Music & The Spoken Word | Queen Elizabeth II – Grace and Goodness

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present a Music & the Spoken Word Special. ♪ Gently Raise The Sacred Strain,♪ ♪ Ahh ♪ THE SACRED STRAIN, ♪Y RAIE ♪ AHH ♪ >> CONDUCTING TODAY'S PROGRAM IS MACK WILBERG, WITH ORGANIST RICHARD ELLIOTT, AND THE SPOKEN WORD BY LLOYD NEWELL. ♪♪ ♪ O GOD, OUR HELP IN AGES PAST, ♪ ♪ OUR HOPE FOR YEARS TO COME, ♪ ♪ OUR SHELTER FROM THE STORMY BLAST, ♪ ♪ AND OUR ETERNAL HOME. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ A THOUSAND AGES IN THY SIGHT ♪ ♪ ARE LIKE AN EV'NING GONE, ♪ ♪ SHORT AS THE WATCH THAT ENDS THE NIGHT ♪ ♪ BEFORE THE RISING SUN. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ O GOD, OUR HELP IN AGES PAST, ♪ ♪ OUR HOPE FOR YEARS TO COME, ♪ ♪ BE THOU OUR GUARD WHILE LIFE SHALL LAST, ♪ ♪ AND OUR ETERNAL HOME. ♪ ♪ AND OUR ETERNAL HOME. ♪ ♪ A-MEN! ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ THE LORD MY PASTURE WILL PREPARE, ♪ ♪ AND FEED ME WITH A SHEPHERD'S CARE. ♪ ♪ HIS PRESENCE WILL MY WANTS SUPPLY, ♪ ♪ AND GUARD ME WITH A WATCHFUL EYE. ♪ ♪ MY NOONDAY WALKS HE WILL ATTEND, ♪ ♪ AND ALL MY SILENT MIDNIGHT HOURS DEFEND. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ WHEN IN THE SULTRY GLEBE I FAINT ♪ ♪ OR ON THE THIRSTY MOUNTAIN PANT, ♪ ♪ TO FERTILE VALES AND DEWY MEADS, ♪ ♪ MY WEARY, WAND'RING STEPS HE LEADS, ♪ ♪ WHERE PEACEFUL RIVERS, SOFT AND SLOW, ♪ ♪ AMID THE COOLING VERDANT LANDSCAPE FLOW. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ WHERE PEACEFUL RIVERS, SOFT AND SLOW, ♪ ♪ AMID THE COOLING VERDANT LANDSCAPE FLOW. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ AMEN. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA, ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ALLELUIA. ♪ ♪ ALLELUIA. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ I'VE GOT PEACE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT PEACE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT PEACE LIKE A RIVER IN MY SOUL. ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT PEACE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT PEACE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT PEACE LIKE A RIVER IN MY SOUL. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ I'VE GOT FAITH LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT FAITH LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT FAITH LIKE A RIVER IN MY SOUL. ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT FAITH LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT FAITH LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT FAITH LIKE A RIVER IN MY SOUL. ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT HOPE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT HOPE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT HOPE LIKE A RIVER IN MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT HOPE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT HOPE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT HOPE LIKE A RIVER IN MY SOUL, ♪ ♪♪ ♪ I'VE GOT LOVE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT LOVE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT LOVE LIKE A RIVER IN MY SOUL. ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT LOVE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT LOVE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT LOVE LIKE A RIVER IN MY SOUL. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ I'VE GOT FAITH LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT HOPE LIKE A RIVER, ♪ ♪ I'VE GOT LOVE LIKE A RIVER IN MY SOUL ♪ ♪ IN MY SOUL. ♪ ♪ PEACE IN MY SOUL. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Lloyd Newell: Recently, the longest-reigning monarch in Britain's history, Queen Elizabeth II peacefully passed into eternity. For more than 70 years, she was the only sovereign many Britons had ever known. And while the world changed dramatically over the decades, the Queen remained steadfast and strong, an emblem of “grace and goodness” to her people-and to the world. Like a river that moves with purpose and direction, the queen was driven more by principle than popularity. Devotion to duty, service to God and country, gave her life meaning and purpose. Before her coronation, the Queen expressed the the humility and dedication that made her such a great leader for so many years. “I want to ask you all,” she said, “whatever your religion may be, to pray for me . that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life.” Clearly, God answered those prayers. “Faithful” is a good word to describe Queen Elizabeth's service. Her faith in a Heavenly King guided her life and her work. She often spoke of that faith-of the Christian ideals that inspired her. And yet Queen Elizabeth's faith was evident not only in her words but also her actions. She endeavored to serve, not just to be served. She visited the downtrodden. She lifted those who suffered and gave hope to those in despair. She explained: “For me the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from from Christ's words and example.” Just as Queen Elizabeth has been a constant in the lives of her people, faith has been a constant in her own life. Just a few years ago, the Queen said: “The life of Jesus Christ . is an inspiration and an anchor in my life. A role-model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing. Christ's example has taught me to seek to respect and value all people of of whatever faith or none.” To lose such a noble leader brings sorrow. But to remember her life of faith brings comfort and peace to our souls. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ LET PEACE LIKE A RIVER ATTENDETH MY WAY, ♪ ♪ WHEN SORROWS LIKE SEA BILLOWS ROLL, ♪ ♪ WHATEVER MY LOT, THOU HAST TAUGHT ME TO SAY, ♪ ♪ "IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL." ♪ ♪♪ ♪ THOU SATAN SHOULD BUFFET, THOUGH TRIALS SHOULD COME, ♪ ♪ LET THIS BLEST ASSURANCE CONTROL: ♪ ♪ THAT CHRIST HAS GUARDED MY HELPLESS ESTATE, ♪ ♪ AND HAS SHED HIS OWN BLOOD FOR MY SOUL. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ IT IS WELL, ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL, ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ MY SIN O, THE BLISS OF THIS GLORIOUS THOUGHT, ♪ ♪ MY SIN NOT IN PART BUT THE WHOLE, ♪ ♪ IS NAILED TO THE CROSS AND I BEAR IT NO MORE: ♪ ♪ PRAISE THE LORD, PRAISE THE LORD, ♪ ♪ O MY SOUL! ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL, ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ AND LORD, HASTE THE DAY WHEN MY FAITH SHALL BE SIGHT, ♪ ♪ THE CLOUDS BE ROLLED BACK AS A SCROLL, ♪ ♪ THE TRUMP SHALL RESOUND AND THE LORD SHALL DESCEND: ♪ ♪ "EVEN SO" ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL, ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL, ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL, ♪ ♪ WITH MY SOUL. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> LLOYD NEWELL: ♪♪ >> LLOYD NEWELL: THIS PERFORMANCE CONTINUES THE 94TH YEAR OF CONTINUOUS BROADCASTING OF THIS HISTORIC PROGRAM. PLEASE JOIN US NEXT TIME FOR <i>MUSIC & THE SPOKEN WORD.</i> UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN, MAY PEACE BE WITH YOU THIS DAY AND ALWAYS. ♪ TILL WE MEET TILL WE MEET ♪ ♪ God be with you till we meet again. ♪
Channel: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square
Views: 169,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Mormon Tab Choir, Mormon, LDS, motab, mo-tab, Orchestra at Temple Square, Music and the Spoken Word, Tabernacle Choir, Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, TabChoir
Id: IbczVCnnghE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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