MULTISUB【少年威计划/Dream Plan】EP01 | 威神V开启农场新生活,宝藏男孩秒变农活小能手!| 钱锟/李永钦/董思成/黄旭熙/肖俊/黄冠亨/扬扬/威神V | 优酷 YOUKU

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[WayV Dream Plan] [LUCAS] [HENDERY] [KUN] [TEN] [WINWIN] [XIAOJUN] [YANGYANG] [WayV Dream Plan] [WayV Dream Plan] [Since its debut, it has sparked a global conversation] [Chinese music group WayV debuted 17 Jan 2019] [<The Vision> was released in January, debuting as a group at No. 4 on the Billboard Social 50] [The first album TAKE OFF, released in May, topped 30 countries and territories on iTunes] [It has become the first Chinese boy band to top the most iTunes albums lists] [They are chasing their dream of performing on stage by taking on the challenge of WayV's Dream Plan] K: Seems like my life only has music, dance and nonstop practicing. All of this effort is working towards one day Where I can step on a bigger stage. XJ: Because I want to prove how important music and the stage is to me. So I can deserve a better future Even though I don't know if I will do well. T: I want myself to know all my efforts will pay off. I want us to be able to stand on a stage that belongs to us. L: I really want to use my hard work to influence even more young people to become their best self, and show their best side W: I want to stand on a bigger stage together with my brothers and perform with everything we got until the lights have faded and the audience has left. Y: Let everyone see that dreams can really make a young person gain motivation and allow them push themselves. H: So, let's go WayV. [The people who wait for them and support them] [are WayV's energy] [To be able to step on their dream stage,] [what exactly did they have to go through?] [The youth have to collect 7 microphones to achieve their dream stage] [The youth have to get through 3 challenge phases to win the microphones] L: If we have a chance to be out there, we will work hard for it and do our best. [Challenge 1: Self-sufficient completion of farming task] W: I really like outdoor activities because we usually don't have a chance to go out. [Challenge 2: Complete travels together] [Challenge 3: Sudden performance. Be prepared at any time to be judged by an audience] [They need to pass all the challenges,] [to collect 7 star microphones] [will they be able to do it...] [...and end up on their dream stage?] [WayV's new beginning,] [WayV Dream Plan's challenges start now!] [2019, one summer day] [Beijing — Wudaoying Hutong] [Traditional combined with modern design into this residence] [This is where WayV is staying] L: We eat this everyday this is your first time eating it? I made a lot. [LUCAS: Rapper, prince of reality TV] [*Yum*] [TEN: Dancer, currently studying Chinese] [*Elegant*] [XIAOJUN: Singer, does everything with excitement] [<- 5 second rule] (K: Do you want a napkin?) [KUN: Singer, the leader who takes care of everyone] [*Caring*] Y: I'll feed you. H: No, I can eat it myself, I have my own hands. [YANGYANG: Rapper, innocent & cute maknae] [HENDERY: Rapper, vigorous youth] W: Welcome, w-welcome. H: Have you guys eaten breakfast? [WINWIN: Dancer, youth with unlimited charm] L: They all left immediately. Y: We have to pack again. [They have to eat well to have enough energy] L: I heard that we're going somewhere tomorrow [Scratch head] and we have to pack our suitcases right now. [Scratching temple] W: There's not much to bring. [Head hurts] L: There really isn't. W: We're good at adapting to new environments so what are we afraid of? What is there to be scared of? [Confident] [I'll just pose] [I'll be cute] W: what I lack... ...I think everything is too much work. If we talk about hobbies, mine is probably... anything laying down is a hobby [Says it, does it] H: Taking my charger. T: I'll pack my Chinese book. T: Language, language. I want to overcome the language. Before, I read this book. But I didn't know how to use every single word. T: I'm going to take my Chinese book H: You're bringing your Chinese book but -- you don't need it. I'm your Chinese book. H: Keep that "sekret". "Sse-kret"? Let's "resht" a while. H: We don't need to pack too much knowing KUN's personality. T: Right, he brings everything. H: He's gonna have everything packed. K: One bag of hand wipes. Headphones. Should bring a few masks. As well as razors. Don't forget your razors, kids. [Lifestyle expert] Y: ♬ Go, go, go, go ♬ (famous Children's song) ♬ Small hand holding the big hand ♬ ♬ Go, go, go, go ♬ K: ♬ Having a trip together ♬ Y: