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[Music] so [Music] amen y'all get a lot of hand this morning amen [Applause] [Music] hey man that is wonderful it is good to be in the house of the lord and i want us to uh just to pair our hearts as we come here to worship the lord and as i was reflecting this morning i want to give something to y'all so y'all can just you know just put it in your mind put it in your hearts um worship is so important and i want us to know that when we worship everything we do is worship when we pray when we serve god when we give when we give god our tithe and offering you know when we even bless the lord's name that's worship so i want us to be able to prepare our hearts and minds as we come into the house of the lord to give him the worship that he slowly truly deserves you know because we serve our awesome god and it is up to us to be able to show god how important he is to us and if we can show our our love and our and our own to god god will be so pleased with us so as you join us and as we call to worship may we stand as psalms 47 says clap your hands all ye peoples shout to god with jubilee cry for the lord the most high is all-inspired a great king over the whole earth he subdues people under us and nations under our being he chooses for us our inheritance the pride of jacob whom he loves let us pray help me follow his say thank you lord being able to allow us to be here this morning just to be able to come to you god lord we ask right now lord we invite you into service father lord allow us to be and be able to do what's pleasing to your sight god and father i ask lord that you touch our hearts lord bless the the dedication lord bless the ordination that's going to bless pastor as you come to give up just a rightful word god i pray god that you'll be able to be in the midst of this god bless today though because this day is you have made so let us rejoice and be glad in the dear god and lord we love you we praise your name and lord teach us to worship you teach us to be able to to trust in you lord teach us lord to be able to to be able to know that lord that you all we need and follow the lord you're the one give us that void father that we've been so desiring to to know what what's the empty night in our life but you are there boy god allow us to know that dear god we love you we thank you lord we pray praise you and bless your name we ask it all your son you say we do pray amen amen thank you jesus so i was i would order a service this morning we definitely have a uh the hymn by our wonderful choir and then our scripture reading will be done by minister mcfadden then we have another son come from our our choir then we have prayer by minister reuben then we have a song by clark choir we're here for my very own pastor norman lord let us bless bless the lord today [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] christmas this is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] day is amen amen those that remain standing for the word of god our scriptures coming from the book of isaiah isaiah 55 [Music] verses 6 through 13 isaiah 55. [Music] sorry verse 6 and ending with 13 amen if you're not there you can always look up on the screen amen the word of god says seek ye the lord while he may be found calling unto him while he is near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts let him return unto the lord and he will have mercy unto him and to be our god for he will abundantly pardon but my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts for as the rain cometh down and the snow from the heavens and returneth not hither what waters the earth and maketh it bring forth and blood that he may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that forth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me lord but it shall accomplish that which i please and it shall prosper in the things where unto i sent it for ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace the mountains and the hills shall break before you singing and all the trees of the fear shall clamp their hands in verse 13. instead of the thorns shall come up the fig tree and instead of the real shall come up the myrtle tree and it shall be the lord for the name for an everlasting sign there shall not be cut off god's word for god speak amen [Music] yes [Music] [Music] wow foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] if [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Applause] uh [Music] oh he made it here [Music] [Music] oh uh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] change my life y'all [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i'm glad [Music] [Applause] oh amen [Music] it's good to be in the house of the lord i've been uh thinking about about moses i've been thinking about how moses was chosen thinking about everything moses went through and i believe that the lord is raising up a lot of moses in this time and i believe that this church has a strong moses as a leader i believe that the pastor is of moses because he's he's lifted and doing what amen do you agree with me on that amen see moses went through a lot and when moses when he couldn't do it when god said you need to go speak to him he said lord see pastor norman needs help that's what you're here for when he's gonna stutter you gotta step up and you gotta help and that's what you've been doing that's what the church is for right amen so i'm just i'm so happy to be here today i thank the lord that he woke me up and that he brought me here i thank the lord that we're all here and we're just gonna pray and just let the spirit of the lord continue to flow and that god will just continue to use moses to bring the word in is that okay do you want freedom today do you want that do you want to be taken out of bondage do you want to be taken out of egypt because god is the guy that's still alive that's doing that amen so just pray with me just be in accord with me father we come before you this morning and we give you all the honor and all the glory because you deserve it lord father we just thank you for this church we thank you for the pastor of this church father god we thank you for every church member here father god we thank you for those that couldn't make it we thank you for those that are here and online right now father lord and we just ask that you would bless every family every young person every marriage father god that you would just continue to pour blessing upon blessing upon blessing upon your people father god i would pray that you would give pastor norman words of life words of heaven words to preach words to teach that it would be you who speaks through him that it would be you who speaks love father god we just place the service in your hands in jesus mighty name we pray and all of god's people said amen amen [Applause] [Music] amen he can come up on that hold that up can you come up on that mic [Music] the green mic come up on it please [Music] let me say so okay y'all get a lot of hands in the morning we getting together we gotta have this scholarly balance [Music] is [Music] me [Music] all right [Music] me [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] hold on to your faith [Music] [Music] to find your way but the skies