[MULTI SUB]Full Movie《Ghosts Tales》4K|action|Original version without cuts|#SixStarCinema🎬

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Come back a little bit Where are we There you have it Keep up behind you fast The following point Come on, light the torches Tie up the cargo The wind is too strong Come here Light ahead Guide plant So beautiful demon hey Too much gold A glance of the universe 7 flowers in bloom Ah ah Queen bee hum You run fast I didn't expect to be in a bunch of bee-eaters There was even a morning glory hidden in it Come here Come here Aah ouch Master spare one's life The little girl was just passing by Pass by Wait a minute I just became a man Not yet trained into a demon It won't sell for much Right It's not worth much But it is also a hundred years of Niu Zi If refining do medicine Should be very popular with the dignitaries Can't Why not Spare my life I I wish Help master Hum a mere morning glory How to help me I may be weak But the mother is Thousands of years of cultivation of cattle I can feel all the demons If the Master wants to capture those wind monsters I will help you Lend a helping hand hahaha Within three days If you can't find the banshee's lair Then you're a dead man ah From the looks of it Your daughter is not ill Not sick But the girl has been asleep for half a month The old have practiced medicine for decades I've never seen anything like this before How do you treat it The old can't help it ah You and your little brothers meet each other My little lady's got the ghost sickness It's been a long day of sleep Oh, my Lord is distraught If anyone can cure our young lady But who can cure it A thousand taels of silver A thousand ounces of silver Two pieces of silver This is weird It's not sexy again housekeeper What you said about 1,000 taels of silver is true Oh, yeah. Oh, and your thing doesn't work either I could use a little more of you ah Divorce certificate ah You're a miracle doctor Oh, my god. Oh my God one yuan He is a great man What a man of distinction These two eat hahaha master Ha ha Lord The magic doctor is coming Where Hey, hey, the magic doctor Come on, come on, come on hahaha There he is What do you call the magic doctor ah Magic doctor Well, he's a miracle doctor well ah No, no, no master The magic doctor is here ha Ha ha What am I, some kind of magic doctor I'm a monster hunter Well, my Lord, I just saw it with my own eyes The great man does have some magic ah My Lord, even a famous doctor can't treat a lady Why don't we show it to this great man Dare to ask what the superior has to say Your daughter is not always awake It wasn't even a divorce certificate, was it Come here There's a demon at work ah He also asked the superior to heal the little girl well Mm-hmm Yeah, yeah, go, go, go, go, go, go Serve tea Fine tea two two This is the little girl's boudoir wait What a strange smell It didn't work out as I expected well Po Swear little girl this is This is not a divorce certificate Her spirit is still there just It's like he's trapped in his own dream Trapped in a dream Yeah, the wind chimes on the porch outside are bewitched swear Can the little girl be saved hum Take me into his dream Find out Such a beautiful wet dream No wonder you keep coming back hum you The bar is too high. It's okay ahem Flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog Come at midnight and go at dawn It's like a wet dream for a while It seems that there is nowhere to be found in the clouds Miss Huang has a good dream But this dream It's time to wake up Who are you? The one who came to save you, of course Why do I need help Now you're stuck in your dream You must come with me now to hum Why don't you believe it? You look at the four weeks Is the real world like this Your father Huang Yuwai He misses you very much. As soon as you start to wonder The dream will collapse and disappear Po, what's wrong with you Who are you talking to Circumferential festival Miss Wang Here we go again ah Po, what's wrong with you Miss Huang You have to come with me You are haunted by evil Stop talking Ah, Miss Huang. Ouch Great man Just as I expected He was indeed trapped in a dream by evil spirits But the little girl has been raised in the boudoir Rarely set foot outside How did she provoke evil The old man had only one daughter And asked the master for help Yellow monster Who is the White son How did the master know the White Prince In a dream, of course It was but a salivation A womanizer of my little girl master Well, he dared to come Somebody come with me Break his dog's leg Don't you dare come here It's all right outside the royal Court I heard Po was sick The little girl is none of your business I just want to get in there and see her shut up The