Murdering Elderly Women because of 'Mommy Issues' | The Granny Killer | Forensic Investigators

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[Music] an ambulance rushes to a call in the Sydney suburb of Mossman an elderly woman has fallen near the entrance of her home unit but what seems to be a simple accident has a more Sinister cause there was absolute fear here on the whole North Shore you start thinking that you might have a serial killer on your hands the injuries indicated to us that there was a progression in terms of severity one of the things we noticed was that there were some Sho prints in blood so we had something that indicated who this person might possibly be police tonight a warning that a derranged killer is on the loose he's now killed twice and may strike again the risk was that he would confront the police and say put up or shut up or who's to say he wouldn't have gone off and attacked another one hey detectives get this gut feeling I had that gut feeling and I knew that was our [Music] [Applause] man [Music] when Gwen Mitchell Hill was found lying in a pool of blood just steps away from the safety of her front door her neighbors immediately called for an ambulance but Gwen's shocking injuries quickly raised suspicion going to need a stretcher something wasn't right an elderly lady doesn't just trip over the door mat and cause that sort of damage just doesn't happen ma'am can you hear me her bag was nearby and we asked her friend to check whether she'd been robbed or not and we discovered the purse was missing when I received the phone call uh to go down to mosman the nature of the job was uncertain it was an incident involving an old lady uh whether she'd Fallen whether she'd been attacked we were unsure at the time unfortunately for us there was no crime scene one of the residents in good faith thought they're doing the right thing it actually hosed away most of the blood and any other evidence that could have been there or might have been there there was a few blood stains a bit of um paper with blood on it and basically that was about it we took some blood samples to make sure that they were hers to make sure that there were another other blood samples there if there was an offender what I was told was that this lady had been found that her walking stick was close to the body that she was had severe head injury IES and that some money had been stolen the 82-year-old was rushed to hospital but died soon after she never regained Consciousness to tell the police what really happened I was concerned um in my view this was not typical of a fall um it really suggested to me that this could very well be a homicide what happens with people if they're conscious while falling over backwards you always as a natural instinct turn around as you fall what was very worrying about this case was that the injury was in the midline and those injuries in my view were caused by a blow or two blows to the back of the head there was just nothing obvious that had caused these injuries except for a blunt object with some weight behind it imparted with some considerable force from an investigative point of view the two options we had was that it was a related killing or a stranger killing after days of Investigation we were starting to form the view that this was a stranger killing so we're looking for someone who is not connected or related to the victim a very difficult task police canvased the area looking for witnesses to the robbery but despite the time of day and public location no one saw anything suspicious the chances of the killer being sided were very high were very high and he was very lucky very lucky not to be sided for 2 months investigators struggled to find leads then another attack less than 1 km from where Gwen Mitchell Hill was murdered the victim this time was an elderly man grab him gra him the victim of this assault had a description of the attacker we decided to release that with the Endeavor of trying to locate who it was and the community to help but just as it was made public there was more bad news police tonight are warning that a deranged killer is on the loose he's now killed twice and may strike again lady winfer Ashton played a game of bingo here at her local Club yesterday afternoon she went to her bank within half an hour she was dead she'd been bashed in the bin room of her block of units and strangled with her Patty H her attacker escaped with a small amount of money today her neighbors were shocked and living in fear well was it lady ashon the significance of this particular murder was if they were linked we now had a major problem when an elderly woman was was found bleeding outside a block of units she died before she could tell anyone what had happened but her injuries and her missing purse convinced police she was the victim of a vicious robbery 2 months later lady Winfred Ashton the Widow of famous painter Sir William Ashton was savagely beaten and strangled after being robbed of just a few dollars we walked down a driveway and inside the foyer area was a uh an area where the bins were stored and inside that room was a deceased person lying on the ground she had her rain coat a red raincoat slightly pulled up over her neck and uh there was some unusual elements in that her shoes were located a short distance away so was her walking stick and at the top of her head were a pair of stockings there was a gas bill and a purse later that night when we did examine the decease very closely we noticed that there was a small piece of stocking embedded into her neck there was no doubt about it this was a homicide and the reason why it was a homicide was that it was a leature strangulation and it can only be a homicide really this is not the first time the killer has hit this area two months ago another elderly woman was murdered in an almost identical crime at these Flats just a couple of blocks away from Lady Aston unit gwendel and Mitchell Hill was bashed and left to die in her foyer again all for a few dollars the police say the similarities are