are getting dark you take put a smile on your face [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] um is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] it's gonna be all right [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] but it's all right thank you jesus hallelujah thank you god it's all right church it's all right thank you god the devil and your church thank you god thank [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you god thank you jesus church all right yes he said it's all right all you got to do is trust him then you gotta pray church you gotta pray thank you of this faithful church thank you thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] through you sickness is sorry he's good when you've got money he's good but you ain't got no money he's good thank you god but you can praise it through it all you can give him praise through it all thank you lord my god i praise the church thank you i praise because he saved me church thank you though and he said be faithful just be faithful oh god that's all we got to do is be faith thank you god [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah [Music] me [Music] [Music] why don't you help me [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] lord have your way lord [Music] thank you thank you [Music] bless your name lord bless your name bless your name at this time we have um we actually uh our children go to the back with our children's church so we're prepared to hear from pastor norman at this time thank you so much [Music] [Music] nice [Music] every now and then when we look back over our lives [Music] and realize how good god has been to us every now and then to take time out for a praise break when we see all the hills that has already brought us over all of the valleys already brought us through every now and then you'll just say lord i just want to thank you for being good to us some of you may not understand the reason we praise like we do but when you know what you know when you know who you know when you know who's brought you from where you come from every now and then you just don't lift up both hands and say lord i give you all the glory all the honor all of the brave it could have been me sleeping in the street could have been me no food to eat could have been me [Music] in somebody's jail [Music] but no one to go your bail but thanks be to god that he has shown mercy upon us and he has blessed us in spite of us and we give him thank you bow your heads with us thank you oh god again for this worshipping moment we thank you god for your precious holy spirit we thank you lord for moving upon the hearts of your people that they might know that you are god and beside you there is none other you deserve all the honor all of the glory all of the praise because it was you who died on cavalry that we might be able to have life and have it more abundantly in christ endowment now lord with preaching power let them see none of me lord and all of you that you receive that your honor the glory and the praise you have to be want to hear god who doesn't know you in the free pardon of their sins prick their hearts to stay that they fall out with the wicked ways and come on the lord's side in jesus name amen amen we greet you this morning in the matchless marvelous name of our risen savior jesus to christ the god who does all things well we invite those who are visiting again we welcome you by social media facebook whatever it may be we thank you again for taking time out to share with us in this worship experience we also thank all our visitors who's come and we thank those who support the ministry abroad we thank you so much for your prayers that god continued to bless you as he blessed the body of christ we have a long day scheduled ahead of us today immediately after the service this morning we go into our deacon's ordination service of one of our own deacon gary hall to be amen so we asked those the church that those who will to stay and support him as we ordain him to the deaconship here and brother run the same he's also a deacon already but we're going to welcome him in as well as a official decree here thinking he can hear a little pilgrim that's at four o'clock we got our life center dedication and we actually everyone every member of old pilgrim if you're not here this morning when you're listening about social media to be here at least you support your own occasion amen amen we got some people coming but we thank god for us for those people at old pilgrim who has told who has uh dedicated themselves their time their money to prayers to the effort of our life center so we thank you again so much for what you've done it was good to see our chairman back he had he's with us this morning didn't think he's gonna be here just get out of the hospital but he's here amen amen amen so we thank him so much for that and please if you could women thank you well soft shoes if you can for the for the life center we're going to be on on our gym floor but we know that god has us you know he's good i see a couple of my friends here i see my cousin here see a couple of visitors i see one of my best friends in the ministry's daughter she's also a minister minister jeter again with a friend thank you so much if you want to join us in the pulpit you can and i see my cousin kay and her fiance from charlotte they're here with us amen thank you so much well i'll let deacon to be to his people who come visited for his other nation i see some of them here i see a sister and a husband and i don't know who else but we thank all you guys for coming and being with us this morning if you would go with us to the book of acts of the apostles we're going to teach this morning briefly just words of encouragement it's not going to be victorious it's not going to be actually difficult it's not going to you know we're just going because y'all know the story those who have hung around the church for any amount of time has heard of the story in the book of acts the 12th chapter acts 12th chapter beginning at verse number one acts the twelfth chapter beginning at verse number one for those of you of you who have your bible and desire to read it but if you like to look on the streams the scriptures there as well amen the book of acts the 12th chapter beginning at verse number one when you have it say amen amen in the waiting minutes if you don't have it yet look at the stream amen amen amen the word of god is recorded according to the writer of the book of acts of the apostles 12th chapter verse 1 reads as follows now about the time herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church and he killed james the brother of john with the sword and because he saw it please the jews he proceeded further to take peter also then were the days of unleavened bread and when he had every and when he had apprehended him he put him in prison and delivered him to four quadrants of soldiers to keep him intending after easter to bring him forth to the people peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer y'all say prayer but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto god for him and when herod would have brought him forth the same night peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and the