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i'm looking at my waffle maker the other day thinking hey i should do a waffle maker recipe then i thought i can do five waffle maker recipes then i thought let's do five munchie waffle maker recipes now we're talking all right before i do anything else today i have to de-lint myself i apologize for scrubbing on my mic i had a hair a random white long hair wasn't mine i'm getting silver but i'm not like white my hair's not like that long right here on my shirt the other day and a whole bunch of you noticed it was quite annoying max noticed once he started editing the episode did you notice no chance you didn't notice okay am i good am i good yes yes thank you thank you geez i'm managing our mitsuha tea order for you i understand that wasn't a rhetorical question because the one you wanted is out oh sorry we're ordering tea i like to drink tea unsweetened green tea from the the japanese supermarket and we're boy are these first world problems did that say rich green tea i think so well i hope it doesn't mean it but probably that one's fine the green top either seriously first world problems the japanese market is out of the kind of tea i like to drink that keeps me going during an episode i'm forced to drink mostly water with a splash of cranberry juice today and this is the deli container that we store stuff in it's a restaurant thing okay five do i tell them what the five are that i just let them be surprised you like to reveal as we go i think surprise well surprise oh i can't i can tell you this only one of them will include waffle mix so that's exciting and the first one does not include waffle mix it's breakfast okay we're making an omelette but watch what i want to do first i want some vegetables in here but i just don't want them straight raw so we've got some diced holland pepper and some green onion of course that's doing exactly what it should be doing sizzling this is as exciting as just spread them around a bit probably could have separated them a little better but oh we're doing fine and just give them a little bit they don't need a ton of time but a vegetable with a little sizzle on it is more flavor than a raw vegetable that's just the way it is he changes things thank you max that is what we used to say i don't think you've said that in a while it's true heat does change things and while we're doing that i can beat a couple eggs over here oh boy show right off the bat jeez i don't think there's anyone worse in the history of the planet for cracking eggs poorly no one cracks eggs as bad as i do look at that are you kidding me now i gotta come back in the shell attracts apparently is it one of those days it seems like it which is good for entertainment purposes okay mix this adding a little salt and pepper and then a little cheese and let's pour it in but first we have to spray the top because we haven't done that yet maybe a little extra on the bottom let's try and get this in as neatly as we can as evenly as we can i meant i think we're doing a pretty good job here thank you and we're down we leave it for a second and then we flip it fantastic and we leave it how long well it depends on how hot you've got it how warmed up it is i'm at about medium heat i want it to cook through without burning so we'll check it now probably two minutes and see what happens i don't know what's happening who would have thought come on you can hear those eggs cooking that you can hear the eggs screaming it's gonna be fine let's take a look quick look now you gotta go oh my oh snap this oh sorry i said snap again i think i want awesome i think i want like another sort of 30 seconds or maybe half well half a minute would be the same thing so maybe maybe another minute all right here we go oh yeah come on the crazy thing is you would never look at this and think eggs or omelet you would look at this and think you're looking at a waffle the question is can we get it out oh we can but it's going to be hot hot as blazes as my grandmother used to say i don't want to trash it so how do i do this yeah it's coming right out oh oh look at that look at that who wants a piece waffle omelette waffle omelette absolutely that's crazy who wants some i do i certainly wasn't very even with my uh my distribution of vegetables what was that the boys have theirs and we eat it's a freaking delicious little omelet waffle omelet damn how good is that so awesome and so easy wow an important part is starting to cook the vegetables before you put the egg in this has notches from one to six i had it on four i didn't want to burn it i thought the outside might burn before the egg cooked through this is about to two and a half minutes i think and it's perfect let's go for a quesadilla shall we so you still want to spray it's not like anything is gonna stick from the tortilla but you want a little bit of grease there to help get some extra color so now we're going cheese maybe not quite that much i gotta double this next some carnitas slowly cooked pork we've made carnitas before look you could put anything in here this could be a chopped up roast beef or little bits of hamburger anything but like at the restaurant you want to go to the edges you want to go all the way so people will get some in every bite don't be cheap then skimp or scrimp whatever