Musicians and Producers Compete to Make a Song in 2 Hours | SONGLAB

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— Oh, oh my gosh! — Oooof! — Heeeyyy! — Let's go! — Time is running out. — This is about the most stressful thing I've ever done. Welcome to Song Lab! A new show where we bring three producers and three musicians to pair up, to make an original song in only two hours. The three teams will compete to make the best song possible. And our followers will vote for the song that they like the most. The most voted song will be the winner and the winning team will win a cash prize. Welcome to Song Lab! Here we have three amazing producers and three talented musicians. Let's go around and introduce ourselves to one another, so you can have an idea of who you might be working with or competing against. — Hey guys, my name is Simon Servida. The music I make mainly revolves around hip-hop, so stuff like hip-hop and trap, so anything kind of beat related. — My name is Michaela. My artist name is Dear Evergreen. I predominantly make vocal driven Indie-Electronica. — What's good people my name is Ocean. The type of music that I usually make is trap beats, drill, hip-hop... — Hi my name is Yael Santé and I make Neo Soul and R&B music. — My name is Lila and I've had my style referred to as lo-fi r&b/bedroom pop. — I go artistically by KindKeith. I make r&b neo soul-inspired music. — Okay, now that we've gotten to know a little bit about each other. Let's figure out what are the teams? So Simon, you're up first. Which number card do you choose? — Give me number two, please and thank you. — Wooooo! Let's go! — Dear Evergreen, Michaela, you're up. — Let's do three. — Wooo! — Which leaves our two folks from the UK, Ocean and Lila. — Ocean: Hey team UK let's go! — Lila Yin: Yes! — Director: Let's find out what is the theme of the song today. We asked our audience and followers for theme suggestions, and the most voted theme was "Falling out of love". — Hey! Yeah, there we go! — Director: And with that theme, you must incorporate these three words into your lyrics for the song: Gone Stranger and Loss. You all have two hours or 120 minutes to create an original song with the theme of falling out of love. I'm super excited to hear what you all come up with. Have fun and may the best song win. — Oh man, how are you feeling right now dude? — I was like pretty nervous, but you know what he said like falling out of love song and then we can just do a bunch of dash. — Yeah dude! — I know you're all about that. — I'm a little bit of a perfectionist but I definitely want to challenge myself in this to pick an idea and stick to it and keep going, and then bounce off of each other. — Exactly. — What kind of vibe you feeling? — I'm just a bit like, uh... Sorry, I just feel really like overwhelmed. We've got two hours! — I'm just getting sounds ready. I'm getting the rain ambience. — Oh, you're already, you're already... — I'm going right now! — Just the idea of losing a love. I immediately came up with like a little chord progression. ♪♪♪ — You know what? I don't think we have time to hesitate. Yo, you won't put the midi down? I'm gonna link you a google drive folder. I don't know what the cash prize is, but I want it! — Dude. No, I feel that dude. I'm-- I'm here to win right now. — I'm going to try hard right now. Okay. What are we doing with this? This sounds like a Good (bip) intro. — Let's put some echo on it. — Something that I was thinking could be cool is doing harps. Da da da da da da — Oh, that's nice. Okay. — And then with like the falling idea. — You are mad talented. I can't even tell you how happy it makes me to see more and more female producers because we need a lot of that in this music industry, especially like how male dominant it is. — Hell yes! Amen! ♪♪♪ — Yes, yes, yes, yes, that's the one! That's the one! — Oh you like that one? — Yeah, yeah, that's good. — All right cool, I just deleted that let me put that back. — Oh, wait, were you not feeling it? — I felt like it was too low. — Okay. I feel like i'm annoying him. Okay, umm. ♪♪♪ ♪ You're always telling me ♪ ♪ da da da pa pa pa da ♪ — This is so hard! ♪ You're gone ♪ ♪ You're gone ♪ — Oh, I like that. I really like that. ♪ You're gone ♪ We can change the chord there ♪ You're gone ♪ — Wow ♪ You're so far ♪ Oh okay I like that. I like that ♪ Where did you go? ♪ ♪ You're so far gone ♪ ♪♪♪ — Ooooui ♪ da da la daaaa da la da daaa da la daaaa da la ♪ There we go, that's a solo. ♪♪♪ — You're just vibing out over there. ♪ ummmm ♪ ♪ Where did you go? ♪ — (Bip)! ♪ You're so far gone? ♪ — Okay reverb and echo. Oh my gosh, you're