Multimach Is A MONSTER And The "Max Range" Roll Isn't What You Think

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from the jump here I rock with multimach okay I love this thing this thing is great so today I want to talk about where it's sitting in the sandbox what roles change from the previous version what I wish it had and a lot more but I have some very cool things to show you some things to look for I want to show you what's really going on with the range of this thing what the actual long range roll looks like I hope you stick around there's a lot to learn this is a PVP designed weapon but it does have PVE play I encourage you to go get one and I'm not just saying that I mean seriously go get one I wouldn't steer you wrong multimach has reasons and the dev at bungee knew how to bring it back so Props to them very special things about it just try to get some rolls and once I show you some things hopefully that can set you on a course of where you want to go as an iron Banner weapon you need to get a single drop of it first and then you can focus it so that could be after a match that could be turning in ingrams I played 28 matches with zero multimach drops as a matter of fact after the first match I got the new grenade launcher that's besides the point so 28 matches and then like on my 25th Ingram turn in it dropped so from that point I can focus them and when you focus them I want you to look for some things first things first why do you want this again they knew what they were doing they made the right choice one of the biggest reasons you want it is right here 15 Zoom other SMGs 14 is the standard for an SMG like out of bounds that's another lightweight Immortal that's 14 zoom and sometimes like adjudicator they can go below that like 13 Zoom but some of the elite ones through the history of the game I'm talking shura terab even Huckleberry at a time those in a couple others are within this Zoom tier and actually a lot were above that they got nerfed back down 1.5 times 15 is more zoom than most and more zoom means built in not on the stat bar more stability and builtin not on the stat bar more accuracy it's less recoil because of that Zoom Factor more sticky as far as retical friction they just feel great they feel better and that's why they've been goto's it just feels different than other SMGs and especially cuz this thing's a 900 RPM lightweight you get that frame bonus it has skullking wolf or field tested both are great but the 15 Zoom super rare but it has some very cool things to offer for the perks third column attrition orbs stay away Dynamic sway it's a great perk iron gaze stay away Rangefinder it's a great perk on this because it's a 1.5 time zoom you're adding that on top it basically is just turning it into a hand Cannon Zoom making it again more stable more accurate not a bad pick moving Target is great for it it's already a lightweight frame you get 10 aim assist and a strafe scaler under over it is great for it it's a top option more on this a little bit especially in the sandbox in the final column frenzy that's a dealer's Choice first game I played with the only game I played with frenzy it was up multiple times it's 100 reload 100 handling 15% more damage and this is also a good PVE option iron reach it's a trash perk it's very archetype weapon dependent I'm going to show you that but on an SMG no it's terrible kill clip a great perk tried and true and on something like this 900 RPM it's a perk that needs to be respected it's anywhere from a53 to A6 ttk just disgustingly fast kinetic trimmers a great perk for it more on that in a second tap the trigger great perk it's more accuracy and stability Target lock no not on this not sold especially compared to what else is here I'm going to show you why now there is a possibility that you could sometimes get a bullet L kill or you can add in a body shot the base ttk of this thing is 12 total bullets sometimes 11 there's better things here I would not go Target lock the ru that you've been seeing so far up until right now you can't get anymore it's a 15 Zoom like the one that we have now but this one's killing wind kill clip I've always loved this thing I've always kept it cuz with killing wind it goes to 72 range out 900 SMG an absolute unit and that's with kill clip 72 range and as far as those old perks that we lost man some bangers killing wind hitfire Quick Draw threat detector just awesome perks but with that said there's actually more on the table now because when it comes to an SMG you're thinking lethality in some cases right like a shura or other ones with kill clip but overall you're thinking range and consistency dueling and sometimes a weapon has all that like Immortal we've seen that but with a 900 SMG you're fast moving you're in and out and I see a lot of people talking about something like this this super max range this right here this is garbage this is trash don't do this because as far as range it could mean a couple different things now first of all just on paper in game the base range that it has off the rip the base stat is 17.06 M max range was something like iron reach going all the way with full boore it's 22.0 6 M so that tells us anytime you put range on this thing a total of 5 m can be gain but what you should really take away is that if you add on a little bit of range from one of the three major sources the barrel the mag the Masterwork maybe a small board with accurized rounds or maybe a hammer forged with the range Masterwork that is more than enough Hammer forged with the range Masterwork gets it to 19 M that's more than fine because let's remember the base ttk of these things these lightweights are some of the fastest in the game you just get that out of the gate so let's talk about some things to focus on the first role I want to bring up is under Overkill clip and you think in a vacuum on paper oh yeah that could work but in this sandbox woven male Rifts overshields it works and it works well 20% more damage like if you come up on a rift with a 900 SMG if they're in Rift that means they're just in constant regen that means a constant OS and that means constant under over it's flat out over for them they will get melted alive it just rips them apart and you could stack it with something like kill clip so it's the under overs % with a kill clip 25% and in some