Multilingual WordPress and Woocommerce! Step by step WPML Tutorial

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in this video we're going to see how we can create a multilingual website using wpml hi my name is stratos and i'm constantly producing tutorials about wordpress please subscribe to my channel for more videos like this also please take a second and give me a thumbs up so you can help me grow my channel let's start by the website you will find the link of the website in the description below keep in mind that this is not an affiliate link as we can see in the website you can translate pages post custom types taxonomy menus and even the themes text i will add here also the plugins that you may add in your website it's compatible with your favorite themes plugins and page builder and if you have already seen another video that i have made for multi-language website i used a polylang plugin the main difference between those two plugins is the approach that they have when translating something so in polylank you basically create a clone of the page that you want to translate and then you go into the cloned page and you change the text that you want after you are done if you want to make a change to the layout of the page you have to go in both pages and complete the changes that you want in the layout in wpml you don't have to do that it will start a new process it will use something different you will translate the text but you will not going to edit the page at any point if you go into a page that is already translated and you change the layout it will be synchronized across all the languages that you have in your website so continuing it says great for uh seo and satisfaction guarantee we have 30 days money background d so uh of course this is only a pro uh plugin they don't have any free plugins to add and let's go straight to the pricing and you will see now the pricing that is for one website it's 29 bucks and this is for the first year now keep in mind that this done does not support the woocommerce website translation as you can see here the multilingual ecommerce support if you want to translate a woocommerce website even if you have only one website you have to go into the cms multilingual packets which can add up to three websites but you have to buy this one if you want to translate the woocommerce and then they have the multi-language agency the prices that you see here is for the first year the renewal prices are a little bit less so you can see that the first which is 29 is 21 after the first year the second one is 79 and it's 59 every year after that and the third one is 159 dollars and every single renewal is 119 bucks after that they offer one year of free updates and support and in case you are wondering if you miss or if you don't want to update the packets that you have your renewal package then you will not miss anything you will not get all the updates you will not get anything new you will not get any support but the plugin will going to work fine now of course there is a risk there because there are cases that plugins and i'm not strictly talking about wbml plugins in general are having problems with some updates maybe they have something bad in the code maybe they have something that they need to fix and they release a fix that say we have the problem and you have to update to this to fix something and you will not get that update so if you want to renew the services that's fine but keep in mind that you have to check once in a while for the updates and what they offering in the updates now if we go to the blog we will see that the wpml is going to rise the prices and they're going to be 39 for the blog 99 for the multi-language cms and 199 for the agency and this is of course the first purchase those changes will take effect after the release of the 4.5 version of wpml and if we go to the renewals there will also be upgraded to 29 bucks for the blog the cms will be 74 and the agency will be 149 now if you go and buy yourself a product and grab something from these prices then you will keep the renewal prices for as long as you have your account registered and you don't miss the renewal dates as long as you have these prices but then you will keep those no matter how changes no matter what changes they will make to the new prices they also saying in the comments if you go and read the comments in that blog and someone asked the question if he has already a package that it's let's say that he's in cms now and after the release of the release of the 4.5 he's going to upgrade to the agency version is he is going to keep this price or the new and they answer that he's going to keep the price in 119 bucks which is great so if you are interested in buying the product please do so do not wait for the release of the 4.5 version okay so we're finished with we the website back to our website and this is what we're going to translate so this is an astra template it's something that i imported quickly and it's using gutenberg to create the pages it doesn't matter what page builder you are using but this is what i have already imported so let's go to the plugins and here we're going to upload the plugins that we have from the wpml account so back to my account in the wpml as you can see this is the download page and here we have the download products that you can download and the versions of course that we have at the moment so in order now to translate your website you have to download those three first products the wpml multi-language cms the string translation and the translation management the media translation is not necessary and i'm going to talk about a little bit later and then we have some other plugins that you may need as the woocommerce multi-language if you want to translate your woocommerce website and then you have also some other plugins that you may need of course there are so many other plugins that you cannot find inside here but you can translate pretty much everything using this string translator that we're going to see so download those three first and then if you need download the woocommerce multilingual plugin in this video we're going also to translate a woocommerce so you can see how it's done now i have upload the first two plugins pause the video and do that so you're going to add new and then you're going to select the upload plugin and then you're going to drag and drop the plugin that you're going to upload so basically go into the download location and just go and upload the plugin and hit install now after that you're going to hit activate and you're good to go once you have successfully activate all those three plugins now let's go also and see the version because if you are watching this video later on you may have something different in the wbml process but for this moment we have the 4.4.12 we have 3.1.10 for the string translation and 2.10.8 for the