Mus'ab ibn Umair RA - COMPLETE

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there was a young boy in mecca he grew up in the life of luxury he was a celebrity of mecca he was one of the most handsome men of mecca he came from a prestigious family his name was word that muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam remember that this was the same man whom is referred to as i mean honest righteous upright people in mecca so when these words came to him he didn't jump on the bandwagon and say yes i agree with all this no he said i'm not going to judge without having spoken to him myself and this was at a time when the prophet lai saratwa had no outward mission he was in hiding they were in secret he was meeting his very few companions and believers in a house known as so musa found out that this is where the prophet was teaching so he went one night and he knocked on the door and someone said oh messenger of allah and the prophet was happy he was pleased say yes let him in we always understood the value of every human being and what role they could have to play in society when muslim came in he gave him the simple da'wah of islam upon hearing it um so he told him to keep it secret and musa kept it a secret and he kept coming and meeting the prophet saw to islam at the house of arakam but in the city of mecca there were spies these spies saw musa abigail going to the house of arkham and then praying with the prophet to israel they realize he's a muslim so they went to musab's mother and they told them do you know that your own son has submitted and become a muslim she was shocked she couldn't believe it so she confronted him and he said yes i become a muslim she changed him in his house and put people to watch over him she could have chained mossad in a basement of a dungeon and it wouldn't have changed anything because whomsoever allah guides cannot be misguided so he remained like this for a while and then the prophet came out on his mission publicly you know people turned on him things got very hard so the prophet gave some of the weakest muslims permission to migrate to habasha when muslim heard that there were muslims who were immigrating he tricked his mother to let him go and he went with the muslims in into habasha and then some time passed word came to the muslims of abyssinia that islam had taken over in mecca the people accepted islam so a group of muslims came back one of them who came back with them was muslim when they got back they realized not only had the situation not gotten better it actually had gotten worse no matter how bad things might seem always has a plan for this because even during this toughest time there were people who were coming from a city known as yatrip they had been in war for a long time they heard about this man mohammed salam who was bringing peace between people and was preaching this new religion of worshiping one allah alone so they met with him on two separate occasions it's very few of them first and then a group of larger group of them second and they accepted islam pledged their support to the prophet and they asked him to come with them to yatrip but he said i cannot because allah has not given me the permission to do so so they requested send someone with us they can teach us islam so the prophet salallahu now who was a muslim at this time abu bakr was a muslim at this time was a muslim some of the senior companions in knowledge were muslim at this time but he chose this young boy still in his teenage years the prophet was a visionary he was not a here and now a guy he sent musa to yatra he began to teach the muslims about islam that were there and they slowly began to grow but there were two tribes going at war and the two leaders of this tribe got word that there was a young boy a kid a baby in their city preaching a new religion that would separate families that would cause father to turn against son son duterte's father etc they were infuriated one of them was the other one was sad when saddam and the heard that this young boy was there he sent someone first but when it didn't work he said i'm going to go deal with him myself and when he went to musa ab he had a weapon in his hands someone killed him he's going to leave him and kill him he told him look you need to get out of here or i'm going to make you leave now look at how musa dealt with him he looked at me said you're a wise man you're a leader of your people you're intelligent so you should be able to listen to me discern whether what i'm saying is good or not choose to accept it or reject it and if you're rejected i won't bother you with your people you see this is the attitude of the believer the firmness of understanding that the message we have is more powerful than their weapons and allah can guide whomever he pleases saddam i said okay yeah he's right listen so we listen to the simple message of islam after hearing it accepted islam and went back and called his tribe and they began to enter into islam one after another then the leader of the other tribe he said out of jealousy that if he's good enough to be a muslim i'm going to go be a muslim he'd be a better one than him competition so he accepted islam and then islam began to take over in yatra the prophet was done before every battle he would always choose someone for a special task on that day and they would be the most special person on the battlefield the person who held the flag the person who held the banner of