Msgr. John Essef: Mary, the Mother of God

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[Music] Mary is the mother the church that's what I would like to talk about this afternoon in other words when Jesus was on the cross and here we have an I asked that whoever was in charge of the ceremony liturgically to leave the Blessed Sacrament exposed you see as holy as he is and he is the son of the Living God he is God's own son and as the father gazes on him now he gazes on each of you you are his child as truly as he is in the Eucharist he is in you we've done a wonderful job in teaching about the Eucharist and the honor that we would have for the Blessed Sacrament the Eucharist but he truly is in us by our baptism it's not a second-rate Jesus that's in us he is truly in us when he became flesh of the Virgin Mary and he was united with his divinity Jesus is the Son of God and the Son of man Mary's son when he ascended into heaven where he is at the right hand of the Father he is the head of the body and each of us is a member of that body the church Corinthians has it to teach us that you know we are the body of Christ please note that in your in your notes for today look at them you are the body of Christ every member of you with different and wonderful gifts some of you have the gift of healing some of you have the gift of miracles some of you I know a layman in New York who actually and father Monsignor Walsh and myself have known about him he actually raises the dead knee Ovilus he actually Jesus said what I have done you will do and even greater things so what Paul was doing what what what Peter was doing what the Apostles were doing their miraculous powers it didn't end with them and Jesus that same Jesus is in us here in Philadelphia but there's like a warning that we have from the the Book of Revelations that the body of Christ can be corrupted can be can be weakened in the world and so John keeps writing his letters to the different churches he has one to Philadelphia to the church in Philadelphia you have fallen away from your first love he so he wrote various letters to the different churches that was in the very first century and they really realized and they knew who they were the Church of God was a holy people of God infused by the power of the Holy Spirit transformed into Christ into the body of Christ the Apostles were there the second century that's they exactly believed that we have the second century martyrs in the ended the text that we had around the mass and the third century martyrs it was the age of martyrdom there are more martyrs today in the church than in those first three centuries of the church all over do you think God just is looking out of the Blessed Sacrament at seeing us he's watching his children the father is watching his children and Syrian and you've seen Isis kill them when I was in Lebanon is the first time that I saw martyrs I I never knew that before growing up and walks burry the bishop when he came to us giving us confirmation said to us you'll never have to die for Jesus ever did you're gonna live for him and we were encouraged by that but that's not true not true that some of us are going to have to die the Cardinal of Chicago said I will be buried for my cathedral Carter George and I will be buried with honor my my supply the one who follows me my successor will probably wind up in prison and his successor will be a martyr and then his successor will then begin to change again the Church in Chicago is why is it that we must go through persecution I had the experience in Lebanon when I was riding on a bus and I was going to the airport my work was taking me to Egypt and so I had a fly from the airport and the airport was in the middle of the bushland territory and there were many extremists there from Iran from Libya from Palestine from Syria from all over the place and they were they were saying there was a civil war this was in the 80s and I was trying to tell the different ones back in the United States this isn't a civil war there are terrorists here and many of them want to kill Christians so when I got on this bus to get go to the airport because my my driver wouldn't take us anymore although it had a Vatican flag on it I was standing there I had my cassock and I was standing on the bus and as it was going down Airport Road it became surrounded by these young men all with machine guns they stopped the bus they got on the bus and they held their guns on us and they said which of you are Christians and with that they hit the bus driver in the mouth and knocked all his teeth out I said his teeth flew out and blood gushed then they start to beat him and beat him and they kept challenging us on them so at about 16 or 17 men stood up every one of them had guns in their pocket except me because it was the real dangerous time and it was warfare so as they held their machine guns on us and they began to curse the Trinity and you have to hear it in Arabic they say what we have done is destroyed the purity of them God Allah Allah illa Allah they kept shouting and yelling there is no god but one God and then they curse the Trinity you have destroyed the truth you Christians have destroyed the truth and and to have our faith cursed and they would damned the Father damned the Son and damn the Holy Spirit just had to hear it it was blood-curdling and that would go to us into a fight with them and there would be bloodshed and they had little rings around their neck they were going right to God because it was like a key to paradise getting killed or killing Christians was what they were about handsome young man about eighteen to twenty twenty-five there was just beautiful looking men and they were from Iran and they spoke perfect Arabic there were missionaries to convert Christians there on the rampage they're now known as Isis but there they were then they were there millions of there really are and they are so enthusiastic when I saw in them was fire I looked at their eyes and there was fire the last time that I think I saw a fire was the Holy