Munich - Bavarian city with tradition | Discover Germany

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welcome to this special edition of discover Germany DWS travel guide today's program is devoted to Munich a Bavarian city that maintains its traditions the capital of Bavaria Munich is considered a cosmopolitan city but traditions some dating as far back as the 12th century are still fiercely upheld by locals and while there are certainly plenty of spectacular sights to see many visitors appreciate the relaxed and friendly lifestyle cultivated by the people here the spire of st. Peter's Church is one of the best spots to get a view of the city the 306 steps are well worth the climb on sunny days you can even see the Alps in the distance famous landmarks such as the frontier or Cathedral of Our Lady and the navien plot square are spread out before you the neo-gothic town hall attracts visitors from far and wide every day at eleven and twelve o'clock the sound of the glockenspiel entices people to watch the Cooper's dance and once re up an aristocratic wedding ceremony the fish woman fountain is a popular meeting spot for locals and tourists setting off to explore the city it's only a few minutes away from Karlsplatz locals prefer to call the spot stockist after a munich innkeeper they think that names more connected to the place than the non bavarian prince carl ever was munich kings used to like to relax near water the nymphenburg palace was once the bavarian rulers favorite residence the palace was continuously renovated and kept getting bigger the Rococo style banquet hall dates back to the middle of the 18th century in 1845 the most famous bavarian king ludwig ii was born in what's called the Queen's bedroom another attraction is the Deutsche's Museum or German Museum in the city center opened in 1925 it's the country's most visited Museum the fallen namitha Anglophone name is actually the German Museum of Master works in Natural Science and Technology the short version is German Museum we're not a history museum though we're all about Science and Technology technic engineer oscar von miller founded the museum to showcase discoveries and inventions to the general public from steam engine to the mission to explore space museum welcomes 1.5 million visitors each year when locals feel like relaxing outside they head for the 'english a garden or English garden the park opened to the public in 1792 and the idea was for everyone to have access to green space right in the middle of the park is one of Munich's biggest attractions the Chinese Tower beer garden space for 7,000 people its Munich's largest drinking spot thanks to a special 200 year old Munich law visitors to the beer garden are allowed to bring their own food as long as they buy beer or knock out front you bring cheese or chicken like we have others might have sausage salad or a cheese dish like Bavarian or Baxter you can bring bread and plates whatever you want you get the best combinations of food and the nicest thing is you get chatting to other people would assume is a condiment unknown right Nance cosplay another popular drinking spot is the Augustina Kellogg beer garden near the main train station it has space for 5,000 people opened in 1812 it's the oldest in the city Bavarian beer gardens might date back 200 years but they're still as popular as ever let's now take a closer look into Munich's history many aspects of the present-day cityscape bear the mark of Bavaria's kings and princes some of the most splendid architectural gems such as the State Opera and the magnificent Maximilian Strasser are legacies of former monarchs this is a man who shaped eunuch lute fig the first was crowned King of Bavaria in 1825 at the time just sixty thousand people lived in the city bluetick built a lawn and on a large scale the residenz palace had long been a home to Bavarian monarchs but lute fig had it expanded and when he wasn't at home his subjects were welcome to visit its grounds the gardens are still a popular place to go strolling today the palace interior is a monument to the Bavarian royal family's splendor in 1920 many rooms were open to the public for the first time the most impressive room in the building is the 66 meter long Hall of Antiquities it's the largest and most lavish Renaissance interior on the continent north of the Alps maximilian ii succeeded ludwig the first by then Munich's population had grown to 100,000 Maximilian son ludwig ii ascended the throne in 1864 and went on to become world famous thanks to his support composer Richard Wagner was able to premiere many of his works in the city's Opera House Ludwig is said to have locked himself in his private box so he could enjoy the music undisturbed nowadays the Bavarian State Opera is open to anyone and is one of the leading houses in Europe horse-drawn carriages used to stop here now you can take a tour of Munich's famous shopping Avenue Maximilian's closet with a taxi we're on Maximilian Stasi which was built for maximilian ii our third king almost all the kings except ludwig ii immortalized themselves here construction of the stream started in 1851 in powell afternoon at an infiniti next to rule bavaria was Prince Regent luige cold in his day 260,000 people lived in Munich maximilian lhasa is still one of Munich's finest addresses and it still boasts shops that bear the proud title purveyor to the Bavarian royal house only makers of the finest of wares were given the honour of holding the Royal Warrant the world-famous Hotpoint house also owes its existence to Bavaria's monarchs they expanded the breweries and allowed beer to be served to one and all these days thanks to the kings tourists from around the world party here with Bavarian beer and what would munich be without oktoberfest held every autumn it's one of the biggest and best-known parties in the world and it's where we met up with Bruce and Kellie Finkelstein from the United States they had just one day to spend on what's known as the reason but they certainly made the most of it hi I'm Bruce Kelly and we're from Virginia Beach in the United States and we're big fans of Oktoberfest and we're gonna explore the visa today thank you Vigo Bavaria we really like Oktoberfest and we've been preparing for a while I've got the later hosen which I bought online and I'd like to sell so I made my own dandle okay we're here in the oil of easin where they have the traditional rides and attractions stuff out of the 20s and we're gonna go see how this works all right let's go all right you ready it's really great that they have these older rides this one actually makes you have to work which is great there's a lot of fun I haven't done something like that since I was a kid playing in the kindergarten