I'll put this in first. [Put in clothes~] [Put in shoes~] [More clothes~] [Randomly stuffing it in~] [Unable to understand] K: Just fold it properly. [Can't stand it anymore] K: If you fold it properly just- K: Look, like this. Y: And this is how to get someone else to help you to pack. Thank you. [Speechless] K: This guy... Y: First step, you have to feel as if you're really tired. Second step, then there'll be someone who comes to help you. You see? Right? I don't even have to move. I don't even have to move my hands! [This naughty boy] Y: Living with KUN, You feel really... Safe. Because he has a lot of... sense. So I think he's a very reliable big brother. W: Hi. I'm really really happy, because in the past we haven't had group activities like this. Y: Getting this adjusted properly... Because this is my first time filming a group variety show. So I'm a bit nervous. But... Basically... I'm more excited than nervous. H: Actually, it's very fun. And I hope that everyone, when they see us can live happily everyday T: I hope that when you see this show you can feel happy, and also what else... positive energy. X: Look, you look at this place. [Xiaojun POV] This place, this place feels very scary. Why? You know I'm very afraid of cockroaches. This place feels like there could be cockroaches jumping out at any time. L: Don't know where we will go tomorrow. And don't know what kinds of things will happen. K: Looking forward to tomorrow's trip. Bye bye. Goodnight! [2nd Day morning] Let's go K & W: Waking up in the morning, enjoying the sky. Embracing... [The sun?] W: Good morning! L: Hey, at this time, we should play a song. Do you know what song? T: I think it's 'Let me love u' Oh, I don't know. [Dancing king makes moves] [Current report: Prince of reality TV on his way to work] [Bright youths in the Hutong] [The youths' special bus] What kind of car is this? (reads) Dream bus. [Why does that sound a bit weird...] [~I am flying~] [Emergency brake] Very pretty. Very good. Wah, what a nice bus. Yesterday did you get bitten by mosquitos again? Yes. The two of us are in one room. But every time the mosquitoes only bite him. T: Do you know why? L: Because I am O (blood type) Because mosquitoes, "woman" mosquitoes can bite. "Man" mosquitoes can't bite. Seriously! So "woman" mosquitoes all like Lucas, so they bite him Wait, wait. Seriously, I'm serious. Bite, bite, bite K: Male and female, male and female. K: Male mosquitoes are "man" mosquitoes. T: Male mosquitoes are "man" mosquitoes. Female mosquitoes are "woman" mosquitos. Tired, tired, tired. Too hard, too hard. W: How can you tell my gender? (quote from the 1st century Chinese poem, Ballad of Mulan) [Chinese is too hard~] L: Wait a second, how long do we have to sit? This is the important question. K: Isn't there still 4 hours? We can take another nap. T: Because right now we don't know what we will be doing, so we have to maintain our... W & K: Strength! T: Strength, yeah. W: Right, actually we don't care what we will face. We can do it all very well. T: How many clothes did you bring? K: I only brought one set of pajamas. L: I brought quite a lot. Y: If they had us bring so much, it'll be an overnight trip. Then it won't be somewhere nearby. Suburbs, suburbs. It does feel like driving away from the city... [What do you expect the destination to be like?] H: I think it will be that kind of... by the sea, with villas and then you can also grill on the beach. W: I just really want to go with them to a theme park, I think that would be quite good Y: A feeling of going to a vacation island, a chance to truly relax. Not think about anything. [Waiting for them is] We're here, off the bus! Oh, so heavy. What else is there? Let's go! What is this place? T: Hey, I see a house! [WayV's farm house] Hey, we've arrived at our home! [Suddenly a mailbox appeared] [Excited young people] WayV Dream Plan starts now! You have to get through 3 phases of tasks. And collect 7 star microphones in order to win your dream final performance stage. Here is the task of the first stage: Farm survival. [Survival?!] First, everyone please look at the task board behind you. Farm living rules. Everything on the farm, must be obtained and fulfilled by yourself. [They're not giving us food?!] [What does that mean?!] All ingredients needed for three meals a day will be won through labor. X: Great! [Dark sunglasses can't conceal his shock] Please look inside the red mailbox behind you. K: Is there something in