerican   hieroglyphics and tombs have been found this city  has been occupied since at least 1400 bce but it's   also known as being the site of the first spanish  city founded in chiapas in 1528. thank you so much   for joining our touring calendar and joining us for we hope you enjoyed the video make sure to hit   that like subscribe share with another oh that's  something we are so tired we're ready to go back ciao you
Channel: Eat Baila Travel
Views: 4,282
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Keywords: chiapas, chiapas mexico, canon del sumidero, canyon del sumidero chiapas, canyon del sumidero mexico, sumidero canyon, what to do in chiapas, what to do in chiapas mexico, mexico canyon, canon de mexico, chiapa de corzo, mexico travel, traveling mexico, travel vlog, eat baila travel, sumidero canyon national park, MUST SEE in Chiapas Mexico, Cañón del Sumidero
Id: MQJA6UwgYis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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