keepers before the door kept the prison and behold the angel of the lord came upon him and a light shine in the prison and he smote peter on the side and raised him up saying or rise up quickly and his chains fell off from his hands and the angel said unto him get thyself and bind on those sandals and so he did and he said unto him cast thy garments about thee and follow me and when and he went out and followed him and was not that it was true which was done by the angel but thought he saw a vision when they were past the first and the second ward they came into the iron gate that leadeth unto the city which openeth to them of his own accord and when they went out through one tree and for with the angel departed from him and when peter was come said i know for surety that the lord have sent his angel and have delivered me out of the hands of herod and from all the expectations of the people of the jews and when he had considered the thing he came to the house of mary the mother of john whose certain name was mark where many were gathered together praying amen you may be seated in the presence of god [Music] we like to talk briefly on the simple subject the power of prayer the the power y'all to mess me up this morning already i can't it's gonna be the power of prayer does anybody here besides me believing prayer believe in prayer i i truly believe that anyone who has ever lived and is in their right mind who have who haven't uh been around the church have somewhere heard about prayer but if you're saved or unsaved if you're a believer or an unbeliever there is something called prayer and most folks at some point have introduced has been introduced to the word prayer now i also truly believe that at some point in life all men and women alike those who have lived long enough to experience some things in life have prayed at some point in time now their prayer may have not been to the lord but they have prayed at some point or another and the reason i believe this is because of the definitions that is given for the word prayer now the word prayer has a couple of definitions and and one of the definitions according to webster's collegiate dictionary states that prayer is an approach to deity in word or thought an earnest request now we all have entertained something in our minds whether it was good or bad that we wish would come to pass now that was a request that we made in our minds but another definition according to mercy tinsley's states that prayer essentially is communion a desire to enter into the consciousness and the intimate relationship with the thou who is life meaning god to those of us who are saved and then tinny also states that prayer is confession as sinful man acknowledge his guilt of disobedience now we all have been guilty of being disobedient at least one time in our lives if truth be told for the bible records in the book of romans 3 and 23 that all have sinned and come short of the glory of god but what i want us to realize this morning those who are listening uh is to understand that there is power in prayer and i believe that there's someone here besides me that can attest to that fact that there's power and prayer somebody here who has lost their job and can tell you that when they weren't working the bills still got paid because of prayer even those who have lost their jobs and and and their income or was was less than what was going out but still their bills got paid because of prayer somebody found themselves in a situation and had exhausted all of their revenues trying to get through what they were going through but somehow they when they thought it wasn't going to make it god brought them through all because of prayer prayer somebody had and and still are having to be a mother and a father trying to keep their family together and somehow you're getting tired and weary but you kept on praying and god has kept on and continually made a way because prayer still works right when i think about our foreparents and how some of them who were enslaved have to struggle just to feed their families put bread on the table but they made it because of the power of prayer and i don't know about anyone else but when i look back on my struggles being lied on and foster cues for the sake of the gospel you know it was prayer made the difference and i stopped by this morning to encourage someone who might be going through a storm right now in your life that if you take it to the lord in prayer no matter what your situation might be the lord will work it out because there's power in prayer when we study the biblical account of luke where he would cause in this 12th chapter of the book of acts of the apostles you'll discover that miraculous miracle that was done of the deliverance of peter out of a prison by a ministering angel answering the prayers of the saints of the church we also see in this chapter the first of the disciples to be martyred for the sake of the gospel i want y'all to read to read it when you get home with those who have your bibles in the second verse of the 12th chapter it informs us of an incident of james the brother of john because verse the second verse says and he killed james the brother of john with the sword now at the time in our text herod agrippa uh was the grandson of herod the great and and he was king and just like his footballers uh he too was a murderer if you read the biblical history the herod's were they were from the uh this they were descendants of esau and in a sense we see here esau persecuting jacob again and james is playing another form of the name jacob now for this persecution decision is a picture of that time of triple tribulation in which this did you endure in the last days now king herod had put james to death because of his thunderous preaching and he had provoked the king and the king was mad right of the attention that the gospel had gained so the king herod he put james to death but y'all remember that james was called one of the sons of thunder he preached mightily and this is the james that jesus invited to go with him into the garden and when the transfiguration and the agony that he would suffer preparing him to be a martyred for the christian he was of the son of zebedee uh whom christ told that they should drink of the cup that he was to drink of and be baptized with the baptism that he was to be baptized with uh in the book of saint matthew i believe is quote verse 20 around verse 23 chapter 20. now those words that christ uh has spoken is not being made good on him for it was an order of sin on christ's right hand that they pundit about but if you suffer for him the bible said you reign with him right so this hideous this hideous act uh that uh satan did uh allows us to see the power of satan if you give it to him to control your life as herod had done here in the text now i want you to know that no matter what your situation might be satan has no power over us i understand that who was it flip wilson y'all those who were old enough to remember remember flip wilson he had a slogan saying the devil made me do it he got rich telling that lie that the devil made me do it right the devil can't make you do anything he can present it to you but it's up to you whether you act on it or not the bible teaches us that in at