with the it's the wobble wheel bicycle race I can't tell who's winning and who's Stella he's usually pretty good on a bicycle she's having a tough time there was a lot of fun it was good you did a great job and one of the things I really like about the Oktoberfest is when you sit at a table you sit with all other people you don't know who you're going to sit with and it's great because you get to talk and make new friends I could eat this every day where can I move to Bavaria well we're getting ready to ride on a ferris wheel and I do believe this one is made of wood this is something out of the I guess the 20s and we're looking forward to getting on the ferris wheel and and getting a look at the vision from a little bit up higher even the tickets are made of wood it's been a great day the reason today we hate to say goodbye we made so many friends but why leaving the hustle and bustle of Oktoberfest will indulge in a rather different cultural pursuit Munich is also a paradise for art lovers with more than 80 museums the city has something to suit everyone's taste from old masters to works by Andy Warhol Munich's Len buck house the renovation of Munich's most popular art museum was four years in the making museum come from Mosiah the word museum comes from you Zion which means the temple of the muses where the muses danced so a museum isn't a static unmoving institution I kind of started in Switzerland the new annex hold stage of the art exhibition spaces just down the road there's the alte Pinakothek the art museum opened in 1836 it holds works by European artists dating from the 14th to the 18th centuries most pieces were originally owned by the Royal litters Bock dynasty the collection includes paintings by many old masters among them Alpesh doula and Titian Dietetic chapters the old Titian is wonderful with his crown of thorns it's one of the loveliest paintings and at the Thurston bill Rubens is amazing but it's too much flesh and just two masses the Rubens collection of the alte Pinakothek is world-renowned at over 6 metres high and 4 metres wide the great Last Judgment is Rubens largest oil painting you di de pinna the alte Pinakothek plays in the major league it's one of the world's most famous galleries thanks to the old wittelsbach family's passion for collecting under the reign of king ludwig the first of bavaria munich became renowned as a city of art in 1830 he commissioned the Glitter tech museum on Kunak splut square to hold his sculpture collection it contains sculptures from the archaic period to the Roman era the necrotic is the glyph to take his Munich's oldest Museum which is itself a mark of distinction and it was created by a Ludwik the first personal the shop phone for nutrition yes he was a connoisseur of Greek and Roman art and an admirer of classical antiquity Ludvig the first is also to thank for another museum the Neue Pinakothek with a collection that focuses on the 19th century it holds works by Carl Othman Ludwig's favorite landscape painter and acquisitions such as Italia and Germania by johann friedrich Overbeck Ludvig the first elevated the status of art like no other bavarian ruler the powerful was seen building museums and amassing large art collections was a very important aspect of his monarchy KT to thine ultimate ease they were always to contribute to popular education and to transform the kingdom of Bavaria into a center of art and culture and quit were started to buckle although the days of royal patronage are long past in Munich art and culture still hold pride of place in the city one new addition is the brand Horst Museum which opened in 2009 the striking building in the gallery district houses a large collection of modern and contemporary art including what is Europe's largest holding of works by Andy Warhol the pop art icon is a major draw card for the museum in a nearby underground station students at Munich saccadic eye narcs have staged their own exhibition this installation is set into motion by the wind of the subway entering the station the space to the side holds more exhibits by young artists the works all revolve around the same topic as lead addendum our breakfast the idea is to observe how the surplus energy generated by urban life can be put to creative and artistic use the art students are often there to demonstrate and describe their works the gallery is located at the University subway station art in motion it's just one of the many cultural attractions Munich has to offer time now to meet censure and shadrach skull art from South Africa on their trip to Munich they visited the BMW museum the world-famous car maker built its first vehicles in Munich about a hundred years ago and just across the way is Munich's Olympia Park planned and constructed for the 1972 Summer Olympic Games hello I'm Cedric hello I'm Sencha we are from Cape Town but this is our apartment here in Minich and we are here to show you the city of Minich let's go thinly adorn is ending at or as one of three gates this used to be the city wall surrounding Munich in our room this that one money yarv isn't year but we're here at sending a tour and we're traveling to the Olympic Center stop on the u3 underground life 18:56 amazing the souls got the original seeds and to get the nice steering wheel is fantastic ah no here's a BMW 650 they have the same motorcycle at home habit deserved a motor out two hours try to pick yes yes okay can I get it what's your hat okay here we go I think it's fabulous I mean they even thought about open rooftop in the year 1957 I mean very 59 that's great the engine is a bit louder probably the age of the car but I think it's a fun car to be on a Sunday morning this is the olympic tower we're going to see now okay and I'm holding up the tower welcome to little with big color at 291 meters in height the city taller ceilings highest building and the horizon it almost looks like ocean is really just perfect but they they you have the Alps in the distance you see the up some snow on the OPS's so putting the money and then choose b1 June don't make me cry take a good and making bad remember to let into your heart will start to make it good this is about party the day was very nice I particularly enjoyed the BMW World you awesome I'm also looking for absolute was a memory like out of Munich and Germany we love you Germany thank you and that's all for this special edition of discover Germany the Travel Guide on DW join us again next week
Channel: DW News
Views: 255,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Germany, Munich, Bavaria, Oktoberfest, Hofbraeuhaus, discover germany, dw, deutsche welle, travel
Id: pZD-4ufSltg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2015
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