the right word is good now how about some jalapenos diced loving it like mcdonald's i'm loving it it's gonna be the greatest thing and then finally more cheese is this gonna shut oh i didn't take that into consideration well that's it let's find out just needed enough so i can you got it turn it yeah all right we're going to check after about a minute and a half or so it's a mess does it get folded not necessarily yeah i think what i'm gonna do he put it to oh i thought actually yeah he did i did what you didn't put oh oh my god oh my god for some reason chance was like chance chance you're a genius oh my god it's never going to shut it yes i i hate forgetting things generally it's salt or something smaller than the top of the quesadilla all right let's check it oh my god oh is that beautiful okay now i have an idea i'm gonna now turn it like a quarter turn so we get some cross hatches and extra crispy like that okay then we go oh boy this is gonna we're really testing the limits of this is that dad's strength it's not shedding it did shut before we'll screw it i'm just gonna have to hold it liquor do what we gotta do look at the mess oh man but it needed lots of cheese it's not a quesadilla it's just a hint of cheese oh looks so good that's what i was waiting for extra crispy that's a beast look how beautiful this part is love that we can probably take it out and have a bite it's a frisbee of carnitas and cheese that's how i like my frisbees see this those little crispy bits damn nice it's absolutely fused together wow nice oh bites boys and chance pointed out uh once again it looks just like a waffle but it's not there's no waffle only shape cauldron that's crazy and you know what unlike a regular quesadilla it has so much more crisp do not crisp ratio it's almost like it's deep fried greasy oh my gosh it looked like it was going to be greasy because of all the the grease coming off the thing the melting cheese but it's not it's dry it's melty inside it's got crisp from this some of the bits of the pork have gotten crispy because they snuck out hey there's three more things to make let's go all right this one we're actually using the waffle batter to make a ham and cheese now we need a light coating here if i can do this i can't do too much because you're going to see what's going to happen next now we come in with some cheese and i'm using swiss this lacy swiss i'm going to try and fill some gaps here like that all right now some ham beautiful beautiful just a couple more we might as well make it a decent amount of ham right that's what she said why would she say that it doesn't even make sense now i want a little mustard like this that was dijon by the way and this just gets the rest of our batter please god i want you to work in the worst way possible how does that look very nice it looks pretty nice let on push and turn and we wait and we got the light that tells me it thinks it's ready let's look and i think it's ready looks beautiful nice amount of crisp basically just built the sandwich into the waffle this is great it looks like a waffle you know why because this is the only one that has waffle mix as part of it look at those crispy cheesy guys dot right that's the best and we cut look at that i love it let's have a bite one two three wow that's nuts why is it so good the mustard is so good the mustard's great but it's just a crispy sauce you get the crispy outside to get soft bits in the indentations or something or it's really good and you know of course you don't like ham change it you don't like the cheese the swiss cheese put something else just do whatever you want it's a panini maker basically that puts indentations in it that's what it is use it as a panini maker who wants crispy fried rice yes let's go okay so this one involves rice i'm a fan of keeping these guys in the house they're little seven and a half ounce packs of rice they come looking like this i'm not pimping this brand you get them in the asian markets even the big western supermarkets carry them now you just pull back the plastic microwave for 90 seconds you got fresh rice for almost anything so that's what i've done about an hour ago now this is cool so this will be the base of it put in the bowl and we'll add rice like that and we're going to try and make this as fried rice like as we can though we're not really frying yet so we're going to add a little soy that's it teaspoon ish a splash of sesame chili oil because it's so great i'm going to add a little some bowl don't need too much and then some shredded cabbage like that this actually was leftover cabbage salad that one of the boys made the other night it's gonna be perfect in here it's a very light dressing some green onion and then what i think it's gonna need to keep it together is an egg salt and pepper and we can mix mix the egg a bit should have used my hand should have but i know that would have driven max insane because of how wet this is and i've not done this so i don't know if it's gonna work but it definitely smells good at this point and when it's all mixed let's get in the waffle maker you spray and in oh i'm feeling very good about this gentlemen like really good well it's certainly the perfect amount of rice for this kind of waffle maker even it out get our lid on push down and turn and wait for it to tell us it's