translation management the woocommerce multilanguage again i will upload it later on in this video so once you i activate all of those then you can go on the top and you will see confu configure wpml let me switch off those in order to not be confused by those and you are just going to hit configure wpml so uh first the first thing that it asks is what is the content language at this moment so we have already created the website we have uploaded some content and the language that is all the content at this moment is english so i'm going to leave it as english and i'm going to hit next if you want to ask yourself what other language there are there are pretty much i think there are 40 languages we're going to see it with the flags in this list so we have this is the list that we're going to add all the others languages that we want to translate to keep in mind that you can add or remove languages later on as well so you don't have to be specific at this moment for every language that you're going to add the english is already checked and you cannot uncheck because this is the default language and i'm going to also add the greek language there's no point on me adding more languages here if you have a language that it's not inside that list i will show you how you can add your own language inside here so let's click next and then we are going to see the language switcher the language feature is basically in next to your menu or in another location if you don't want to put that in the menu you have something that you will click and see the other languages of the website in most cases we are going to use next to the menu but you can also add that in another location or multiple locations if you want you can have it in the menu you can have it above the menu you can have it in the footer you can have it simultaneously simultaneously in all of those places so we're going to select first is ask what to do when there is a page that is not translated do you want to skip it or do you want to link it to the home page the for the translated pages so uh we want to skip it for me so if you go into a website you go to about page about us page and this page is not translated it will not show the translated options for that page and this is how i usually do if you don't want you can click here and it will go straight to the home page of the translated language then we have the menu language switcher and we're going to add here we're going to select the menu that we're going to add if you don't know which is the main menu you have to go into your website let's go for the dashboard let's go for the appearances and then menus you may have more than one menu inside here as you can see i have three and this is the primary menu that says home or products about contact and account and as you can see this is the home menu the main menu so the primary menu is the one that i want so i select here the primary menu after that i can set the position so do i want that to be the first item so it will be before the home if we go to the menu it will be right here or it will be after the menu after the account so last menu for me and it will go straight to after the account after that i can select drop down or list of languages if you select the drop down you have to hover over the language that is currently open and then you will see all the languages that you have keep in mind that this is a good way if you have more than two or three languages to keep the menu as clean as possible you don't have 10 or 11 flags right there but if you have two or three languages maybe it's a good idea to put that as a list so i'm going to put that as a list and i'm going to put it one next to the other as you can see here next i usually put here the flags and i hide the native language name and the language name in current language so if you remove those two you will see that it only has the flag but you can keep the native language name if you need i usually hide that to keep it clean then you can select the language switcher colors and this is if you are going to use something from the language name or the language name in current language if you are using something from there then you can switch the color themes if not just and not mess with that so save changes and that will add the switcher here then we have a switcher for the widget so you can add it wherever you want in the website we have here a footer language switcher so you can show that in the footer as well keep in mind that this is exactly the same you just keep it and you just press this button and you have the same options here maybe you have more for the drop down as you can see here but we're not going to change anything inside here and then we have the links to translations of post so it means that inside the post and above and below the contact you will have links for the other languages now i think that this is a little bit of overdoing if someone going to visit your language he will going to see the flags in the manure wherever you have put them he is going to select the language that he wants and then he is going to visit the website with that language he is not going to read something and then switch to another language inside the post i don't think that he's going to do that but if you for any reasons you want to do that you can do by any means next this is if you want to send them some reports for compatibility issues i usually send those reports because it help them get this plugin better and because you are going to integrate that in your website and you are going to use multiple plugins it's better to send those information out to there to fix things faster so let's hit next then we have the registration now about there is about the registration let's go back to my account and i'm going to hide all the necessary information i'm going to go into the account and then i'm going to click to the register wpml on your sites once i go here i can see here this site url i can create another key for the site that i want and here you can add a new site and it can generate a new key now a good thing a very good thing that they have done is that when you add a new site and it's a site for your client because you're building websites for your clients wpml will send them some information for them to pay so they will pay for that package uh instead of you so you will add their contact information after that and they will get an email from wpml and they are going to pay for the plugin that they are using which is great i think okay let's close that i don't think that we need that anymore so i'm going to remind later and then i'm going to hit finish once i have done that you will see now that the wpml has only language and support but then it regenerates and has way more features than that so we're going to go one by one all the settings in here and then we're going to start using a website of course we're not