MS D365 Finance and SCM - Electronic Reporting Part 2 - Modify Fixed Asset report without code

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hello everyone uh welcome to to your user group anz 365 fin of steam uh good afternoon good evening and good morning wherever you are stay stab stay blessed uh i would like to thank you to all all the volunteers and speakers and attendees who have been giving their best to the community a special thanks to all the volunteers and speakers who have been spending so many time to give back to the community out of their family time out of their busy schedules and office times so thank you so much uh very quick overview to know about your group this group we specifically we are trying to gather uh finos professionals from a and z region where we can focus on to the dynamics 65 erp modules of the ecosystem you can join this group uh it will be a one place so that you can connect with the wider platform professionals and learn more about upcoming releases and uh keep up to date yourself we also try to build a free ops community into a and z region as i said uh this will help you to grow your knowledge uh and we uh we have been trying to primarily we have been trying to focus on to the finance and operations but at some point we will definitely going to talk about all the integrations which include uh other apps of the ecosystem uh which includes sales and marketing and power platform other app but primarily we will we will start with finnops first there are so many ways to get involved with the community so you can use this anz 365 friend of steam hashtag there you can also tweet using this hashtag you can write blocks there you can follow us on to the linkedin there are uh this is a way you can follow us we have a dedicated company page and a group on our linkedin you can follow us on here you can also follow us on our twitter account feel free to use do it using this hashtag and follow us there there will be a lot of announcements coming up last but not the least all the sessions are recorded so you can watch on demand sessions from our youtube channel uh there is a quick up upcoming list sessions here uh if you but if you have more sessions into your mind please feel free to jump in and say okay i want to talk about this topic we we are happy to provide all the logistics wherever we can so we can arrange uh your session we can we can record it we can upload into the youtube channel we can provide you the recording uh from our youtube channel uh it is a list of different sessions which are available which are coming soon one of the very hot and and on demand topic which we have been hearing from so many people they want to learn about the advanced very advanced warehousing so we got a very good speaker who is going to talk about uh from advanced paid housing perspective from zero to hero so there will be a series of at least six to seven sessions where we will talk about completely advanced warehousing uh we also going to talk about dual ride integrations uh it will be again a series of uh sessions you can feel free to ask any questions on we will talk about the virtual entities our set project operations and there are new features available uh i would not say new feature it has been there the punch out feature in finance and operation and supply chain uh but uh we are going to talk about this one this is a just a small list but if you have more sessions in your mind please come forward with this one i'll hand over to our today's our speaker again it's azirshan amit position you please feel free to share your screen now thank you thank you yeah i'm just a correction let's decisions uh thank you very much for providing me a platform to present uh these sessions uh today i'm gonna talk about the electronic reporting uh this is our session two which uh based on the request and the requirement from from all of you guys uh i came to know that uh people are still struggling in order to make some modification in the existing standard report so i thought to come up with an idea to uh go with the demonstration how we can be able to make the customization in the existing report uh through through electronic reporting without any code so uh i have chosen a topic of fixed asset report which is standard so we'll go with the with the scratch to to end in order to make some changes in the existing report yep so uh again this is our second session uh if you haven't covered or haven't uh joined the session one on electronic reporting uh basically i have covered the basics of electronic reporting what are the backbone and what are the concepts on electronic reporting if we would like to make any uh any modification or changes or prepare any eft or ef sepa file or maybe a new reports you will get an idea from our session one so uh let's proceed with the slide first uh my name is ishan shaikh i'm i'm based in new zealand uh i'm a lead consultant finance in in christchurch with dxe technologies uh i have approximately of 10 plus years of experience in dynamics so if you have any query or any questions you can directly reach me over this email or maybe if you would like to connect me connect to linkedin you can connect me from there uh like i have mentioned what we'll learn today is we'll go through the demonstration on um on how to make any modification in the existing or the standard report through electronic reporting so that's what we will be learning today and hopefully uh you from this session you will be able to make uh changes in your existing report based on the business requirements yeah uh that today's agenda which i have mentioned is how to customize the standard report through electronic reporting and that will be a demo and uh what changes we are gonna do in the system will be data model model to data source and format designings and then we'll take uh take your questions if there will be any questions yep okay let's uh move into the demo okay um uh since today i have uh taken a topic of fixed asset roll follower report i think uh most of most of the people aware that uh this particular report is has been released in dynamics 365. uh in ax2012 and you know x4 uh this particular report was not there so we usually had to customize that report so uh with this