MULTI SUB【无间谍战】EP01|军统特务开启双重身份 游走黑白明暗之间|靳东 秦俊杰 阚清子 郭涛 李乃文

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Immediately send this telegram to the Red Fox Group. Yes, the War of Resistance Against Japan has just been won. Chiang Kai -shek pretended to invite Mao Zedong to Chongqing for talks . And crimes are filling the air, now go home quickly , take the time to record the confession , and then make all the noises. It is the only son of General Dingyuan who died in the War of Resistance . Yes, it is said that a tiger father has no dog . You should go to the combat army. Why did you come here? Because on the battlefield The situation is changing rapidly . Accurate intelligence work can bring opportunities for victory. It can also avoid many unnecessary bloodshed and sacrifices . Also , it is because my father died for the country because of mistakes in intelligence work. Well , if this is the case, report to the day after tomorrow. It is Zhuzi . Move the soda out , okay , old classmate, Zhao Yunfei , you scared me to death, why haven’t I seen you in so many years , you’re still so timid, you scared me , I heard that you’ve joined the military command , yes , I’ll tell you that in your current capacity, it’s true It’s not suitable to scare people with a surprise. Do you know what the military is not ? Isn’t it the same as you ? You work in the technical department. Come and have dinner with me . We haven’t seen each other for so many years. Let’s go to a restaurant together . Old classmate, what do you think? Can Yan’an come to Chongqing to negotiate? I don’t know. Besides, it’s not up to us to talk about this kind of thing. It’s true that we don’t have the final say . But the streets of Chongqing are celebrating the victory of Japan’s surrender , and the confetti everywhere has not been blown by the wind. San The people of this country really don’t want to, and can’t get into war anymore, Yunfei, I think you’re a little too drunk, I’ll send you back soon after eating , where did I drink too much , I ’ve been reading their Xinhua Daily lately. I also read some articles by Mao Zedong, and I think Yan’an will avoid the possibility of this kind of war , so I think it is really possible for Mao Zedong to come to Chongqing to meet Chairman Jiang this time. They will not let go of this historical opportunity. Yunfei, drink Let’s stop this topic, and don’t mention it to others in the future . You were not before, not anymore , not again . I’m at the age when I was singing and drinking in the daytime, and I was young enough to return home. I ’ve already got a family , so I want to fix the radio station. Live your own life , let’s stop discussing such important national affairs between the two parties. What are you doing ? Let’s go first , Xiao Qi. It’s no longer the age when you sing songs in the daytime and drink too much, and you can go back to your hometown with your youth. According to intelligence analysis from the outside world , Mao Zedong may not dare to come to Chongqing . It seems that Mao Zedong is also afraid of death. Since Mao Zedong dared not come to Chongqing , we have nothing to worry about. According to the instructions of the president, we would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go. Found the CCP’s underground party, take action immediately , kill Wushe , yes, the people who come out of the training center can be used , report here are all elites selected by training , please tell me, sir, I don’t look at your physical strength , nor your marksmanship How accurate I want to see is your spirit and fighting spirit. You will be the dead fighters against the Communist spy elite . You must have the courage and awareness to die loyal to the great cause of the party and the country. Follow the instructions of the chief and be loyal to the party and the country . I am here this time to give you There is a good news and a bad news. The good news is that you are about to become the elite of the military command . The bad news is that I only need five people to select the special team members , and the winning five are the first . It is American martial arts, and it is the batch that came back from the US Strategic Intelligence Service, sir. Good eyesight, the instructor brought her here , yes, go away , hide weapons, you fouled, are you not afraid of military punishment? There are no rules, you can only win. Speak Chinese to the officer . Officer, I can be loyal to the party and country, so I can’t die here . Report your name Zhuang Meijiao Section Chief Zhuang Come in , District Chief Ye Zhuang Meijiao from the Technical Section reports how he feels after becoming the section chief . Director Dai is very concerned . Please tell Director Dai for me. The colleagues in the technical department must work together to complete the tasks assigned by the party and the state. I will report to you about the detection that can be sent out. The car is already on the street today , regardless of the communists, if they hide in any dark corner, as long as they send a report, they will definitely be monitored by us . I believe in this batch of equipment from the Americans, and I even believe in colleagues in the technical department . Please, I would