Spirit you see he is a power and I really hate ends in killing and hate comes from the devil there's a power at work in the whole world and our lady came down a hundred years ago two thousand seventeen this is she came down in 1917 and when she appeared to the children she was a mother trying to remind us what has happened to this coldest that's why didn't she come to the bishops why didn't she go and like she did when she came to Mexico she came in the midst of people who were savages the Aztec Indians a recent convert from the Tec because the spirit Spaniards have just come there and so what she came to Juan Diego this will their little native and she came and she asked him to go tell the bishop to build a little house here so that I can bless my children I'm her mother who are you I'm your mother I have come down because I've seen your suffering they were sacrificing babies and children and people on the altar to the Sun Goddess they pagan goddesses the devil was being worshipped on the top of these pyramids and 80,000 were being sacrificed to the Sun God Mary comes down in 1531 and she gave Grose's that he thought where the that were they were blooming in the middle of winter to show the bishop and actually what she did she took a selfie she had her portrait on his mantle as I said and do you know how she appeared she was Mexican and she was pregnant and she had the baby Jesus under her heart eight million Mexicans came into the church Wow seven million Protestants were exiting she's really the new evangelizer Mary from the top of Canada to the bottom of Argentina where she appeared here's the epicenter at Guadalupe 1531 till today they're still seeing and how we are welcomed to God in Mexico when she came to Fatima the poor little children and the Freemasons had taken over the government and there's that there was such a little a very trickle of a response she didn't directly go the church she came to little Christians - Lucia Francesco and Jacinta even now you know what I do when I'm on an exorcism and especially when children are being harassed by the devil or possessed I show a picture of Jacinta and the devil go scurry but the power of Mary the power of Mary to drive away the demons the demons are now in very strong form over the church and I really believe that the devil has attacked the church in 1972 our Holy Father Paul the sixth he had such a terrible reaction from the the from the bishops in Canada they've refused us to son refused to sign home on a vitae and then I don't know many of us here today have been so terribly affected by the use of contraceptives in marriage marriage began to be eaten away when when he signed that with regard to contraceptive marriages I would say that a majority of you who are here today had your lives very much influenced by contraceptive marriages I'm not sick I could just say that and it's put so much over all the world you know what the kids in the seminary call themselves the the generation that didn't have to be many of them feel that when they got pregnant when their mothers got pregnant with them they their first response was oh my god you know the device didn't work or something or we tried we didn't want you many of who are here the first greeting you got from their mother was I didn't want this child I'm sorry I'm pregnant examine your own conscience your fathers who are here the kind of world that and the generation that came up especially during World War two horrible you know they dropped their seed all over the place and the kinds of brokenness that came into the lives of so many people and Mary was pleading Advanta for penance for sacrifice for reparation it wasn't heeded millions and millions died and so much especially of the family was being destroyed when we had the the year of the family last year here in Philadelphia the greatest I found the greatest antidote that I have discovered during my 64 years of priesthood is the enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus I was in I was it was 1950s and I had my first trip to Rome I had never been there before and I went into st. John Lateran Church and there the Sacred Heart appeared to me it was a revelation that it was a time and a moment that I'll never forget you see the Blessed Sacrament wasn't kept in the main church at st. John Lateran there was a Eucharistic Chapel and so as I came before the Eucharist in the Terauchi in the little chapel this immense overwhelming sense of the presence of God and I I got down on my knees and I had to go right on my face flat against the ground God was present and I was crying and I what do you want what do you want God lo he said clearly love that experience must have lasted about an hour I'm not sure how long I just laid there and the presence of God I got up and went closer to Jesus and I was forced again to my knees and I was flat on the floor what do you want God charity and then I came before the Eucharist what do you want God teach the love of my Sacred Heart I know my parents had had the devotion to the Sacred Heart but it never really touched me that deeply I know my mother and father had that devotion and weaves once in a while made a novena to the Sacred Heart my dad used to say the name of the Sacred Heart but this was the first time that I was really struck with the Heart of Jesus you see we get used to taking this devotion for granted he not only rolled back his his role but he actually rolled back his flesh and he took out his heart and he showed it to Margaret Mary and he said Behold the heart that has loved so much and received so little love in return above the heart was the crucifix and she said to him what's this doing here the cross above your heart he said Martha Mary the greatest sign of love is my death on the cross so much does God love the world that He gave His only begotten Son and so much does the son love us there's no greater love than laying down her life for your friend see I never had seen the cross as as love I saw it as suffering many of us come to the cross and we look at it like it's a penance