uh d365 minops uh microsoft have brought this particular option uh this particular report comes with the standard if you see that it's under the inquiry and report uh transaction report which is under the fixed asset module it's called fixed asset roll forward if i click on it there's a obviously you would like to see your report based on the specified dates and you would like to see what will be the net balance uh what what's the depreciation amount or if there's any write-up or write down are being done for the specified asset or for whole all the asset across the company um there's a format mapping as of now it's it's not showing it up why because microsoft have brought this particular feature through electronic reporting so uh in in order to bring the standard report how we actually do that is we go to the electronic reporting workspace and we go into the microsoft here and go into the repositories yeah under the global i'll click on open what happens is under this open option uh microsoft has several reports several standard custom standard reports in lcs so system will allow us to import all the standard report which has been offered by microsoft so you can be able to extract those report and make the part of your implementation yeah so uh there are heap of uh reports or eft files which are being designed uh for specified region or you know uh so it's it's pretty pretty good and it's available across across the globe so no matter if you have chosen uh new zealand region uh you still will be able to see australia or you know any other region so you can see the whole list of it yep so let's find out the fixed asset report which is the part of our today's session let me just search it as fixed asset model and i'm i'm concerned about this fixed asset roll forward right now we are not doing any modification i'm just trying to show you how do we actually import the standard uh report i'll just click on import uh i am choosing the latest version because uh microsoft keep coming up with the additions or you know changes with with the existing report so there are a couple of hot fix so if i'm going to choose the latest version it means that all these hotfix are already available in 1.6 so what i'll do is i'll click on import and say yes so again it's a one-time setup uh you do not have to redo it again and again so the idea was to show you uh from scratch that how do we actually import and export and how do we actually modify the report if i go into the reporting configuration here i can see this report earlier it was not just uh appearing it uh since i have just imported it system have just brought it into into the reporting configuration if i go into my fixed asset roll forward report fix asset fix as a roll forward report and if i put maybe yeah today's date or maybe let's put first and here i can see the options which i have just um imported it the standard report from from the system i'll select that and since i have enough information so i'm just going to choose the fixed asset group as comp so show me the report based on the uh fixed asset group comp uh go okay and this report will be generated it in excel because uh it has several columns and it and the layout will not suffice the requirement in order to you know show you in ssrs although you can be able to change it to a pdf if you would like to but uh most of the customers prefer to have it in excel format so that's the report which uh just look like uh in the system for fixes it uh group com so these are the asset and it tells you the what's the balance and what's the acquisition depreciation right up and write down and your disposal your net balance and euro all the informations are just populated here if we would like to run it for the across the whole fixed asset fixed assets for whole company it will give you all the information and on the top it will tell you the balances of it now recently i came to know that couple of uh people are looking for making any modification in this report uh like they would like to put a column uh like a location uh where this particular asset is located yeah uh maybe uh some of the customers would like to see the technical information or maybe uh some of the uh fixes or devices uh would like to have some maintenance so we would like to maybe see a maintenance and last maintenance date so let's try to add these three uh fields which are which are not coming up in this particular standard report how do we do it uh first what i'll do is i'll close this up take you to the configuration now uh before i go into the configuration uh i had to set this uh configuration provider because uh if you have attended my first session i have mentioned is if we would like to make any modification you have to have a configuration provider uh it can be your uh like i've mentioned i'm i'm i'm working for dxe so we usually provide uh here so uh uh so whoever you are working with microsoft you'll put like or whatsoever partners for which you are working for uh you will just put their name and define the provider what it will happen is whenever we have customized or done any modification on uh on this kind of report you can be able to share the library and you know utilize it in some other uh projects so uh i have already created the configuration provider and um if we see that um in this fixed asset model i can't i don't see the status as draft if i just put it and remove that still i will not be able to make any modification because the configuration provider is microsoft so for that what i need to do is uh since i have created the configuration provider as contoso so i'll just click on new configuration here and i would like to create the data model and here i'll just put a fa model yeah so i'll i'll just choose this particular option so what happens is it's basically copying all the information whatsoever information we have in fixed as a model the standard model it just transferred it to fa model and the status is draft now and the configuration provider is contoso so uh now i have authority to make any modification for my model and for that uh what's uh model is again uh as i have discussed in my first session that uh we are basically defining it uh on the model as uh data types and string values whatsoever