Music Composing Isn't That Hard : Composing the Possibilities | Aaron Tan | TEDxUSMNibongTebal

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you everything everyone my name is Aaron I'm currently a high near students and today I'm going to speak with the name of music composer so I started composing at the age of 14 with the first piece call changes and this is what this is where my composing passion came seen so I started to compose song idea when I first enter university so this is how I will actually in my hostel room then what about the background is a bit messy yeah what's that room so I was inspired by a group of people in my music club in this university whereby I get inspired to compose song so this is how I work I have this please sit on the bay then lay my keyboards on these two chairs they are just see on the bay but as I said on my laptop and I just play I just make some so notice that I differentiate between kiss and also song the difference between them is because these are mirror of just pure instrument as for song the Amira of instrument also the vocal so they are basically two ways are effectively creating a song first is a melody first background later become insulator background music first or than the melody later so as for me I will more prefer to background music first and already like so just for demonstration melody is actually something like this this is melody and as for Beca music studies so as we combine Canada [Music] right so definitely I'm not performing this song so by composing many people we think that it is hard to compose a song actually it's not that hard but the challenge in pie is actually to create a song that is appealing not just to yourself but to everyone else as well so for my method what I compose I use corporation so basically I'm dividing cuts into numbers 1 2 7 s what you can see in a slide so now I'm going to demonstrate some other hit song from this bye see you again which is the second highest views of all time in YouTube so basically they are using just six one four one so six is why this one [Music] what so is how they sound [Music] you [Music] so basically this song is actually composed by just this for fun throughout the entire song so next will be most recently movie UT Enderby's and so you can see I differentiate between the English version of this song and also the Chinese version of this song so basically they are using 8 types of configuration arranging them in different numbers so what you can see is the English pad and also the Chinese pad they have this different variation of arrangement let's really depends on what the arrangers one so as what I can demonstrate on this English version you use one four one four one three one five four or five so you basically this [Music] so as for the Chinese version [Music] so as what I've highlighted a there flow is changed to three a seven and three the one change to six the four change to four to two so basically this is the arrangement for that background music compare populism between the Chinese version and also the English version so next I'm going to show you one of the cost progression that is quite popular the six four one five so as you can see most of the song they are using these six four one five six one right [Music] [Music] so okay this Hall Pass was used throughout any language or song any period of the song like what you can see the envy song the Korean song the K yang then Eno song then also the classical music they are go they were all using these six four one five so what I just mentioned just is are on these fundamentals of composing but what actually make a hit song this is from what I understand the first thing is the intro I call an Emmy rule call five-second rules meaning that the first five second determines whether the listener would like to continue listening throughout the song as honor so let me demonstrate for the intro what if the intro sounds like this [Music] it's always messy right so you I believe that I believe that listen up we learn what to continually so what if we change [Music] so this is the beauty of the intro so basically in order to make a hit song you had to make sure that the intro sounds nice the first five seconds so this is what I call five-second rule so the next will be the hook hook is actually the catchy phrase or the of the part of the songs which usually takes place at a chorus like what the Korean song government star why is it make it so attractive why is it because of the food they are using they're using a lot of instrument that is catchy and it is very easy to learn to sing along as well so the next one will be predictability so for you to compose a song you have to make sure that the song gives the audience some space or imagination to have this kind of prediction in our mind so they will be predicting how this song is going for progress so if the a prediction is correct as what the song progresses then then this is a hit song okay all right now now I would like to invite audience to give me three numbers ranging from one to seven and we will see how whether we can make a his honor so any number from the audience one two seven one two seven four okay 1 4 1 4 3 1 46 okay you can see how it goes 146 actually I have no computer and easie [Music] 1/3 6 6 PR [Music] okay let me try [Music] [Applause] [Music] you basically they're your something or some kind of like not not the pretty bility is not there so if the tree and for maybe you can change to become this [Music] [Applause] [Music] so okay thank you so it's actually in order to compose a song it's actually to try and arrow China really try it try to arrange the number one two three four one two three four four two two one something like this by experimenting then if you can find something that meets this the three criteria that I mentioned just now then it is a hit song so just before you guys forget I'm actually a students engineering students but today I'm speaking with the name of this composer so what that actually means to me means to you guys am I going to give up my career in engineering and pursue is the career only in the opposite way or even a Asian Tibbett typical my gasps you can see we go for both I go for engineering and music as well so one thing that I hope you guys can take away from my talk it's not about a composing technique that I just now buy instead is the mindset and the passion of never let yourself to the limit in a box or better still don't ever think there is a box just go for it today you are engineering students or any other major students doesn't mean that you have to give her anything that you are passionate about doesn't mean you have to give up things that you don't add that you love so instead if opportunity arise you should grab it and work for it and believe in yourself that it will work one day and from that I would like to dedicate a song to every one of you and I also like to dedicate this song to my to two percent that are very important to my life my mother in my late father and this song is called I'm falling and large easy it is an original song written by me especially for this event I hope you guys enjoyed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] everybody likes a guy
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 203,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Malaysia, Art, Dreams, Music (performance), Music (topic), Self
Id: LwpkEBwxlq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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