[Multi-sub]《最灿烂的我们》第1集丨张天爱 盛一伦 郑伊健 关晓彤 任容萱 叶童 The Brightest of Us EP1【捷成华视偶像剧场】

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Loving you is the only important thing to me. Give me the rest of your life to live with me. Marry me, okay? You should just forget about me. My love for you can only go so far. Our love can only go so far. If time can't make you forget those who should be forgotten, what's the point of the years we've lost ? It's three years. It's time to forget the past. It's time to start over. Feed me, book a ticket to Shanghai tomorrow. My name is Zhou Ran. Twenty-four years old , graduated from college one and a half years ago, loving life, having dreams , and a beautiful person. Today is Valentine 's Day. Flowers are everywhere. Sweet words are everywhere. Hands are around the world . Everything is so beautiful. Love is one plus one is greater than two. From the moment we decide to hold hands together, our world will expand with happiness and joy in a multiplicative way . Starting from tomorrow, you will change your name and call me director. Who is it? The new editor will arrive tomorrow. The new editor will be here tomorrow. The new editor is male and female. He is the director. The eldest son is a single aristocrat and a returnee from overseas. The most important thing is that work is fine. Let’s work. Let’s go. Let’s break up. We have a meeting in the afternoon. I am a perfect male god. If you hear it, we must dress up well tomorrow to leave it for him. I will leave the next good impression to you single aristocrats. My heart is at peace now. By the way, the editor-in-chief made an appointment with Tony’s agent and made a reservation at the Riverview Restaurant on the Bund. However, he may be late for my appointment here. It's really hard for your advertising partners. You can take these two new plans to entertain Tony's agent. Waiting for the new editor to come over , isn't the new editor coming tomorrow? Maybe he's anxious to make some achievements. That 's understandable . Don't be late if you're in a hurry to get results, right? You can't handle your own affairs. What's wrong with leaving the mess to others ? You don't have diamonds, so don't do porcelain work. You think so? The flight is delayed. What's wrong with the flight delay? I think, as The editor-in-chief ’s flight is delayed . You should have thought about it . How many times have I told you, complain less and do more, okay? I’m not the director. It’s not that I don’t want to go. The main reason is that I have unfinished work tonight . I still have to do the catwalk tomorrow. Follow up, right? Besides, today is Valentine's Day. I 'll find a smarter person and go there with these two plans. This overall layout integrates the newly renovated and original ones, and can even be ignored. It exists so that when we enter the courtyard from the old street, we will find a special cave that allows people to see the beauty of nature at once. So how do you understand the harmonious unity of man and nature in this project ? This I am about the harmonious unity of man and nature. Our understanding is respect. I am very satisfied with your design plan. Thank you . Thank you. Then I will revise and organize the specific details of the plan again . Our project will be launched soon . I hope our cooperation can be successful. Happy cooperation. Happy cooperation. Please do this. Congratulations , I have to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I would definitely have messed up today . It’s my first time. You’re already great. Of course it’s true. Then how do you reward me? Why do you turn your back on me right away? I just said yes. If I help you, you should reward me. That’s okay. I’ll reward you . I’ll treat you to a big dinner today and then go to the karaoke bar . Then you can watch a movie and go to a bar. Wait, wait, let’s finish the details of the project just now. Let's talk about it. Okay, let's go to work. I'm asking you today. Hello Zhou Ran. Let's go. Come quickly . Bye. I usually say that I don't have a boyfriend. Can you book a room for this big holiday? Kevin, I've finished my planning. Can you help me? Submit it to the director? The foreign star's planning project has been finalized during yesterday's meeting . But the director said that everyone has a chance to submit this planning project . Now I will directly show your planning project to the client . It's not in compliance with the procedures, so you have to fight for this opportunity . So what should I do? The new editor-in -chief invited Tony's agent to dinner at the Bund Riverview restaurant tonight. However, the new editor-in-chief's flight is delayed and he may be late, so at this time we will I need someone to accompany the