MTCNA - Bridging on MikroTik

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hi there did this man have that in this structure I have to start speaking about bridging so I have to explain what is the bridging exactly on the mikrotik routers and then I have to do this lab which you can see we have seven points to do but before I start doing those ones let me just explain to you what is the bridging and what is the main functions of the bridging then we come back to the points and start doing them so what is bridging let's consider we have this router board okay we have this supply which has five interfaces this is the interface for internet and then we have those four interfaces correct now when you configure bridging on the mikrotik router what you can do you can make for example one bridge interface so you just create this bridge interface which is actually a virtual interface not physical and what you do you put for example the ports of the mikrotik router inside this bridge interface for example we take port number two number three number four and number five so those sports okay because the first board is for the upstream router is the uplink the one which we are connected to the internet from it so we'll put inside of this bridge interface two three four and five so what will happen in this case those pores will behave like switch ports for example you have to think that it's like a switch now and from the micro take diversion 6.41 plus then what they have done and they have created something we call the harder offload in order to allow the packet to go via those ports on using this switch chip without it goes to the CPU that makes it things to go faster so one different want to go from one port to another which are inside the Bridge port then it doesn't have to go to the CPU of the router it will go inside the switch chip and that makes things much faster so what is the benefit of this the benefit is let's consider that you create here on this interface you have the Internet so here you have internet and then on dos force with the ports what you do you have a bridge interface so you do the D nut and you do the route and everything then you have internet then in this case the if you put a cable on the port number two then for PC for example you can get internet if you put on port number three you can get internet port number four you have internet port number five you have internet so you have to consider exactly it's like a switch okay so remember when you have a switch you have a router and then you have a switch here and then you have your PC's wherever you put your cable on the switch then do you have internet because the router is the one could give me the Internet so same thing we can can happen over here so that's one of the function of the bridge which makes the internet posts behave as switchboard the second thing that you have to think of is that normally when we say bridge and the network basics they say that bridge means you are reaching to different technology together for example if you have wireless and if you have Ethernet then what you can do you can put you can reach them together and then in this case they can communicate to each other okay and that's what it's saying here you have to on the bridge you can reach two different networks technology like Ethernet and Wireless to be as one network so what does it mean let's consider that we have on the subtle and action is a hoplite it has wireless so this is the wireless it's an interface WLAN so what you can do do you have put a Ethernet two three four and five and size this bridge what you can do also you can add here the W lamp also inside this bridge that means that the users who are going to connect to the wireless they also can get internet service because there are inside the bridge of course you have to configure the WLAN to be active so you have to make it active as an interface but what will happen here that you have to consider that port 2 3 4 5 and WLAN although sports does like one network ok so that's also something you have to remember on bridging that you can reach to different networks to each other so as a summary bridge it is to put all porch are on the same network then like Ethernet that can behave like switchboard and then normally we say also on the network basics that switch is a multi port bridge ok so that's why we have to think of the multiple they are behaving like a switch and then also you can put another technology like Wireless you put it also in the bridge with the with the technology which is the internet that we have port from two to five and then in this case you can think that it is one network so this is the main thing of the switch and it is the main concept and it is what you can apply on the mikrotik router so let's go now back to the points and start applying what we have now learned on the lab pot number one configure router and want to provide internet service to your PC so before I do that let's go at first I have to put the picture of the lab you can see it but also let's go to the luck scenario to explain what I have under slab tsunami so what I have done I have reset the configuration on the router so router one doesn't have any configuration at this moment okay and I just have a cable connected from my PC to Ethernet two of the mikrotik router and also I have internet one connected to the ISP so now what I need to do I have just to make draw to want to be connected to the Internet so that's first point I just we have to go fast because you already learned that from the previous labs when we made the lab of connecting the mikrotik router to the Internet and provide Internet service but just because we need to have router want to be connected to the Internet then I will go to and this point started doing it and then we see what we have to do later so this is router one it has no any configuration on it