the name of jesus the devil will flee when you find yourself in trouble let's start calling on the name of jesus now when we see uh we see now in our text according to the third verse that not only was james martyr but it was intended to have peter put to death as well now now now we find in the text that peter had been apprehended and thrown into prison and and he was waiting after easter to be brought forth before the people now that word east in the text uh it really means it's a a passover ceremony that lasted for for for uh eight days i believe it was but herrod promised to kill peter after the feast to please the jews now in verse number 4 we see that the effort that herod made to ensure that peter would not escape right it says that he apprehended him put him in prison and delivered him of four quadrants of soldiers to keep him intending after easter he would be brought forth before the people now they're assigned to peter two soldiers to stay by side two soldiers was at the prison doors four guards right were standing watch outside of the prison and four more would come and relieve them of this duty of guarding peter to make it virtually impossible that he might be able to escape now this should be confirmation to all who have been born again and have learned how to trust in god that in spite of what your situation might look like god is still able no matter what kind of abundance satan have you in if prayers have been made to god the lord will make a way when it seems like you have no way you know even when you become weak or bearing the burdens of your situation and you've done all you can do just have a little talk with jesus in prayer yeah somebody's facing a situation now uh where their loved ones has been caught up in situations of the world and you know it seemed like they have fallen to the tricks of satan they have been caught up in this drug thing and alcohol and all other type of mess substances that has caused their life to be literally a living hell it seems as if the more uh you try to help them or get them help the worse they become but i stopped by to tell you uh don't stop praying don't give up on them don't don't give up on them keep on asking god to deliver them because then verse five of this particular chapter shows us how important it is that a person be saved and be a part of somebody of believers this lets me know that when you are part or from jesus from being a part of of the learning of the word of god you're subject to fall into some catastrophic stuff that that satan sometimes put in our lives but listen this first fifth verse it gives us a a of the power of god when a child of god has a continued prayer line that's coming from the church verse 5 says therefore peter was in prison but prayer was made without ceasing unto god they didn't stop it right and it said that you know it said that prayers and tears are the arms of the church and where will she fight not only against her enemies but also for her friends now when we look at uh how things considering peter's transition putting him into prison it could appear that satan had the upper hand it appeared that satan was not winning in the situation but how many you know that the lord will use satan sometimes to bless the child of god you know james had just been put to death and it pleased the jews with all of the excitement behind the death of james no doubt if the jews could have gotten peter while he was on the street that would have probably killed peter as well but look at god the lord allowed those who wanted to kill him to keep him in prison to keep him alive and they didn't even realize what god was doing and sometimes a child of god when you're in the storm in your life god will keep you in the storm to prepare you for the sunshine you know if you study these portions of scripture you'll find that it never mentioned peter trying to escape or even questioning his situation i believe that our problem is when we're going through the storms of life we're so busy asking god why and trying to get out of our storms that we miss what god is trying to teach us while we're in our storm you know and sometimes sometimes the sun the storm causes us to run to the one that can give us shelter whether you realize it or not there's a reason where you are in your life today meaning that wherever you might find yourself in life today there's a purpose for you being there yeah and i truly believe that peter never complained or questioned his position because he was praying peter had been with jesus for some three and a half years he had heard jesus pray they also were a prayer luke in the 11th chapter in verse number one uh jesus they said jesus was playing he was praying in a certain place and when he finished one of his disciples said unto him masters teach us how to pray your bible you barbara readers y'all remember uh that peter was there when jesus and the disciples went to a little town called bethany where a man by the name of lazarus had been dead for a full long day and and peter was there when they rolled away the stone from the cave where his body laid and peter remembered before jesus called him with a loud voice lazarus with a loud voice before he called him by name jesus stopped and he prayed and after he had ended praying he said unto the latter of come forth and the man that was dead got up in the grave hopping in his grave clothes and jesus said lose him and let him go there's no doubt peter knew the power of prayer can somebody here who's listening testify that god will deliver you while you're in the midst of your trouble don't wait till the trouble is over don't wait till the storm is passed praise him in the midst of the storm and i guarantee you he'll make a way he'll make a way somehow look at this sixth verse sixth verse says and her rod would have brought him forth the same night peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains the keepers before the doors kept in prison peter been bound in the midst of two soldiers but i thank god that prayer cannot be bound you can physically bound these are bodies of ours but our spirits cannot be bound the prayers of the church cause the lord to dispatch an angel to deliver him out of the prison and this should be constellation to someone who might be in the midst of your troubles now you keep on praying because breath still works keep on praying when i read in verse number 8 of the 12th chapter i see peter in my spiritual mind as he sit there in the midst of these two soldiers the light of god and the angel tap peter on the side get a boy and put put on your clothes angela told him guide yourself put on your shoes also and come on and follow me and as peter as he followed him he thought he saw a vision he thought he was dreaming but but when they got through the first and second ward and came to the iron gate the bible says the gate opened before them on his own accord yeah it's long home and then they walked out into the city and the angel left him at this point and and and then peter the bible said it said it came him himself and he said i know for sure that the lord has sent his angel and he's delivered me out of the hands of hiro he made his way down to the house of mary who was the mother of john mark when he knocked on the door