new editor-in -chief to accompany Tony's agent for a while , but I have already made an appointment with my boyfriend. Are you okay? How long have you been with the company? I have three days to go through my internship period, so you are still a newbie, you know? Let me tell you what is the most important thing when you are a newcomer. It is to take your work seriously and work hard to establish yourself. After half a year, there are not many opportunities like this. Think about your plan. Once it is good, I will go , I will do it, I will go. That’s right, little clever guy . remember Ms. Shan Zhou who signed the company, isn’t it rude of you to keep staring at others ? No, are you Tony? Can you please lower your voice? You are really Tony. Let me ask you, how did you figure it out? You don’t move around. Look who dresses up so exaggeratedly like you. Why do you come here dressed as your own agent ? It’s fun. Miss Zhou, you don’t understand how uncomfortable it is to lose your personal freedom once you become a public figure . However, these two plans I'm sorry that the plan is not what we want. I think the problem here is not a matter of details , but a matter of core creativity . Also , you editor-in-chief , how long do we have to wait? You know there is a traffic jam in Shanghai at this time. He should It's coming soon. How about this? I'll give you a toast first. You drink like this. A thousand glasses of wine is less than a confidant . I believe that people with good wine will definitely have better character. Tell me if you want to come. I'll pour it for you. Thank you Zhou. Miss, I didn’t expect that you have a pretty good personality. I really like Tony. In fact, I have a plan here. Do you want to take a look at it ? Guo Rui , I can’t leave here yet. Just wait for me for another hour and I’ll finish. Go over to you and let's break up. Guo Rui , please stop making trouble, okay? It 's my fault today, but I can't help it because of my work. My boyfriend, Ms. Zhou, I'm sorry . Today is Valentine's Day and I asked you to stay with me here. It's okay without you. Don't say that . It's okay. This is my job. Come on , let me toast you. Come on, Happy Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day , Guo Rui. I know today is Valentine's Day , but don't I still have a job? Just wait for me. I 'll come over to you in a minute, please stop making trouble, Zhou Ran. In fact, I have been thinking about breaking up for a long time. I once naively thought that there was always a window of light in this city that belonged to you and me. But then I discovered that this The light is a dream that you and I can never touch. I ’m really sorry, Guo Rui. Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off. Are you okay? I’m okay. I’ve never seen this planning plan before. Of course you haven’t seen it before. This plan was written by me. If you don’t think it’s good , just take it as a joke . No, I just watched it. I think it’s quite special. I ’ll take a good look at it again when I get back , okay? Tony , you are really nice. In fact, you don’t need to be so comforting. My Miss Zhou , have you drunk too much ? I can still drink with you. Really, let ’s have a drink first. Don’t look at me. You drink too. I’ll toast you one more. Is this okay, Miss Zhou ? Let’s have a drink together. Just don't drink. First of all, I 'm very happy to meet you today. We had a great chat. But we both drank quite a lot of wine. We can't drink anymore. But the editor-in-chief doesn't have a plan yet . I will take a closer look when I go back. I will contact Editor Ye. By the way , Editor Ye will be here in a while. Just tell him. Just tell him that I drank too much. Editor in chief will be here in a moment. Please wait for me. Editor Ye, okay? I'm leaving now. I want to hold hands with you. I come, I come, I come, you come, you come, like a pink song. There are no worries and sorrows, only smiles, sweetness, happy holidays, happy holidays, happy holidays, happy holidays , Guo Rui, why are you here? No , it’s because the company’s affairs haven’t been settled yet. Well, what day is it today? We are still talking about work . Come here and sing. What I ordered is coming. Come on. Come on . Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Let ’s continue playing. We close our eyes and look for that place. The lady was upstairs just now. Next, you almost vomited on me. Four bottles of Lafite , which you drank as a drink ? Why do you say that to a bartender ? Today is Valentine's Day. Could it be that you and your boyfriend went out to celebrate the holiday? But looking at you like this, you shouldn't be that attractive. Could it be that he was dumped by someone? Uncle policeman , why ca n’t I remember anything here? The bartender turned out to be that scumbag. Now that I have remembered everything , come over and take notes. Guo Rui, Guo Rui, Guo Rui, are you in there? Lele Guo Rui , it's three o'clock in the morning. You have to go to work tomorrow. Go home early and rest. I don't want to. I just want to stay with you like this. I want to stay until dawn. It's still early before dawn. Then I'm willing too . By the way , I'm with my dad. I told you that you will be promoted soon. Thank you for helping me so much . I like you. Even though we have not been together for a long time , we feel that we are very compatible and have a tacit understanding. It is not easy to really get to know someone , but I am willing to trust my intuition. Thank you. I want to believe that I should be me. Thank you. Thank you for spending time with me. It's such a meaningful Valentine's Day . In fact, it feels good to spend this Valentine's Day with you. Everyone, come over and introduce us. This is our new editor- in-chief . Welcome to the editor-in-chief. I am Ye Rongxuan, the new editor-in-chief of Yiren Magazine. To be honest, I am a harsh person. The harshness of my boss is my attitude towards work , and in a sense, I think fashion is harsh. Everyone's image, style, words and deeds represent the image of Yiren. I hope that everyone can be Yiren with me in the next time. People make more new achievements . I don't like to talk too much nonsense. Let's start working. Let's work. Let's work. Where is the office? Take me to my office director . I 'm sorry. I had an accident. I'm sorry for you. This is our new editor-in-chief. Editor-in-Chief, didn't you guys meet yesterday ? Didn't you sleep well? What's your name, Zhou Ran ? OK , I understand. Tell my assistant to the Human Resources Department that I have chosen the Editor-in-Chief . Wait, fire that Zhou Zhouran. Okay, Editor-in-Chief. Tight leopard print trousers only need to be paired with a tube top skirt to complete a good match, which can highlight a woman's sexy style . Sorry , but it is layered. Please give me a moment. You want to explain ? I asked you who was last night. You were so drunk that you damaged the company's image . Who contradicted your boss and made trouble last night ? I did lose my temper last night, but I love this job very much . You said you love this job, and you are right. Then I should fire you. Although today is our second time. We met , but I seem to have seen you dress up for three hundred and sixty-five days. Do you just pull out a piece of clothing from your closet and put it on to go to work every day when you go out ? You said you love this job , if even love can't save your taste. Can you still save us? We are a fashion magazine here , not a welfare institution. Art has never been equated with expensiveness, so you have to tell me, is what you are wearing art? I did not say that I was dressed in art . I admit that my dress is indeed very casual , but I I have to run around in the cloakroom and wear high heels, right ? Work is about efficiency, right? I also want to dress myself up as delicately as they do, but I haven't passed the probation period yet. My work is twice as much as theirs. Now I don’t have the energy or money to make myself more beautiful, so between dressing well and working hard, I choose the latter. Do I have to work hard in exchange for my boss laughing at me? If you feel that others are laughing at you, start with yourself. Looking for reasons , what will happen to a person who gets drunk on Valentine's Day? What will happen to her private life ? But looking at you, you probably don't have a boyfriend. Although we are different in terms of positions , we are equal in terms of personality. How can an editor make fun of an employee's private life? Please apologize to me for what you did just now. I say it again. Apologize. There is no word apology in my dictionary. Oh my god, she is crazy. You editor , I know you hate me even more now. But I don't care, because I have decided to leave Yiren now. I don't want to waste my precious youth on a bad boss . See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Do n't be so stingy. I was really busy with work last night . I'm on the phone. I have already made it very clear. Don’t let it go on forever. We are both about to get married. Why are you still so childish? Where did you go last night? I don’t want to answer this question. What do you want to do? You should apologize. I have already apologized. What on earth are you doing? What's going on? Zhou Ran, please hear me clearly. I'm not angry with you or joking with you. I think we should separate. I've graduated for so long and I've accomplished nothing. I still have nothing. I'm getting more and more. I'm really