Murders Within the Family - Top 4 Moments | Interrogation Raw | A&E

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on June 11th of 2013 the front desk received an anonymous tip from an individual saying they were suspicious of a couple death related incidents and an incident where a young woman was hospitalized and was also feared that she was going to pass away this caller gave the name of the stouty family he was suspicious that the mother of the home Diane stouty could have been involved in the deaths of her husband her son and now the grave illness of her daughter I began to do some internet searches on the family looking at social media accounts just whatever was out there I found out the stouty family consisted of Diane the mother she was very active in church and she also had been a nurse for a long time Mark was a stay-at-home father and they had four children they had Shawn who was the oldest Rachel and then Sarah and then they had a younger daughter as well I also learned that a year earlier Mark stouty passed away at the age of 61 of an apparent heart attack and then it was not long after when his son Shawn who was only 26 years of age passed away the medical examiner's office determined Shawn's cause of death was sudden death and epilepsy the timing of the incidents was strange with all of them being so close together and then with Sarah and Shawn both being so young I really wanted to find out what was going on in the stouty home is it Stout stouty stouty okay I appreciate you being willing to come down and speak with us you're very helpful on your part I'm try to be don't know what I can tell you well okay that's what we're going to try and get figured out what about you and your husband mark what was your marriage like um how can I say this we were still married but it was not what you call a good marriage mhm had there been infidelities on either side he had he had did Mark work at all no no he didn't work no so what did he do then uh played music okay so you were the bread winner for the for the family he didn't work didn't r no many money for you guys was there any physical abuse towards you nothing like that okay I was trying to almost portray her as the victim that maybe Mark was doing things that he should not be doing and and I could sympathize with her and when Mark died it was it was actually a relief I just don't tell people that well Diane again you're in here for yeah a reason you know that mhm well is it bad if you argue with your kids and tell them and I probably shouldn't have is like sometimes you'd be better off if you'd kill yourself I'm a horrible mother I wouldn't say that I think there's just a breaking point for everybody we can only take so much now is your chance to tell us why and to show some remorse and ask for forgiveness so tell me about it Diane I know Shawn and Sarah were very close they talked a lot together and I know Sean he did talk about killing himself too put it really short and sweet I knew they were drinking antifreeze and I was so mad at them I didn't want to take them in I delayed how' you know they were drinking anif freeze Diane they told me you knew Diane that they were drinking antifreeze because you were giving it to them and I didn't know what else to do I really didn't well tell me about it Diane that's why I'm here to listen tell me about it Diane tell me everything that was going on just a lot of arguments both Sean and Sarah would just basically trash the house they would do whatever they wanted to do and never helped support or even contribute and what were you putting it in [Music] Coca-Cola how much would you put in just a little bit how much is a little bit couple of teaspoons [Music] Maybe it was noted to me that out in the garage on a workbench that there was a bottle of antifreeze that was right next to a sixpack of coke it's just set up right out in the garage almost as if it's getting prepared for the next go round then one of our crime scene investigators told me that I probably should respond to our evidence room so I immediately went there and he showed me a diary that had been located in Diane's bedroom but it appeared to be that of Rachel's it was just another twist in a case that you thought there's no way there can be more Rachel do you recognize this yeah I remember this what is that little Journal thing a journal thing whose Journal mine inside the diary there was an entry that was written long before the passing of both Mark and Shawn where Rachel indicated that she knew that both her father and brother were going to be passing away it says it's sad when I read realize how my father will pass on in the next 2 months what does that mean and when she looked at that she turned white it was almost if she had seen a ghost Rachel whose idea was this mom brought it up I mean then we discussed but I remember her searching online talking about different drinks that it could mix with you couldn't detect taste and by poisoning them the intent was to kill them is that correct why did you guys want to kill them dad was basically a drain on her on us he had no concept of money Sean I accepted that she wanted him gone but I really didn't think he was necessary what about Sarah more or less