like to ask this question . Is this photo taken here ? There are many photo studios in the city , and most of them have similar backgrounds , but this photo was indeed not taken in this shop . You should go to another shop and ask. Thank you , boss. I’m sorry, I ’m sorry , I’m sorry. Ah, come on, what are you doing? Be honest and don’t move . Justice will always belong to the people . District Chief Ye , the operation is progressing smoothly. We have carried out key investigations according to your instructions. Now all the photo studios in the city are under our surveillance. These American surveillance vehicles are really useful. Ah, it played a key role . Although you have suffered casualties , you have gained a lot. It is because the section chief commanded well . The action team just caught some useless small fish and shrimps and continued to search for 24 hours . What happened to the enemy agents in Chongqing ? We have mobilized a large number of intelligence personnel in ambushes in the Kuomintang-controlled area. All kinds of intelligence are being collected continuously. Accurate information is crucial . The safety of Chairman Mao is related to the future fate of our party and army. Ah, Kenon , intelligence work is the foundation of all work. Only with accurate intelligence can we take the absolute initiative in war. Go slow, Chief Xiao, what do you want? A box of red tin packets , okay, here . Uncle Qi got the news that there is a red fox group installed by the military commander in Yan'an. They are inquiring whether the chairman will go to Chongqing. It may threaten the safety of the head of the central government . Please arrange a quick check at home. Don't worry, but be careful , the enemy's radio detection vehicles have been active all the time. I understand that the antenna is our key monitoring object . All the antennas installed that exceed the standard for broadcast reception should be captured first and then told . Don’t tell me yes all day long. Do you know where to start? Slums, buildings with more than two floors , suburban areas , etc. The three are our key targets for investigation. All cities and the highest points of major high-rise buildings must set up our own antennas . With antennas and mobile detection , I believe that the Communist Party’s radio stations will be invisible. I understand. Let’s take action . Yes, let me borrow some fire. It’s hard work for you to patrol like this day and night. It’s okay. There are reconnaissance vehicles there. We are just putting on a show. I will pass one on the street in front of me in a few minutes. A new tea just passed by. So I just need to go out and start sending the telegram immediately . No matter what happens, the telegram must be sent . Don’t worry, I will definitely send it as soon as possible. I will go when the soy sauce is gone. Make some , okay , go early and come back early, okay, take a look at the sausages, let’s take a look, let’s take a look, the fresh ones we poured ourselves in the morning , old yellow, old yellow, thank you, buy some , you can choose any flavor, catch the thief, the thief stole the wallet, I didn’t steal it I didn’t steal your wallet, it was you who stole my wallet , I didn’t steal your wallet, it was him who stole it, I didn’t steal your wallet , it was him , why, why, why, isn’t this a pillar? He stole my wallet, how could he steal your wallet? Why is it impossible, sir , I am also my own . My wife asked me to make soy sauce. Now he smashed my bottle . How can I explain it when I go back ? If I steal your wallet , you can shoot me now. I shot you , don’t you admit that I didn’t steal me , you don’t admit it , don’t hit it, don’t hit it, don’t hit it, don’t hit it, the captain’s signal was interrupted , what signal was interrupted , all of them disappeared If I hadn’t met you two, the Communist Party ’s radio station I just grabbed the wallet, wallet , step aside, move away , brother Xiao, it was a bit heavy just now , sorry, Zhuzi, thank you , if you didn’t come, I really don’t know what to do . Just now, that classmate of yours went to the store to find you and said he was going to visit your house You, Boss Wang , called me here because you were worried . Aren’t you the friend of Chief Xiao ? What would you like to order, Boss Wang? Yes, please don’t call me sir . Calling you Mr. Zhao, besides buying cigarettes from you, Xiao Qi usually buys his wife what else will he buy ? When I ask their wife if they like some snacks or candy, you can bring me some of everything. I will visit him in a while. I understand. I see that you are a loyal friend. It’s good that you wait for me to prepare for you. You have quite a full range of goods in this store. That ’s what we have in Chongqing. We have what’s not in the market . There’s so much nonsense in the pillars. Hurry up and stock up for Mr. Zhao and tell Boss Wang that the matter is done. It’s my sister-in-law. You are me. It’s Xiao Qi’s classmate . My name is Zhao Yunfei . He’ll come back after going out for a while. Come in first and have a cup of tea. Okay, sit down . Sister-in-law, this is for you. Thank you. Here comes the newspaper you ordered . Thank you. Someone is here. Who are you looking