or it's a it's a it's heavy you see Jesus on the cross took on every single pain every single suffering and every single sin of every human being in the whole world do you think that he sees you coming in here now this way me at eighty eight and you at your particular age that's isn't how he sees you the father sees each of us here in our mother's womb you don't have to catch God up on you he knows all about you Psalm 139 I need you in your mother's womb every single one of us he was there is there someone here that was abused as a child did your did your father or mother abuse you as a child sexually physically emotionally he knows that was your father and alcoholic he knows that that's not news to you he wanted you to be there well your father and mother unmarried he knows that he wanted you he loves you he wants you he loves you he created you he sustains you every moment of your life and he knows all your baby every one of your sufferings he knows that you know some of you may think of yourselves as survivors of sexual abuse that's not true you're gonna live through that pain you're gonna grow through that suffering as you unite it with him because he took it on already he has it there's not one suffering now one pain here that he doesn't know your father was there and he will them for each one of us out of love 10,000 years from now he knows about how your ex-husband treated you he knows that and if you're still are bitter and angry and you still have not forgiven I can't forgive him what he did to my daughter or that might be here your son-in-law I can't free you there is nothing nothing that can't be forgiven he is in you who Jesus Jesus is in you and the father wants you and wanted you to go through any crosses that you have been through because he his son went through them first when you make the Stations of the Cross what are you doing you're making the same stations today that Jesus made in the year 33 and so is there someone here falsely accused I was talking recently to a priest and I asked him if I could tell the story he was falsely accused absolutely innocent I have never ever abused a child and yet he's going to prison false accusation that's what he did Jesus before Pilate false accusation and they killed him for it he just didn't go to jail I know I visited a Monsignor Lynn here from Philadelphia innocent everybody on that prison nobody was innocent false accusation destroyed his reputation pastor of one of the churches here do what Jesus went through we go through today he's he's living today in you he's suffering today in you but many of us have these burdens and what's the big sins that we have what is that that separates me from Jesus today I thought what a great day this was because of the confessions you see the sacrament of reconciliation needs to be needs to be explored so that the the sins that we have that separate us from Jesus sin is that which separates the church church today from Jesus and we all have them we have to stand before God and the one who is egging us into this and constantly pulling us away from God is the devil he's real and if any of you have some kind of exceptional time with any manifestation of evil in your lives you can consult with it with an exorcist I encourage you all to get the freedom you need to have the freedom to be Jesus which is who you are and by grace you can be you can live every day of your lives now especially what we need that's what Mary is looking for and she wants to help you with that and in Genesis what did it say in the scripture is here in genesis 3:15 she will crush your head Mary you will constantly go after her heel but you the woman Mary will your head I was first ordained and this young girl used to see the sacred heart of my masses I was in East Stroudsburg at st. Matthew's parish and the superior that we used to call the mother mother Teresa Claire said to me this little first grader she was five and a half years old her name was Marilee and she was seeing the Sacred Heart of my Mass and I didn't want to get near that kid I said cute you know I was dealing with a lot of stuff just newly ordained and I didn't want anybody to give me stuff about private revelation keep that kid away from me anyway I was making the stations one day in the church and as I was there the kids were on recess from school st. Matthews school and she come up to me and she said Jesus just told me he loves you more than he loves me but I'm not jealous cuz you love me oh I said okay why didn't she go back up and ask him who he loves the most she went right back up and we had her an altar rail at st. Matthews she asked it came right back she said he told me he loves the most abandoned and the most unknown the most I know you better listen to this kid so then she took me up to the image of the Immaculate Conception that's the feast we celebrate on December 8th and there you see in that image Mary standing on the head of the snake and she said do you know what that means I said yeah I know what that means she said tell me what does it mean I said well the Blessed Mother was conceived by the power of God free of sin in her mother's womb and she grew inside for nine months in her mother's womb no sin he rolled two three five and a half she didn't bother the priests in church when they were praying all her life she was sinless and that's why the devil had no power over her that isn't what God told me and I said okay what did God tell you by this time I did a hole it's kind of ruffled by this little kid and she says here's what God told me that we are all the body of Christ and the lowest member of the body is the heel and because Mary is the lowest and most humble she could crush the head of proud Satan I never heard that before nor since and I never read it before but I heard it from that child God reveals himself to little ones God reveals himself he shows himself to all of us each of us Mary is pleading with the Sacred Heart she is the Immaculate Heart who wants us to enthroned Jesus in our hearts she has this intercessory power with God