she wasn't going anywhere with her life and that can't remember any other specific things but just a general frustration and something needs to be done she was just very matter of fact and the look on Rachel's face it was extremely Sinister just void of emotion and it was very eerie during the court proceedings there was a deal that was struck with Rachel that she would testify against her mother the deal was essentially to give Rachel the possibility for parole after approximately 40 or so years in prison Diane also ended up taking a plea deal Diane's agreed sentence was that the death penalty would be taken off the table and that she would serve life in prison without the possibility of parole on the 6th of March Linda Roberts woke up about 6:00 in the morning went to check on her Father Anthony thomaselli she didn't think there was anything wrong with him but it wasn't until her sister Mary Beth Thomas Elli did a closer inspection of him and noticed that he was unresponsive and started uh yelling and screaming and she called 911 when the paramedics arrived uh Linda Roberts was doing CPR while Anthony was on the couch EMTs took over placed him on the floor because it's a much flatter surface they try to resuscitate him but they were not able to do so and he was pronounced deceased at the scene Linda Roberts she advised that they had all gone for a trip to the beach and they returned back home and sat on the couch for some length of time and Anthony thomaselli fell asleep on the couch look like Anthony thomaselli just died basically of old age Mary Beth thomaselli virally gave the same story that Linda Roberts had given so there was no conflict in their statements between them once it was determined at the scene that there's no foul play the body removal service responded and eventually his body was cremated Anthony Thomas's case was closed within a few days Anthony Marsh called the Sheriff's Office talked to the sergeant of the homicide unit and basically said um he had some information about uh Linda Roberts actually having confessed to him that she and her sister Mary Beth had killed their father in 2015 and during this confession Anthony Marsh turned on his phone recorder and recorded the confession from Linda Roberts he said that he plays guitar in local establishments and the sisters to come in there to see him several times and he is on friendly terms with both I appreciate you coming in I'm detective Nelson delion and this is so first of all what I know you have your computer there did you say there's um you have some audio of things I have video okay to put like six of them in a little bit of cuz he had a drink every night anyway who had a drink every night my dad I said just put it in a little bit hour alcohol six seven of them and stir them up because he was waiting for a drink so what does she do she makes a drink this big Mary Beth yes instead of making a little drink she makes a big drink because the the seven houseon would have been plenty enough to just let him go to sleep and and and sleep peace what is houseon House's a sleeping B we were surprised as she allowed him to have a iPhone pointed at her as she's talking about this murder of her father it wasn't very covert he had it on his leg and was pointing at her for some length of time I just thought suspicious that she wouldn't have figured that out we're glad that we had it but we did think it was kind of odd she said if if you tell anybody I could go to jail I said no you could you you could get lethal injection in Florida now what are you doing planning on doing something to me what do you mean cuz now you have me afraid that I knew I shouldn't have told you no I I and my sisters asked me did you have you told did you tell Anthony about Dad I said no I have not why is she scared because she doesn't trust you I can't believe that you you murdered not me me and my sister I can't believe put it just on me we made the decision together is a fact do you know why you're here or no okay well I want to explain that to you okay so your father's deceased right yes okay can you tell me a little bit about that well he had his companion died three weeks prior to him and he had dementia okay and my brother and sister and I all decided he was going to BR him okay so he didn't want to go there what so he went to sleep snor away and um it was probably about 2: 3 in the morning my sister said why don't we go lay in dad's bed and get some rest he's sleeping he's quiet we said okay so we get up in the morning about 6:00 and I walk right past them went into the kitchen to make some coffee and my sister got up and she went over and checked on him and she yelled to me something's wrong dad is not responding to me so she called 901 they came and I was doing CPR on them and they came in and they said you need to get off your father now we're going to continue and I said continue CPR on him please her story was the same story that she gave in 2015 and I'm shaking my head probably during the interview knowing that this is BS cuz we've gone so much further than this now like it was time to move forward and be the pointing of of the stick okay just let me just walk you through this a little bit um just to bring you up