the church in mary's house they were praying a little girl by the name of rhoda she had peter knocking on the door the bible said she went to the door and said who is it he said i'm peter let me in she got so excited she didn't open the door she ran back to where the folk was praying and said peter is at the door someone said baby i know you love peter but i believe you're hallucinating we saw them put peter in prison we saw the quadrants of soldiers that kept him down that he could not escape we know baby you love him but peter can't beat at the door he's bound down in prison but peter he kept on knocking he kept on kept on pressing his weight and after a while somebody came to the door open up the door and peter was standing there good [Music] first of all i was praying in the prison that you were praying for me and my god that power in the world of prayer anybody here is just like me and peter i'm glad y'all good girl on my dick i'm glad i know how to pray thank you [Applause] [Music] that's enough [Music] i'm so glad i'm so glad [Music] that's trouble don't last always when i look back over my life when i see all the things that that god has already brought me over i said lord thank you for being my father thank you for being my friend thank you for being a doctor in my sick room thank you for being my mother since mother been gone thank you for being my father since father been dead and gone but most of all i thank you for jesus he died jesus he died on friday he died one friday he died they laid him up in a bar there three long days friday night the devil got happier saturday night they began to pray that [Applause] he got up in me i'm glad so glad so glad i'm so glad [Music] there's power that's power in prayer if you don't believe it you're going to try it sometime there's nothing too harsh for god when you pray right he'll make a way for you when you live right he owns those that no man can do if you trust in the lord he will i feel unionified he will he'll make a way every now and then if you don't believe god can do it look at me i'm a witness that god can work miracles up in your life i died god oh my god i died june the 1st 1991 704 in the afternoon in australia in columbia south carolina but when they covered the upper with the sheet in the road uh god said wait a minute i know this young man that he is one of my dead 704 11 o'clock that same night i walked at the hospital god is good all the time he is god want to do it i want to do it won't he do it he did it for me [Music] those are the churches go to the church there may be somebody here somebody who's listening by social media airways god told me to tell you be not dismayed but every time if you pray yes the lord will make your way somehow you do it i just feel good it's time to go it's time to go is there one here is there one here we have yet come to give a life to christ i didn't say come and enjoying the church i want you to come and give a life to christ join jesus first [Music] it's good to have your name on the church road but the bible never said anything but have your name on the church road your name must be written in the lamb's book of life hallelujah is there one here don't be ashamed if you have yet come to know jesus that's your lord and savior why don't you come why don't you go at this time while the blood is still running warm in your vain god is saying come he knows your state he knows where you are already some say i'm waiting on the lord to tell me to move no baby the lord is waiting on you to move and if you move and trust him [Music] he'll make your way somehow no your troubles won't stop coming but i'd rather have trouble with jesus than have trouble without him because he's the only one that can bear our burdens in the time of trouble is that one here maybe there's somebody who's listening right where you are god is i'm not present he's right there where you are too and if you were confessed with your mouth the lord jesus rap what you are and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead the bible says thy shalt be saved right where you are you can do it now right where you are say lord i'm a sinner i messed up but i want to have a life forever and i want to have my life with you forgive me lord of all of my sins cleanse me of my all my righteousness that i may be your child and if you prayed that prayer and meant it in sincereness god will save your soul hallelujah give god some praise [Music] i just feel like going home but i want you to think about it y'all think about this one thing [Music] i'm saying like this if the lord [Music] never does anything else for me [Music] he's already he's done enough how many feel like this how many feel like if you don't bless another one [Applause] it's the lord [Music] never does anything else for me he's already he's done yes he has this is what he do daily [Music] he's blessed me once i got out this morning and it blessed me twice i was clothed and still in my right mind with every every every every every every day of my life but if the lord if he doesn't ever do anything else for me he's already he's done [Music] [Applause] [Music] still there's room for more we hope and trust that this message this morning would find a place in your heart to inspire you encourage you that in spite of what you're going through and by what it looks like if you pray to god in sin seriousness god will answer your prayer because of the power that your god has and is willing to do anything for you that you asked if you only believe that he's able to do it amen let us stand before god [Music] now with the grace of our lord and savior who is the christ and the sweet communion of his holy spirit may rest rule and abide with each of us henceforth now and forevermore let us all stay together in threefold [Music] amen [Music] [Music] said again [Music] [Music] hallelujah at this time we're going to prepare now for our deacon's ordination for those who like to stay in the and support us we actually [Music] we're gonna ask reverend hall the wife of the candidate to escort her husband [Music] well he's about to walk in go y'all go go outside bring me in right here make it look good amen y'all give god the praise it's not gonna be long i gotta do another ceremony [Music] brother [Music] y'all please give me a round of applause for our two candidates brother run the white girl come on in [Music] amen amen amen amen we have outlined the program for those of you are there anybody everybody have a program anybody have a program everybody have a program amen that's bow you're trying to god our father again we thank you god for this occasion we thank you god for these thy brothers who have showed themselves proven worthy of the deaconship praying our god that you would just bless them keep them oh god bless the servants as we honor them in jesus name reacts it all amen amen amen your brothers may be seated at this time we're going to call on our deacons the chairman and the coach we here have our scripture and our prayer done by the deacons at this time [Music] let the church say amen let the church say amen again it is for the father and the son and of the holy spirit our scripture this evening will come from first timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 