chilling there was evidence to suggest with quite confidence that these crimes were linked the environment the time of day both ladies were over 80 years of age both ladies had money taken out of their purse both ladies were brutally assaulted and only about 1 km apart while the first crime scene was cleaned up and all of the evidence washed away this scene remained intact and undisturbed forensic investigators were able to find what they hoped would be their first clue she was wearing gloves and we found a number of gray hairs there were two possibilities one was that she's placed her hands above her head in an effort to ward off the attack and that the exchange of hairs to the gloves is simply from her own head or that during the attack she may have grab some hairs from the attacker so we refer them off to the forensic laboratory and they're looking at peculiarities color obviously thickness those sorts of things unfortunately the hairs in this case being gray weren't particularly distinctive they're fairly similar from person to person DNA testing was very very new and you generally needed large quantities of blood or human tissue to actually carry out DNA analyses what was clear at this second murder site was that if the killer was the one and the same his aggression towards the victim had intensified in our first murder we had a degree of greed in terms of stealing from the purse what was a little bit different in this one was that the lower half of her body was Bare due to the fact that the panty hose had been removed and the panty hose had been used as a weapon so in this particular case we were now thinking that it was not only greed uh and violence that was motivating the killer but there was a degree of um a sexual motivation that could be associated with it it wasn't the crime of someone who was committing a robbery it was a crime of someone who had a particular interest in committing extraordinary violence taking risks and with some bizarre sexual tastes and probably bizarre sexual fantasies crimes of this nature are typically committed by people who are young now consistent with that was the extraordinary violence and energy shame which is that of a younger person and it seemed male rather than female CU mostly females don't engage in violence of that level most people who commit crimes do it at their convenience which is they do it near home they feel comfortable in the area they sort of know the streets they can look out for where people are and also it means they can plan Escape Routes if they want to what we're looking at is someone who round about 4:00 in the afternoon is available TimeWise to commit a crime and that narrows the FI down somewhat one of the categories was that it could be a student student who gets out of school at 3:00 p.m. and has a desire to steal money a couple of the high schools we looked at you know there was over a thousand students attending and of course at that point in time we didn't know the sex of the uh killer although the profile seemed to think that it was a young male the possibility was it could have been a female the only suspect detectives had at this point of the investigation and who might fit the profile was the young man who had attacked the elderly gentleman today the police released this composite picture of a suspect he's 22 to 25 years old and about 180 cm tall I feel I've seen him a few times because of the hair was unusual I'm a headress my they just here police want him because just a few weeks ago he bashed an old man who lives just down the road from Lady Ashton that's about the only clue the police have got to go on but they pretty well believe the Killer is a local who may well strike again one of the aspects of a serial killer is that there is an emotion all time break between killings and in this particular case there was about 9 weeks between the two so there's a cooling off period when someone's operating as a serial killer therefore our decision-making process was if we had a serial killer on our hands that had committed two murders we expected a third the murders of two elderly women in the Sydney suburb of Mossman had police convinced they were dealing with a serial killer then a report came came through of another attack Doris Cox is a resident of the Garrison retirement center off spit Road in Mossman on Wednesday at about 4 in the afternoon she was walking down one of the narrow Pathways inside the grounds when she was attacked she had severe injuries to her head and to her face the original thought by the other residents that found her was that she'd fallen over the crime scene again was washed down by um staff at the retirement village there were some dilate blood stains and that was all that was left for further examination Mrs Cox is now in a satisfactory condition at mosman District Hospital Doris he was someone who perhaps could tell us who the killer was or a description of the killer but unfortunately she was a chronic dementia and she had no recollection of the assault or um or who committed the crime and the things happen I mean this was one of those days so we basically picked up the pieces and uh off we go a canvas was conducted immediately of the area and we did discover a couple of witnesses that didn't actually see the crime but what they did see was a person in the vicinity at the time a young male who was riding a skateboard and uh where this person was riding the skateboard was down the foot path only a couple of meters from where the crime occurred and it was at that time it was around about 4:00 so he became a person of interest a real person of interest Sydney detectives want to question a young skateboarder over the brutal assault on a woman in Mossman 3 days ago the youth was seen in the area at the time of the attack and police believe the sighting could be linked to the murders of two other elderly mosman women earlier this year bearing in mind with the viciousness of these assaults and we could not determine what was causing the wounds on the skull or on the head of these ladies