going to spend a lot of time inside here so it won't be two hours video hopefully so most of those i have already done it but the reporting wpls send a report yes i want to send them a report if you want to add languages after the first initial wizard then you can do it by hit by here just click add remove languages and you can click the languages that you want if you don't have the languages inside that list then you can click edit languages and you're going straight into a table that you can add here your own language so as you can see i have english and greek this is the code that we have e n n e l the translation is english and greek this is the translation in greek the language in greek then we have the flag we have the default local the encode url and the href flag you can click here that says add language and then you can go ahead and start adding what you want so the name of the language then the code and as you can see here the code is the unique value that identifies this language this will be used in the url so keep in mind keep it short two letters or three if you can then we have the translation and this is basically what we're going to put in here or going to put it in those three boxes so we have that in here and then we have the uh name in both other languages that are english and greek after that you're going to upload your flag it will accept gif jpeg and png and svg's files then this is the default local since you don't know that you have to go and search it in google type wordpress location or local to find what's your local in your language what you're going to use then we have the encode urls this means that if you're using a language that has characters that are not ascii like greek or arabic or chinese or something like that then you can put here to encode the urls and this means that it will go ahead and do done another process later on and grab the url from the original title or something else it's better for the seo purposes and then we have the h ref lang and this is the code that google accepts for this language so google can understand what language is so you can search also google to find the language that you're putting inside so i'm not going to do anything like that i'm going to hit cancel and i'm going to close that page so back to the languages options here we have the language url format as you can see the default is to add the language name as a parameter which like that language equals to el which is the greek one and i usually put it in here different languages in directories so the original one will not have anything else keep in mind that after the hyphen is just the comment so it will keep the same domain and for the greek it will just add the slash and then the el for the urls i'm going to save that and you will ask for me to resave the permanent the permalink so i'm going to open that and hit save changes okay once it's saved we're good to go close that and we're back here languages switcher options we have already done that if you want but here you can just drag and drop the order of your languages so you can put the greek on front or of the on last then we have to skip languages or to link in the homepage and we have some other advanced options we're not going to use any of those if you are need to do something in here you have to contact the support first to be sure what you're using then we have the menu language switcher so you can switch anything and add anything you want in your menu then we have the widget the footer language switcher and links to translate post that we have already seen then we have the costa custom language switchers and if you go and see here you can create something unique like a whole menu with the uh flags that you may need to add something like that as you can see it has the word in english but then the others are something different it's a more unique style so you can do that if you want after that we have hide languages which means that you can hide the language from your visitors because you are not ready to show them to the public but you can see it yourself so you can select which languages you want to hide from the public and you can hit save you will be able of course to see them but not your visitors then you have the make themes work multi-language and this basically if you're going to use a custom css so you can make different ids for multi-language functionality i usually disable that and hit save because this will increase the number of database queries in your site as it says here then we have the browser language redirect and it means that it will look for the language that the visitor has in his browser and he will be redirected according to the settings so you can redirect visitors based on the browser language i'm going to hit cancel and if you're going to uh click that you can always uh put that to remember after 24 hours so basically if he has english language in his browser he comes to your website and he switched to another language except english and visits again after some hours he will be remembered and he will go straight ahead to that language and this is to always redirect the visitor even if this page is missing so he will go straight ahead to the home page this means that if you share a link of a post somewhere he will visit that but according to the settings of his browser he may go to the homepage if the post is not completed and translated then i think that it's not a good idea to do that okay then we have the seo options display attendant language in the head section we usually add keep it as it is if you want to show that you're using wpml in the folder you will add this and you will just say that it's using wbml to translate something like that then we have the language filter for igex operations so if you're using a theme or a plugin that is using ix for searching purposes and you have some problems then come here and click here to add this option then we have the feedback if you want to send feedback from the translation and reset to the default values that was all for the language let's go to the themes and plugins locate localization if you want to automatically load the themes mo files if you don't know what mo files and po files are don't mess with that then we have these strings in the themes basically you will click where you want to search and it will search for strings with this feature you can pretty much translate every plugin that you may add or if you have a theme that adds something inside your website a signing form you have something different maybe you have a theme that adds functionality for listing or something different you can go ahead and click here and then scan selected themes for strings and it will search all the code of the astra theme and you will find the strings that can be translated and offer you those to translate yourself so you may have things like we find those results