confused. I really ca n't see our future. Our future is waiting for the two of us to create together. Who said you have nothing? Don't you still have me? Guo Rui . As long as the two of us are together, we will have our own home. Wedding ring, me. If we don’t want a house, we’ll rent a car instead of buying one. I think it would be too wasteful to have a wedding. I told my mother that we can just get married naked. Don’t be angry. Don’t be angry. There is a joke about being a daughter-in-law that goes like this. A girl in a restaurant asked you if you want to marry me. Do you want to marry me? The boy was silent. Then the girl asked you again if you believe it or not . I just married a random man. As a result, all the men in the restaurant ran out to flirt with girls. You should also pay attention to the occasion, okay? This is not your problem . What do you say ? I can't be with you anymore. Tell me why I don't want to be with you. Tell me why. Okay. I have fallen in love with someone else. Do you accept this answer? In fact, I 'm very happy to hear you say that. You've been holding it in for a long time, right? We've broken up, right ? Then let 's share the things . This is your house. I don't have to live in it anymore. I 'll give this to you. I'll keep it in the country . If you need anything later , you can call me. Goodbye , miss. Miss, I 'll leave your stuff for you. I 'm sorry . I didn't mean to do it. It 's okay. Take a rest. I'm sorry . What's wrong? My love is gone and my job is gone. How could it be? Don't cry first. Where are you? Guo Rui. Come with me and see how I tear this guy apart. Just let that bastard bully you like this. Chen Fei, please give me some dignity. Can Chen Fei refund the hotel I booked? My money is at my mother's place. When I get home, I will pay you the liquidated damages. What kind of liquidated damages are there? The owner of the hotel without liquidated damages is Zhao Zhongren. Good buddy, just keep the money. Now that you have no job, there is plenty of money to spend. Don’t blame me for telling you. When we were in college, I advised you to break up with Guo Rui. What’s so good about Guo Rui? Is it worth it? If you do this for him, I tell you that men are fickle but their hearts are fickle. It’s better to break up now so as not to stay together and regret it . Long-term pain is better than short-term pain. I always thought that love only requires sincerity and honesty. I said, Zhou Ran, face work. You were so mature when you were young, how can you still be so naive when it comes to feelings ? Can drawing cakes satisfy your hunger? Did your mother know about the breakup? Don’t let my mother know how sad she is when she knows. I don’t want her to worry about you for me. Ah, when will you think of something for yourself? Protect yourself and don’t get deceived again. How are you doing now? He is busy all day long and has no time to accompany me. When it comes to marriage , it will always be two years away. Although I am not in a hurry to get married , I don’t have a job. The only real true friend with no income is you . The focus of the whole day revolves around this one man. If he doesn’t marry me, I always feel insecure. But I have another trick. Let me tell you, money is the most important thing. If he doesn't stay with you , just find a way to spend money until he feels sad. Just smile. Starting from today, our meeting will be timed by an hourglass . This hourglass is thirty minutes each time , so I hope our meeting can end within thirty minutes. Okay, who will be responsible for the entire wedding dress show tonight ? We are going to use niche and distinctive models for the show. This will allow consumers to psychologically compare and identify with each other. But it is particularly worth mentioning that Angelina, who is she? She is our own model of Yiren Group, a model signed by our own company , and she is also the main model selected for this brand product. The editor-in-chief just received an email from Angelina , saying that she wants to Terminate the contract with us Yiren. Why did she terminate the contract before the show? This must be supported by a rival company . Amy , go and investigate which agency Angelina has been in contact with before . Leave other matters to a lawyer. Okay, editor-in-chief today. I will handle the evening show from now on. You are the heir of a fashion group. Let people know that you can’t tie a tie . I am the heir of a fashion group that laughs at you. It’s not important. The most important thing is you . Can I still be by your side? Of course, I will let you accompany me every day and tie me every day. Hello, hello. Good evening. Hello. Hello. The fashion feast is about to begin. Please take a