Multi Tenant Architecture - Part 1 | What is Multi Tenant Architecture | TTT | Cuelogic

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to this td series about multilingual architecture for software application and how to ensure security for them in this series we will discuss the multi-lane architecture and its model types followed by how to use octa to achieve secure connections between nmr applications we will also talk about some key security concepts and terminology you will need to know in order to effectively leverage outer this two-part series is split into two videos in the second video we will talk about technical considerations of octa and how to configure it in this video we will talk about software multi-tenancy which will serve as the foundation of effectively using octa the inspiration of this video is a real case study one of our clients a u.s headquarter company offering an ai platform to grow web traffic wanted qlogic to help with managing user onboarding authentication and authorization of tenant users they also wanted help with implementing single sign-on and multi-factor authentication the first problem however was segregating user data in a multitenant software architecture so before moving ahead let's understand the concept of multitenant software architecture multitenant software architecture is also called software multi-tenancy here a single instance of a software application and its underlying database and hardware serves multiple tenants a tenant can be an individual user usually however it's a group of user such as a customer organization that shares common access to and privileges within the application instance each tenant's data is isolated from and invisible to the other tenants sharing the application instance this ensures data security and privacy for all tenants tenants may be allowed to customize some parts of the application such as the ui or business rules but they cannot customize the applications code in a multilinear architecture multiple instances of an application operate in a shared environment this architecture works because each tenant is integrated physically but is logically separated this means that a single instance of the software will run on one server and then serve multiple tenants in this way a software application in a multi-tenant architecture can share a dedicated instance of configurations data user management and other properties multi-tenancy application can share the same users displays and rules although users can customize this to an extent they also share database schemas which tenants can customize now let's take a look at why multi-reading architecture is important in today's tech economy first multi-tenancy is important for the scalability of public and private clouds this has made multi-tenancy as standard secondly due to reduced overheads the multi-tenant architecture can aid in providing a better return on investment for organizations finally the multi-terminal architecture quickens the pace of maintenance and updates for tenants there are three main multi-tenancy model types these are varying levels of complexity and cost first a single shared database schema is a multi-tenancy model with a multi-trained database this is the simplest form out of the three it is relatively low cost for tenants because of the use of shared resources this form uses a single application and database instance to host tenants and store data using a single shared database schema allows for use easier scaling however operational cost can be comparatively higher the second multitude architecture uses a single database with multiple schemas this tenant system uses a single application instance with individual database for each tenant this architecture has a higher cost with more overheads for each database it is a valuable architecture when data from different tenants needs to be treated differently for example if they had to go through different geographic regulations the third type of multi-drain architecture hosts data in multiple databases this model is relatively complex in terms of management and maintenance but tenants can be separated by a chosen criteria there are a number of advantages that our client was able to derive leveraging a multitenant architecture first it is less expensive when compared to other 10 and hosting architectures so they were able to reduce cost significantly multi-tenancy offers a pay for what you need pricing model therefore it fitted perfectly as they scaled tenants didn't have to worry about updates since these updates are pushed out by the host provider the client only had to monitor and administer a single system the architecture is now easily scalable tenant also reduce operation cost by sharing database application and infrastructure development and deployment costs were reduced if we were to compare them to single tenant applications tenants quickly and securely add new customers by automating the customer sign-up process finally the overheads of maintaining multiple versions of an application were also significantly reduced now a huge consideration is about security after all you share infrastructure and resources with many other client applications octa is a tool that can be leveraged for securing multi-tenant architectures it provides security solutions and manages connectivity to your workforce and applications so coming back to our client we used octa to ensure proper segregation among tenant user data sometimes an organization finds that it is faced with diverse set of user types in such cases you can consider the octa-tenant segregation model this model separates each octa-tenant with its own data network performance and feature set making each tenant its own entity it also adds an additional layer of security to your infrastructure with our client we ensure data segregation by adding separate octa groups for each tenant and adding its user to that specific group using the octa groups we were able to authorize and grant limited access to the user based on the group the groups also made it possible to have different group wise sign-in policies in a related when our client also wanted our help with implementing sso for two web portals to do this we created two separate octa applications for each web portal when both of these octa apps are assigned to a user and he logs into one of them on a browser octa creates a session which allows the user to access the other application as well octa uses id and access tokens for session management these tokens have authorization and some additional user information stored in jwt format so when a user signs in either to octa or to any octa apps assigned to it the id and access token enables the sso for the other octa apps of the user apart from the login credentials our client also wanted to add an additional layer of security at the authentication for its users they wanted us to help them implement mfa to do this we use the sign-in policy of octa using this we enabled mfa based on the geolocation time logging frequency octa group and other user attributes users got the password which is a second layer of authentication on the android or ios app called octaver we've preferred this model because while onboarding the users to octa mobile numbers were not mandatory so sending an otp to the user's mobile in addition to their login credential was not an option the mfa could be optionally enabled for the user using the sign-in policy a related problem that the client wanted help with was integrating sso on their web portal with the existing octa users of one of their clients we created an identity provider in octa and configured it using saml algorithm some configuration at the end clients octa instance were also required because of this the existing client users at octa were able to process their web portal like any other app assigned to them and finally our client wanted to build more personalization into their product this included white labeling implementing customized notification and using third party cookies of octa we ensured that the client's web app ui was aligned with their desired branding customize the template of email notification with the client's logo and successfully set session cookies with the client's subdomain before we move on it's important to understand that retaining a single platform gives you deployment agility and standardization this ultimately increases the cohesion and revenue the octagonal segregation model and its set of choices provides the benefits of a single platform at the same time it internally and externally secures your users data so whether you are creating an infrastructure for your employees and customers employees and partners or a large poor customer architecture octa will be able to handle your scenario so to summarize if you observe key features of octa with multi-tenancy model are single sign-on adapt to mfa universal directory lifecycle management api access management authorization authentication user management b2b integration workflows identity engine devices directories integrations and many more so that brings us to the end of this video we discuss the multi-tenant architecture its model types as well as how octa can be used in this ecosystem in the next video we will discuss the octa data model in detail we will give you more information about how octa works and the technical considerations you would need to keep in mind while using octa if you have any questions in the meantime please comment below or reach out to us at info thanks for watching and if you have found this video useful don't forget to like share and subscribe to our youtube channel to be immediately notified of additional interesting content thanks for watching and i will see you in the part 2 of the series
Channel: Cuelogic Technologies | An LTI Company
Views: 5,300
Rating: 4.941606 out of 5
Keywords: multi tenant architecture, multi tenant application architecture, how to implement multitenant architecture, benefits of multi tenant architecture, architecture for multi tenant, define multi tenant, multi tenancy, multi tenancy models, multi tenant architecture security, multi tenant architecture in cloud, Why multi tenancy is important, software multi tenancy, SaaS, multi tenant, cloud, technology, multi tenant architecture saas, multi tenant architecture example
Id: Ws1SmMAkE6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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