we click here to read more or something like that next article those strings can be translated to uh you can translate it yourself so as you can see we have 695 translation if you click here you will go into the string translation page and you can translate it those strings then we have for the plugins you can do the same and click somewhere and translate the plugin that you're going to have same way of course you're going to click here we're going to scan select here to scan and then you will find the strings right here let's go to the second to the next one which is the translation management here it's ask for another wizard so who is going to translate only myself or i'm going to use some other users so i'm going to select who is there i'm going to use a translation service or i want to set someone that is going to translate and set all those things for me she's going to choose the persons that are going to translate and everything else he's a translation manager here i'm going to set select only me okay then continue and done after that we're going to see i think four tables for uh tables yeah and these are information to what we have done so we have all the pages here and here we have if they are translated the data translated and also you can select and add the node for the translation that is going to uh maybe translate that so you can add the node like don't translate this page yet because we're waiting for another text or something for a client something if you are using other users to translate the page it's helpful but if you're the only one then don't bother let's go to translation roles and pretty much here you can add other uh users to translate the page then we have the translation services and you can buy yourself a translation service and use that also wpml offer centralization service and then we have the translation tools and here let's wait for that to load you can see that you can buy 2 000 credits for each month and i think this is in the free version but you can see the pricing tables and you will see the this is the free version and after that it will cost something like that if you have too much of content then you may start using something like that i haven't used it i don't know how good they are but you can just head and try something like that if you need to let's go to the next one which is the translations here when we're going to start translating pages post and everything else we will find information here that it says who translated what and some other information then we have the wp menu synchronize and i have find that this is very hard for you to understand and for me to understand it i i don't think that it's something that i'm going to use ever i haven't used it correctly at any case i have used it i think about five or ten times i played with that and couldn't find why it's not doing what i want so we're going to manually create the menu and you're going to see that it's pretty easy but if you're having a a very big menu then you may need to use something like that which is very difficult to understand for me then we're going to string translation and here is the translating of menus not menus plugins and themes and these are the strings that you will find inside there so here it's displaying all the strings as you can see here and if we select here it says the translation is completed or translation needed so it will hide or show the strings accordingly wait for translating and partial translation then we have the domains and you can see that these are basically uh the categories of what you are using so astra has 16 695 strings then you have the block widget we have the primary menu we have quick links and we have other things then we have the translation priorities we are going to see uh what how we can add other priorities if we want and here you can search for translation so if we are going to if you want to translate something like uh read more read more i think there is read more in articles in astra read more and hit enter or hit search you have also the exact match or the include translation as you can see as you can see sorry this is the from the astra theme and this is the read more so what i'm going to do is click the plus icon in the greek translation and then i'm going to add the translation text that i want so here is the avast perishotera and then i can click outside and it will be saved automatically you don't have to save anything okay and this is done now that you can see the plus sign uh converts to a pencil and you know that the translation is completed you have also another sign that is two gears and this means that the translation has started but not finished so whenever you see a yellow icon with two gears you will know that run translation started but hasn't finished yet so you can search anything that you want inside here and translate the whole website okay we're not going to use anything inside here and then we're going for taxonomy translations here you're going to translate the taxonomies for the post and if you have also custom post types you may find those here so categories and here we have the uncategorized category if we go inside our post and inside categories and create a category that says news news and hit add new category we have the news category here keep in mind that whenever you are you can see that the english language is here so we're referring everything inside here is for the english language okay so keep that in mind we have now the news inside here if we go back to the taxonomy translation and refresh the page and check first the categories we will see that now we have the news here so i'm going to click the plus icon here i can select here and type here the translation we have now then i'm going to click outside this will grab the slack from here into here but for me i'm going to change that to something different because i don't want greek lectures in my slug it's bad for seo purposes and then i'm going to click save and now this is saved as you can see here if i go back to the categories you can see that they have there are two for english but only one for greek let's refresh that and now you can see that it's two for greek or so because this has now a translated category in greek if i go now to edit that i will see now that i have the news and if i go here the translation is for english but i can also show the translation is cr in greek which is the which i did from the taxonomy here so you get the picture then you have also the higher heat synchronization if you have hierarchy inside your categories and you can also translate it the tags so you can add whatever you want also we have the translation priorities which was back in the string translation that's basically if you are using other persons to translate the page also and they are speaking other languages and you want to translate the priorities and understand what this