for? I Looking for Xiao Qi, sister- in-law, do you know this person ? Why do I think he is a little weird ? It’s okay . He is the administrator of our building, Lao Huang. He is like this usually . Mr. Xiao is back. Xiao Qi , why didn’t you tell me What's wrong with you ? This is , I was almost hit by your military commander's car just now. The military commander is really lawless , sister -in-law. I also work in the military commander. You don't know what people outside are saying about the military commander now. Really, Zhenzhen, please don't say a few words I 'm not talking about him . Don't listen to her nonsense. You sit down first. Otherwise, I'll go back first . You should have a good rest. I'll see you next time . It was too dangerous just now . If Boss Wang hadn’t been thoughtful enough to send Zhuzi over to make a rescue, the enemy ’s surveillance vehicles would have driven downstairs to us . You’re all right. You’re not injured. I ’m fine. Don’t worry, your classmate is fine. But after all, he is a member of the military command, I will pay more attention to him , be careful , don’t move, don’t move, don’t move, be honest Shi Peiying, you finally showed your horse’s feet, so you can’t go to your master , Dai Li, to receive the reward, please bring Go, go, go, Chiang Kai-shek pretended to throw an olive branch of peace talks, trying to blame the Communist Party for the deliberate war. However, at the historical juncture that will determine the fate of China , the Chinese Communists are still determined to lead the people with great efforts and patience to stop the war. On August 28, 1945, Mao Zedong , accompanied by US Ambassador Hurley and Zhang Zhizhong, head of the Political Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, arrived in Chongqing by plane. Mr. Dai, the Red Fox delivered wrong information . Mao Zedong had arrived in Chongqing. I was more worried. Yes, someone in the Red Fox Group has already betrayed the party-state . Didn’t the elites of the Red Fox Group all swear in front of Director Dai ? Qi Wu has been here for so many years, haven’t you seen how many vows our colleagues have made, which is no match for the so-called Communist Party? My subordinates have indeed seen the beliefs , but please rest assured, Director , I, Mao Renfeng, take Director Dai as a model , and swear to follow the leader and be loyal to the party and country . You and I are both from Jiangshan. Let’s go down and make arrangements. At least in Chongqing , the Communist Party cannot be allowed to be so rampant during the negotiation period. The Xinhua Daily published four letters from readers saying that Mr. Mao Zedong resolutely came to Chongqing, which completely shattered all the false accusations and misunderstandings about the Chinese Communist Party that we have heard in the past. Mr. Mao came to Chongqing. It proves the sincerity and determination of the CCP to fight for peace, unity and democracy. This indeed reflects and represents the demands of our common people . Mao Zedong’s action of going to Chongqing in person regardless of personal safety declares to the world and abroad that the Chinese Communist Party is sincerely seeking peace and truly representing the whole country. The interests of the people, what are you listening to ? Mao Zedong and others arrived in Chongqing. They were warmly welcomed by people from all walks of life and caused great repercussions at home and abroad. Democrats , report director. I was searching for the enemy’s radio station just now and found an abnormal signal , but it flickered, so I said Keep expanding the scope of the search, search, expand the scope of the search , and it just happened to search for the enemy radio station, right? I just saw that you were listening very engrossed . During working hours, you are asked to listen to the signal of the Communist Party’s secret radio station . Could it be that you are in Is redization accepted here? You say that, it ’s a bit serious. I ’m purely on the wrong tune . How did the party -state educate you? Is this how you work for the party-state? It’s really like iron Now you’re stepping forward from the beginning to the end, the mountains are like the sea, the setting sun is like blood You wrote it, it’s not someone who wrote it, it’s not bad , the one who just arrived in Chongqing today wrote it, come with me , why don’t you kick him, do you know what you are doing It's very dangerous. Poetry is poetry and politics is politics . I don't understand that I copy poetry. What's so dangerous ? Appreciate Mao Zedong's poetry and agree with his words . Are you afraid of being brainwashed over time? Did you forget the work regulations and you forgot the party-state? How did you train you, Zhao Yunfei, do you want to join the Communist Party ? Why is your thing in your hands? I want to see what red stuff fascinates you so much. In all practical work of our party , it belongs to correct leadership. It must come from the masses to the masses. You have started to learn Marxism . This is your epistemology of Marxism. I am really not a Redist . I just analyze and study their theories . This is also for better monitoring, Inspector Feng Section Chief? Send two brothers to my