she has this pleading power with there she developed right beneath the cross she you see don't like you remember the first miracle of Jesus she hears a power she has is with the father that's the key to marry her love of God the Father Yahweh that's who she bought her virginity to that's how she brought Joseph into this power of God when when God was asking her for her body for his son she willingly turned it over to God the Father near he's always praying to the father Jesus is always praying to the father Abba ABBA and I must encourage you you see God is the one who loves us the father it's the father who sent Jesus knowing that we were going to kill him he died because he was listening to his father his father sent him from the very beginning and Mary got a hint of that when Simeon said to her in the presentation a sword shall pierce your heart and when she stood on Calvary there happen a sword through Mary's heart definitely happen to you even weak as you are when your children are hurt doesn't it hurt you so much more than it hurts them well think of God and how much he loves you the greatest miracle and story in the whole world is the love of God for every single human being in the whole world now when the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost to the the church it was the Holy Spirit transforming people the people of God into Jesus the transformation of every human being who is baptized into Christ Jesus that's who you are and so this morning when I was preaching about the Jesus who is in you that it was the father who sent him into Mary and it was the father who sent him into the church and so there you were with just taken for the beginning of your family you know when I went down to that church as a little baby and my father and mother claimed me for Jesus and when you put that sign of the Cross on your baby's foreheads the beginning of the renewal of the church is the beginning of the renewal of the family the beginning of the renewal of the church is the Sacred Heart and thrown in my heart and in yours the preparation for that of my heart is in Mary's hands to her Immaculate Heart and she's looking at each of us if she doesn't see her son in you then her whole work is is really to intercede with the father today she's right here she's interceding with the father to have you in union with the Heart of Jesus your hands belong to Jesus look at them take that and take a time look at your hands it's really and truly his hands your face I know a seminarian who didn't like the way he looked the beauty of your face is his you and Jesus are one your eyes you can actually see with the eyes of Jesus you can look out of his eyes instead of looking at the at the sins in your brother what is your sin are you a judgmental person is that what you are do you judge judge judge people have you discovered in your confession today the tragedy of that is if you have a judgmental mind and you're always judging people at work your family are people that you mean and sometimes people that you just met and you have a judgmental mind and when we say I confess to Almighty God that I have sinned in my thoughts what's the healing there that Mary wants to bring about I can see what the eyes of Jesus some priests were walking out of a meeting and there was this prostitute there and the all the priest turned away she was kind of scantily clad her her breasts were kind of beard and whatever and she was obviously a prostitute this one priest kept looking at her and looking and finding they it's what priest asked me so don't you know you're staring at her and he said did you ever see such beauty did you ever see such beauty later that day that looked at her that way she sought Jesus He desires and became converted you had that power you can see with Jesus eyes rather than look with suspicion and judgment that your brothers if you have a judgment of mine as for the mind of Jesus but there's mine being you as in Christ Jesus you actually can hear you can hear with the ears of Jesus you can hear in your love and you can have love with the Heart of Jesus you can act you actually have in your body Jesus heart United with your heart you can love like Jesus loves with that specificity and each one of us is called to enthrone the Sacred Heart in our hearts first as a father as a mother as a child whoever you are you and Jesus can be one in your heart to the power of the Holy Spirit as he came upon Mary he comes upon each of us in our Baptist and our confirmation in our ordination and especially in the Eucharist we become one mind and one heart with the heart and the body of Jesus Christ why is it that we don't make the progress I think so many times because we haven't really diagnosed the sin you see that prevents me as an individual and as a family and as a as a parish to become Christ to one another what is that what is that that I failed it's the Holy Spirit you could never ever get to know your sin by introspection when we were told as children that you had to examine your conscience all the time what we did was just introspect what did I do the past week what did I do the past month and so if someone is here and locked into pornography and masturbate how do I overcome that if that's the question that you have then you never will it's the same thing in new size of a group like this there why not attend is alcoholic so how many are alcoholics here or drug addicts you never will overcome those diseases by yourself the first step for an alcoholic to overcome the disease of alcoholism is the first step is I am powerless over this substance I just can't that powerlessness over and over and over and I know I can't the second step is there is a power higher than myself Jesus is in me I don't have to go anyplace he resides in me what is that that we mostly have that I believe is the deadliest sin of all pride self-reliance I defend on me and men brothers when you're born with a penis from a time game you're a child you're told you can do anything it's not true and a lot of our sisters think the same thing