tahit on this day he called for musa the same boy that lived in the labs of luxury who grew up in decadence now was the most poor of the companions he used to wear sackcloths of harsh wool that would make sores on his body when the companions saw him they would cry because they remember who he was now the only things he had in his life were his love for allah and his messenger that was his possessions on that day the prophet gave him the flag your job keep this up few companions were put on the hill they weren't put on a hud and they were told not watched because there was a route that could be come from behind and we know the muslims gained an initial victory and the archers left their place except but a few and khalid when waleed seized upon the opportunity came back turned that victory into a defeat started routing the muslims and then there was confusion and someone got to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and struck him and knocked him down cut a gash in his face took out one of his teeth and they thought they'd killed them and they started spreading the rumor muhammad is dead when that rumor began to spread many muslims just sat down they know what to do just sat down thinking it's over and then another rumor came no he's alive so these two rumors were being spread then the rumor got to musa his response muhammad is nothing but a messenger the messengers have passed away before him and then they said no he's alive with us protect him so what did abnormal do he jumped in the front of the lines and started to draw attention to himself if you want to fight someone fight me and someone came and struck off the arm that was holding the flag in his hand he simply reached down and picked it up with the other hand and began to draw attention to himself again saying if you want to fight with someone fight me so that the prophet israel could escape safely and then someone came and took off the other arm holding the flag the same boy who grew up in decadence who loved the prophet laysratu was so much loved allah azzawajal even more it wasn't enough he bent down and picked up the flag with his teeth and began to draw attention to himself again until he was struck and struck and struck and struck and struck again swords and spears and hit the ground nothing left in him the prophet laid saratwa and the muslims retreated up into the mountain of while they were there the meccans mutilated the bodies of the dead muslims cutting off their noses and their ears and trampling them with their horses after they left the prophet lester was back down onto the battlefield to sort out the affairs of the dead believers but there was a few people he was asking about have you seen so and so he wanted to know have you seen jaffa have you seen hamza has any of you seen musab when the prophet lai sarat was they'd cut off his nose and in ears they had trampled them with their horses he had almost a hundred stab wounds and spear wounds in him but one thing they did find was they found the flag was still between his teeth he never abandoned his duty and the prophet began to cry about musa saying that you gave everything for the sake of allah so they sent people to collect the property of the martyrs because it gets distributed right away and then to find their coffin their their shroud so when they went to get the shroud and the property of musa abdul may they brought back three things he had a a bowl to make wudu and and half of a shroud he couldn't afford a full one and the prophet was said i'm just crying this young boy who grew up in this life of decadence now didn't even have enough to die in he didn't even possess enough in this life to be buried so the prophet covered his head and his feet would stick out so he started his feet his head would stick out so they wrapped his head and they covered his feet in lemongrass and they buried him right where he laid but we all know before his body was ever put in that grounds that soul that was attached to allah and his messenger was in jannah and every day he is asked by allah what can i give you what do you want i want to give you more what do you want from me and these people who live hanging off the throne of allah azzawajal they never want anything till finally they will realize one day that allah will not stop asking us unless we tell him what we want and they will respond our lord if you could give us one thing then let us go back to that life and die again in that same way again and again and again and again it's all we would ask for it was a life that was lived even though he barely made it to adulthood in most cases we wouldn't have ever considered him an adult yet he lived a life that we will memorize and that we remember to this day when his name is mentioned to someone who really believes to someone who really understands it causes chills because this young man set a platform in yatrip that would have it become known as madinah to navi upon which the prophet allah is would send islam to the whole world
Channel: FreeQuranEducation
Views: 338,292
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Keywords: Free Quran Education, Animated Reminders, Darul Arqam Studios, Learn Quran and Islam, Islamic Education, Educational reminders, illustrations and animations, animated, Powerful Islamic reminders, powerful islamic lectures, Yusha Evans
Id: djQze04QknI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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