additional values or additional fields you will be needing it so i'll just go ahead and i see this asset roll forward uh under that i'll just add um these three fields and that will be child i'll say location value so location value got updated here i'll add one more field called last maintenance and obviously it should be date here and the third field would be technical information for measure so i'm assuming it should be string so uh we have basically modified the existing uh model which has been developed or provided by microsoft so we would like to see these three fields so we have just added these three fields now let's map these fields with d365 database how do we do it map model to database source i'll go into the designer here on the right hand side basically you see the data model which you have just updated it here you can see that those fields which we have created is not bold because it has not been mapped with my d365 database so last maintenance location value and technical information is still uh open so there are two ways to make uh mapping either on this data source system uh in the standard we can see that we have been used microsoft have already been done the mapping for each of these fields uh let's try to understand what's this at the red dot and all those things if i added this so it says that uh somehow it's coming up from currency currency code table and this is a field from a database but what at the rate is is asset roll forward time so microsoft have created some table from where uh this currency code is being mapped now if i go here uh currency code might be available here which is here so microsoft just did and made the mapping with by clicking on this add data source let's try to do the mapping for our last maintenance you can be able to do uh you can be able to do the mapping in two ways either you click on edit and find the table by uh by choosing the options or else instead of going into edit uh you do know the table name let's say asset roll forward tab if i expand that i do know that last maintenance is is not available under under this so where it can be so maybe uh under the relationship of the fixed asset table so what i'll do is uh this is many to one uh one to many relation so i'll go into the relation here and i'll choose an asset id here this is a table which i'm i'm interested in and under that i might be able to find a last maintenance if i search that called last let's say last so here we go so if i do the binding here system will automatically do the binding with my uh this particular table so if i would like to do the binding with my data model for the location value let's try to do it from by clicking on edit button [Music] let's say i have the location uh under asset table again so before i go into the asset table uh i got a request from the customer that um let me take you to the fixed assets first in order to understand in in more detail so if i see that uh this location it doesn't make sense if i put location id as hq first l fl so what my customer requested is that i would like to see the name instead of this location now uh in the fixed asset we can just see this particular information and now we have to go into this particular details and we have to get this particular name instead of taking it up from your fixed asset and you can see that it's a separate table but uh if you have covered uh the session first session i have discussed that uh you can be able to uh bring any information from one single table uh microsoft have this mechanism in the in this electronic reporting in order to do the relationship by itself so what i'll do is again i'll go into the relation and under the fixed asset asset id um i'm expecting um sorry it should be under the asset table and since we would like to have the asset location name not the id then i have to go into the relationship of location id so i'll again go into the relation under the asset table and i need to find asset location here asset location and i need to go down more and take the name from there if i would have been requested to show me only this particular information you can get this detail from fixed asset so i just take it up from the fixed asset details from it but i would like to have the name so i have to choose this name uh under this fixed asset location table system will automatically do the inner join and take this information by itself so i'll save that now uh this particular screen the benefit of this screen is system basically give you an error when you uh when you actually find any issue with your mapping for example for this particular field let's say i have chosen integer and uh your data database in d365 this particular field is a string then it may give you an error or maybe if you are going to define any logic or conditions on the right hand side the functions then there can be possibility that the return value might be incorrect so it will give you an error so this this basically gives you an idea in order to run your logic yeah and you can also test your logic what what will be the result and it will basically basically show you the result of your formula yeah once you do so you'll go close this [Music] and i'll find the technical information here and i do know that the technical information will be under fixed asset id and i'll just search the tech info yeah let's take taking four one and do the binding here so you have successfully made the binding with your database and now uh we need to make a formatting for your excel file in order to make these changes available in your report so once you do these changes you have to change the status to complete you will not be able to run the report if the if the status is in draft mode so once this is completed again uh this standard report fixed asset roll forward is the configuration provided is microsoft now obviously we would like to make some changes in in uh in your own model and since we have added three fields so what i'll do is i'll again click on the configuration here and i'll put derive from fixed asset roll forward so what it will do is it will basically copy the whole information whatsoever information uh it's been designed by microsoft but we'll just copy it from from it so let's say i'll put the name is fixer