MSPTDA 08.5: Power Query Group By Unique List or Consecutive Occurrences

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[MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome to MSPTDA video number eight. Hey, in this video, we're still talking about Power Query group by. But wait a second, I thought that's what we did last video? Yes, but we want to see how to use group by to either create an unique list with some aggregate calculation or this amazing ability-- an aggregate calculation on consecutive occurrences. Now, let's go look at a picture. Here's our data set. And if we grouped by type day and aggregate sales-- this is what we saw last video. But guess what? We can change one of the settings. And instead of doing an unique list of all of the items from type day and then at aggregation, we could actually group up all of the workdays that happen consecutively-- get those two numbers for work day. Then go on to weekend aggregate, holiday aggregate, and all of these work days. We will end up with whatever aggregate calculations we want for consecutive occurrences. So let's go over to Table.Group fourth argument-- this sheet. There's our data set. I have already imported it as an Excel table so I'm going to double click this query. There's the name of the query. I can come over to the left and click and open up my list of queries in this Excel workbook. Now, you can either rename the query on the left or the right. I have this selected so I'm going to hit F2 and I'm going to rename this as day type sales global. Now that will be the setting we use when we want to do a standard group by. I'm going to expand the column a bit there. Now we come over to type day-- right click, Group By. We definitely want to group by type day. We're going to do total sales. And then I'm going to arrow up to get the sum function. And the column we want to sum is sales. Now I'm going to click Advanced and I want to do a second aggregation. I'm going to say count rows-- count rows. That aggregation will be fine, nothing there is needed. Now I click OK. There is our standard group by, unique list, and our aggregations. Now let's come over to Applied Steps. Click on Group Rows. Come up to the Formula Bar. We'll expand-- there's our Table.Group function. The first argument is always the previous step. The second argument is, which column do you want to group by? And then the third argument is list within a list. There's our first aggregation. There's our second aggregation. And within the list within a list-- the name of the column, calculation, and data type. It is the fourth argument that we want to look at. Now if I come back up to Group Rows and double click that-- I don't see anything in the user interface that allows me access to this fourth argument. So that's where we're going to Cancel and just edit our M code. Now before we edit our M code, we're going to learn something really important about M code in Power Query. Notice, group rows-- we click the icon and it opens up our dialog box. Well, because there's no fourth argument available in the dialog box-- when I edit this up here, that Gear icon goes away. And the only way we can edit the code is up in the Formula Bar or Advanced Editor. We will no longer be able to use that Gear icon to get back to our dialog box. So fourth argument-- I'm in a type comma. And this is called GoupKind. When I do dot, I can choose either global or local. Now, global is the default. And watch what happens when I hit Enter-- nothing will happen here, but over in our applied steps-- that Gear icon will go away. So when I hit Enter, nothing happens here because that's the default. Over here-- uh-oh-- that is gone. No problem. We want to edit our code and use local. But for the time being, I want to leave GoupKind.Global. Now if you really were using the default, we would not put this in. But just to illustrate, we're actually going to load this. Now I want to close and load this so I'm going to click Close and Load. This has already been loaded so when I click Close and Load, it's a connection only. To put the report in this sheet-- I come over, right click, Load To to change the load to location. Table-- I want it in H16, click OK. Now I want to copy the code that generated this and change the fourth argument. So I come over, double click to open up the query editor. Over on the left, expand Queries. Now I want to copy this. Right click-- and there's two ways to copy-- duplicate and reference. Now reference is not what we want. If I click Reference, we can see up in the Advanced Editor-- all it did was take the name of the query and repeat it. That means if I change anything here, it will be reflected in this second query-- that's not what we want. Click Cancel. Click and Delete key or right click Delete. We want right click Duplicate. What Duplicate does is-- if we look up into the Advanced Editor-- it did exactly what we wanted. It duplicated all of the code. Now I'm going to click Cancel. Group Rows is selected so up in the Formula Bar-- GroupKind. Double click Global and type local. When I hit Enter, that's it. Fourth argument local. Now we get group by consecutive occurrences. Now I want to come over-- F2-- to rename this. Something, like, local and Enter. Now this has not been loaded so I'm going to click Close and Load, Close and Load to Table, Existing-- we'll try L16. Click OK. And there, we have made aggregations based on consecutive occurrences. Now let's change this up. These two right here were not work day. I'm going to hold Control. Neither were these two. This is something called-- and I'm going to type in the active cell right here-- donation. These are days we worked and donated everything to a good cause. Now to populate the item in the active cell to all the selected cells, I hold Control and Enter. Now I want to refresh all of our queries-- Data, Refresh All. Or I can use the keyboard-- Control-Alt-F5. And look at that-- there's our unique list and aggregation. Here's our consecutive occurrences with aggregations, including donation, donation. Unique list and aggregation-- that's global, the default. Aggregation based on consecutive occurrences-- use the fourth argument in Table.Group, global Kind.Local. Now be sure and if you're interested-- try the practice problem or the homework problems. Every single video in this series-- or almost all of them-- have problems that you could practice. And the one for this video is pretty fun. So check it out. All right, if you'll like that video-- be sure to click that Thumbs Up, leave a comment, and subscribe. And when you subscribe, you got to click that Bell icon. YouTube used to notify everyone, but they don't do that anymore, unless you click that Bell icon. I even recently had to go through all of my favorite YouTubers and click that Bell icon. Next video-- not 8.5, but video number nine in this series-- we'll talk all about M code. All right, we'll see you next video.
Channel: ExcelIsFun
Views: 22,003
Rating: 4.9876924 out of 5
Keywords: Excelisfun, Highline College, Data Analysis, Business Intelligence, BI 348, Mike Girvin, Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis 08, MSPTDA 08, Power Query, Group By, Power Query Group By, Table.Group, M Code for Group By, forth argument Table.Group, GroupKind.Local, GroupKind.Global, Group By Report based on Consecutive Occurrences, Sort Group By, Consecutive Wins Baseball, Consecutive Workdays, Power Query Transformation, Power Query Help
Id: 3m9YaDnPiW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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