there? L: WayV members, here is your first task: Farm survival task. (struggles with pronunciation) Carefully "complethe" X: Here, I'll do it. Carefully finish each task to win the approval of the local people and only then you will win a dream star microphone. [Locals???] [Star galaxy microphone???] Today's task is, the 7 members will split up their rooms in the farm house. Divide into 3 groups to do farm work, and win cooking ingredients, and as the new residents here, make dumplings for your neighbords to taste. W: Anyone know how to make dumplings? X: I can't. L: I can. Now we will begin our splitting rooms game. ["Bao jiao zi"?] (make dumplings) [Through darts game, the final score order determines room selection order] L: I'm going first. There's a line here. It's a little far. K: It's so easy. [LUCAS 5 points] Five points! [Good at playing games too, no wonder he's the prince of variety] Fighting! Five points X: How are you guys are so good? L: Us two are in the same room. [WINWIN 5 points] [YANGYANG 3 points] [LUCAS, WINWIN 5 pts] [YANGYANG, XIAOJUN 3 pts] [HENDERY, KUN 2 pts] [TEN 1 pt] Our dart game is not done yet. W: Still not done yet? Each one of you choose another member to throw the dart for you. So please choose carefully who you want to throw the dart for you. The 7 members now find another member to help you throw the dart. L: Let's go. I help TEN. [LUCAS helps TEN] T: Don't hit -2! Wah! 0 [Gloating] X: No points ah, no points ah. Multiply Zero, zero points Y: This is *idiom* (meaning not to be afraid of a formidable foe but to be afraid of a weak teammate) L: So close to +10. T: True, true, it's okay. L: I wanted to add 10. T: I help XIAOJUN. H: Minus 2, minus 2. [So happy] X: @#$%^&& You guys should live together Next one {Xiao Jun 1 -> 0 points] [WinWin helps Hendery] H: I trust you W: Good [Super disappointed] Where did it go? Zero points 5 divide by 2 [WinWin 5 -> 2.5 pts] The pose, the pose is very cool Square root of 2 Plus 10 1 point [Yang Yang 3 -> 1 pt] [Lucas 5 pts] L: Thank you, thank you, 5 pts, 5 pts 1-Lucas | 2-Win Win | 3-Hendery | 4-Kun 5-Yang Yang | 7-Ten & Xiao Jun Congratulations Lucas For getting the highest points in darts Choose your rooms one by one following the ranking Now Lucas can go in first [The staff prepared 3 rooms, each with there own name and painting] L: Let me see first [Mona Lisa - VIP room] [5 Lotuses - Family Room] [Starry Night - mystery room under the stars?] [welcome] Okay, North of China... Something, something... This room probably fits a lot of people I'll go to the other side Mona Lisa I think I'm at the smallest room [Luxurious big bed] This is pretty good (reading) Welcome to the VIP room VIP is for only for 1 person Please tell the next coming person to turn right [On the right is the Starry Night Room!] Wow I'm so good W: Usually the room in the middle of the courtyard is the best The middle one then! Where do you stay? Why's the door locked? It's this Wait a second, wait a second Bro, it can't be... camping, right? omg L: Welcome to the VIP room VIP is for one person only Please go to the Starry Night Room [Unbearable life] H: What is this! L: Bye bye [Have a nice walk bro] Y: I don't even need to think I'm too hot right now Wait, wait L: Wait, don't be too happy Sorry, sorry Welcome to the VIP Room VIP is for 1 person only Please go to Starry Night Room Bye X: I have to go there? How many people are there?? [4 brothers] I don't want to go! 5 people inside?? Quick, give me a high five W: Wait, then they each get a room by themselves And us 5 in one room [I am the variety prince!] Because the Starry Night Room doesn't have a lot of space Then the 2 people in last place of the dart game will stay in that room [XiaoJun & Yangyang] X: I'm not filming anymore! I'm not filming anymore! I'm not filming anymore! [Accepting the truth] H: Wow, it's pretty nice here This is too cool isn't it T: The wind blows here So feels like cool, right? X: Not even an outlet I am afraid that we can't even cook instant noodles. burning sunshine at noon It's really like walking the red carpet, right now Equipments are ready We will now begin this afternoon's tasks K: okay Pull straws to split into 3 groups to go help the farmers do farm work You must work hard to get the farmers' approval and only then will you receive the cooking ingredients Spread fertilizer: Kun, Ten. Picking haws: Winwin, Lucas. Planting corn: Xiaojun, Hendery, Yangyang H: Let me smell this and see if it smells new