means so after that we have the packages and here we'll find packages inside when we start translating now war is about there at this moment and it will have blocks later on and then we have these settings let's go into the settings so here we have the use wml advanced translator editor we're going to use that and we're not going to use the classic translated there not too many differences between those two but there are i think it's a little bit faster to use the wpml advanced translation editor now of course if you're going to translate a very big text there are some cases that maybe the classic translator would be better but for me i'm always using this advanced translator editor here you can select if you have already started something and you're using the classic translator editor the next time you're going to edit that you will use also the classic one and not switch to the advanced one and you can also synchronize the translation and translation manager to everything if you have not used ever the translation advanced editor and you're going to start now okay then we have the taxonomies this means that when you are start translating a post it will not show the taxonomy the taxonomy will be automatically grabbed for the from the original one it will be translated since you have already translated taxonomies and it will not show you that in the taxonomy we will see something uh like that when we're going to translate woocommerce products it will not show the categories at all the settings that we are not going to translate because they are already grabbed from the original one so if we want the instruction in that to help us and we are not going to here for the post i don't usually uncheck anything i'm going to leave it as they are you can just read those to understand what they are saying and then it says when you are deleting a post do you want to delete the translation as well yeah probably you will not you will want to do that but of course keep in mind that this depends on the project and when you're deleting a taxonomy do you also want to delete the translations of those taxonomies yes i want to do that copy the taxonomy to translations because i want to copy all of those when i add those things inside the translations if you want to copy the publish date to the translations as well so you want all of those to show in the same date and i want to do that as well because i want to keep it in the same date and then synchronize the comments in duplicate content if you want to show the content for all the languages this is not something that i would choose because i don't want the greek visitors to see the english language comments and vice versa and then if you want to send translation of the content for oh html says yes i'm going to leave it as it is then hit save for the changes that you did they are saved let's go to the next one so this is the document status so if you are going to translate something uh if the original is draft and you're going to translate and hit publish then the translated a post will also be draft even if you hit publish because it's take the status of the original of course if the original is published then the translate on will also be published once is done okay now this is if you want the url this lag to auto generate from the title or you want to translate that if you want uh to show in the translation of or if you want to copy from the original language uh here in greece we have a plugin that will usually automatically change the url into another url so you can go and be compatible with google and seo because we don't have an ascii characters in al alphabet but you can do just translate this and it will offer you to translate the slack as well what you want to do this will automatically grab but you can just go ahead and switch it every time you want i'm going to leave it as it is then we have the login and registration pages so if you do have a registration pages then add this because it will add the url and it will change some things in order to be compatible then we have this lag translation where you can translate the custom post and taxonomy based in slugs via the string translation as you say here via here the string translation and then we have the xliff file options leave it as it is and here we have the settings for the custom field translation so whenever you create a custom field you will find here that it's added so you can go ahead and switch to translate one or not translating or just copy so if you want that to be translatable you're going to see where it is you're going to click here that says translate and it means that it will be offered you translation for those posts for those custom post types so basically if you go to all post he will offer you another column here that is for the translation this is the one if you click here the copy it will grab the same content and it will show that in the translation language in the translated language if you set don't translate it will not show it at all then we have the custom term meta translation which basically the same we use it to change the meta information and if we want to translate it or not this is not translatable for the orders here we have the post types translation we have the post the pages we want to be translatable then we have the media we are going to see it later on we have custom css and everything else which are not translatable and and as you can see template products variation orders refunds and coupons all of those are not translatable in the moment if you want you can just click translatable only once and uh sorry not only once transceivable to use translation if a available or translated only so translated items okay then we have the taxonomies and here the categories of the post here is that the tags of the post and then we have the product type product visibility categories tags shipping we're not going to change anything from the products because we're going to use another plugin later on so we don't need to do that from the wpml settings here okay then we have the translate links targets and it will scan the post and the pages in post i think and strings so it will find the urls and it will convert them to the uh translated content and so you can click scan here it will find and then you can go ahead and add the uh links for the translated content last thing we have the media translation if we go on top we will see here that says wpml needs to shed languages to existing media in your files and then said media languages so let's go down here and this is the mineralization this is the same thing in order to for you to understand what i'm going to say let's open also the media library and we will have it right here so these are all the media that we have inside our website this is our only for our english version if we go into the greek we will see that it is nothing inside here as you can see