like a super woman. You've got the harder work than I do because you're the producer and I feel like that's so much more... — No, I feel like songwriting with this kind of pressure... like I don't envy you. — Oh my God! ♪ ummm da da da ummmmmm ♪ ♪♪♪ — Sound good. When you sing do you usually sing with autotune or do you just do it? Like all dry. — I'm using a harmonizer thing and it kind of pitches stuff for you. ♪♪♪ — Ahhh My computer's like bugging out. [ Glitch noises ] — Check. Check. Check. Check. Ooh, i'm way too hot. Check! Check. Check. CHECK! ♪ You're always telling me ♪ ♪ Inside your mind ♪ — Ooooof — Yo I'm so hyped up right now! — Dude, this is exciting. This song is sounding really good! — I'm so curious what the other people are gonna do. Yo, what if like one of theirs sounds exactly like what we did? — What's up guys? How you guys doing? — Hey Paolo! — Good, good. — We're under a lot of pressure because we're like, oh my God there only 1 hour left. — Bro, we got this! — I'm so excited right now! — I'm here to give you guys a challenge. Just to make it a little bit harder. Your team's challenge is to incorporate a sample sound to your song, that was sent to us by one of our followers. So please choose a number from 1, 2 or 3. — Give me 3. Please and thank you. [ Clicking sound ] — A fan? Turning on a fan? — Let's do 3. — I can't hear you, you're muted. — I was saying do you want to do 2 but we can do 3 if you want. — Wait, would you say 2? Yeah, 2 is fine. Let's do 2. [ Pan flute melody ] — Do you want to go for it? — The sample's gonna affect you not me. — Let's go for 1. [ Keyboard sound ] — All right, we can try to do something with that. — Immediately me and Simon were both just like: 'Dude this is like a percussive element. This is perfect. Like just throw that in the intro. We'll be good.' ♪♪♪ — I might just put that in the beat. Give it a little bit of reverb. Let's do some equalizing. I want to put a little bit of delay, and that's it. Okay, that's just a beautiful sounding texture. — I'm actually kind of excited about this random sample. — What i'm thinking of doing is plugging it into this synth called a "granulator", which basically chops up little sections of it. — Oh I've heard of that! Yeah. — And turning it into its own instrument. — Come on. Yes! ♪♪♪ — Oooh, she's interesting. ♪♪♪ ♪ Ummmmm ♪ — This sample is actually really sick. It's just got like a very percussive element. I feel like I can chop this up. Turn it into some drums. ♪♪♪ — I have like less than an hour to write the song. — No, we got this we got this. — You're so calm, it's like really helping me. The words are kind of sad. I think we should flip it. So it's kind of like falling out of love but not in a sad way. It's like an empowering breakup song type thing. Hello. Hello. Hello. ♪ Ummm um um ♪ ♪ Did you get gone ♪ ♪ Go and be a stranger ♪ ♪ There's no loss to me ♪ ♪ I'm beggin' ♪ ♪ I admit my wrongs ♪ ♪ Tell me it's not true ♪ ♪ That I lost you ♪ ♪♪♪ — Project's getting a little hefty now. This is where it gets tough. Do you want to play yourself out with the outro? Actually, I don't think I have time I gotta mix. — Okay? Yeah, I can do that. Let's hit this. I think this might be one of the last things I do. ♪♪♪ ♪ You're gone ♪ ♪ And I've been wasting time ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ You're lost to me baby ♪ — I don't even know what i'm writing. ♪ Don't you ... ♪ ♪ Don't you ♪ ♪ Say you need me ♪ ♪ Get gone ♪ This is so stressful. — Do we only have 30 minutes left? — Heck yeah. — Oh (bip). — Time is running out. Time is running out. ♪ You're gone ♪ — Sick! It's so sick! ♪ I've been wasting time ♪ — Okay. We're done. ♪ My loss that I lost you ♪ — Right there, okay. All right, so let's checks off "gone", "stranger" and "loss". ♪ It's my loss that I lost you ♪ There's the harmony. ♪ It's my loss that I lost you ♪ Heyyyy! — Director: We have 15 minutes left. — Ahhhhh! — Oh (bip). I didn't realize that... Oh my days. I'm gonna have to rush these drums and everything. — Oh god. The pressure. Hello. A technical issue. I'll just freestyle it. ♪♪♪ ♪ Stranger to me ♪ No no no. I don't like it. — The vocal that you just sent me it's not playing anything. — Oh boy. — It'll be cool if the pre-chorus or the chorus had like some heavy auto-tune. — Hey, we have six minutes. ♪ Walk past me ♪ ♪ Like a stranger ♪ ♪ Like a stranger ♪ ♪♪♪ — Oh man, I think that timing is a bit off. Uh, i'm not getting the time in. — No no that was right. ♪ It's my loss that I lost you ♪ — That is good. You're amazing. — You know what? That's not even complicated — I've literally got... I have