MS Excel - Shortcuts F1 to F12

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in this video we'll be looking for some more shortcuts related to from f1 to f12 let's see that one by one now when you only press f1 you might be doing this you get a help function so similarly if you only press some particular keys therefore if you see I've not written here control neither I have written as alt I have just written as alone for example if you just press alone f1 key from a keyboard what will happen is it will open the help tab help dialog box where you can see the help and find out the options so let's see that practically how we can go these are the notes for you after this video you can refer this notes and you know you can remember the shortcuts again so let's see that how we can go if I press f1 from a keyboard a help window will open for the excel I'll press f1 from my keyboard and you see there's a help open for 2016 version which I'm working right now I can just type in search whatever we want for example if I want the sum function I'll type here and press Enter related to some I'll get all the you know different functions which are available in the excel sheet I'll just close it right now I do not want it next one is if I want to edit any cell without using mouse how do I do it so if I want to edit this cell let's say this myth written over here and I want to add Smith comma or Smith some space some word how do I do that when we have a mouse you just double click and do it but without using mouse you can just press f2 key from a keyboard that is f2 key from a keyboard and you can just type your space and you can just write here as add them or any any word you can say and press Enter so this way you can get it added over here that is f2 for edit a cell next I have that's f3 now you might have seen the topic for the name range now if you see here carefully I have selected this area and have given the name for this range as names and what I want is I want to type that names in this area itself so I am in the same cell if you see there's d2 I want to type here in f2 or g2 anywhere what I'll do is I'll press f3 from my keyboard only f3 what will happen I'll get a dialog box in that dialog box it will give me all the name ranges which are already in the excel sheet I will press f3 from my keyboard now you can see these are the name ranges which are available there's only one range name which is available it says do you want to paste the name I'll say yes yes I want to paste the name and I'll click okay so once I click on okay what will happen is it will see us equal two names the names is nothing but a name range and I will press ENTER and you see the name has given him so similarly if I type here same f3 I'll just press f3 from my keyboard select this names and click on OK and press Enter what will happen Adam but what if I type here if I keep my cursor at this location and press f3 let's see what happens I'll press f3 I'll select this names click on OK and I will press ENTER so what will happen is it will not give me the value the formula was same the function was same shortcut key f3 but always remember when you have a named range it works only in that area in that record if the name range is from D 2 to D 9 it will work only in that range till the entire in the record it will not work in D 1 in this one first row it will neither work after this itself see let's see one more try we can do it I'll press f3 from my keyboard I'll select this name range and I'll click on OK and I'll press Enter you see it's not working here but if I type the same thing here it will work hundred-person the last one I'll show you f3 and select the names and I'll click on OK enter so you see it's working may the same name range will be given here all the places so I'll delete it so f3 shortcut I was trying to show you that is pasting the name range next I have something as f4 is what you call as repeat action suppose what I'll do is I have copied this control C and if I want to paste it here control V and if I want to repeat this action again I'll use the shortcut key f4 from a keyboard I'll press f4 from a keyboard you see the action is repeated again so like this if you keep on pressing f4 the action will be repeated again next I have something if I want to go to the dialogue box of go to how I can go I'll just press f5 from a keyboard I'll press f5 from a keyboard I'll get a dialog box where do you want to go do you want to go to this names that is the range or do you want to go to some table or do you want to go to some reference that is the cell number so I'll type here a cell number let's say I I 5 so right now I am in the cell number g8 I want to go to i-5 I'll click on ok my cursor if you see is in the cell number I 5 yeah here it is here it is in the cell number I 5 so I can jump to that place using the shortcut key one is control and here I have f5 now next one is a bit different that is f6 is like if you want to go to the next you know pain itself so if you see your f-ck is next pain now what exactly the pain says is I'll just try to explain you if I press f6 from my keyboard right now my cursors in this pain this area I'll press f6 I'll press f6 from my keyboard if you observe this will be highlighted this that is a task bar in the bottom which will be highlighted again if I press f6 from my keyboard what will happen it will go on the top now I'll again press f6 from my keyboard m6 you see it went again to that place now I'll keep on pressing f6 one more time I'll press f6 from my keyboard and again f6 you see at this location and at this place you see it keeps on changing and press f6 f6 f6 so f6 is if you want to change the panes from this pane to this pane or the last pane itself so you can keep on using shortcut key f6 from your keyboard next I have that is the 7th the shortcut key that is the f7 that is nothing but a spell check what exactly the spell check is suppose I have written some wrong name or some spelling here that is I have written here this spelling