Multiple apps allowed me to route myself | cargo van business

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all right what is up y'all welcome back to the channel uh today is Monday March 25th and uh I'm going to break my videos up so I'm just going to show you like one or two orders per day and I'm going combine two or three days together uh to create this content uh I'm only going to be able to post like twice a week right now because uh my business is booming right now and I apologize for the noise I got these ramps back here and I don't have any uh installation or nothing so it's really loud so I apologize for that but uh anyways so I'm really busy the gig apps are busy my direct bookings are busy and um it it's like I'm I'm not going to say I'm overwhelmed but I am staying absolutely 100% busy uh it's a 24/7 operation I've been having to stay up late at night doing uh rate sheets for customers uh doing receipts for them so anyways I'm on my way to a dispatch order right now uh so I'm just going to show you that and probably one more order and uh keep it going man the money is flowing in like crazy all right y'all pulling up to my uh pickup this is a uh PPG order and I believe I'm picking up 40 items I'll confirm once I get it man I got to do something about my ramps man that mess is noisy it is way too noisy [Music] all right y'all we loaded up and uh just one pallet of paint is 40 cans and uh we driving a total of 3 miles [Music] b d [Music] e [Music] all right y'all so I just unloaded the pallette it was 40 cans I did have to do it by myself it took about 10 minutes um so I just had to put it in the garage because um these guys the painters I waited like 15 minutes and nobody met me at the gate so I kept calling the guy back on the app and he said just put it in the garage so I have another order to go to it's a dolly and and uh keep it going all right y'all so uh there was a little confusion on my dolly order um the app had me going to the store first Best Buy and then to the customer so a was the store B was the customer it was actually supposed to be the other way around I was supposed to go to the customer first pick up their washer and bring it to the store so I kind of wasted a little bit of mileage uh and this is a pretty good drive it's a good pan order but it's it's about almost 30 minute drive so I did call Dolly and let them know that the app had it wrong so I don't know what they're going to do about it uh one of my buddies out here said that I should get paid a little bit more but we'll see so that's where I'm dealing with that's what I dealt with uh when I got to the store they were looking for the washer and they realized that oh it's supposed I'm supposed to pick up at the customer's house so I don't know if uh Best Buy made that mistake I'm assuming they did but it supposed to be the other way around so anyway I'm almost to the customer I got about uh about 10 more minutes I'll be there so I'm just going to pick up their washer and take it back to the store all right y'all I am at the uh pickup the customer house and these are some beautiful Highland Homes a real nice Community right here man it's kind of in the middle of nowhere but very nice so uh I'm just going to go ahead and grab this cuz uh the customer is probably waiting on me uh it was a bit of a delay so not going to mess with the camera I'm just going to grab it and then uh possibly if I need to use my ramp uh I'll probably show you guys my uh ramp I'm going use the long one so you can see uh see how it works if I need it we'll [Music] see all right y'all so I'm done uh the customer had the washer in the garage so it was really easy it's one of the lightweight ones I already wrapped it up but it's one of those light ones so it's not even uh not heavy at all didn't need to bust my ramp out be a waste of time but uh the way I do uh washers when I by myself washers or dryers um a lot of time I should have showed you but I'll just bring I lay it on its side not on its side but I have the side facing the bumper right here and then um I just kind of leave a little bit of space probably like half a foot and then I just tilt it so I put a blanket down right here so it can slide um I tilt it at a like 45° angle and uh this is actually really not that high the bumper so uh once you get it right here you get the top part to just kind of sit right here you tilt it at a 45° angle uh you can just get behind it and just push it in so just push it in it'll slide on the blanket U that's the way I do it when I'm by myself or if it's really lightweight a dryer uh you could do pretty much the same thing um if you're strong enough you kind of bare hug it so you just let me let me show you real quick so hopefully you guys can see but basically uh just pretend like I'm down there uh you'll get behind it this is the back right here so pretending like this is the back uh if like me I'm you know I have long arms so uh I get behind it I tilt it back so imagine me tilting this back you kind of rest it on your knee and you're just GNA when you get it back you're going to lift up so you're going to lift the whole thing up and this is mainly for dryers cuz they're a lot lighter so rest it on your knee tilt it back and then you're going to lift up and you're just going to get the the feet onto the ledge right here so you lean back and once you lift it high enough to get the feet right above this you can just push it up so I I'll maybe I'll show you guys one day so hopefully it makes sense what I'm saying but uh you basically kind of bear hug it lean it back on your use your leg as leverage and you just want to pick it the feet up the bottom high enough to get over that foot over this part right here once you get it to right here it's sitting right here then you just push it in and that that ways it stays standing up um that's just another way to do it usually dryers you could do that they're lightweight washers uh the way I told you the first time that's probably the best way to do it so anyways let me go uh take this back and uh hopefully I get paid some extra money all right y'all welcome back to the channel uh today is March 26th the very next day so uh I got two orders that I'm heading to right now at the same time I got a ro at Walmart and I also have a syex I haven't done a syex in like probably like 6 months but uh anyway it's a Lowe's pickup I'm just going to show those two orders I'm going to continue working so just to update to you from yesterday I had a dolly where it sent me to the wrong location I went to the store first and then the customer's house but the app should have had me go to the customer's house and then the store so uh they did pay me extra I think the job paid I don't remember the exact price I want to say it like 80 something bucks uh they gave me an extra $25 for the hassle so I end up making like 10 something 106 I think something like that so anyways uh yeah man so I decided to go to Walmart