fa roll forward version 1.0 yep and here uh as you can see that we are seeing two different data model so system is asking us either we would like to take the first data model which is standard or the second one which we have created in the standard we don't have these three three fields uh in modified one we have added three different fields now as you can see that the other information just populated data model definition so what i'll do is i'll just choose the data model version which we have completed yeah and data model definition is the fixed asset entry point where we have done done the mapping with with the fields which we have created i'll click on the create configuration here and now what i'll do is i'll go into the attachments and here what i can see is the file which is available as a template what i'll do is i'll open that add it let's say i would like to have these field these three fields on on this position so we have to be very mindful because uh when we actually do these kind of changes uh system has some ranges are being defined as you can see uh this particular label has some information available so whenever we are going to run the report system will not show me a depreciation method label it's basically taking it up from the system yeah so uh again uh every single uh these particular fields it has some specified ranges which we discussed in first session so let's try to add these three fields um what i'll do is i'll just add these columns three columns i'll make i'll merge and center these three columns again same as the way it has been designed so for right now i'm just putting a label as a hard core value instead of taking it up from the system so let's say i'll say location for the asset technical information mission and last maintenance yes so uh in order to map these uh fields uh into d365 electronic reporting what i have mentioned in my first session is um i have to define the formula and do it through the manage name manager so what i'll do is i'll add the field called location value so electronic reporting can read read that i'm talking about the value should be flowing in this particular area which is d10 rho and for technical information i'll put tag nickel info and i'll put e10 and go okay and if i define last maintenance which is our date f10 i'll go and close that now if you pay attention here uh if i choose location i can see location value if i choose technical information i see technical info the one which i have created in the name manager if i choose last maintenance i can see in this basically what it happens is it's basically talks with electronic reporting based on these in this particular field yeah now um as we can see that it's general here so i would like to put a date in it so what i'll do is i'll change the formatting for that and i'll just put date just to ensure that system should uh throw a date on it yeah so uh another thing i want you to pay attention on whenever you are going to make any modification on any any specified report there are some ranges are being defined in in the electronic reports so if i show you range if i click on it so we see a specified range here so if i would have maybe made any modification uh incorrectly let's say i have just added the edit the column on this particular row then maybe i might see some some information here and this particular this column will remain on this particular side to e a e column so let's say if i'm going to add um let's say on on my right now what happens is basically i have changed the range so which will give you an error and you will not be able to get the desirable result from from the system so you know uh we have to be very precautious whenever we are going to make any changes in in the existing report yep so after these changes i'll just quickly note down these values in my notepad so whenever we are going to define uh in the electronic reporting configuration uh the value should match with whatever values we have defined so technical info last but not least last maintenance yep so it's coming up after book label i'll just close that what i'll do is i'll delete this format the one which is been designed by microsoft i'll click on file browser browse under um presumably it's yep that's the one yep so that's the one on the format which we have designed now let's go to the designer and do the minor changes so here uh the template basically the standard template we removed it so now we are going to bring our template the one which we have created now we'll go with that we do not have to save this um after defining this uh basically i clicked the save button so i'll just expand all the tabs here and we see the vm range where book value is there so i want the values after book value so i'll click on the vm range and then click on the add excel so here uh i will put the same value the one which i have basically designed it um so uh what i have done is uh as we can see that on my excel uh i have defined location value here so i'll just put location sorry i'll just put location value here by copying it and paste it here okay uh unfortunately we have to uh bring this thing by clicking on move of move up to the specified area where you would like to keep your fields so let's create all three fields first and then we'll just move up so i'll just go and click add cell the other cell is technical information info click ok again i'll click on the add cell and here i'll put last mint and go okay now let's just move these items unfortunately we have to move these items one by one okay so uh we have just updated the format based on the excel file the one which we have defined it let's do the mapping with our data model the one which we have created earlier so what i'll do is i'll find my data location value which is here i'll do the binding here technical information here we go i'll do the binding and last maintenance would be here do the binding i'll save that and it's a warning message we can ignore it for now um i'll close this up and i'll change the status to complete in order to run the report if i go into my fixed asset module and run the fixed asset roll forward now initially we have seen that we had only one fixed asset roll forward report now i can see mine modification one and i would