ready this little blue light it's not the most sophisticated waffle maker and i'm not pimping the brand i'm just saying when it's ready that little blue light goes on and it's time for the fried rice waffle oh my god oh look at the edges crispy ah i i come on let's check this guy out well here's what we have to do each oh boys go wow therein lies the beauty of keeping those little packs around right so good it needs one more thing put your camera down here buddy you can't have a munchies episode without something like that it would be wrong not to have this egg on top of that am i right and then that yep that's what's up oh my god one of the greatest things of all time i'm not kidding that's classic munchie and by the way that came together in about five minutes when you throw the rice in shut the lid start making your egg all right one more and you're gonna like the first component for sure bespoke post has been a sponsor of sam the cooking guy and if you don't know they're a monthly membership club that sends the most amazing boxes of stuff it's free to join and what's cool is 90 of the stuff comes from small businesses many of which are small businesses right here in the usa you've probably seen us talk about the terra knife before that comes from bare bones a company in salt lake city it's all based on a quiz that you take so the preferences that you put in or the kind of stuff that you get and you get to preview the box every month before it comes and if you don't like it swap it for something else or you can just blow off that month altogether and wait for the next one and not get anything and of course not get charged so here's this month's box it's called smoked and this will make a mixologist out of anyone you start with a glass of bourbon then you take some hickory wood smoking chips and you put just a little beautiful pile right beside your glass did you take the torch that comes in the box you light the little pile of chips and when it starts smoking you put the lid on after it's done off comes the lid and what you're left with is beautifully infused smoky bourbon but wait don't stop there because this month's box also comes with the ability to make big beautiful round ice cubes take a sip you enjoy the smoky aroma look we've loved every box that we've gotten from them the weekender bag the knives all that kind of stuff so to get 20 off your first box click the link in the description and enter sam20 at the checkout that's sam20 or you can go to sam20 this one begins with no spray because the thing going in already has enough grease to it and that's bacon we're just going to lay some bacon slices right in here just whatever you can fit perfect and close the lid return put this guy through the ringer today i know oh god it keeps doing that okay we turn we give it about two and a half minutes and then we're gonna pick it up and scoot the pieces around because the little divots might keep some of the stuff from getting cooked so a couple minutes and then we're back okay we're there yeah that's perfect okay i just want to put them on here to drain a bit it's hot and this is gonna be the perfect amount for what we want okay so the bacon needs to be cut beautiful love it now we're ready so we get the waffle maker in place we lift it up we are going to give it a spray to get the tops of these indentation guys and then we come along with some cornbread mix this was a just add water package no it wasn't we ground our own corn and made it from scratch oh yes i forgot we it's exactly what we did all right you got a nice amount here never know how much that looks good now the bacon how great is this going to be and i do think i want to just push some of them down a little bit just some we shut i have a sense some of it's going to leak oh damn it's all right gonna be fine everybody just take your seats we're gonna be fine lights on we're ready and oh look at this beautiful thing look at this beautiful thing come on buddy you see little bits of bacon it looks beautiful i think it needs something how about this how about just a little butter who wants a bite wow how fun is that how stinking fun is that boys bacon cornbread waffle anyone and one two and three and what do you say about it you say it damn good you know one of the best parts aside from this slightly sweet waffle and the savory crispy bites of bacon is that when you cook bacon in a pan it splatters everywhere it's self-contained in the uh the waffle iron made hardly any mess and it's delicious and we made five things in a waffle maker because this is something you should know and this is great munchy food the key to munchie food is it happens fast and all this fast self-contained neat freaking delicious we got some cornbread to eat everybody thanks for hanging out with us don't make the same thing all the time and blah blah [Music] this has been a good waffle maker for us yeah it's been through quite a lot
Views: 919,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, waffle maker, waffle maker munchies, munchies, sam the cooking guy munchies, cooking munchies, sam the cooking guy waffle, sam the cooking guy waffle maker, sam the cooking guy waffle maker munchies, sam cooking munchies
Id: 1BeHOd98Uos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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