it has reset so we are working on a blank configuration we need to make it connect it to the internet first I would like to go and change the identity I'll make a shorter one I will go fast on this one because again you already know how to do that so first thing I will have to go to IP dhcp client and ask on the interface which is it a net1 to receive the dhcp to be able to go to the upstream so i'll say yes and now we see it is bounded and now we should have internet if I think now my router is able to go to the internet that's fine now my router needs to provide internet so what I have to do I will go to the IP address I'm not gonna configure now the DHCP server I just want to put an IPO of one nine two one six eight dot 88.1 / 24 on the interface off with the one connect to my PC which is it a net tool and then what I still need to do actually is to do the knot so I go to IP firewall not and here the source not and I will leave everything the same and then masquerade and then I will say ok and that's what I need to do now I will check if my PC now has internet first let's check if we have IP addresses on the PC so I'll go from here and because we didn't enable DHCP so we have to put IP address manually so I'll go to the tcp/ip version 4 and then from here I'll put the IP 1 9 2 once you say that 88.2 as it's saying in the graph I will say what is the Gateway so it is the router and don't forget to put the dns and then I will say ok ok and now we can see it is saying it's connected let's try now to see if I can go to if I can ping to Google so ping and here we go we can see that my PC now is connected to the Internet port number one is done point number two we have to create a bridge interface and put inside this bridge interface the interfaces which are Ethernet two three and four ok very good so let's do that how to create the bridge interface we have to go from here we have the bridge ok you click on it and then you click on bridge and you say plus I want to create a bridge interface you can give it the name e1 I will leave it the bridge 1 that's fine and then I will say that I'll have to put inside of it because actually if we go to the interfaces I have eaten at one which is going to the uplink and then I have eaten at 2 3 & 4 so output 2 3 & 4 - is the one which is on my PC then I'll put 3 or 4 also all right so let's do that so I'll go here and I will add internet tool and I will add eaten at 3:00 and I will add eaten at 4:00 so that's it that's how you can configure the bridge you just have to create it and then you put inside of it the porch and now those pores that are behaving like switchboards and you can see there is an H over here and that's for the hardware after all and we come if you want you can check that the hardware offload is the one that I said to you that on the version 6.41 plus then this is enabled so you don't have anymore what we had before the master and slave boss so you have harder offload and now with the port they can send to each other the frames without really going the the frame to go to the CPU of the router which makes things much faster pot number two is done port number three now we have to change the IP from Ethernet to interface to the bridge interface and check if you have it in that service so what we have done now is that we have an IP on the Internet to the face we have to change it put it on the bridge interface because then I can move the cable from eating a tool to it industry and eating at four and then I still have internet okay so that's what I need to do I'll go to the here to the mikrotik router and from here I'll have to go to IP address and instead of putting the IP on Ethernet - now we have to say it is on Bridge one and which has a side of it the bridge has eaten a - it has eaten s3 and it has eaten at four all right so I'll say ok now we need to check if we still have it than that so let's open the ping command again and I will say to ping - T and you can see that the ping is working without any problem point number three is done port number four move your cable to it in at three and internet for do you have internet service so at this time my cable is connected to internet 2 and I have the ping is still working so if I will make a review if we go back here what I have done I have created a bridge interface so inside this bridge interface I put Ethernet to Nasri and eaten at four so eaten at two is the one which aren't connected to it physically you can see might be she's connected to it physically now what I need to do then is eaten at three and the decision at four I have to move this cable and connect it to Internet's three and then eaten as soon as inside the bridge and I have to see if I still have internet and then I will remove this cable and connect it to Ethernet for internet for is inside the bridge and then I will still have to see if I still have internet service because we are all having those pores inside a bridge interface which is like the main bridge for them okay so you have to think that the bridge interface where all the ports are inside of it so let's do this experiment now if I go back to the pink I see that I'm on Ethernet - and the pin is working I'll move the cable now so this cable I take it out now and you can see it's changed general failure and now I put it on ether necessary so I just put it on internet three now and let's have a look so request and out and here we go you can see that the internet is working again all right now I'll move it from Internet three so it's out now and I put it now on internet forum and here we go you see that now we have internet also on Ethernet phone so no matter what you do you put it on Internet - or root industry or eating that floor doesn't matter anymore because those ports are inside the bridge and you can see that the Internet is working I will move it back now and put it on Ethernet to port number