Music Is Medicine | Michael Boidy | TEDxVail

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[Music] [Music] as you absorb the sound from the gong please follow me and rub your hands together quickly for a few seconds now hold them slightly apart that vibration you feel as energy which is also a form of sound quantum physics shows us the sound forms matter and we're made of matter the same matter that makes up our universe Albert Einstein once said that everything in the universe is vibration and if you really think about it and break down the word universe it literally means one song well today I'll be discussing the power of music and how we can heal ourselves emotionally mentally and physically with the use of sound as we're vibratory beings there are certain frequencies that can scientifically have a profound effect on our entire well-being down to the smallest cells in our bodies now most of us enjoy music but if ever considered using music as a tool for stress reduction health and wellness how about musics potential to transform the communities in our planet I'm very grateful to be standing before you in fact I'm very grateful to be standing at all less than five years ago I was in this helicopter filming aerials for a documentary and without warning we spun out of control following five hundred feet from the sky we crash-landed on this rooftop in Antigua a small town in Guatemala and as you can see it was a miracle that all four of us survived my lower back had burst on impact my skull was split open and my face cut up from the camera control I spent the next month laying in a hospital bed unable to move and severe pain I suffered from memory loss weight gain depression I couldn't put on my own pants go to the bathroom or even shower without help this gave me a lot of time to think about life and how grateful I am to be alive and how often we take things like our mobility for granted I questioned everything including my purpose here however we don't always get the answers we're looking for right when we want them within six months of physical therapy I made some huge strides I started to walk without a walker but my back was constantly in pain and always stiff until a year and a half later and my life completely changed as if it hadn't changed enough let's say I got it one of my best friends took me to this event in the desert for a week called Burning Man I had no idea what Burning Man was but I've been cooped up for so long that anything sounded fun to me as long as they weren't gonna burn a man or me well Burning Man says place they call home when you arrive and yeah it really is the energy and the vibe here is incredible I mean seriously transformational I could feel my body physically changing as my aches and pains my weight and depression vanished throughout the week was it the music and dancing was it being in nature around this positive energy there's something going on and all I knew is I felt this legitimate sense of community and my energy completely shift well each year at Burning Man they build a temple a sacred space this year was a pyramid called the temple of holiness and I remember walking near this pyramid I felt the energy was incredible it's known that pyramids are actually one of the strongest shapes in the world and they have these vibrational properties that act as amplified receivers of energy they're often be sound chambers built in many of the pyramids well it was here at meditating on sunrise while meditating on my gratitude for life that I had experienced something extremely profound that life-changing moment realizing I survived that crash for a reason it was to hear to inspire people with the message that music is the key the actual secret defining harmony and balance during the hardest times of our life I thought what a better way to inspire the world on a massive scale then create a documentary called heartbeat it's been a huge part of my life the last four years and a real labor of love personally I've always loved music cuz it reached me on so many levels but it wasn't till I actually felt the music so deeply in nature while dancing and had that epiphany in the pyramid that began to search deeper and deeper into the roots of music did you know music is one of the oldest forms of spiritual medicine known to humanity since the dawn of time nature animals and mankind have used music and sound to communicate to connect to bond to alleviate stress fatigue and even illness shamans and sound healers will lead people through a journey of sounds with traditional instruments and songs they'll often use drums rattles and didgeridoos to induce a trance while they chant ocurro's which are songs passed down from the Great Spirit over thousands of generations this is what the music and rhythms and frequencies do they take us on a journey away from fear away from distraction away from anxiety it's like meditation life is musical why because everything is vibration everything is constantly in motion in fact Pythagoras understood that all the stars and planets are constantly in rhythm with each other and they create this harmonic resonance as they move he said the stars in heaven sing of music if only we had the ears to hear notice he's holding a pyramid Plato said music gives a soul to the universe wings to the mind flight to the imagination and life to everything Nikola Tesla understood frequency and vibration on a whole nother level he understood that we could harness the energy from our universe our planet without destroying our own environment hence Tesla's cars in his quote if you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration well it's known that music enhances the dopamine production in our brains it activates every single area of our brain it increases our mobility our memories and our abilities to learn and studies show that we live much healthier happier lives when we learn to play an instrument or just listen to music we love often we're surrounded by all types of music noise and sound every day through our life some good and some bad but oddly enough it starts before our birth from the heartbeat and our mother's womb to lullabies as a baby songs in school your car your office parties concerts music is everywhere religions incorporate chanting choirs and music as part of the religious ceremonies and doctors use music during surgeries to calm their patients and staff for MRIs and for ultra and now non-invasive ultrasound a way of shattering cancer yes sound can shatter cancer from my research I have found there have been doctors over the last hundred years like Roya rife they've been treating cancer a sound and the results will leave you speechless as I prep for this talk I watched a TEDx where Professor Anthony Holland and his team show the effects of shattering cancer cells with sound they spent months and months testing on pancreatic in leukemia cells and they were able to find specific oscillating frequencies that would shatter the cancer cells while leaving the healthy cells around it completely alone he explained it to work much like an opera singer that can shatter a wine glass with his or her voice by matching the exact same frequency of the glass I know it sounds like science fiction but there will be a day when we can treat all types of illnesses and cancer by simply using sound and vibration now that you understand what a big impact music and sound can be on your health and what a huge role it plays in our universe I'm urging you to seek out different forms of sound therapy there's nothing like being bathed and Tibetan bowls frequencies and gongs like the one I started with today and for those the housebound check this out this is a vibe Ricou 6al lounge which i use as often as I can it's made with music that has healing frequencies that can transform your entire bio field and your brainwave states simply with vibration and sound and this is something you've probably never seen before called sub pack it's a wearable low-frequency 2 vest that you put on and it's good for music therapy it's made for sound engineering and it's made for very cinematic experiences and lastly I recommend checking out this unique looking dome called the Integra chon it was built on sacred ley lines in the 1950s and developed solely for sound healing try any of these forms of music therapy and trust me you'll feel the therapeutic effects music is medicine I challenge you from now on to open up your awareness and tune into the sounds around you try listening to music that you love off throughout the day and see how it shifts your moods through each soundscape the universe is a symphony and we are its instruments may all of you find your rhythm balance and harmony in this Orchestra we call life thank you [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 79,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Entertainment, Depression, Disability, Film, Happiness, Health, Medicine, Music (topic), Philosophy, Recovery
Id: NOFfuLoHoMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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