place . I have suspected redheads here. I need you to review it. Now if you have anything to say, just tell the inspectors . They will give you a fair explanation . If you really have the ability to convince them And make them believe that you're not a Redist , you're really lucky, but if I knew something , I'd make it hard for you to walk in . Please, after staying in the military for so long , I think you should know the discipline of our military , old To be honest, maybe I can save some flesh and blood. I study their articles to better understand their theories. If we don't even understand their theories, how can we get them from their telegrams and broadcasts? What about the information we want to get? I don’t think you will be tortured. You won’t tell the truth . What’s the rush? Section Chief Feng , Section Chief Feng, what kind of torture can you use to get the information we want by studying these Communist Party remarks? I think You don’t listen to it occasionally, do you? You listen to it specifically for research? Sir, I’m already a little obsessive-compulsive, so I want to listen to it whenever I have the chance , and I want to analyze it carefully. The Communists have studied us so thoroughly, but we put Their remarks are regarded as a scourge , and they can’t even be studied. How can you know yourself and the enemy? It seems that you have a long-term thinking. I really want to understand them , so I accidentally recorded so much in this monitor. I think that only by understanding their theories can we study them better. Only by thoroughly understanding them can we make greater progress in intelligence work , so as to study the characteristics of the enemy and our countermeasures . Hey , I have encountered a very difficult problem now . I think Listen to your instructions and say , Chief Xing of the Radio Monitoring Section, he had a bit of trouble with his subordinates , so he has to be sent to me for interrogation. The key is that you still know that person, Zhao Yunfei , the son of General Dingyuan who died for his country. You said that after Yi Zhonglie , something went wrong, it can’t be justified, right? This Xing Guokun is really messing around . You know Section Chief Xing . I believe he can still be loyal to the party and the country . This young man is a bit nerdy in reading . It is understandable. In this way, he is transferred to the review team. There are places where he can read. Go out, go out, go out, Yunfei is like this , Xing Guokun, don’t look at others Gao Mada is just narrow-minded and can’t take responsibility. You see, your background information is very clean . You were trained in the United States after being a martyr of the party and country . I just discussed with District Chief Naye that you are so interested in analyzing intelligence , so I simply transferred you to the review team. There are a lot of Communist Party materials in the review team. You can study there every day and use your talents. I have been promoted, military commander. The Institute of Special Political Issues under it is an institution dedicated to the research and activities of the CCP , and the review team that Zhao Yunfei will transfer to is the investigation department responsible for collecting and sorting out various newspapers, magazines, and progressive publications in order to grasp the dynamics of the CCP and other parties . The activities are getting more and more intense, and the role of the review team is useless . It is already a cold yamen inside the military command. Yunfei is handsome and has a nice name. He is new here , but he looks like a poor ghost, and he was stalked by Nina as soon as he arrived. Just sit here, okay. Okay , thank you . This is mine. It’s very close to you . It ’s quite close . Yunfei, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask me. By the way , where are you from? Your accent sounds like Jiangsu and Zhejiang. You are from Shanghai . My hometown is Wuxi. Yes, it ’s about the same . Wuxi is very close to Shanghai. We are half fellow villagers . Yes, we are half fellow villagers. Will we go to dance after work ? I know there is a very fancy dance hall. Well, this is up to you , and what kind of people are the Chinese communists ? At the moment, Zhao Yunfei is searching for the answer to the question Gasno asked in Journey to the West. Don’t be so beautiful. At this moment , one hand is on the other’s throat, and he is punching and kicking in secret. On the surface , he is smiling and shouting for unity. It’s fun , if it’s not fun, it’s going to set itself on fire. Girl , this is our review team leader. She ’s our team leader, Team Leader Chen. She’s new here , can she drive? Yes , do me a favor , what can I do for you, let go of your hand first, okay? Okay, where are you going , you can tell me directly, and I 'll go with you , team leader
Channel: 魅力剧场 Charm Drama
Views: 84,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 电视剧, drama, Chinese drama, 偶像, 言情, 魅力剧场, charm drama, 华语电视剧, 无间谍战, 无间, 谍战, 靳东, 伪装者, 谍战剧, 战争剧, 秦俊杰, 阚清子, 郭涛, 李乃文, Wu Jian, 军统, 民国剧, 民国, 哈尔滨一九四四, 杨幂, 秦昊
Id: MToulhv5sf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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