10. [Music] of the qualification of the bishop deacon and their wives this is a true saying if a man desires the office of a bishop he desires a good a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife diligent sober of good behavior given to hospitality adapt to teach not given to wine nor a striker nor greedy a filthy lord but patient not a brawler not covenant that ruleth well his own home having his children subjected with all gravity for if a man know not how to rule his own home how shall he take care of the church of god not a nervous lest being lifted up with pride he fall into condemnation of the devil moreover he must have a good report of then which are without without default approach of the devil likewise must the deacon be grave not double-tongued not given to much wine not greedy or filthy lord holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience and least and let these also find be reproached then let them set the office of the deacons being may the lord bless the hear and the reader of his word amen let us pray all wise and eternal god we thank you for this day we thank you lord for this day that had been set aside to welcome these servants into the vineyard we pray lord that you will give them a listening ear a humble heart and words to speak on every occasion pray lord that you will give them that thirst and desire to learn to teach and live your word lord they have shown themselves worthy of this vocation we pray lord that you continue to give them strength give them your leadership by your holy spirit give them the support of their faithful wives and allow them to know that some things are just god's business give them strength of god give them healing give restoration where it is needed allow them lord to walk in a manner that is just and pleasing in your sight allow them to know god that this road will not be easy allow them to know that the phone will ring in the midnight hour they will be called to the hospital they will be called to the nursing home they'll be called to the funeral home and lord give them the strength to answer every call give them your holy spirit of god that someone will see some jesus in them allow them oh god to stand on your word and your word alone lord where there is doubt where there is fear lord send your blessed assurance and lord may the deacons currently serving on this board welcome them with open arms but lord there's much work to do in this vineyard lord we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow but god we know that this day we will stand on your word lord we will follow as we're led by your holy spirit so now lord i pray your blessings upon these deacons and their wives and theirs families and all that they touch lord may have prospered father asked his blessings in the name of your son jesus the christ and everyone said amen [Music] amen thank you the coach here you can william i mean henry for the scripture i think our chairman they can galloway for the prayer at this time i would like for brother gary to stand i would just want to present him to those who may not know him he's a young man who has come and he has worked diligently and supported the church as well when he came here i had the opportunity to meet him and find out some things about him and i know he had the spirit about him he was he was never talkative as much as you know just observative and god put on my heart to him and just to see where his walk was in christ he's a young man who has done well he's a retiree of the navy of 23 years he was a chief a chief in the navy senior chief of the navy he has made some great great accomplishment but besides all that most of all he's a child of god god has spoken to me concerning him and his spirit concerning the church not only have i known him to be a wonderful man i deem him has been one of my brothers friend dickney like gary hall give him a hand i got a few words that i want to share with us today concerning the deaconship the calling of the deaconship i'd like to invite you again to the book of acts the book of acts the sixth chapter the book of acts the sixth chapter i don't see it on the stream so we pull the bibles out the book of acts the sixth chapter chapter you have it say amen the word of god says in the book of acts the sixth chapter and in those days when the number of the disciples were multiplied there arose a murmuring of the christians against the hebrews because of their widows were neglected in the daily ministration then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them and said it is not reason that we should leave the word of god and serve tables wherefore brothering looky out among you seven men of honest report full of the holy ghost and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to minister and to the ministry of the word and the saying pleased the whole multitude and they chose stephen a man full of faith and of the holy ghost and philip and prochorus and nick nakanar and timon and formeness and nicholas the proselyte of antioch whom they set before the apostles and when they had laid and they had prayed they laid their hands on them and the word of god increased and the number of the disciples mother plotted in jerusalem greatly and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith amen amen just like to talk briefly on a call to serve a call to serve and just let me say before i begin the other deacon that is sitting beside him he's already ordained he's already been through is his rituals but we want to make it official him being a deacon here along with old pilgrim amen amen when we look at the word deacon it instructs us of the purpose or the duty of being called or set aside for the work of the ministry the word deacon derives from a greek word diconicus meaning servant or minister the word appears some 29 times throughout the new testament writings in the traditional baptist church deacons are designated and appointed uh members of the church but most of all the deaconship is a calling more so than an appointment the dickenship is the only other calling that one is ordained in the work of the ministry other than the pastor and there are to assist the pastor in serving and carrying the needs of the church of the members in the body of believers in which they are called to serve in the dickenship should not be entered into lightly they are charged and they vow to uphold the duties in which they are called to in paul's first epistle to timothy his son in their ministry he gives instructions as to the requirements in the third chapter of this epistle in the beginning of my training of deacon's deacon candidates this is where i began to teach them in the third chapter of timothy uh and the reason is that as i stated it makes them aware of the word of god and the requirements of the deacons and it is a privilege as well as an honor to be called into the great work of the deacon ship but i must say that this calling can sometimes be very challenging remember that it can be challenging the reason it can be challenging is because everybody that have been called to serve in the church does not always have the church in them in other words everybody is not saved and the only there's only two kind of people in the world and that is saved or unsaved