one verse. — I'm gonna make it one verse anyway, and then cut it after the chorus. ♪♪♪ — Director: Guys I think that's gonna be time. Okay. — Wow, that was like the fastest two hours of my entire life. — Honestly, that was so intense my asthma started to act off, and I was like: 'Where is my inhaler?' — I am more than impressed with how it came out in the end. It's so sick! — Given the circumstances. I feel like we did a killer job. — We did alright. We did okay. We did average. Yeah, it's missing a few stuff, a few spicings. — To be 100% honest, I feel like Ocean did an amazing job and I just wish I had more time. — Hi everyone. Welcome back. Hope you were able to vibe off each other. Now we're going to listen to each other's music. Let's begin with team A. Simon and KindKeith — Crazy already! Flipping off. — Oh god, yes! — Wow! — That bass is a madness as well. — Oh stop! This is so smooth! What's up! — Lovely. — Oh I like it. — This is such a vibe, it's just nice and chill. And that bass is lovely. — Oh! What? — Ooooooh. — You better play. — Oooh. This one's amazing. — I think we've got a winner already. This one is amazing. — What the (bip)! That's incredible. — In two hours! — Yeah, I'm shook that's mad! — Dude, Simon's a wiz. — That's the FL studio genius right there. — Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. — Oh, they're wild. — Umm, I like the drums. — Nice bounce to it. — The voice is amazing as well. — Like room tone within the drum sounds, it just makes it sound really nice. — I love the analog that runs through this all track. — I love that sound. — Sounds like a sexy iPhone commercial. — Cold! That chorus. — The chorus with the drop that's nuts. — And you're really so viby. It's just so good. — Thanks guys! — Hell yeah! — Oh Jesus, this is nice. — That's the thing. We all went for that bounce. — So much swing on the drums. — Sing, you better sing girl! — Oh my neck hurts. — Vibes! Vibes! — It's mad smooth! — Neck breaking. Swing. My Goodness. — I'm very excited. I'm actually really amazed that you guys did this in two hours. We have now posted these to our Instagram and we're getting votes as we speak from our followers. So we're gonna find out soon which one of these three songs will be the winner. — All the teams on this panel they were so good. — Team B probably has the biggest chance of winning. They have like an actual sick chorus. — For Ocean and Lila, it was a cool as hell song. — The vibe that they captured was really really amazing — I love team A's song and that's something I would just listen to. — That's an actual song like you could put that on Spotify, it's gonna bang. I love it. Team A is gonna win. — And now we're back, now for the results — Ooof. My arms are sweaty — Truly. — The winning song for today's Song Lab, and the team that's going to win the cash prize, is team C! Your song 'Stranger' was the most voted. — What?! — Ooooh (bip). — That's a dope song. — Guys I can't... — That's crazy. — Look how we were there stressing at anything. — Hey went for team UK. Come on, come on. — Oh stop. Represent... — Did not see that coming at all. — I don't know. I don't know how we did that. — I guess that's the great thing about music. It's very subjective What I wasn't really feeling or thinking like very unfinished people liked it. — I think my biggest takeaway is to just be a bit kinder to myself. — Just go for it. And let down that voice in your head that says: 'Oh, I don't know if this is cool', or 'I don't know if this is dope'. — Collaborate with people because you get to see the things that you can do outside of your own box. — Working remotely, I never did this before. — The distancing shouldn't stop us. We can still create great art. We can still create wonderful music. I had a great time. Bye! — Thank you so much for watching that first episode of Song Lab. I hope you liked it. If you love the songs that you heard you can listen to the full length tracks from each team on the links below. Make sure to like, subscribe and share this video with your friends. See you guys next time.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,234,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, simon servida, prodbyocean, songlab, musicians, producers, Simon Servida, Ocean, 2 hour song, compete, gone, stranger, loss, falling out of love, music, song writing, song battle, music battle, competition, lose, win, verse, beat, beats, song, 2 hour song challenge, song creation, challenge, musicians and producers, youtube music
Id: eMzunFLfrlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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