it was then thought that well perhaps the weapons the skateboard unfortunately the skateboard and its Rider disappeared without trace and another lead evaporated painstakingly detectives followed up every piece of information they received from the public but the killer remained a step ahead we've gone from March through to May and now through to October and we're now in early November it was a Thursday afternoon and uh there was a phone call and the phone call was simply that there's another one at Lane Cove with a sprightliness that bellied her 85 years M pod met a violent death as she walked home from the lane curve shops it's believed a killer stalked the elderly Widow before hitting her repeatedly over the head with a blunt object she was left dying in the alley behind her block of units you could have dropped a a pin in the office because of the silence that went around the office not another one was the uh the comment not another one just can't believe it you know we saw a lot of each other a friend of Mrs pods was among the first on the scene well I thought she'd had a heart attack and rushed to to the big house to asked Gracie to ring for the endom Mrs par dropped her two shopping bags the moment the attack began when she was found she was still wearing her wedding ring but three small money purses were missing there was similarity with the victim there was similarity with the crime scene there was a similarity with the method same time of day she'd been shopping everything was similar to what we had so we now had three murders and one attempted murder and just like the simil ities in the murders this crime scene had been cleaned up before the forensic team arrived there's a lot of frustration because we potentially losing evidence again we um could have found evidence that could have indicated things such as uh the number of times the person was hit there might have been some shoeprint evidence at that particular scene and uh being washed down again you lose that potential to recover that sort of evidence very extensive examination of the crime scene was made and a number of items were located this included a pipe some barbells and a fence post which may have been used as a murder weapon even though these injuries were severe what wasn't present was massive skull fracturing so what that would imply is that relatively speaking the object isn't very heavy would probably rule out concentrated weights like barbell weights I don't think that these injuries were caused by a fence post there was really nothing in these injuries to indicate that it was one weapon above any other with strong similarities to attacks on elderly women in Mossman police today renewed their man hunt teams of detectives spent the day canvasing surrounding streets gripped by fear elderly people on the lower North Shore now are varying their daily routines no well I'm scared to come up here and get back safe I don't mind to don't you I am I wouldn't walk so we worked that night in fact we worked right through the night right through Thursday night into Friday morning and I uh told the team that uh early Friday afternoon I was going to head home for the weekend and uh hopefully have a day off and come back fresh and uh I actually got within probably 2 or 300 M of my home um when I got an urgent call that found another body good evening and welcome to newsworld and sadly for the second time in 24 hours the unthinkable has happened another old lady has been murdered battered to death on her own doorstep in broad daylight Sydney has a monster on the loose who singles out the most offenseless now four elderly women are dead and one is still suffering the latest killing happened here at the Wesley Gardens retirement center at belrose in Sydney's Northern suburbs at first nursing staff thought the victim had died after a heavy fall it was quite obvious when we arrived and had a look at this latest victim she'd been strangled with her own panty hose and her purse that was near the body had been interfered with and it looked like some money had been stolen and here again tonight well meaning people who never dreamt a murder took place may have accidentally interfered with a crime scene as happened at Lane Cove last night the area was washed away before the police arrived I did ask them what they thought of the stockings that were tied around the neck of the deceased person and they indicated that they thought perhaps she was trying to keep her neck warm as as a scarf we believe there are similarities in relation to the other murders we are investigating on the North Shore and there was absolute fear before they were frightened at mosman but it was contained We Believe or we thought at mosman but now people were frightened on the whole North Shore where next four elderly women all over the age of 80 were dead all had been bashed and robbed all murdered around 400 p.m. there was no doubt police had a serial killer on their hands and the time span between his killings had now lessened to 24 hours when things are proceeding like this you can be fairly sure that they're going to reach some sort of a climax which is likely to be uh more flid crimes or he decides that he's had enough and makes an admission and calls up the police the murder of olive Cleveland sent the media into a frenzy newspapers were calling the murderer the granny killer and the pressure on police to find him was extreme police have intensified The Manhunt additional detectives assigned of the case sping over into makeshift officers in a garage at Mossman police station we went from a a group of 15 or 20 investigators investigating a a couple of murders we then went to a group of 35 investigators and we ended up with a group of 70 Sydney police have stepped up security measures for elderly people with a series of self- protection Seminars the large turnout for the first of the seminars is a strong indication of the fear among the elderly that the killer will strike again well that last lady that was it was so close to to us and we are well we're not totally