right and as long as there are some unsaved folk you can always expect some trouble every now and then but when you study the history of the of the deacons you'll discover that it was trouble that caused the deacons to be set aside at the time in our texts to assist the preachers of caring for the people now we need to be mindful that it didn't just set aside seven ordinary men right they were ordained to the work or the ministers the deaconship but they did it it specifies the kind of men that they were called set aside these men were full of the holy ghost and by the land of hands of the disciples on the disciples of the disciples they were ordained for the work of the ministry in the deaconship and i informed those who i have the privilege to ordain him to the deacon ministry that every day is not going to be a dead sunshine and the rain is not always caused by the people you serve in the church sometimes the devil will try and use someone in your own to try to get you get you to lose faith in your calling of the ministry that you've been called to do now it could be your wife your children and even sometimes it can even be yourself this is why paul gives the duties as well as the instructions for the deacons now tell the deacons as well as the ministers you have to have tough skin when it comes to dealing with church folk i didn't say christians i said church folk there's a difference christians are saved church folk or not and i didn't and i didn't you know and i'm not being judgmental for i don't have to be but if you watch a person long enough they will show you who they truly are you won't see an apple tree bearing grapefruit you won't see a fig tree bearing watermelons you watch it long enough they'll show you what they really are brother hall has gone through the dickens training and has shown himself loyal to the training that he's already received and there's a need for servants in this modern vineyard now for the scripture teaches us in the book of luke 10 i believe it is 10 and 2 that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers they are few it's our duty to serve not only as pastors ministers and deacons but also as christians we all are called to serve now let us look at the text that has been read for your hearing that is found in the sixth chapter of acts here we have some creations or hellenistics quarrying against the hebrews which were scattered in greece in other parts of the country who ordinarily spoke the greek language they read the old testament in in the greek version and not the original hebrew but many of them who being in jerusalem at this feast who embraced the faith of christ they were added to the church and so they stayed there they that complained against the hebrews the native jews they used the old testament some of these became christians and it seemed as if by them joining together in faith of christianity they would come together but it did not prevail that way and and and and there was a little jealousy uh that were among them for one another before they were converted and and so some held on to the jealousy whether or not they didn't understand or didn't remember that jesus said in christ there's neither greek nor jew right there's no distinction of jews or or hellenistics or christians in christ but we all are alike in christ now they should have been more desiring to love one another for the sake of their calling and being christians in christ but the christians complained that their widows were being neglected in the daily administration meaning the distribution of the food right they had laid everything at the apostles feet who was doing the best they could to distribute it without showing any impartiality among the people but the complaint was that they gave more to the hebrew widows than to the christian widows and sometimes you find a common fault in in in poor people you know in people who who has been less fortunate sometimes in certain areas instead of being thankful for what they are given they are apt to find fault that more is not given that more is given to others than given to them you know but the apostles um they were preachers and and they were being occupied by this distribution of the food and meeting needs of the people and their duties were to feed the people spiritual food but they were spending more time dealing with the people's concern less than and then less time in the word of god in which they were called to do that the people may be spiritually fed so the preachers called the multitude of disciples together and they told them that the reason they want to do this is because god had revealed to them that it's not meant for them to leave the word of god and serve tables meaning serving the food now in verse 3 of our text it says they charged the disciples to find seven men among them of honest report that was full of the holy ghost and wisdom watch this then it says whom ye may appoint over this business what was the business at hand serving tables distributing the food it is it didn't say anything about being over the pastor didn't say anything about being over the money didn't say anything about running the church it says over this business the business that was at at hand now we do know that they are to support their pastor in these duties as servants not bosses but as assistants to the pastor and and and just as it was then anyway now people in the church are still murmuring church folk is still complaining the passive duties are still to apply themselves to the word of god that the people of god is still being fed spiritually and there's still a need for deacons to assist the pastor in the caring for the people in the body of christ now ours remember that we serve our savior right who testified in mark 10 45 he said for even the son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many now he died that we might have and be servants that word minister is translated meaning serve in the text now even jesus had a call to serve and if jesus had a call to serve what about us brother hall i i i want to encourage you to trust in god and while you walk this tedious journey and if you be faithful unto him he will be faithful unto you you've been set aside called into a good work you've been blessed to have helped me who is called of god i say to you both and today can run walk in your calling not be pleasers of men only everybody's not going to be satisfied with your performance you're not going to be able to please everybody and in spite of what you do how good you are you will not appease everybody but walk that god may be pleased please with you also god bless you and may god continue to lead and guide you in this walk of the deaconship amen amen thank you at this time i would like for leaking gary to stand he can hold i like to present this sarnation certificate to you it says that certificate of our nation gary l hall having been chose and a chosen one of god of good report full of the spirit and wisdom and capable of using the office well was set apart publicly to the office and the work of deacon by the old pilgrim missionary baptist church at 3540 woodruff road simpsonville south carolina 29681 on my lowest day 19th day of september my large year 2021. signed by the clerk tiny steward and by yours