first that's the roie only because uh roie I know if you don't go in route uh they'll take it away from you so once I pick up the item I have time so I just want to grab it and then I'm going head to Lowe's to get the SX order and both deliveries are headed uh the same direction all right y'all pulling up to the pickup and again this is the roie order and what we got here they changed the uh the pickups that's weird oh they doing construction over there oh I see all right yeah the pickup used to be over there but they're doing construction so this kind of threw me off all right y'all so I just got loaded up it came out really quick I only waited probably like 2 minutes so this is the first first order it's a big old rake it's a two-top roie and this is the other item it's a frigidere uh refrigerator and I know it looks heavy but it's actually really light uh I can lift it by myself so very uh very lightweight all right y'all so uh pulling up to uh Lowe's now uh I was a total of 1 mile away from the Walmart so working out perfect so far the only thing that kind of sucks is um everything's going off right now so I got dispatch orders coming through I just got another one right now that just came through oh this for a car I declined that so dispatch is going off and Freight is going off all at the same time and I already have a syex and a roie so I just not able to do can't do everything but it's good that it's busy all right y'all so we got uh this the syex order just some soil so it's like couple bags of it I just put my blanket down cuz it's kind of messy all right and and then uh this thing gu that's to mash it down or something and then we got some bricks so uh actually I'm going to scoop this over and we going to put the bricks right here and I'm also cover the bricks with a blanket so these are actually not heavy uh they're pretty light probably like 25 lbs each no [Music] ladies I don't know why I don't have my gloves on should have them on and it's one more so five of these little [Music] bricks all right and it's going to put another blanket on top and we should be good to go so I'm probably going to do the roie first the two Ro orders first and then the syex all right I am at the customer's house scan that it's just this r all right good to go so I'm going to drop off this refrigerator and then do the syex order dispatch going crazy right now all right yall so we are at the other roie drop off so like I said this thing is really light it looks heavy but it's actually really light so let me uh I don't even think I need my T for it let's see I might use it but we'll see actually let me open this other door I just picked it up myself so I'm still going to I guess I'll just use my dolly cuz might as well all right put my phone down so I'm just going to put it on top of my dolly we good to go there it's like [Music] that so my little ramp come in handy for that right there all right we good to go all right yall as you can see I just put all five bricks put a blanket down and uh five no four sandbags so I'm going just see where the customer wants it and she's got this too whatever this thing is so just going to use my dolly see where they want [Music] it what is it uh is your delivery from Lowe's certain lows uh yes uh it's like a five bricks and some sand I I didn't order that you sure you have the right address okay let me make sure br all right y'all I almost made a mistake I had uh I was going to the neighbor's house but it's actually the house next door so this is the correct correct address right here so it's always good to double check double triple check the address a few moments later all right y'all nobody's answering so this order is going to be left at the door so just going to offload it here [Music] all right take a photo and we good to go all right y'all uh I'm going end the video here uh we'll pick it up on another day um I am going to continue working it's still early it's only 12:00 and I just got a dispatch order so I got to hurry up and get over there so uh I'm going to keep working probably for another 2 hours um but I just want to let you know that I'm excited about my next video my next video is going to be very important for people that are serious uh about this business and about learning as you know on my channel I share all my experiences I don't know everything but you know I'm sharing real life experiences and I'm hoping that it will help somebody many of you that's been following me long enough you know that I I started my I did my own website and I am trying to do more direct bookings than Rel on gig apps uh I like direct bookings because uh you control the price uh you control the work and it's uh pre-cal work it's not like gig apps where you wake up in the morning you just have no idea if you're going to get work or not so uh anyways I have been on fire with direct bookings my very next video it's going to be long so it's like I said it's only for serious people um and uh it possibly it might be an hour special I don't know but I'm going to go into detail I'm just doing one job I'm doing one job uh it's a moving very small moving job but I'm going from San Antonio to Dallas uh which is going to be my longest uh direct booking moving job straight through my website so I'm very excited about it man it's a great feeling to be able to book a customer like that I'm seeing the the hard work the long it took me months to to build my website I did it all myself and to be able to have customers book me like that it's amazing feeling man it's like man this really paid off all the hard work so anyways that video is uh I'm going to be sharing uh the whole process of everything from the beginning how the customer booked me the process that they go through what I do to book the job um I do a rate sheet I do I do give them a receipt uh everything I'm going to go over everything uh I'm also going to go over my website show you how I did it it's just information only it's just how I do things um I'm going to take you on the trip I'm going do the whole job the pickup the delivery the whole thing uh and then I'm going to kind of do a overall review of how everything went uh like I said this is my longest uh direct booking I don't go out of state but I will do instate I will do Regional uh so it's going to be about a 4H hour drive uh to Dallas so I'm excited um that'll be my next video so definitely tune in so other than that I don't have anything else man I'm excited I can't wait be ready though it's going to be a long video but it's a lot of information hopefully it's helpful to somebody and I'm excited so anyways y'all have a good one man I'll catch y'all on the next [Music] one
Channel: Big CJ
Views: 17,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #cargovan, #cargovanbusiness, #gigapps, #ford, #transit, #dispatch, #dolly, #roadie, #senpex
Id: 9nfCll2e-jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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