new shoes offscreen: it must be! Some plastic smell but no problem even if it's simple, we still need to make it very fashion [Refined big boy] W: What are you? T: What am I? K: Fertilization K: I really don't know how to explain it to him W: Fertilization is, uh you..... W:You like VeGeTaBles (cute accent), right? T: Yeah W: If you want the vegetables to grow larger you have to give it to them... T: Gi...give them the poop K: Give it nutrients T:Yeah,the the poop W: Yes.. but say it more politely K: Right, right, right, right. Give it nutrients! T: Ok nutrients nutrients L: Wow, just right One size smaller and it wont fit Too handsome!!!11!!!!111!1!1 Lets go! [Is this going to do farmwork?] [Or is it to go for a photoshoot?] H:I WANT I WANT I WANT I want this! X:WAHHHHHHHH H:I know how to drive this! Scissors stone paper! (the order in chinese) Scissors, stone, paper! X: AHHHHHAHAHA [Exited to the point of no expression management] Y: Start,start,start [worry] Hey! hey! X: I know I know I know H: Dont dont dont H: Are you sure H: This is reverse This is to move forward right? Aiyo let me drive instead X: Ok you drive you drive X: Let's go! H: We're going, sit tight yall X: Wow got the feeling! X: (singing)One big road ya~ Oi oi! toward my home PIU PIU !! (action movie) K: Prepare to turn left [Please imagine the CG yourself] K: Follow him T:OKOKOK L: SweEtiE whEre Do yOU waNt To gO? W: I wAnt To gO whErEVer You WaNT TO gO L: LESGO W: go~ :3 [Farm Work Task] Help the villagers do farm work and get ingrediants to make dumplings Hello hello hello L:We have a mission today to exchange for food rations W: right right right L: Lets start Farmer: I need your help with thinning these berries. Leave only one fruit on this Choose the bigger ones to stay on the tree and pick the smaller ones Better to see for yourselves Look at these You see these bigger ones? We don't want these After plucking it, put those in the basket Just like this L: understood W: We need to do ALL these right? Farmer: Yes, we need to do all of them W: We need to do all of them?! Farmer: Yes L: So many? [What about relaxing at the beach like we discussed?] [They need to harvest a 100 maytrees] H: Uncle! How do we address you? Farmer: Xie Feng Qi Then Uncle Xie *Repeating his name* it sounds like "Thanks Uncle" Farmer: Ok, come with me [Got the seeds for planting the corn] Here are the seeds You take the seeds H: I'll take two bags Farmer: Ok, let's go Let's walk from here Uncle Xie will lead the way, we'll follow Farmer: Let's plant them here Later, plant them in 3 rows [Poke it] Poke it a little here At the end pull it [Pull the soil back] Then pull away the soil. Right Ok H: Then how do we spread the seeds? F: Take 2 out [Put 2 seeds] Here Put 2 At least one of these will sprout [Stomp it down] Use your foot and stomp it like this [Watching diligently] Then turn up the soil Step on it Uncle, how many are we planting? Just plant the whole field and you're done [Did I hear wrong?!] Y: OK bye bye, I'm going home [My smile isn't really a smile...] [Back to reality] Come on, fighting Farmer: Look at the fertilizer K: Ahh it's this fertilizer [Natural fertilizer] F: Yup, it's this kind of fertilizer F: And then it's the young saplings For young saplings, it's always this fertilizer [Q. Who in the group is the cleanest?] K: Ten K: His obsession with cleanliness is the most serious [Admits it himself] T: Me T: I'm the type that can't stand dirty places F: Go over there and plant the saplings K: ok ok T: Are we starting now? F: Take the bag [First get the fertilizer] F: Spread it open. Stand and spread it open. Right Fill one bag [Starting to suffocate] T: Lower it a little F: Lower it some more [Working hard to finish the job] K: Is this enough for now? F: That's fine F: Last, fill that one [Saving Ten] K: How about I do it? F: Ok, change Put it down [Suffocating again] F: That's good [Pose that dosen't hurt the back] [Pose that maintains a safe distance] F: Heap up the fertilizer [Holding tightly] [Overcoming his fear] K: It's ok right? [Finally filled it] K: It should be enough K: You take this one, I'll take the other one K: You should put it properly [The driver gets onto the road] K: This is a little difficult T: Fighting [Shake] [Giving a suggestion] T: I think you need to go a little faster T: It's hard if you do it slowly K: Speed up a little [Shake] K: I just felt the pain uncle usually goes through F: Looks like you guys haven't worked on a farm before, right? W: Yes, we never really... [Covered with sweat] W: ... properly lived in a village before F: Then you guys should experiance it now W: When does this plant flower? [Curious as to when his hard work will be repaid] What months do these kinds of green fruits start to grow? F: This one... W: Is it spring to summer? F: Right, around there [Experiencing the hardships of labour] [There's no use complaining to me...] [Already harvested a lot] W: I'm so tired W: I want to go home W: I really want to go home [People want to go home when it's hard] W: This weather makes me want to eat watermelon W: In a cool room W: Uncle, how much do you guys usually work in a day? F: Us? W: Yes F: You need to see if the season is busy or not F: If it's busy, F: we might work 10 or 11 hours W: So laborious [Gasp] L: 10 to 11 hours? L: Then what time do you start work usually? F: We wake up at dawn F: We start work at 4 to 5am [Another gasp] 4 to 5 am?! F: We need to use the time we have well F: If it's busy we spend a longer time here L: Under such hot weather L: Plucking those fruit L: That is actually the hardest W: so difficult W: So now we know that the hawthorn we can eat don't come easily [Working without rest for the dumpling ingrediants] [3:00PM Plucked about 50 trees worth of fruit] [Looking down and poking the ground; the corn group] F: Come, here F: Keep jabbing at the ground H: I'm ready to plant the seeds! H: Two seeds! x3 H: Hope you guys grow up quickly! Enter society quickly! And contirbute to society Y: Then, The people in the past must have had it hard X: Now then we were able to experiance it How about we try doing it faster? F: Quicken your pace OK not bad not bad F: Faster now [Respect] H: How does uncle do it so easily? Y: He started it when he was in his 10s [Already worked for an hour] So to us, this also counts as a kind of experiance K: Just put it here F: Right. Put down the fertilizer Put it into a pile like this Just like this, it'll be ok [Method to spread fertilizer] [Put the fertilizer beside the root of the sprout] F: Dig a little deeper Then turn up the soil K: This is fine, right? F: Yes, that's fine [Big breath] [Clear roles; Ten - Digging Kun - spreading fertilizer] K: Dig it a little deeper K: Are you tired? T: Tired [Really very tired] K: Don't hit the trees I think a little deeper T: I think it's enough [No strength to talk] K: A little more, Ok that's enough T: Wait a sec... K: That's enough x10 K: But I feel that using our legs is really troublesome Can I just use my hands? T: You can use your hands K: No, if I use my hands to push it in and use my feet to press it down Or use my hands like this T: But if you do it like this, [Worried about Kun's back~] Your back will... is it back? Your back will... K: It will hurt? T: Yeah K: I think it's fine too, it's more convenient T: What does 'suan' mean? K: It is... [Chinese teacher encountaring obastacle] 'suan' is 'suan' I don't know how to explain it to you [Youngster with a thirst for knowledge] T: How do you write the 'pin yin'? (chinese romanization) 'suan' s u a n 'suan' x3 [using technology to learn] T: oh sore K: This person is learning Chinese like this anywhere and anytime T: Right [Continue working] K: A little deeper K: Are you tired? T: Yes K: ok that's enough [Although it's tiring, working with friends is fun] T: Have you seen the animation for this? T: The 'Snow White' K: 'Snow White' T: 'Snow White', she has T: 7 very, very... T: man she loves a lot (he's trying to say 7 very cute guys) K: Dwarves T: Dwarves! K: not 7 men she loves T: Dwarves, K: She has 7 dwarves T: The 7 dwarves, they go like this... T: HI HO [Two brothers suddenly became dwarves] [The corn fields under the bright sun] X: Uncle Xie! Are there any songs for planting crops? X: Ones you usually sing F: In this district? F: We don't have any yet [We are the radio] H: No problems! We are the radio H: I can do the beats Y: We are planting fields Y: It's really hot Y: It's really hot, quickly plant the seeds Y: Quickly x3 I want to spread soil (over) Y: Quickly plant the seeds Y: The sun is very big H: If we keep this up, we won't have anymore energy after singing for a while X: No words to say Y: Actually, I ploughed maybe 5 or 6 times Y: and I was already exhausted Staff: At the point, you were so tired, did you feel like giving up? Y: I did have that thought but Y: This was something I had wanted to experience Y: If I suddenly stop now, Y: That's a little too weak Y: Right, so I kept