to speed the conversation that you had with Mr Marsh yes we were listening to that conversation okay okay Anthony is the only person that we were joking around and things were said so we can cut to the chase that there was no joking about this I having digital Crystal Clear Clarity so you can read between the lines okay I actually had the same Clarity with your sister about you talked to her about an hour ago we tried to give you ample opportunity to tell what happened but now you know that I know what happened so we're going to cut through the BS agreed agre okay now answer his questions and let's move forward with this okay do you understand I understand but you don't have to be rough with me so I felt very bad my father that he was s suffering so bad he was in pain couldn't breathe so we took him for R to the beach and then um we brought him home and she took the sleeping pose how many I don't know she probably put maybe 10 if I had to guess so my sister and I we' started euthanizing him cuz now he we have to finish it okay what'd you do so she got a hand washcloth and she held his nose mhm and what'd you do and I put the wash CL in his mouth and to block the airway block the airway and you know the rest of the story um we decided that we were going to put both Linda and Mary Beth in the same room together which was being recorded and see if there's anything to be garnered from this sometimes they say a lot of crazy things that they don't tell you during the interview yes I to tell them they said they had a question to ask me I answered the question turn me in you told I thought I could trust him having a hard time I was having dreams I wasone speaking to me I had no one to talk to I told the police one I couldn't watch my father suffer that way and nothing to do with his money nothing look this we're going to ja my life is over soose [Music] mine surprised the same room you're a little bit older 15 or 20 years could be the life sentence I do believe that Linda was actually the the ring leader in this so I think that's probably why she get the higher sentence this whole thing shouldn't happen but for Linda and Mary Beth he eventually just became too much of a pain for them and they decided to end his life and that's a tragedy in itself I was at the station and uh I was doing some paperwork and uh a gentleman walked in and he was requesting a supervisor Brian Heisler said that his main concern was where his sister was Brian said a day or two earlier he'd gotten a phone call from Phil and said that Roberta had passed away in Memphis Tennessee about 750 mi from Hartville Ohio Philip told him that Roberta had passed away in the vehicle and two EMS Personnel took her body and said that they were going to take her to the coroner's office and then philli left and came home without Roberta's body so Brian was definitely very upset and just wondering what happened our decision was to interview him at his home so he would feel more comfortable my goal was to get him to open up and explain what happened to his wife so um I wanted to act like I didn't know that she was missing are you Phil yeah you mind if I step in for a second sure good morning how you doing doing good good hey uh we had some calls from family members and they just wanted us to come out and check and make sure you're okay on your you and your wife you guys okay I'm okay yes okay my wife passed away okay when that happen the 6th the 6th of January yeah we went down to Memphis to see Elvis's down there and she choked on on her FL she kept she'd been choking for quite a quite a year okay and she wanted to go down one more time before she died she thought I she knew she was going to die okay what so this happened down in mempis then yeah so she was choking on her fle and there was an ambulance or well these guys were there and they was checking on someone and they didn't need any help I said can you help me my wife is having a very bad and they said they told her said she was gone okay she passed away where did they transport her to I'm not sure where during that interview there was an uneasy feeling because I know if that was me I would definitely not be home when my wife's body is somewhere else so where's your wife now what happened to her they took her to a place where they cream made people okay and you don't know where that is either no they they said I could I didn't need to stay I could if I wanted to I could just go ahead and go home even though I spoke with him he still wasn't giving a lot of answers to help us find ferta and in this day and age you can't just drop a body off with some paramedics who are down in Memphis Tennessee and not know where they took her or what they did with her [Music] I contacted the corner contacted uh multiple EMS agencies multiple hospitals in the general area and there was nothing matching that name or description of Roberta I thought the plot was thickening and it was definitely getting weirder by the second at this point I believe there might be some foul play [Music] [Music] [Music] involved I was interviewing a couple people for positions in my police department and Joan Bower he is a rockstar police officer and and uh we hired her I talked to the chief about this