girl is not like you lamp picture prodigal son You can see it if you want to I dare you to think otherwise Just the sticks ah hum I just met you in a dream He just happened to be here You suspect the white son is the evil demon But I don't smell a demon in him You told me you smelled something big That's what led me to it you You suspect me I was trying to get away You're a monster hunter Am I a demon I but I Don't lie to you we How about a deal What kind of deal? How about you Help me find fat And then there's the Hag I don't want it. You're really gonna let me go You have to keep your word Well, kero If you can't find it You can rest assured. I'm sure I'll find them hum hum Enter my lovesickness door Know that I miss you Long for love looks like a memory Short love is infinite I should have known it was so upsetting How to be as before Never know each other What a love farewell Hahaha who Is it your idea There are eight hardships in life Why should the white son hurt himself I do not drink wine May I drink wine with the white son ah Good wine Do not know Can you share the sorrow for the white brother I was once in love with Miss Royal Don't marry unless you are married You will not marry unless you are king But expect the emperor outside because of my meager family Hit the mandarin duck with a stick To make me stop thinking He brought Po into the clan He betrothed Po to someone else You haven't seen Miss Huang since Every time I came to my door, I was blocked by my family Only today did I know about Po's disease Based on whether you saw Po at the Palace Can you tell me how he's doing he nothing Really good Just a few hiccups But it won't take long It's my incompetence I promised him to keep her forever But now he is ill I can't be there for you hum Don't expect it Such deep roots of love ah ah huh I spent the night at the Huxingting There is really no charm in the White Prince He is no monster Can why Huang Miss dream that evildoer Just like him Daily thinking Have a dream at night He is Miss Huang's sweetheart The demon morphed into his likeness It must be to control Miss Huang Little brother The title is nearby Not good ah ah ah ah ah ah Yikes ah Yay ah ah well Ah ah ah ah Afterwind cloth Let him get away with it White son White son monster Where are the monsters? The demon We beat him away ah Thanks for your help You're welcome Ice Bear is welcome That's strange, white man Why would this madman target you this ah The handsome man was already a rich target What's more, Bai Childe is so handsome I think we'll do it again after the wind blows ah What am I supposed to do well Little brother well White brother This copper coin for you Close storage I promise you the von demon will never come near you again So you can be safe If you believe in me How about these days You don't go out When I kill that demon There will be no more problems good Hey, hey, hey sit Thank you, little man. Don't mention it Take leave hey Can you really accept that copper money rich Of course not well It's your turn to step in I, uh, no, no I can't. I can't fight him You don't have to. Just keep an eye on the White boy for me You used the white son as bait Clever hey Wait for the rabbit It's easier than chasing a mountain full of prey well bring What What That thing back there Have good eyes Bring it over You have a good eye for morning glories This string of bodhi Spiritual intensity Perfect for you little monsters But you think there's something wrong with you I didn't steal or rob I just picked it up for a few days well When you get a good catch Remember to give it back good gone Title title Title title You are hurt I I'm fine. I Oh, no, no. For a couple of nights Why isn't Fengfeng here yet ah Do you hear me? well Bell sound It turns out that the white son is being countered to control reciprocal Does the title count backwards After the seal is a group of demon spectrum recorded in the column of demon king Never heard of his countdown Maybe he had a partner No, I'm going to save him Don't worry. Get behind him very And so on The breath after the loss of wind And the bees should be around, too You see A hive of bees What are you waiting for? Find a safe place to protect yourself well The main thing is to stay out of my way The monster Hunter followed the White Son It's him Little daddy protects him ah yeah ah Get out of here and lock me down Peach blossom demon You're involved in killing the wind clan I will destroy you The Lord ran away again pity It failed to kill the root What about the white boy go Let's go to the lair first It's just a regular blue bird The Queen can be so cruel Actually play master White jade White jade is white childe The black wind in this painting Maybe it's a throat seal