now if you want to check the spelling what you can do is you can press f7 from a keyboard it's a shortcut key for spell check I'll press f7 from my keyboard it will ask you do you want to start the you know checking of the Spelling's at the beginning of the sheet I'll say yes yes it will give you options all the options what do you want so go to you want to use that got or GW or G or or anything if you want to select this G or two and I can select as I can click on ignore once ignore all I can say as change so once I click on change it will go to the next spellcheck and it will give me loads of options available right now I do not want I'll just click on close option and click on OK next one I have I was on the shortcut key that was as spellcheck next I have f8 key now without using Mouse if you want to select the areas without using mouse or the mouse pad from a laptop what I can do is I want to select this entire region so what you have to do is you have to press f8 from a keyboard I will press f8 from my keyboard like this f8 f wait you know I'll use only one hand and I can show you how to use the no arrow keys right arrow key down arrow key right so if it is used to expand your selection once it is done you can just copy paste format bold italic underline whatever you want and then you can leave it similarly I'll just show you one more example right now my cursor is at this place at this location I want to select some few cells around that so if I want to expand to my selection is I have to press f8 key that is from my keyboard I will press f8 key that's it now again you can leave it and you can use your arrow keys so suppose if I use down arrow key right arrow key or left arrow key so this way I can keep on selecting the cells so f8 is used for expanding the selection next I have f9 which is used to calculate a workbook now for calculating the formulas in the workbook I have some numbers as 10 to 80 and if I want sum of all the numbers I'll press alt equal to from my keyboard all equal to and I will get the sum I'll get the sum alt equal to yep yeah so I've pressed alt equal to I've got sum of all the ranges and I'll press Enter so once I press ENTER I've got the answer is 360 now suppose if I change the number from here let's say 10 to let's say let's say 60 in a sense I'll change it to 40 so or 50 I'll change it to 50 I show I'm expecting answer more than 360 I'll type here 50 enter but if you see if you observe the answer did not change why I did not change I'll just show you the reason if I change it to 80 and press Enter you see the answer do not change let me check the formula it's correct the function is correct equal to some eetu to e9 now what is the problem exactly I'll first explain you why it happened I'll go to this file option I'll go to options this is a long cut but I'm trying to show you what why we are working on it and if I go to formulas if you see it says calculation options I have selected by default as manual I need to recalculate it manually so recalculate workbook before saving it so before saving it it will calculate and then save it right now I will click on OK so I have to do a manual calculation so now if you see for your understanding I've written s f9 for calculate all now what exactly calculate all we'll say is so now if I change it to let's say 50 still it is not changing why it is not changing because I have to do it manually how do you get how we can do it you to press f9 key from a keyboard so I'll press f9 from a keyboard and you see the answer changes automatically again one more example I'll just change it to 100 enter and I'll press f9 from my keyboard and you can see the number has automatically changed so this shortcut can be used to calculate if you do not want you can go to that place and make it as automatic and you can automatically get all the calculations similarly if I want to go to some other next next shortcut I have that is what you call f10 so f10 says as activate menu you remember if I press Alt key from my keyboard the menu gets activated similarly I have the shortcut as f10 from my keyboard so if I press f10 from a key keyboard the tab gets you know activated I can select if I want to go to a tab I will press a if I want to go to review tab I'll press R and so on next I have something as f11 the shortcut key if I want to create a chart for this data if you have remembered we have seen some shortcut keys over there but here's a new shortcut if you want to create a chart for this data in the new chart sheet so how we can do is you can press f11 from a keyboard only f11 so I'll just keep my Kherson the data do not select it and I will press f11 from my keyboard if you observe the data which was in some other sheet it went away and have created and separated chart sheet the name of the chart series chart too in this place there are no cells only charts available so f11 is the shortcut key to create a new chart in separate sheet we have seen in the previous video which was there if you want to create a chart in the same sheet it was alt f1 so I'll just remove this because I do not want it I'll go back to that place alone key alone key alone Kia this is the place yeah so how do you create a chart is keep your cursor and press f11 from a keyboard and the last one I have f12 that is the same as I'll just press f12 from a keyboard and it will save the file and you want to save as a duplicate file save as you can give the name of the file you can give the type of the file and you can click on save button if you do not want click cancel button so I hope these are all the functions which are available for alone key f12 f9 sorry F 1 2 F 2 n and that's all for this video thank you
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
Views: 391,235
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Keywords: MS Excel, Excel, Microsoft, MS, MS Excel - Shortcuts F1 to F12, Shortcuts F1 to F12
Id: cl3sIMVMg90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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