it says no media find no media found for the greek so what we have to do is copy all the media into the translation languages now if we go back to my account page we will find this media translation plugin now this means basically that you can translate the images and what i mean by translating is that you may have images that have text inside maybe someone is holding something like a sign or something that is it has a text or something and that is for the current language so you want to have another image uh with with some other content that it's specific for other languages and this is what you can use this plugin for but for me that we're not using anything that it's uh different you can use you can just clone all of those images so i'm going here and as you can see it says that you can translate existing media in languages duplicate existing media analytic and duplicate the featured images for translated content so it will duplicate everything in here i'm going to hit start that says here and this will clone all the existing media for the other languages as well and once it finished it will only take a few seconds as you can see now i can go into the media library i can go into english and i will see now that all the images are here so i can use that in the posts in the post that i'm going to build for other languages as well now for the new content when uploading a media it will be available in all languages it will be available automatically i will not have to go and do the process all over again it will duplicate the media attachments and it will double duplicate the feature images for the post as well so that was all with the settings now let's go into the pages let's view all the pages and just go and see how the website is looking at this moment and this is the website so we have the homepage here and as you can see this is the homepage when now let's go to the pages and let's go into as you can see i don't have any uh pages inside here this is because i have the greek that i have selected from the media keep that in mind i'm going to select english and i'm going to see now all the pages that i have in english i'm going to click into the plus icon on the home page this means that i'm going to translate this one so let's click here wait a few seconds and it will load the advanced translator editor you will see that it scans for the text and it will grab all the text from here so now that it has the content right here and this is basically from my previous test that i did you have to go and click somewhere and start translating so you have to go first in the home this is the name of the page and you have to go and type what you want for the translator one so this is our key once you've done that you just go and click here that says the save and complete and this means that it this is saved it will go automatically to the next one and you just type the translation and click the plus icon here and every time you translate something it will add that in the second column we're going to do that in an empty page to see how it looks and every time you click here the save and complete it goes automatically in the next field whenever it finished you can just now hit the complete let's go to another page now that i have done the home page you will see now that the homepage will turn into a pencil this means that's completed so let's go to the contact page we're going to click here that says contact to translation it will scan for the content and as you can see this is how it looks so this that are already regenerated are because you have translated something like that in the previous page and it will keep the translation and it will grab that and push that automatically in here which is great now here it's contact so i need to put here epikenonia also as you can see this is the title okay after that we have the core which is the heading h1 and it says what we're translating to i have to click here that says the save and complete and it will go automatically to the next one get in touch a minute separate and for some reason i have to always keep changing the languages in the keyboard okay and i'm going to click here save if you go and see the pages and see the contact page you will see that it grabs only the content as you can see here get in touch and the home page of course then we have the telephone we have the emails we have the street and we have the frequently asked questions so you can start grabbing all of those and translating the that here is the uh email so i'm going to hit save the support yeah this rate i'm going to leave all of those as they are at this moment there's no point translating everything once you've done it's 100 completed and now i can hit complete that means that it will be successfully translated now that is also this translated if i go into the home page and sorry not here this is the home page and refresh here the page you will see now that i will have for that page also the greek flag here let's refresh the page and as you can see now i have the greek lag here click flag here now i haven't saved it to be one side by side but this is how it looks at the moment so for the about us page you will see that i don't have that options i have only i don't have that option i only have the option to see it in english for the home page that i have already translated i have also the option to see that in greek if i go into the greek uh here language you will see that i have now the greek language but i do have the menu and not in greek in the english language so the next thing is to go and create the menu that i want for the greek language let's go back to the pages let's go to appearances let's go into the menus and here remember that we are seeing now the english we have the english language and this is the primary menu i'm going to open that in a new tab i'm going to hit the greek in the new tab so here is the greek now menu so the menu name will be main gr okay after that i'm going to select the languages of course greek and this is the translation of the primary menu if we go back we'll see that this is a primary menu that has the home or products about contact etc so we won't translate that one i'm going to select primary menu it says here that it's selected currently asset to primary so if you will if we go back here we will see that this is a primary menu we don't have to select it here it will grab that automatically that's why it's asked for the translation off so i'm going to create the menu it will check that automatically here as you can see and then i can go and view all the pages and i can add those pages that i have already translated you don't see all the pages here of course because they are not all pages translated here we have 11 12 i think pages but here we have only two now that let's save the menu and if i go back to here and this is the greek language now i'm going to refresh