seat. Okay. Now, please invite the main model . What kind of situation does the editor say he will handle? I don’t know exactly what he will do. Are you ready ? Alright. Dim the lights. The main model is ready to appear. Why did the lights go out? It’s amazing. I didn’t expect Angelina to appear in this form. Ah, are you satisfied with our finale show ? For every woman, such an evening dress is their gorgeous dream. Thank you for making this dream a dreamy enough. The holographic projection as the finale is simply great. You This catwalk was very successful. The use of holographic projection to create the entire catwalk was refreshing for us. Where did you get the inspiration from? In my opinion, what I want to show is not only an evening dress , but also inspiration, dreams of self and glory , and the holographic image is more It is a brand new way of expression that can express inspiration and dreams to the greatest extent , self and glory. So I used holographic imaging technology to turn the show into a visual feast. Guo Rui, ah, I’m back, Mom , I’m back, what are you doing, Mom ? Qian, Qian ’s mother, must write it down one by one . Guo Rui, why are you alone? He had a quarrel over something, you two don’t have it . Guo Rui has been very busy recently. The company has a project and he is the person in charge. He really can’t leave. Look, he’s still giving it. you bought one The big durian is here , isn't it Zhou Ran? You have to think about it carefully. The wedding date has been set, the hotel has been booked, relatives and friends have been notified. We have to think carefully about what else we must not leave behind. Mom , actually, I and I Guo Rui, let me tell you, you said that neighbors and relatives and friends in the street had sent the gifts early, so my mother felt that we must hold this wedding in a glamorous manner . If we do it well, we will make my mother feel proud. You just said What's wrong with Guo Rui? It's nothing. I just want to say, don't worry about it. We both have our own ideas. I said, why are you so weird? Our Guo Rui knows that I like to eat durian. Zhou Ran's mother told you, one. Durian Three Chickens Mom, please withdraw some money for me tomorrow. What are you doing with the money ? Didn’t you book a hotel before? Now you have to pay a deposit. What about Guo Rui? Can’t he pay some? Isn’t he busy now? I will take care of these things. Don't worry, he will return all the money to you in the future. No, no , no , no, no, no , really no. What about the money I gave you before? Did you spend the money ? Let me ask you, where did the money go? They are all piled up in my house. Didn’t you say that Aunt Liu put this in our house? It wasn’t that one. Aunt Liu told me before . She said she could find a new home. I didn’t expect things to turn out like this. Isn’t it mom? How can you be so confused? You said you said these pedicure shoes, Aunt Liu, if you think they are good things, can they still fall into your hands? How should I say hello? How many times have I told you not to be deceived? Now outside There are so many sales . You said you have piled up so many shoes. Where do you put them ? I mean well. When I thought about you getting married , I thought about your dowry. I thought I could help. I didn’t expect things to turn out like this . Up to now, I still owe Aunt Liu money. You are so good. What are you doing? What are you doing with my things? You put so many things in your room. Can you sleep? Dad , I miss you so much. Are you okay? You are also very disappointed with me. I have no job now, no savings , and I can’t keep my boyfriend. Do you think I’m a failure? What’s going on? I don’t know. I submitted two copywriting documents at the beginning , and they didn’t include the one they mentioned. Editor -in- Chief : This is the fax just sent by the foreign celebrity agent. They said that Zhou Ran was responsible for the planning project , and they also named her as Zhou Ran to be responsible for the project .
Channel: 捷成华视—偶像剧场 Idol & Romance
Views: 311,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2024, 最新, 电视剧, 剧, 剧集, drama, chinese drama, drama china, 华语电视剧, 中国电视剧, 情感剧, 都市剧, 爱情剧, 职场剧, 励志剧, 最灿烂的我们, zui can lan de wo men, The Brightest of Us, 鸿雁在水鱼在云, 如果可以绝不爱你, 喜剧, 轻喜剧, 张天爱, zhang tianai, 盛一伦, sheng yilun, 郑伊健, zheng yijian, 任容萱, ren rongxuan, 关晓彤, guan xiaotong, 叶童, ye tong, Ru Guo Ke Yi, Jue Bu Ai Ni, 如果可以, 绝不爱你, If I Can Never Love You, Zui Can Lan De Wo Men, Business, Comedy, Romance, Peter Sheng, Ekin Cheng, Lorene Jen, 寇振海, 陈米麒, 李宗霖, 谭凯, 蒲巴甲, eng sub, multi sub
Id: EiI78PIWmY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 48sec (2808 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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