all together frightened but I mean we are um well we La some security what was concerning the task force was that the latest killing had occurred outside the geographical area of the first three there has to be a link between the murder scenes and the question that we all asked ourselves was what is the link and that's what an investigator's got to look at and that's what we looked at one of the characteristics of a serial killer is that they work in an area where they've got control or knowledge or it's a comfort zone so we believed the killer had some intimate knowledge of the area of Mossman intimate knowledge of the area of lanave and intimate knowledge of this Retirement Village at belrose there was a common denominator geographically with these locations find the geographical link and you'll find the Killer but less than 2 weeks later there was another murder the granny killer had returned to a street not far from his first victim a widow who lived alone Muriel Faulkner had recently suffered a stroke sometime after 4:30 on Thursday afternoon she became the NorthShore Killer's fifth victim Mrs Faulkner was strangled and bashed her body found in the bloodstained hallway by a visiting neighbor the injuries here were severe head injuries caused by blunt object again as well as strangulation and then what appear to be a displaying of the body after death um this was an addition to the previous cases and again indicated to us that there was a progression in terms of severity it's usual for people who are committing a series of offenses to become more confident as time goes on or to do things in a more deliberate fashion because they've had a bit more practice that's fairly classic among the development of offences of this nature he had plenty of time with Mrs Falconer because he somehow succeeded in getting into the house once into the house it would have been easy to subdue her and once she was killed he had plenty of time to arrange the body uh do whatever bizarre things pleased him and made him feel good and then depart the amazing and outstanding Factor about this crime scene was that it was the first pristine crime scene that we had it was a crime scene inside a dwelling and one of the things we noticed was that there were some Sho prints in blood we immediately thought that these could well in fact be those of the attacker but there was a problem the shoe prints weren't very clear we uh subjected the carpet to a number of chemical treatments and light treatments and we did this in a particular sequence and we found that with a particular treatment we were able to actually recover a lot more detail that wasn't initially uh visible to the naked eye we could see sufficient detail um to determine this that this was some sort of business shoe or some sort of uh perhaps military shoe even though a lot of young people have large shoes it was a type of shoe that is worn by not so much a juvenile but a more mature adult male person we're now starting to to move towards it being an older person rather than a younger person one of the issues that came up was the very neat arrangement of things I think the stick was put in a particular place and the victim shoes were arranged in a particular way and people who are taught neatness and who learn to live a life of neatness have often spent a lot of time in the military troops are today pounding the beat on Sydney's Northshore to protect the elderly from the serial killer hi ma'am how are you good afternoon now believing the granny killer was an older man investigators decided to rein previous Witnesses hoping to prompt fresh memories I was asked to go and speak to the neighbor of Muriel Falconer down at Mossman she opened up a a little bit more than what she did initially to the police and told me that she had saw a gray-haired man quite portly and he looked like a doctor and on the way back to the office I said how perfect would this be a portly old man with gray hair in the 60s running around committing murders in mosman and who would suspect him it was first thought the granny killer was a young man but now police had a shoe print and a sighting at the last crime scene that suggested someone older and there were also those indistinguishable gray hairs on the gloves of the second victim I said how perfect would this be a portly old man with gray hair in the 60s running around committing murders in mosman and who would suspect him detective tuxford now went looking for reports of the grayhead man at the crime Center sa and the result was [Music] chilling we went back to the Lan Cove area I did locate a number of people who in fact saw a middle-aged man with gray hair good love let me carry one of those for you oh thank you the grayhair man assisted this neighbor of Mrs PS to her unit and uh this neighbor thought what a lovely man this man was to assist her with the groceries so again a gray-haired man had been placed at the crime scene but was this man A Good Samaritan or indeed the killer then a report of an assault a month before the first murder and near to that crime scene gave detectives a lead she was visiting from Queens land and she's had been shopping for the day and was walking home to where she was staying silent bashed her over the head and took her handbag money luckily for the detectives the victim had taken good notice of her asant as he walked by no longer was he just the gray-haired man detector get this gut feeling I had that gut feeling and I knew that was our man but they had no name for him and it was now 3 months since the last murder I was on an afternoon shift and I got a call to attend the grenage hospital where a woman had said that she'd been assaulted indecently assaulted by a man and I got a description of one man who was known as the Pine man who had made a delivery about the time that the elderly woman had said she'd been assaulted the inquiries I made with the hospital staff gave me the name of the pie company and they gave me the name of the man who had the contract to deliver PES to Greenwich Hospital and