Murdoc and 2D Explain how Gorillaz met

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so guys tell us how the band met and formed the guerrillas so what happened was I was I was out one day on on a nicking spree hoisting we call it on the robbed August 15th 1997 first time we met yeah like I say I was out I was out robbing on a nicking spree yeah what I had in mind was to crash my car with a window this music shop and then steal a bunch of the keyboards you know form a new band it was the shop I was working in so I crashed the car through the window and it landed straight into DS head amazing direct hit knocked one of his eyes straight out put him in a coma immediately I got arrested for that and my community service my sentence was to look after this silly sold but I know what I did wrong obviously i abused that position and took the opportunity to bully him to within an inch of his catatonic life so one time when we were mucking about in a car park in nottingham 2d actually went through the windscreen and I think it was that second car accident that actually brought him back round yeah cuz it knocked his other stupid eye out but I'll tell you what when he stood up wow what an image tall pretty blue spiky yeah no eyeball no eyeballs I knew that he had to be the front man after that everything sort of just fell into place and I found Russell Wow drama working in a record shop big Rick Black's record Shack in Sarah everyone had heard of Russell because he knew everything there was to know about hip-hop he was the rhythm King and also he was possessed by the undead ghostly spirit of his dead friend Dell good drummer too so I kidnapped him and took him over to Kong studios which was our headquarters our isolated recording studio HQ at the time yeah all we needed was a guitarist well we did have one Paul look she was rubbish so he advertised for another we stuck an ad in the music paper enemy I can't remember exactly what we wrote I just know it stated no hippies moments later there was a knock on the door and there was his FedEx crate outside nothing more no one there just a crate we opened it up and inside was noodle our guitarist we were a band we changed our name to guerillas there and then and the rest is history
Channel: spectrotoons
Views: 4,722,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorillaz, animation, fan animation, 2d, murdoc, russel, interview, plastic beach, demon days
Id: aem0EHEm2eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2016
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