like to run it for the group and run this report if i click on the report the one which we have created as you can see that um location is just appearing it here the way uh uh it's coming up from the uh fixed asset name um vessel can you mute the participant please so uh location and the technical information and as well as the last maintenance here so again the idea is quite simple in order to make any modification in electronic reporting as i have received a couple of more requests on eft files where we would like to put some hash hashtag values so we cannot have any any uh you know theft issue where we can manually modify any any changes so it's it's quite easy to make any modification even though in-house if we have some uh technical information in order to how do we actually make the modification in the reports or the files to be exported from from the system so that's that's much and that's the pretty much the idea now let's say that if customer is quite happy with this modification now you do not have to redo the whole whole cycle what you need to do is you will go into the configuration you will click on the last item the the report which you have created you will click on the exchange and sorry you have to choose the completed one and click on exchange and then export it as xml and you have to do the same thing for fixed asset model the one which you have created then system will uh basically create a xml file for you and you just need to import it in your production environment and it will be just up and running so you do not have to wait for next build or ask ask the developer to check in the code and you know it should be available in in your production environment so it's quite independent you can be able to you know import it by yourself uh other information i would like to highlight here is uh i have seen recently that um whenever we are refreshing our environment from production to uat environments this particular attachments uh are are not the part of uh it's not taking it up from from the from the production so unfortunately it seems like uh it is not storing these files and the formats which we have just updated it these files are storing in the blob storage so it's not part of your dynamics database so you have to reimport it again if you would like to test uh any sort of reports or eft files uh in uit environment yep that's pretty much for today's session uh let's open up with the questions thank you zeshan yes if anyone has any questions please feel free to unmute yourself and ask the question we have lost five minutes more and if you want to if you want to have more questions on to the part one of this session uh please feel free to watch on our youtube channel you can search for a anz d65 fin of steam youtube channel and it will pop up and you can watch all the sessions from there um hi zishan this is rachet yep yeah so first of all great presentation thanks a lot for that i just have one question so when you save a version of the file after doing changes is there an option you can specify some comments like what have you changed just as a change tracking purpose yup yup uh system allows you whenever you make any changes it basically uh asks you uh what's the description for that so for first one i have defined this initial version so yeah yeah okay i can see that now you know that's good so that we can do multiple changes and with every draft we can keep a note of what we are changing so that's good thanks all right yep so one more question so how do like what do what is your recommendation how do you guys store these custom er configurations do you store in lcs or somewhere in like locally well uh i have well if you ask my own personal recommendation i would suggest that companies should uh put it in the lcs uh to their own repository so whenever if anyone would like to have any any file or report or any modified version they shouldn't ask the developer to to deploy that or load that in lcs and then we import it it should be available for all the consultants so if it is applicable for them they can just import it from there so it should be available in lcs and whatsoever customer you are working with consultant can just choose the respective file from there okay thank you thanks sean uh quick question so you talked about couple of uh relationships like one too many end tables and models so how much experience a person or end user should have from technical background to understand the electronic reporting well uh i would say that we should be aware of the tables uh what's our form we are gonna gonna make any modification let's say uh last time when i covered purchase order so you do know that uh on the purchase order if i would like to have the delivery date then it should be the part of either deliver purch table and it's part of it if you don't have the knowledge on having the relationship then you have to go into the front end check the forms and validate the fields if it has a different field uh different tables uh allocated on that form then uh that person should be making a note and you know draw the diagram with that okay uh this has a indirect relationship with the main table then we may have to go into the one to many relationship and we i might be able to find that particular field so we have to go through the front end and see what are the relationship between those tables or fields which we actually would like to make any modification in the existing report oh okay all good thank you so last one minute guys if you have any question please raise okay all good so thank you so much this one again another time uh for giving us your family time your busy time to the community so we would really like to thank you for your time and it's a great session very insightful and if people are more interested we can definitely schedule more sessions on electronic reporting till then uh goodbye from us and have a good day thank you thank you all right thanks everyone bye thank you john
Channel: ANZD365 FinOpsTeam
Views: 51
Rating: 0 out of 5
Keywords: MSDynamics365FO, MSD365FO, MSDyn365FO, ElectronicReporting, MSD365ElectronicReporting, ANZD365FO
Id: 0LZ5mzulBVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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