the page and i'm going to see the menu in the language that i have selected if i go now to the english i'm going to see the menu in english and that's what i wanted from the beginning so that's how it is it is if you want to translate the post you have to go to all post and of course the same processes here you have to click the plus icon in the language that you want to translate to of course here i'm viewing the greek and now i have to go into english and now i have the hello world and i have the greek language here i'm going to click here and this is the error that shouldn't be here so not no worries refresh it's something from my web hosting company so the advanced translator editor kicked off and this is the uh translated this is a translation of the post so hello world yasuo cosmetics save that and save everything else and then complete it so it's completed it didn't ask for the category didn't ask for the tax it didn't ask for anything else because it scrubbed automatically so that's how you do everything else if we go now to all pages and i'm going to open now the policy because i know that this is a long text so i'm going to click plus and this is something that it's a little bit of a con if you have too big of a text you cannot copy all your text and close that inside this translation it would be nice if you have something like uh combine all of those but you can only combine say in the same paragraph as you can see here i have uh something that i can click and i can connect those two uh in one cell so i can going and click that and these two are going to be combined into one paragraph because they are one paragraph inside the content but i cannot combine all the text and as you can see here it's a big text so if you have some privacy policy if you have some other things and you have a big content you have some terms of use page you have some other information that you want to show and it's a big text then you will find yourself that you are going doing extra work just to translate these pages i wish i could do that easier also something else that frustrates me is that you have to copy you have to uh translate every single uh sentence in here maybe you will find a sentence that it doesn't have any value to have it in your own language so you are in here those cookies will last for a few years okay this has a value but you will find yourself that a sentence a basic sentence will not have value to translate that you don't want to have it in the page at all but you cannot you have to have something in order to hit here this icon because if i don't have anything inside here i cannot hit the plus the save and continue to continue to the next field so i have to go and maybe add something like a dot in most cases when i have that problem i use a few words in here and i instead of translating the whole sentence i use fewer words and combine that with the next one that i don't have anything inside there so it will be in the same paragraph but it will combine those and it will look okay in the file that is translated in the front end now next thing is that we have some words here that are as you can see highlighted and this means that it's using css to style those so we have a strong here which is the bold basically the bolt is used as strong in the css and it says that we suggested where the word the letter suggested this is how it looks is highlighted as bold so you have to type something here for the translation let me delete everything and you have to copy here if you have the translation or type if you don't have the translated ready and then you cannot save and continue unless you hit here this strong and show which is the strong one so i have to highlight the word that i want and i have to click here that says strong and now that it's okay and this is bold now i can save and continue to the next one now you will find that you have also other uh highlighted words because they are strong there are underlines there are uh italics and there are other uh css stylings in there so you can highlight the words that you want and then click down here what you have remember that you have to click every single one of those in order to continue and this is also a bug because in some countries in some languages uh a single word is translated to more words than uh one and vice versa maybe there are three words in english that translate translated to one and if there are all all of those bold and there are three different bold buttons i have to use it in some way in order to continue okay i'm going to hit completed there of course the job is not finished and i'm going to hit back because i cannot go back if i don't finish or back to the list and now if i go to all pages and refresh here i would see of course i hadn't saved that i would see that this is has a gear and as you can see this is not completed with the translation so this is the icon that showed me that it's not completed now before i continue with the woocommerce translation i would like to go into the wpml and i would like to go into the translation management and here i will find that some pages are already completed as you can see the home is published at that point and you can find if you want some other things in there and inside the translations i will find who did it as you will see here that says the home is a page it's translated and it can deadline is not set but you can see that it has more settings in here if i had other people that are working i would see other information as well okay now we're going to go we're good to go let's go to add a new plugin and we're going to add the woocommerce multi-language okay and then install now and once i install now inside the woocommerce i will find something down here a new field that i can use okay activate the plugin and now that's activated i'm going to open all products just to have it here so here let's say let's turn your woocommerce up in multi-length multi-language and let's continue with the wizard so they say they say here that there are store pages that are not exist for your languages basically this is the account the checkout the card and the show page the four pages that creates that arcade automatically from woocommerce are not translated for the greek language so i say created the missing translation automatically and let's continue then select translating attributes i don't have any attributes here but i could select here to translate those we will do it later let's continue enable multiple currencies if you have multiple currencies and you want to pay different i don't have anything but if you want you can select that and later in the settings you can do that as well then we have the translation option so do you want to show the translation the products even if they are not translated or if you want to display only the products that translate it uh this is personally europe what you want to do i want