his name was John Wayne Glover the detective contacted Glover and arranged to speak to him the next day but it was an appointment Glover would never keep when he hadn't showed up by 6:00 p.m. I founded his home again wondering why he hadn't shown up his wife answered the phone and explained that right at that moment um she was leaving for the hospital because he just attempted to commit suicide he'd left a um suicide note and I I remember very much um the words no more Granny's on it it was a significant thing for me to do as a junior detective to go in and talk to him by myself and get a photograph knowing that if I didn't get it always was [Music] lost this was a tremendous breakthrough for the task force because we now had not only did we have the sketch drawing of of the 50 year old male gray-haired suspect who had committed a lot of assaults we now had a Polaroid photograph of another suspect who had come to light just recently our feeling was that we were on the way we were on the way as John Glover was placed under surveillance his background was being checked and not surprisingly apart from his age it matched the forensic profile perfectly starting with a criminal record in his 20s uh there was one there where there was some assault on a woman there was one thereof offens of Peep and pry he had in fact had some period of time in the Army in another country we found out that he was a company representative and he had a company car we found out that he normally worked of a morning and he was normally finished by 3:00 in the afternoon so he has the availability of time the other thing we learned about him was that he was linked to the crime scenes by employment as a p salesman John Glover's job took him to belrose Lane Cove and back to his home in Mossman it doesn't Prim a fasy mean that he's the killer at that point of time but it certainly it certainly gives us that sense of uh encouragement and Direction the pieces of the puzzle were falling together but but the detectives needed more before they could make an arrest what we wanted was evidence and what we were going to do was allow him to select a victim if he did we would then obtain evidence of him stalking the victim of being a predator and we would allow him to get within probably meters of a victim and then we would prevent the crime there were times when he would stop his vehicle and get out of the car and go for a walk and that became something of Interest as to what he was up to but then he wouldn't do anything he'd get simply get back in his car and off he'd go again but the detectives didn't give up on Glover or the investigation they were now targeting nursing homes and unreported sexual assaults wondering if Glover the pie salesman might have dropped by the secretary was actually looking quite knowledgeable and she said um well yeah we're talking about 4 and 20 pies and as soon as she said that I felt really quite good about it because yes it was 4 and20 pies that this man was John Glover was representing and she then said would you be looking for John Glover I thought this is just amazing like she not only does she know about she actually knows his name so that's really positive identification I said well yeah as a matter of fact um we looking at someone called John globber then she just looked me sweare in the eye and said that's my husband and I was just I was just incredulous I said will you tell John that I'm here today she said oh no I won't I won't because he was so upset last time he tried to commit suicide and said oh okay that's fine we all knew straight away the impact that this was going to have on our investigation the risk was that he would speak to his solicitor and confront the police and say put up or shut up or he would go undercover or him being such a uh wild character who's to say wouldn't have gone off and attacked another woman John Wayne Glover was the Prime Suspect for the murder of five women he was under his fifth week of surveillance when a detective visited a local nursing home I went into my Spiel which was along the lines that I'm making a number of inquiries in relation to sexual assaults on the northern suburbs and uh I was wondering if um they'd had anyone approach them uh that was offering to sell meat pies to distribute through their kitchens without realizing the woman she was speaking to was Glover's wife it's probably one in a million chance that this would happen but it happened and you have to deal with it I mean it's one of those things you can't run away from it you have to deal with it the following Monday morning surveillance are still carrying out their nor normal surveillance duties that have been going on for several weeks and John Glover actually leaves home at the normal time he gets into the company car and he heads off he rang his employer and said I'm not coming in to work today I'm going to see my solicitor so we thought that's it game's up he went to a bottle shop and bought a bottle of whiskey which we all thought was very odd but still he had a with him and we thought well that's to go and see solicitor with he went to an address at Mossman parked his car out the front got out of the car had his briefcase walked inside premises knocked on the front door the door was open he was welcomed he went inside the surveillance police were sitting down the road they they saw this they were quite happy that it seemed to be a legitimate visit but the hours ticked by and John Glover didn't come out by late afternoon the police were beginning to worry fortunately there was a dog that was barking quite loud near the premises and so we decided to send the local uniform Patrol in to check out this complaint about this dog barking they went to the premises and um they knocked on the front door and there was no answer and the place seemed to be in darkness so they became quite concerned and so they reported that back and said well there's something a Miss in the premises task force detectives rushed to the scene what they found inside no one was prepared for and inside the premises