clips I have rant on top of that doing 34 34 with a 900 SMG absolutely brutal with something like this the base weapon is fine you know that 17 18 19 M end in has a fast ttk if you get kill clip that's where the lethality is with this you get the versatility of dealing with those overshields and woven mail because on a 900 SMG when you see those Shields you want to chase them down actually you're able to be very mobile with multimach so yes in a sandbox of ARs and Scouts right now less ability spam less special spam more primary play that more primary play is translating to more woven mail to more riffs more overshields just yes the combo Works phenomenally and this combo is only found on five other weapons exalted truth void F tactic spiral Arc messenger Randy St knife and multimach are kinetics multimach being the only close- range weapon for this it's good very versatile and a lot of the roles on this and you're seeing some like your Dynamic tap the trigger things like that they're going to be okay all the stability all the accuracy it's just elevated by the 15 Zoom those are going to be just fine if you like them go right ahead but I don't really think that those bring out what this thing's capable of because the 15 Zoom SMG in the first place few and far in between why I have it in the thumbnail in the title I talked about it multiple times why you need to get one this space it is extremely dominant in especially when you have something like kill clip but what about a little bit beyond that space you know people talk about range like the most surprising role the sleeper rooll also happens to be like the riest role of them all your far distant kills your furthest kills like the most you know ingame range you can deal with and be okay with on this thing isn't what you would expect at all and that's going to involve kinetic trimmers because kinetic trimmers I have one with Dynamic sway kinetic trimmers I have 44 range it is full boore stability Masterwork to offset that penalty it's tack mag Dynamic sway kinetic trimmers with how the perk trigger works on this weapon this is what you consider if you just beam someone down in range I mean that's what you want in the end that's the goal always you land all of your shots it's a 12 bullet kill sometimes 11 on low resilience if you land a 12 bullet kill that's great no harm no foul you move on but it's after that kinetic trimmers takes 14 to proc that's two more bullets past its optimal ttk shots to kill on a 900 SMG two more bullets I mean that means you landed an extra body shot whatever it is so we're clear this is what two bullets look like on a 900 SMG like don't blink that's it so you would expect and can see a lot of the time this perk's just going to proc again unless you beam them which that's the goal in the first place but kinetic trimmers the first wave deals 20 damage and then after that another 20 and then another 20 so when you're in falloff when you think about range right yeah you could have the extra meter and a half 2 meters from Iron reach or you could be okay not having that having I don't know 45 50 more stability but when you're in fall off hitting 17 to the Head 19 to the body 10 to the body once that 14th bullet hits it immediately slaps down to 20 damage so it's like that 14 bullet is double damage cuz it' be 17+ 20 11+ 20 so that shots realistically around 35 40 damage or so and you will proc it outside of your range it's just going to happen cuz you're in falloff it's basically like a better version of Target lock on this particular weapon because you'd be ramping up Target lock at this point on that 12 13 14 15th bullet but instead of ramping that damage it's just slamming down a hard-hitting wave instead and that is going to be better on this this because of its range and it ends up being the rang thing that you can get on this thing because when you're outside of it again this thing deals 21 it was doing 201 19 18 17 when you're able to land an immediate 35 40 damage outside of your range it works trust me and if you're trying to get kills just a little bit further away just a little bit outside of its range like it's going to be this not iron reach not Target lock it's this or kill clip with the design space with its built-in 15 Zoom this absolutely clears iron reach and it clears Target lock every day it's a legitimate Contender it is really good on multimach and also it doubles as PVE not too many SMGs with Kinetic trimmers it's just great in the end you do want to get the base range up again if you get 2 and a half more meters from its base You're Gold you are pure gold if you're looking for anything more than that you need to be using a different archetype you need to go to an immoral you need to go to something else these are all about being fast in and out extremely punishing damage and with the things that I talked about it could do that under over is punishing kill clip is punishing ktic trimmer even it's good so again go get one these things just don't drop it took 10 seasons to bring this thing back you don't really see 15 zooms anymore on SMGs and you don't really see this kind of lethality of a 15 Zoom so yes it's not just another SMG if you're new here remember to hit the Subscribe button and if you are subscribed thank you so much for your support let's talk about multimach down below they did a great job bringing this thing back under over in this sand boox is great kill clip on a 900 is great the 15 zoom's great kinetic trimmers is a super sleeper because you have to think if if kinetic trimmers doesn't go off you hit a fast ctk if it does go off it's pretty much going to end them as soon as it goes off it is great for it I would love to hear your thoughts though thank you for watching and until the next one I am cool guy
Channel: CoolGuy
Views: 106,118
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Keywords: multimach, multimach ccx destiny 2, multimach ccx destiny 2 god roll, multimach ccx, multimach d2, multimach destiny 2, multimach ccx god roll, multimach god roll, mulitmach iron banner, best multimach roll, final[ shape, dev insight, iron banner destiny 2, iron banner god rolls, iron banner weapons, iron banner engram farm, coolguy, i am coolguy, coolguy destriny 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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