Multifandom | Heroes

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everybody loves a hero symbols are nothing without the women and men that give them meaning people line up for them cheer them scream their names captain america this means something it's all some people have he's my hero it's all that gives them hope you can do the things that i can but you don't and then the bad things happen they happen because of you with great power comes great responsibility we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy that's a hard path you see things you do things make choices it's the choices that make us who we are and we can always choose to do what's right when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes you don't know what that's like everybody in the world expects me to be something and i don't want to fail them look into your own eyes and tell me you are not heroic that you've not endured or suffered or lost the things you care about most you're a very good puss who bad things have happened to you the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail fall die trying in spite of everything you've done for them eventually they will hate you you were my brother anakin i never wanted this world i'm not ready no one ever is we don't get to choose our time i believe there's a hero in all of us that keeps us honest gives us strength makes us noble i gotta put her in the water and finally allows us to die with pride i'm a superhero you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain they said the age of heroes would never come again it has to we have everything we need good people will fight if we lead them avengers assemble it's like in a great story folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't they kept going i could do this all day because they were holding on to something what are we holding on to there's some good in this world and it's worth fighting it is not our abilities that show what we truly are it is our choices dying for the right cause is the most human thing we can do i am iron man what unites people stories there's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story nothing can stop it what is it to be a hero look in the mirror and you'll know no enemy can defeat it you see in their last moments you were right about me you're a good man people show you who they really are everyone fails at who they're supposed to be the measure of a person of a hero is how well they succeed at being who they are the hero isn't someone who lives above us keeping us safe a hero is not a god or an idea maybe he's not some sort of devil or jesus character maybe he's just a guy trying to do the right thing a hero lives here with us you will give the people of earth an ideal to strive towards they'll race behind you they will stumble why do we fall to a form so that we can learn to pick ourselves up but in time you will help them accomplish wonders [Music] you
Channel: SWFT
Views: 42,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multifandom, tribute, edit, heroes, marvel, dceu, justice league, avengers, star wars, lord of the rings, lotr, mcu, captain america, luke skywalker, darth vader, hero, got, game of thrones, superman, batman, spider-man, the mandalorian, ahsoka, frodo
Id: ExCCwUva39c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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