going H: My sweat got into my eyes X: Right x3 Especially... H: It stings a little F: soaked with sweat (idiom) H: It's ok, continue X: Fighting [The youths who shed sweat to plant the fields] [After 2 hours, half the work is done] W: It's so hot [Big droplets of sweat] W: They have it hard F: Then what do you guys do for a living? [Curious] L: We sing and dance F: Let's rest a little, F: You can dance for me while we rest W: OK F: Come over here L: Dance? L: We'll dance our song for you F: Sure, perform a little W: Our song, 'Take Off' [Uncle is pleased] F: Thank you F: I'll give you a bottle each [Good-mannered youths] L: Wah! So good? Thank you [A coke after hard work is really refreshing!] Do you guys know how refreshing it is L: Under this weather Staff: Are you very tired? K: Of course T: Oh! What are you holding? Staff: You guys take a look at it. T: She has coffee [There are the brother's favourite iced drinks] Staff: If you guys want to drink, it's very easy Staff: You two challenge individually, [1 vs 1 Chicken Fight] Staff: If you win, you can choose between coffee and coke K: Friendship first, competition second T: If I win, don't drink the coke, is that ok? K: oh my god, wait a second [I saw something...] [Ten style stretching] [Ten VS Kun] K: 3 2 1 K: What are you doing? Where are you going? [First impact] K: You're lifting your leg so high K: It's only for one can of coke... T: I flew just now [Losing his balance and failing] T: He doesn't get to drink the coke. K: no T: yes K: no, you wait a sec T: Kun ge isn't a man~ K: no this has nothing to do with being a man or not K: let me tell you, T: We already decided beforehand T: if you don't win- K: wait a sec T: you can't drink the coke K: no K: Then what reason do you have to drink?! T: Because I won... [Ten doesn't like to drink coke] K: Don't be like this K: You don't drink coke, why are you opening it?! T: I'm helping you K:Are you for real? You suddenly became so caring [Ten, who never drinks coke, drinks it to spite Kun] T: Thank you K: TEn [Happy] K: Hurry up, I want to drink K: no, hurry up- [played around enough] Sorry x2 cheers [It's good, right?] [laughed till his voice cracked] K: oh my god K: Look, there's wind [Who knew that after all the work, everything is a small happiness] K: After I drink the iced coke then there's a breeze K: It's so refreshing [The youths have completed the farmwork] [They spent a meaningful time together at the fields] [Sweating together under the blazing sun] [Only then can they truly understand the worth of work] [After working hard, eating a slice of watermelon] [is true happiness] [After 4 hours of hard work] [Fertilizer team] [Spread out all the fertilizer in the greenhouse] [Haw team] [Harvested the fruits of 100 haw trees] [Planting team] [Planted the whole cornfield] F: This is the fruit of your labour [Got the pork needed for the dumplings] L: Pork belly W: It's your favourite [Fruits of labour] L: Pork belly L&W: Thank you uncle! F: You're welcome F: Thank you guys! K: No problem, no problem F: This is for you guys; mushrooms [Obtained mushrooms needed for the dumplings] T&K: Thank you K: I'm very grateful F: You're welcome K: You've worked hard, uncle [Obtained the flour needed for the dumplings] Flour! H: OK, thank you uncle! H: Our efforts were not wasted [What is awaiting them next?] So tiring- Work is honour L: Today we got pork belly [Youths exchanged their hard work for pork, mushrooms and flour to make dumplings for the villagers] L: We are the main characters W: Right, we are the main characters What is this?! W: oil, ginger, garlic, green onion, seasame [There are suspicious ingredients on the table?] K: Wait a sec K: What are we supposed to do with these? [What kind of mission awaits them?]
Channel: YOUKU
Views: 3,842,289
Rating: 4.9882579 out of 5
Keywords: WayV, 钱锟, 李永钦, 董思成, 黄旭熙, 肖俊, 黄冠亨, 扬扬, 威威, 团综, 少年威计划, 威威福利社, YANGYANG, WINWIN, HENDERY, TEN, KUN, LUCAS, XIAOJUN, 综艺, 真人秀, 优酷, 优酷视频, 优酷综艺, 优酷娱乐, youku, 少年威计划全集, 少年威计划第一期, Dream Plan, Dream Plan Engsub, Dream Plan full version, Dream Plan ep1, WayV Dream Plan, 威神V, nct127, nctu, nct团综, lucas黄旭熙, XIAO JUN, 소년웨이계획, 개인캠, 동스청, 윈윈, 텐, 쿤, 샤오쥔, 황욱희, 루카스, WayV 团综, 威神V 团综, HENDERY 黄冠亨, YANGYANG 刘扬扬, 웨이션브이, WayV Awaken The World, 優酷, 優酷視頻, 優酷綜藝, 優酷娛樂, 綜藝, 團綜, 少年威計劃, 錢錕, 李永欽, 黃旭熙, 黃冠亨, 揚揚, nct團綜, lucas黃旭熙, WayV 團綜, 威神V 團綜, HENDERY 黃冠亨, YANGYANG 劉揚揚
Id: hqUlNL-Q3Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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