Look at this picture What's wrong? well Look at the look in his eyes It doesn't look like a bird It's like a person. people well well ah Ah, he wakes up hey What are you guys doing here It's been bothering you since last night's wind Thanks to the two of us Why don't I remember anything I just remember painting in my room Later and later You're under the spell of that demon Of course not Thank you both for saving my life You're welcome. You're welcome. Come and look at the picture Isn't that what I do And what does the bee mean I think it's just fun Where did Xiang Xiang get this painting This is a painting that the hummingess keeps as a treasure I thought The bee in this painting It's a bee-spirit. Why would I draw a demon White brother Please stay I'm staying at home and taking good care of myself Brother Xiao I have an unexpected request for you Go ahead, Brother Bai Po and I haven't seen each other in months I can neither accompany him I wanted to pick up something close to him Let him see things like men Take care of your health for my good I don't know Brother Xiao Would you mind going to the palace for my convenience Willing to do it for you Thank you Brother Xiao. I have a Bodhi in my family aha ha Bodhi Is that the one There it is Don't worry about getting old again stay gone Miss Miss You're awake miss Ouch Ouch Master Master My Lord has been waiting for you hahaha But Miss Huang woke up Yes, you are a master, master Do you know, miss You've been in a coma these days How anxious is his lordship You've even got a famous doctor from all over the country I wish I hadn't Thanks to the Master this time The little girl just woke up Told me about having a long, weird dream But it's a dream that never wakes up It's just like you said, Master Has the demon been removed Uh, What about the demon that's haunting us this time Very powerful So swear In any case You have to help the old man The little girl has just woken up If I let this evil haunt me again I don't know what to do Master Huang is at ease. I I will do my best In fact, the little girl was already engaged He was delayed by illness Fortunately, the old man was involved Put off the wedding until the end of the month But here's what I'm worried about If anything goes wrong at this point The marriage of the little girl's life But it's all ruined Don't worry, Mr. Huang Uh, May I see Miss Huang Maybe we can learn something from him The situation of the demon Of course please I've seen Miss Huang It's you Oh, I didn't think you'd remember me You're the sorcerer Daddy sent well You're the one who woke me up ah ah Look at the lady Seems unwilling to wake up Wizards like you I'm sure he's here for the bounty Go get the bounty from my dad What do you need me for I'm tired. Let's go back. Yes, miss Excuse me, miss I come today. It's a delivery for a friend You really are his friend well Well, he's doing just fine White son unharmed But I heard the lady was ill She was very worried. She asked me to tell her lady Reading this is like seeing a man I hope the lady can serve her Take good care of your health Miss Huang The air is dry and the mouth is dry There is tea to quench one's thirst Go and get some tea And I'm hungry, too Take some more osmanthus cake It's a lady. Take more osmanthus cake Oh, him. He's one of my guys Miss Huang Tell me the story of your relationship with the White Son Maybe I can help you with that Sell the wood later I'll buy you some wine. Okay Think for a long time Whoo whoo Uh-huh. Uh-huh Ha wah What a beauty this is hahaha Wow! Ah ah ah You say what Miss Huang said and what Bai said What's the difference It's almost identical Beyond all doubt But Master Huang is fighting mandarin ducks Betrothal Miss Huang to another man The wedding date is set for the 15th Wasn't Miss Huang unconscious 15 days ago The devil is at work Put him in a coma It's as good as it gets Stop him from getting married Well, if we're not sure the white son isn't a monster I suspect the white boy is behind it Go to the white boy's for me tomorrow Send this painting over You're a monster hunter and a matchmaker hey But this monster hunter has to keep hunting I don't know how rich it is Where did he escape to What about the blue bird Ouch ah here What's wrong with the bird What's wrong? What is this? hmm Wu's lovely girl There is Penglai Mountain White hair long talent scout Be satisfied with Half sorrow What's the bird doing There is a hidden reason Helpless white jade The blue bird is the white prince Mm-hmm Mm-hmm well The black wind saved is the queen wind Since the white prince is gracious to the queen Then the wind should not hurt the white son We need to find him now Otherwise Miss Huang will be in danger Swear no, no, no, no, no