Murder Drones Theory | How much of N, V and J is CYN?

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hi there! in this video I'll try and shed some  light on a plot point that seems to have flown   under the radar a bit. but which I expect to  become very relevant in the near future: how much   of CYN is left in N and V? so first of all: why  would there be any CYN in J, N and V at all? well   isn't it weird that nori's and Doll's core have  their own respective visor colors and nori's core   has its own voice? "looking for a hunk named Khan"  while J's core clearly does not sound like J at   all. "branded pen!" but like CYN "sneaky sneaky!  sneaking away! get snuck upon!" J's core and CYN   even used the same expression "oh yes! get snuck  upon!" and J's core has CYN's visor color. which   in this case is also J's visor color. speaking  of which: let's take a quick look at how that   came to be. after all J's original visor color was  white! after combining her dolls with roach bugs CYN experimented with building 'improved' versions  of J, N and V. judging by the many different parts   we see lying around the cellar, some more mangled  than others, she was not immediately successful.   according to Nori's notes CYN gave them a nerfed  version of the Absolute Solver program to prevent   them from ever becoming a threat to her own  power. as a side note: after he gets his head   blown off we see absolute server being blocked  in N. this is more likely to prevent him from   getting the more powerful Absolute Solver version  and not because CYN likes him. as I already showed   in a dedicated video about CYN and Absolute  Solver which I'll link in the description,   CYN's visor color is already yellow before  accepting the prompt of activating Absolute Solver   while Nori and Yeva's visor and Absolute Solver  colors stay their natural purple and red after   being patched against CYN possession. so yellow  is CYN's natural visor color. the fact that J,   N and V's visor colors change from white to Yellow  along with Jay's core sounding and looking like   CYN suggests there's at least some of CYN herself  in there. not just a nerfed Absolute Solver. so   the nerfed absolute solver version Nori wrote  about is actually to some degree also CYN's   own code. to be able to keep them under her  own control. we don't know how much of it but   according to CYN it's definitely not 100% but  some mix of her own code and their own as she   wanted them to keep their personalities. "you  know you're one of the main reasons I wanted   your team to retain your personalities!" while  still on Earth CYN had total control over the   single letter Trio. but over time and with some  'nudging' on uzi's part CYN lost some control   over N and V. to the point where N and CYN openly  fight each other. but we also hear CYN talking   about no longer requiring him. "too bad you've  served your purpose. don't worry. your backups   will forgive me." so it's not totally clear if she  really has no more control over him or just wants   to get rid of him and start over with a backup.  on the bright side: Uzi by now has admin control   over both N and V as we see her tag darkXwolf17  on both their visors as admin. "made the Tag   when I was eight. shut up!" this should create a  decent safety net. on the negative side though:   Uzi is still not patched against CYN possession  at this point. as CYN zapped the Fail safe USB   while possessing Uzi. which could create a big  hole in said safety net. I suspect all of this   will come back to Haun us soon. as if it wasn't  enough to see Uzi losing control all the time,   we now may even see N and V being controlled to  some degree. especially if V does get reduced to   her Core. which is one of the more likely  scenarios we may see her back. I'll link   a video about more details on that topic  in the description too. so for now: bye!
Channel: frettlore
Views: 1,946
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Keywords: murder drones, murder drones v, murder drones n, murder drones j, cyn, uzi, murder drones theory
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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