case because it was all over the news I asked him hey can I take a crack at this you know undercover that is my background the chief was like yeah let's give it a crack they showed me a picture of him but I did not read any police reports so I could develop the undercover person that I needed to be without being biased I started doing surveillance and he made it pretty easy for me to get a pattern very quickly where's your property at on waterl road are you going to go to right now yeah yeah I artificial room she does but she doesn't use it he believed I was just liking him for who he was and then it started with his wanting to help me take care of my mother he told me how I should kill her and then if I did to call him and he would come help me and from there I started to change the script and ask him more about himself he said my wife died not too long ago and I pretty much acted like I was surprised it seemed like I was getting closer to the truth and what he did to Roberta I want to know what drove you I want to know what drives SP I have had enough had were you fighting or it was just like it was it was a pretty good argument the night before yeah but I didn't kill it I kind actually I kind of did yeah kind of kind of yeah I kind of did yeah the video recorder died like right at that time but I did have the backup audio device going it was very eerie and you could almost like see it peel off of him the stress of just carrying it all this time he I get ill yes or they take me to jail they're not taking you to jail say they do okay I want you to get your attorney mhm to come and marot okay okay yes oh so you could tell me anything and then they can't make a spouse testify against the spouse duh would be a marriage of convenience I have a good attorney down so sorry I got my uh camera Step Up kidding step up you're kidding step up we entered the restaurant and he was in disbelief that we had a warrant for him right up until he got his handcuffs put on he thought for sure he had uh he had fooled us there you [Music] go he took him to Bullet Kentucky and showed him in a dumpster that he claimed to have put Roberta's body in we tracked down where the landfill was we went out there and uh we watched a 200,000 lb bulldozzer leveling everything it compresses everything so she's somewhere in that 500 by 500t grid out there anywhere up to 25 ft below the surface but we just didn't have $15 million that would allow us to bring her back back for proper burial we thought we could come up with more for the family but that was the end of the line that was very sad we set a prayer for her and and we left it's not a happy ending for anybody but there's bad people in the world and we need intuitive cops to to conduct these interviews and to be flexible with with how they deal with people to bring Justice to a case Justice to a family 911 what's your emergency what is going on hello my mom with a knife I she please who has a knife my sister where is your sister quick quick quick I got everyone coming to you honey where is your sister my I was on patrol and I heard the call come over dispatch drive I have a female with bad booms attention uling ambulance is needed you could tell by the tone of her voice that it wasn't normal Sabrina has a 12in bread knife that she is holding in her right hand she's covering in blood I can see blood on the blade I can see blood on her immediately we started scream to drop the knife it almost like Snapped her out of whatever she was in back to some type of reality I kicked it away from her and we put her down on the floor it was a very tense couple seconds the suspect Sabrina zunich she was a 18-year-old foster child of Lisa canel also inside the house was Megan Anella and Haley canel Megan being 13 and Haley being 3 years old the father Kevin was away on a trip he was a truck driver and he was in Michigan at that point Sabrina was in foster care for many years before she came to the [Music] canfil Sabrina Landing with the k s really represented a fresh start for her she went from a troubled home with her biological father and Grandma to a youth shelter where she did not want to be she's getting along with the family she's doing great at school she's not getting in trouble things seem to be looking up for I couldn't find anything indicating something like this could happen [Music] please you remember me [Music] [Music] right our main goal when we first interviewed Sabrina was to get Sabrina to tell us exactly what happened we caught her coming out of the room so we knew she did it we wanted to know why what uh what do you recall yday mhm getting done with my homework I don't know and that's it mhm B and we at home mhm what anything unusual happened I don't [Music] know how do you get along with Kevin Kevin me are cool I mean he's more the one that helps me out because has I to deal with and so we made agreement a long time ago that if I need anything that I can go to Kevin how about with Lisa how you dealing with her me and Lisa have never been the best she's never seem to like me and she's been want me out of the house what's your thoughts on how Lisa is not alive now [Music] what well you you had a kn you de please son I did yes did and Megan called