truly pastor norman i present this to you as a memorial of the day that you were officially called into the dickenship right and there are some twos that you need in this walk one is called the bible right the book the bible the other one is called the pocket book right you know why i say that because every child of god who's called and who's lead god's people they are vowed to take the command of god in leadership and in leadership here at a pilgrim everyone is to be a tiger and that's why i mentioned the pocketbook because how can you lead these people to give their tithes when you're not tying yourself so we lead by example right as every christian should do in the work that you have been called into so again congratulations and we are excited about having you here at a pilgrim and the walk and the work that you're going to do amen we love you and may heaven smile upon you brother ron brother one has come already i forestated that he's already been ordained as a deacon from the church that he come for he had been here one time before prior but his wife is she worked in the science field and then she had to move to north carolina i don't blame her i'll go with you too so so they left and but now god has allowed them to come back in the area and she's working in easily now and they are living in an area now and they come right back to old pilgrim amen so give brother ron a hand and we thank you ron for being our deaconess bell you officially now has to join us on the dickens ministry here at opera thank you very much you both me see it okay everybody who should have a program right everybody got a program nobody has a program oh it's on the street my bad i forgot see y'all asking me forget some stuff too all right all right there's a charge that has been uh written for stan you gotta stand well what did you say both of y'all stand but you you you go with the charge if you know if you notice the stream the charges to the minister then the candidate and the deacons in the congregation the charge reads as a deacon you will be charged with guiding our church to reach people for christ and to train them in christian discipleship candidate deacons yeah we did congregation amen may our goal be to proclaim christ proclaim jesus christ so that all may come to know his love and my favorite scripture let us not be weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you faint not amen give god a round of applause for these men for these deacons at this time deacon hall will you come to the podium to give your remarks amen i'd like to first thank god for all he has done in my life my wife pastor norman thank you the deacons that have made me feel welcome thank you in 1955 september the 19th i was born 66 years later i'm reborn today i celebrate 66 years but most important i celebrate my life in christ thank you each and every one of you my family my wife thank all of you i love you all and that's all i got to say [Applause] he's a man of few words amen and we thank god for him and i and i often teach i tell the people you know stand up and be heard sit down and be respected amen we thank god for you for those who've come and stayed and witnessed this wonderful occasion or our end to our deacon's ministry here at o pilgrim they had never newly deacon deacon gary hall in brother ron the saint we thank god for them we thank god for their their walk in christ and we know that they will do a wonderful job here as they already have done had they done already so we just thank god for them thank god for you amen now we invite you guys to stick around now because we ain't gonna feature right now but we're gonna feed you cause if your feeds are not you can go home i know some folks when they eat they're going home lay down you know but we invite you to stick around if you can come back and join us with for our nation uh our dedication for our live center and my cousin i hope you guys stick around my cousin come away from charlotte and i think he's a deacon as well he's in the church you are the deac and in your church again what church are you out of okay i'm very soft amen amen and guess what they finna get married my friend i didn't forget you d stand up d it's over from rocket creek hey man one rocket reached deacon good to have him with us thank you so much and i thought the young man sitting behind you i knew uh with the mask on i think i know he was with us this morning in your name nelson got to thank you so much he's your father your father-in-law's son that's that's reverend hall's brother i know under the face hey man good to have you to come fellowship with us and he got some people out of town he didn't he didn't even mention but i'm going to say this about because i like people of importance not boasting i just i'm glad i know some folk who's very important this young man here is from my my cousin them city and he's the attorney general i think it is stan lawyer your brother you know he and his lovely wife they're they're with us all the way from from detroit michigan man you know when you when you work with the attorney with the alternative general you you got to have some you have some stuff with you amen amen so we think and all of the family the family stand all the family don't stand at this time give them a hand amen amen thank you guys for coming thank you guys for allowing us to have him amen amen god bless you god bless you if our heart and minds are clear y'all good y'all coming back for the for the big celebration as well this was the big and then our dedication celebration we invite you to come back at four o'clock amen and then we i promise you i'll give you all a snack pack y'all can have some all right amen if all hearts and minds are clear let us stand amen let's pray gracious god our father again we thank you lord for just who you are we thank you god for the power of prayer we thank you god for the mission once that you possess knowing all things and god for these for this these deacons who are just newly join us officially god we pray that you continue with them and leading god demon god in this perfect world that they may know the will of god and they may stand bully in the call and charge that they are called to bless their families oh god that's all who are attached to them bless this church oh god as a whole as we continue to give you the honor of glory and praise and all that you do god here at old pilgrim now god we bless your name for your name is worthy to be blessed and we thank you for all that you've done all that you're doing right now but most of all god all that you're going to do in our lives these blessings we asked in jesus name for those who's traveling back lord on the highway that traveled from there before give them traveling grace and travel and mercies oh god that they may return home to the opponent destinations and find their homes as well as they left them we asked in jesus name and all who loved god said amen amen amen thank you guys so much y'all come and congratulate these deacons
Channel: Rick Durham
Views: 69
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: TO0HfEiPcY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 25sec (6805 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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