Mud Pit Rescue... Smells Like Sewer!

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so we got a call for an f250 that stuck out to sand hollow and uh we're gonna head out there and see if we can get it out lizzy you got a weather report yeah i sure do it's a hot 94 degrees out there sure feels hotter than that though it does doesn't it yeah while we were heading out here to get ready another call came in and there's another vehicle i think it's a dodge ram that snuck out to sand hollow also so we've got at least those two maybe three i think there might be a toyota stuck out there too busy day sounds like any predictions are we gonna get them out of course we're going to get them out that's the prediction okay it's the positivity the positivity [Music] look at here and so only one tire fell in the hole so i was parked here i looked pretty solid so i was just going to turn around and it just felt that simple so i stopped because i loaded my tires up and went to when i walked out came to step so i got three tires on good dirt right now so i figured a little bit of a yank hey hey dude i got the tow truck guy here now we'll be good yeah yeah we're gonna be good so yeah okay but yeah so i thought yeah so i thought we'd get i didn't have a strap but i didn't want to bury it anymore but if you come look real quick if you look it's uh so it kind of went to the step and i didn't want to bury it too much because i got you see i still got really good dirt yeah and we're good on this side too so we're not buried so i get a little bit of a pull we're coming right out so when it gets late in the summer like this they start moving the water out of the reservoir they can pump it between here and quail lake and that's when people really start getting in trouble because it's just a nasty mess they keep trying to drive down to the water as it's receding and it can get bad it can get really really bad so we're kind of moving into that season here and i'm not especially looking forward to it because i don't like mud you should like mud you're in it all the time no i'm not there's somebody right there who just drove past right down this road yeah good so see if a 2x is the right size for him thank you very much do you have the key for this yeah let's get that pulled out of there that's for you so rudy i'm gonna need your help here i'm thinking 30 foot 7 8 for this what do you think absolutely so that if that goes straight up that straight so when you start moving straighten it out pretty quick but don't worry about it right now just wait till you get going okay okay all right you're in reverse yes okay um start giving it gas when you hear me start giving a guess because these take a while to school up and start going and then if it's not successful then immediately let off [Music] how'd that go good that was i feel like i did okay on that one okay let's get this done i'm not doing your job i'll have to review the footage but you got it spooled up and ready to go all right good lizzy understands diesels okay that's that sound good thank you thank you there was someone that said they're stuck over there in the sand frame rail yeah we're gonna go look for them they gave us a call all right so now we're heading to this next one just using my little uh map tracking system here from my phone he's over there so maybe that other way was better to go because i think we've just passed him so what's going on here yeah i don't know what's going on here oh my i'm afraid we're going to need to go backwards and then forwards to make sure that i'm not here i don't want to get sucked down there yeah [Music] so i'm gonna pull forward i'm fine about where the end of my rope is and then back up the calculated distance when you hear start me start to go start easing on the throttle we're probably looking for 2000 to 2200 rpm once i get you up on top just the same thing you always do right now the best move now is to just pull them out but i mean i'll pull you out it's not going to cost you anything else if you want to try it then we got to do probably do this again sorry yeah yep so is this toyota stuck too they were pushing it when i got here so okay i think it is we'll find out what you were doing out here today trying to help this gentleman out yeah and he tried to help me and then i got him stuck you can put that bow shackle together so back up and get this rope tight okay just put it in drive and hold the brakes until we're ready to go and then we'll just one smooth motion rudy where does the road go after the jeep so it goes so it goes up to the right about 100 feet oh 100 feet past the deep so the jeep's just right there [Music] [Music] gross you love mud don't you yeah smells like sewer okay is that that thank you yeah right on thanksgiving toyota's okay oh no awesome thank you guys so much yeah right cool right thank you appreciate it you're welcome thank you guys it's locked [Music] two-wheel drive so the customer wants us to pull them out but they've got the keys so i think rudy went back there to get them and to confirm this isn't a four wheel drive it's not there's no there's nothing started up [Music] forward you're going to crank the wheels all the way to the right you're going to give it more gas than you think you should because we're going to slide the back end over to straighten you out without having to make a big arc out into that water okay pivot here right here [Music] [Music] so this just needs to be driven up to some hard pack yeah there's some parking lots up there with gravel on them so just head up there [Music] so who's toyota your toyota yeah there it is so i made a call all right thank you you guys have a good day thank you you too okay we're headed to the car wash let's go wash these jeeps off okay the gun or the brush teach you how to do it i'm going to put you on the break okay you better follow me cause i'm gonna start blasting across the top so what what do you guys think of that too much mud don't be negative oh fine there was no sand what do you think lizzy it went pretty smooth yeah anyway we got it taken care of it was a good day on to the next thing what are we doing next dinner eating we're gonna go get some food
Channel: undefined
Views: 725,882
Rating: 4.941153 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, audi, mud trap, trap, sewer, mud pit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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