Muscle Beach Parkourse Challenge!! (BEACH PARKOUR)

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what's up guys they're playing the muscle beach parkour challenge so the rules are one person does a parkour move those presents a copy and if they can't they get a strike okay we're gonna be switching off to parkour move first one two three strike eight the loser let's do this all right guys I'm up first in my first trick I'm gonna climb all the way up to the top of this rope and touch the top and then fire me inside all the way down so I go in three two one made it Chris what you do inches off the ground this is the lamest move ever I'm going first my first move you have to swing all the way across this thing it's gonna be pretty pretty hard so let's do it whoa Oh No can't touch the ground pretty good go about halfway there Oh last one last one he made it dang dude my fingers are like slipping off dude that's hard good luck stuff Thanks all right bub don't judge me if I do this on W okay you're Europe let's see cuz you don't get at this dude Chris Barclay cuz I was so sick first strike for you dude first I gotta I'm not exactly sure what this thing is for but I'm gonna try and do something on it okay so what each one what is he trying oh he's trying to make it over oh dude that's a pretty big jump right there that's like hard on you I feel like a ninja today yeah I'm a ninja dude can't be that hard oh come on grandma there we go you got this grandma oh he did it Oh plus a little ninja roll star point it justice my next move is you have to jump up and like grab both these bars give you stuff all the way up and then slide down on that pole ready okay good luck nut cake oh it's so hard all right he's at the top that way are you stuck oh you made it Oh someone's lighting up firecrackers or something that was not too bad actually okay okay there you go he's making his way downtown or uptown funk I should say he doing it dude I got this here you go this is the sketchy part and slide down so nubby I don't know why you look so nothing like a five-year-old darn it my next trick is to do a little Mario wall jump and grab onto that let's get onto the pier from down here good luck with that one man oh yeah Oh making you get up there though oh you don't I do goodbye oh man that was pretty cool Chris dogs actually pretty cool all right bye you leave him here at the beach yeah are you going hey grandma you look like a tiny little ant from a field call me grandma oh we did it now just climb up and he made it then just ninja power am i right yeah dude we're getting pretty good at parkour I'd say so man I'd say so better step up your game for this next move you have to climb this with both the ropes and then you have to hang from the top yeah dang he's hauling for a grandma oh hey gram gram how's the weather up there good you made it to the top dude you really hung there from one arm for like a split second it was that my hand was slowly slipping off so you know I'm not gonna fall off okay here we go all right tough stuff he's gonna make it up oh come on grandma you know what's there give me a beer girl oh oh all right well I guess you hang out hang a little longer than I did yeah I did Jeff what are you doing hey what are you doing taking a snooze dude we're supposed to be doing parkour bro oh my next trick I'm gonna climb up this metal hole here and Jeff is gonna hand me the ring and I gotta make it all the way to the other Pole okay all the way over there yeah without touching you ready all right go ahead okay go take the ring ring can you make it to the pole without dying okay Chris get ready give me the ring okay okay got it don't hit my nuts on dude you're always the one I get for Jeffrey gonna strike I get a nut shy in a strike what a horrible day my next move he's have to go across this ice thingy and then jump to that egg rock and then roll off the egg Rock tellin ugly but okay this is a pretty big jump right here oh we made it discomfort you know so W Jeff I'm gonna do it backwards all right then you have to do the jump backwards - you look pretty active actually dude that was like that you just move yet I call this the tree hugger oh I'm not doing that oh good I am short on I am NOT doing that I think the egg Jeff Jeff the next for my next move you have to climb up this just building using this and then if they grab on to the telephone wire and then get zappy yeah Jeff that's such a bad idea okay would you say help alright guys so we both have two strikes the next one loses I'm gonna be climbing all the way up to this and touching the top it's gonna be pretty scary actually that is so high like 25 feet up there so you got this Jeff just don't fall whoa yeah he's making it he's not halfway you made it unbelievable unbelievable oh oh how do you feel I could not think of the height because I was scared you just can't look down guys I'm naturally tall but I'm not this tall so this gonna be scary I'm gonna get my best good luck me bucko you got a long ways to go that's a pretty big climb Oh is he gonna make it you know I'm worried about him getting down just look down good how's it going up there dude dude crease with the final egg that's a lot of sayin the parkour dude so for my punishment since I lost guys I have to bury my head in the sand like a little ostrich this is not gonna be fun I'm gonna have a lot of fun doing this darn it first you guys dig a hole do you look like a little puppy so this is Geoffrey's punishment idea I think it's stupid I don't want to become an ostrich but I think it's pretty funny whatever okay ready hi mister scoop insane in there okay three two one go showing your face oh dude you guys sandal buddy oh my hair I quit that's so funny oh we got a little tumbleweed hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to check out other videos click right here for a previous video and click right here for the video that YouTube recommends and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 2,854,291
Rating: 4.8704305 out of 5
Keywords: Muscle, Beach, Parkour, Parkourse, Challenge, DONT, Extreme, Jump, HORSE, You lose, Summer, How to, Backyard, Brothers, Cam and Jeff, free running, stunts, in real life, running, flips, mystery box, Parkour challenge, water slide, slip n slide, funny, entertainment, comedy, kids
Id: whG1ZzxFfe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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