to show only the translating products okay continue and this is just for the test i usually put yes there and then clone setup a close setup okay now as you can see i have the woocommerce multilingual here and this is a status so as you can see there are 12 products that are missing and if we go to the products we will see that there are 12 here in english and i have zero in greek then i can see here that i have the pages that are translated i have the taxonomy that are missing there are three multi-currency i don't have but i could have enabled the plug-in status are okay and the media is not active okay as you can see the categories here has a mark here that says that something is not going correctly because you have untranslated terms if i go to the products and then the categories i will see that i have i will not see at this moment but if i refresh the the website i will see that i have the groceries and the juice these are the terms that i have and as you can see i don't have anything inside the greek language so i have to go first inside the categories and i have to translate those two it it's better to do that from the categories from the multi-language woocommerce multi-language multilingual because it's faster and it's easier for me you don't have to go into the products and then categories and do that from there we used to do that from there in the old versions but here we can do that and it's easier and you have everything under control so we're going to click here that says groceries and here we are going here and say lahanika okay and then i'm going to put this lag okay and then save that after that i have the juice and let's click that okay and let's save that as well now here you can change the labels in woocommerce so the translation of taxonomy so we have the singular which category and i can make that a different letter for the category the product category which is the greek categories priority and then the slug so i'm not going to do that after that we can change the tags and the attributes i think that they are pretty much the same so i don't have to go and add the tags in the attributes because you can do and search for the tags and if you have any just click here and translate it to the next one the same goes for the attributes now once the category is ready it will go and remove that from here but it's not going to because i have here the uncategorized so i have to go here and put here okay after that i'm going to put here and i'm going to click save now that i have translated all these three categories i don't have any more of these that uh icon here now that i can go to the products and i can start translating the products i usually first start start with categories tags and attributes because there are fewer options and then go and start translating our products these are very easy of course i have to go into one of those i have to click here the plus and i will get only the text that i have inside there i will not get the price i will not get the categories i will not get the attributes or the uh tags everything of those are automatically translated so i just have to grab the title and translate it and then the body then the expert then the expert again and then the slack and as it says here the image the image it means the alternate text so for the uh here the red chilies handpicked i will say people yes i will not say that our chili okay then we have the text i'm going to put here just greek letters okay then save and then another greek letter which is the body this means that are two different paragraphs inside there but i can combine them if i wanted okay plus done then the expert okay save that and then we have expert again i'm going to save it as it is again and then we have the url i'm going to leave those as it is so now i am completely 100 and i can click here that says complete if i go now to the products and refresh here not here the products i will see now that i have 12 in the english i have zero in greek but if i refresh it will take a moment but it will show me that now it will be one in greek if i click here in greek i will see now that i have this option so if i view the product i will see that in here and i can also go in here and move that in english of course since this is already translated i have the option to go and see the translation page but if i go to another product i will not so let's view again the translation so i have the name as you can see uh the price is the same uh is and it's dollars and then i have here uh the export and then i have the content here now if i go to another product let's go first in english and let's go to groceries and let's change that to something different like here the honey i will not get any option to see the translation because i don't have that of course as i said in the beginning since this has a different approach than the polylanc whenever you go and change something into a page inside your website it will automatically be synchronized across all the pages and that means for the layout not the text the content but if you go and choose something different for the colors of the buttons or anything else it will be across the whole website and it will synchronize with all the pages also for the products if you go and offer a different price if you go and add an offer a value if you add coupons or anything else this will be offered for all the products no matter what is the language of those products that's why that it didn't ask for the price for the category and everything else if you change the category of a product it will go automatically and put that also for the translated products as well so uh that was the video on how to use the uh the wpml i think i have covered everything or pretty much everything they have a good support so if you have any problems and i cannot help you with that uh leave in the link in description below and leave a comment i will try to help you but if i can just go and ask anything they want in the wpml support and i'm sure that they will offer a solution so thanks for watching guys please give me a thumbs up if you like the video and i will see you all in the next one bye
Channel: Stratos Tutorials
Views: 1,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WPML Multilingual WordPress Plugin, translate wordpress, 2019 step by step multilingual, step by step translate wordpress website, wordpress multilingual, WPML wordpress, wordpress language plugin, wordpress add language, WOML tutorial, how to translate wordpress website, how to use WPML, polylang step by step, polylang plugin, wordpress translate, woocommerce multilingual, woocommerce translate, woocommerce WPML, woocommerce add language, products translate
Id: iQkYYhkcJ18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 5sec (3725 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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