four is done point number five configure the WLAN to be active and added to the bridge so as I said before you can also make a bridge between two different technologies so we have the Ethernet ports are inside the bridge now I need to add the WLAN WN is different than Internet but you will see that this kind of work also so we have to make it active the WLAN and then we have to add it inside the bridge so let's do that we go to the router and I'll close this let's keep it open here and then I will go from here to the interface interfaces we go to WLAN one and on WLAN one the only thing that you need to do is just to say of course I have to speak you later about the the wireless but for now we can just say access mountain bridge and we will leave everything the same of course it doesn't have now a password so anyone who will come connect with my wireless you will be able to go to the Internet but it's for a lab now so that's fine I will leave everything as it is okay what you can do also here is for example this thing that you may do is to select your country so in my case I put the Netherland so that's also preferably to do and then I will say okay and I will make this wireless active so now my wireless interface card it is active and now what I need to do I have to add it inside this bridge so to do that I will go get to the bridge here to the port and then I will say I want to add WLAN inside this bridge and then I will say okay but the look on WLAN you don't have the harder off-road because hardware offload is only between the Ethernet ports okay because there are the the ports which are connected to this switchboard which is inserted mikrotik router but WLAN doesn't have the hard offer you can see there is nothing he called other offload while if we go to written at 4 you can see harder offroad alright so that means that the packet between the WLAN and the ethernet port it has to go to the cpu what number 5 is done Ponta bridge 6 now we need to configure the DHCP server on the bridge why we need to do that now because now anyone who wants to connect so we have on this router now wireless alright so any one which is here a laptop wants to connect to the wireless internet service then he will associate to to this one but then he needs to get an IP address because normally on wireless we don't put the IP address manually which should be provided automatically so that's why we have to configure the DHCP server to be on the bridge interface and not on the WLAN because WLAN is a site the bridge interface so we create a DHCP server and then in this case the wireless users but also the wild users they can get the IP via DHCP server actually they will get IP from the DHCP server okay so let's do that we'll go to the router and there from here I'll have to go to IP dhcp server and remember we go to the HCP setup and now we configure it on the bridge and then I will say next it will say ok this is the address space fine this is the Gateway yes because that's the IP which I put it on the bridge interface you can see one night - once you say that 88.1 so that's the gateway max do you want IP from the - after 2 5 4 sorry yes the DNS and that's fine 10 minutes and that's it so I have configured now the DHCP server on the bridge interface you can see the interface is bridge 1 port number six is done on number seven connect your PC via wireless is it connected to the Internet so now I have to take out the connectivity from the cable and connect my PC via the virus so the first thing I have to do here is to go from one network and sharing Center and this one is the wired okay I would disable it so I don't want cable anymore and I will go to the wireless enable and on the wireless now enable I have to connect to the mikrotik so I will click on mikrotik actually you don't see that because it's on another screen but all I'm doing now I'm just connecting to my protocol and you will see it in a moment it's identifying now and in a moment we should be able to receive an IP address and here we go you can see now it is connected to micro tech shows over here and that's the if we look here to the SSID that I have put on the wireless if we go to the wireless here and the WLAN and we said that the SSID is micro tech so this is the name of the wireless and you can see I have got connected directly without any problem and now you can see I'm only connected to the wireless if I often the common prom and I try now to think too and we see that I'm able to go to the Internet and if I try to do ipconfig I look at it is the IP that I received from the wireless one night time I said at 8.25 to have more information and here it is you can see that you have also the DNS that we have defined which are and a toad a tooth or the phone and also it will show who is the DHCP server and all those information you can see that at this moment because the WLAN is inside the bridge and also providing internet port number seven is done and with this part I have explained to you what is the bridge and how the bridge work and what are the two different functions that the bridge can do and also have added all the Ethernet ports and the wireless LAN inside the bridge and we have checked that it is working and it's providing internet or whatever you prolong your cable to any of the ports or if you connect to the wireless you have internet service so this is what I wanted to show you in this section I hope it was informative for you and I will see you in the upcoming election
Channel: MAICT Consult
Views: 12,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mikrotik bridge, mikrotik bridge fast forward, mikrotik bridge mode, mikrotik bridge firewall example, mikrotik bridge lan ports, mikrotik bridge wireless to ethernet, mikrotik bridge hardware offload
Id: m-UCbCZg5H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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