self-reliance you can't there are many things in your life that you can't do so what do you have to learn the power that's in you higher than you that can give you the divine life is Jesus and the third step is to release it to him all of these Mary did was such simple beautiful obedience the power of God was constantly pouring through her Mary is a channel an open channel of God pouring upon all of mankind her motherhood she is the mother of everyone in the world because everything that God wants of her she immediately says yes to and she said to her I want you to be the mother of my children all of them in the church and so her gaze is each one of us her role as our mother how is it that she can see everyone in the world when she appeared at Fatima she appeared as blonde and blue-eyed when she appeared in Mexico she's a Mexican woman who was pregnant when she couldn't appear to Kibeho she was she was black any place I go the races all the kinds are you black Mary's black are you Mexican man and how many of us suffer from racism the brokenness in the church I just came back from a retreat where 60% of the parish was Philippine Marvis the rest of them were Indonesian Japanese Chinese the church is universal the church is Catholic it's holy it's Jesus radiating through each one of us the eyes the heart the hands and the feet of Jesus through us and with us you are my body here on earth I live in you Mary is our mother when Mary was assumed into heaven where did she go into the Trinity where is that it's it's where you are if Jesus is in you and Jesus says the father and I are one the whole Last Supper discourse of Jesus before he died and his Last Supper tips course especially on the father and I the father I'm going to the Father I will set you the Holy Spirit the 14th the 15th the 16th the 17th chapter of John's Gospel the father and I are one and I will send you the spirit the Holy Spirit has come upon us and transformed us into Jesus and Mary has been a soul into the Trinity that's in you if the Eucharist is here on our altar and we love the tabernacle so much Jesus is there surely he's at the right hand of the Father surely this miracle and this mystery he's in each one of us truly in me and you as he became one with Mary the flesh and took on human nature so when you were baptized you took on his divinity you are as much a child of God as he is a child of Mary you are the flesh and the blood that he has taken on the specificity the uniqueness the irritability your fingerprint is unique but your being in the Trinity with Mary in you is specific and unique to you when this little time is over and we all go what are we going to mission what's our mission to go out and do what I think is right no to consult the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit what do you want guide me and direct me as you did the Heart of Mary and through her Immaculate Heart teach me to become the Heart of Jesus in the heart of the church wasn't that the prayer of st. Teresa isn't that the prayer of all the saints and so each of us is called to be Christ to be Christ to worship the father as Jesus himself versus emissivity and receives receives receives as Mary did and especially in prayer and that prayer I would very much strongly recommend as the Rosary I had given some scapulars out today to a friend of mine who came I hope you wear a scapular to protect you I have got some beautiful blessings I'd like to bless all your religious articles now before I finish I'd like to pray over you and with them I also have a special blessing for those of you who may have a st. Benedict medal or Saint Benedict metal on your crucifix that would make it very powerful against the temptations of Satan if you have any medals or any scapulars have a bless them our help is in the name of the Lord and the name of God the Father Almighty who made heaven and earth the sea and all that is in them I exercise those medals against the evil power and attacks of the evil one may all who use these medals to vonlee be blessed with health of soul and body in the name of the Father Almighty of Jesus Christ our Lord has only begotten Son and of the Holy Spirit the Paraclete and in the love and same Lord Jesus Christ will come on the last day to judge the living and the dead and you answer let us pray Almighty God the boundless source of all goodness and all the good things we humbly ask that through the intercession of Saint Benedict you pour out your blessings upon the metals that are being held up now may those who use them too badly and earnestly strive to perform good works be blessed by health of soul and body the grace of a happy death the remission of temporal punishment due to sin may they also with the help of these medals and merciful love resist the temptations of the evil one and strive to exercise true charity and justice toward all so that one day they may appear sinless and holy in the sight this we ask through Christ our Lord I bless and want to bless each and every object that is now being held out that it will bring you powerful assistance in your journey towards salvation that you will be protected especially by the angels and the Saints but especially by the queen of all intercession that you watch over you and protect you as a mother does the child and in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and in the presence of the Trinity I bless you in the name of the Father and of the son now the Holy Spirit
Channel: Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement, United States
Views: 5,017
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: Flame of Love Movement, Flame of Love, Elizabeth Kindelmann, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Consecration to Mary, Jesus, Catholic, Grace, Satan, Chastisement, End of World, Triumph of Mary's Immaculate Hea, Second Pentecost, Holy Spirit, Pentecost, Amazing Grace, Blinding of Satan, Antichrist, Salvation, John Essef
Id: rD-QWaQBzgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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