they found the body of a 60-year-old female lying in the hallway it was a certainly a low point in our career and something we still think about [Music] often I recall seeing uh the blood stain hammer on the landing floor on the carpeted floor uh surrounded by what appeared to be blood the situation they faced then was um where was this John Glover I recall in the bedroom seeing a pair of men's trousers draped over the end of the bed we then got to the bathroom and I saw the feet of John Glover sticking out of the bath his mouth was barely above the waterline he appeared to be unconscious and breathing very heavily we saw a bottle of Scotch empty with a paper bag a number of vs of drugs empty on the vanity as well as pill bottles good evening tonight a possible breakthrough in the year-long investigation into Sydney's granny killings detectives this afternoon charged a 58-year old man with the murder of an elderly woman at MossMan in the bathroom police found a 58-year-old man unconscious immersed in a tub of water he was revived by ambulance paramedics and taken to the Royal NorthShore Hospital police now knew they had the killer of six elderly women but they needed to prove it we knew we had a job ahead of us although there was a feeling of satisfaction that if this man was in custody we lacked forensic evidence that could connect him to any of the other crimes the following morning morning a search was conducted of Glover's car and home amongst the belongings a pair of shoes The Souls of which were compatible to the print found on the carpet of his fifth victim's house but they needed a confession we certainly hoped that uh Glover would talk to us and that following morning he was sitting up in bed and I recall speaking to him just in a general sense about non issues his family and so forth and then at one point he came out with uh you probably noticed the photographs in the paper of the women they all bear a striking resemblance to my mother-in-law Essie and that was significant to us because uh she featured in his suicide night from January at that point we believe that this man was taking responsibility orbe in a brief way for the murders of these elderly women on the NorthShore uh he also spoke in this conversation of using a hammer he had at home taking that hammer with him and leaving the car placing the hammer down the front of his trousers and then using the hammer to attack women from behind after these murders he would take that hammer home and use hydrochloric acid which he kept in the backyard of his premises to clean all traces of blood and other evidence from it he was at pains during the course of his interviews to say that there was no sexual component uh to any of these movs where Glover used panty H to strangle these women he said he did so in order to make sure that they were dead what amazed us all during the course of those interviews was the way in which Glover described committing these crimes they were in such a matter of fact uh everyday way uh that he spoke about these brutal slams uh that was extraordinary it was like he was uh talking about making breakfast in fact during the course of each of the interviews Gava clearly articulated that he would go to the club and uh drink beer with the money he' just robbed from the victims after leaving hospital Glover showed police where he disposed of the belongings of some of his victims like his killing field the spot was not too far from his home two Sydney SRC have given evidence in the Supreme Court diagnosing so-called granny killer John Glover as mentally ill the defense is arguing that Glover is not guilty on six charges of murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility in an interview the 58-year-old salesman had explained it's as if John Glover the good guy was watching John Glover the bad guy I felt powerless to stop it I asked him how he explained it he said well the the Bad John Glover would come out uh and do the act and then the good John Glover would uh then take over which was very easily dealt with by saying well at what point did the good John glovera come out was it before you washed the hammer or afterwards you say it was so it was very clumsy the jury rejected Glover's Insanity plea they found him guilty on all charges justce James Woods described Glover as a dangerous man who If released back into the community would almost certainly gratify his desire to kill Glover was given the maximum sentence for each offense his file was marked never to be released John Glover knew exactly what he was doing that he intended to do what he did he was cunning in how he did it and I think that uh I would put him in the category of simp being bad not mad John Wayne Glover had attempted to kill himself while on the outside and again Behind Bars 15 years after he was found guilty he was finally successful Sydney serial killer John Wayne Glover has died in prison the Man known as the granny killer was found dead today in a shower block at litho jail he'd hanged himself 72-year-old lover was jailed in 1991 for the murders of six elderly women on the North Shore no family members attended Glover's funeral he was buried as he lived with his demons and secrets there are other crimes in in in Australia that have similarities to the crimes committed by John Glover I still believe that there are certain aspects of his life and aspects of other crimes that may have been committed that one may never know [Music] [Music] about [Music] a
Channel: Australian Crime
Views: 27,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Australian Crime, Australian crime documentary, Australian crime series, Gangs & Mobs, Stalkers, child crime, cold case, con artists, crime, crime documentary, crime series, disappearances, family crime, ivan milat, murder, podcasts, police, renae marsden, revelle balmain, roger rogerson, serial killer, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime series
Id: kyjzrJD0ViE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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