swear master The lady is missing. This must have been taken by the monster What's going on? The lady is perfectly in her room The snail went out for a while and then the lady disappeared I've looked everywhere in and out of the house but I can't find the lady Hey, hey, hey It's the breath of the title Title again Why did he take Miss Huang and chase her Are you here to die hum You can't take away success Today is my turning point I advise you not to bother me otherwise I made it impossible for you to live Begging for death What a powerful demon We've been neighbors for hundreds of years Love has always been ignorant I advise you to call it a day Peach blossom demon You gave up the machine and destroyed my whole race The white Prince of Rocher You and I will never die The sword Buddha is lucky to lose a piece of merit With this death It was worth it to break your ways Today I will take your eggs To pay for my thousand years of work Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Too bad it's too late So you came from a ball of Po I want you guys to come after me I'm afraid he has come Looks like a good reason to bring us here It's about meeting the right man And so on woo I'm afraid you can't beat him I'm a monster hunter who can't get rid of monsters What's wrong? Be afraid Then go back From now on You are free I'm single. I'm single Mm-hmm ah ah That's too bad. Yay hey The rich adulterer interrupted me at the critical moment And half as much as you want immediately If you and I were one now Since then the flesh has been transformed That's half the profit A surname A surname The important man is still abroad Now you have a choice Once you and I are one There's no going back Come on I've been looking forward to it for a long time Is it worth it As long as I can be with him forever I know what I'm doing, okay ah today I will marry you in my demon manners henceforth We'll just be an ordinary couple on earth Be together for life Ohami Kokyo A glance of the universe dawn Little nine here Are you okay? nothing go Ah ah ah ah yeah ah ah ah Little father Mm-hmm hate ah huh ah ah Ah ah You are so beautiful I want to be with you forever Actually, yeah. I like peach blossoms best The peach blossom is coming It burns with brilliance He is the most wonderful seductress in the world hahaha You say you like peach blossoms I have longer blooms here You said you liked him Then I will be him We can finally be together I'll never regret it Miss Huang Miss Huang Where am I This is Peach Blossom Valley Peach blossom Valley Why am I here White son White son White son huh What's wrong with him Can he be saved I'm afraid on my own Oh, no. No, white boy, white boy, wake up White boy wake up white boy White son White son Wake up ah What are you up to now Yulang He doesn't have much time left We must return to our bodies now You and I can put down our smokes Saving lives is important good hahaha ha ha Why is that? When the peach tree tried to take his body I wanted to break his soul together I did everything I could to fix it To save a shred of his soul Sealed among the blue birds I guess it took too long It hurt his roots In fact To save Yulang There is a way What method A life for a life I would like to So what am I supposed to do Very simple Give me your heart I will give him the golden circle you White son We'll be husband and wife in the next life you You are only human Your gold dollars are useless but Seeing you do this to Yulang I can walk away in peace hello This is your elixir If you don't have the demon Dane The devil will die Miss Huang would take a life for a life I would love to Yulang Pay attention to prosperity I didn't expect to seal the background Was so sentient and righteous demon From now on well You are free You don't need me anymore you Haven't you always wanted to leave You really let me go Mm-hmm I am Xiao Jiu Jian A man who breaks his word Then I'm off Let's go Wayan go White son Congratulations to the two of you finally keep the clouds open to see the moon Oh, not tomorrow Thank you for your kindness If princess en announcement know outside Po weak And I was able to stop it I don't think a foreigner will allow us to marry It's also called an emperor ah It's my father-in-law. hahaha Why don't you stay a few more days, Master Yeah, well, at least have a wedding before you leave no I have a new purpose Cannot delay Say goodbye Take care of yourself gone
Channel: SIX STAR Cinema
Views: 244,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 网络电影, 惊悚电影, 玄幻电影, 魔幻电影, 悬疑电影, 动作电影, 武侠电影, 华语电影
Id: QNTzv8czP74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 27sec (4887 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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