the police can't be true it is I'm sorry this's really dead is dead sorry I don't believe this nobody else was hurt nobody else was hurt thank goodness Sabrina never denies committing the murder she just acts confused when I tell her that she's the one who killed Lisa canel we could have waited here for 4 days and we were probably going to get the same answer from her we made the decision that we're just going to cut this down CU she's not going to give us anything else that we need I was hoping to find some text messages some emails some search history as to why this crime took place over the past several weeks Kevin canel and Sabrina text messaged each other over 1,000 times I did not think it was normal for a foster father and a foster daughter to have thousands of text messages between the two of [Music] them how you going r barer we were confident that Kevin left for work at 8:00 p.m. the night before the murder and he didn't get back into town until after Lisa's death so we want to know from his perspective as to if there was any argument going on at the house before he left and then you told me you wanted to talk about his wife's work the subject matter yeah I told his lawyer that we would just talk about the work but I was hoping that maybe he would open up and give us some insight as to um what was going on and what why the reason that this happened Kevin do you know anything that was happening at the house the night before you left to work that night well hang on a second we just talked about talking about his wife's work what's going on at the house night before is not his wife's work okay where did your wife work at County Children what did she do there she was a social worker for the um children's SE he was looking down there was no uh tears um there was no anger were you and uh Lisa in the process of going through a divorce okay now we're getting outside the scope Kevin canel was not willing to help the police in finding out exactly what happened to his wife why is he not cooperating with us what is he hiding from us [Music] so a profer is a good faith First Step uh when the defense attorney the prosecution meet with the suspect it's an opportunity for them to be 100% complete honest and tell exactly what happened it's a first step into a plea agreement we cannot use this against her in court what we believe from conversations is that what led up to this homicide to this murder is that there was another party involved in planning that yes was Kevin canel my foster father it was Kevin's idea and it was talked about after we were having sexual relations and him and Lisa were having problems in marriage he wanted to get a divorce but Haley which is a three-year-old daughter of his and her was in the picture and he wanted full custody she would get custody or it would be shared and he didn't want that happening so the alternative was for this to happen when was it after you started to live there on a daily basis that your relationship with Kevin changed when did the sexual nature start to change um it all started not with sex but with massages because he was a truck driver and his legs would cramp so it was inner thigh then it progressively got into sex does he ever tell you hey you can't tell anybody about this all the time did you say what would happen if you told then you'd be taken out of my care and I could lose my foster parent license what did you say in response to that I would never do that okay tell on him as Sabrina Kevin's relationship continued Sabrina described the increasing pension she felt from Lisa and that Sabrina felt that she wasn't welcome in the house anymore so Kevin convinced Sabrina that if she did Kill Lisa and did get caught that she would only do two to five years that he would protect her and that after she got out that he would be there with her they would buy a house and basically she can be like a mother figured to Haley so have you talked to him since not done no money on my books no letters no calls no nothing nothing nothing that's when we learned that Kevin helped plan this murder it was calculated and essentially Kevin using Sabrina to get his wife out of the picture and to collect life insurance money Sabrina's childhood I believe is probably the most important thing to understand why something like this could [Music] happen Sabrina had never experienced a stable family a loving household the sense of security the sense of belonging Kevin seemed to know how to pray on Sabrina's vulnerabilities [Music] in my opinion the verdict came very quickly the jury came up with a guilty verdict I believe it took a matter of about 2 days [Music] [Music]
Channel: A&E
Views: 172,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, top moments, top interrogations, top interrogation moments, best interrogations, murders within the family, top moments Interrogation Raw, top Interrogation Raw, best Interrogation Raw, Interrogation Raw, police interrogation, investigation, federal investigation, murder suspect, suspect questioned, cops interrogate, police interrogate, police interrogations, top interrogatin, top 4 moments, best
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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