"Mr.Tartar" Creepypasta

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you as I sat on an awkwardly reclined dentist's chair in the kiddies room a trio of plushies watched me from the top shelf when I checked in for my appointment that morning I had been told the system had accidentally double-booked one of the rooms so I'd be getting my annual checkup in the children's room instead this was a big issue for me not because of the brightly colored walls that threatened to burn my retinas not due to the multitude of disturbing posters of kids showing off their pearly whites not even because of the tiny chair and it's tight armrests that dug into my sides No my problem was with those damn plushies those horrible terrifying stuffed animals they were the reason I had avoided the dentist for so many years when I was growing up I was about eight when it happened like any kid I was afraid of going to the dentist unlike my peers however it wasn't because of the needles and the sharp instruments no I was terrified of the dentist's puppet mister tartar the dentist used him to show children how to brush their teeth and floss properly he was an eerie looking stuffed giraffe with a full set of humanoid teeth something straight out of the uncanny valley his frozen and dead eyes stared at me unblinking as the dentist went about poking and prodding my gums as though they were pin cushions don't get me started on that grin of his that chillin to the permanent grin made it seem as though he enjoyed the show his neck too weak to hold the weight of his head used to slowly buckle as the appointment progressed causing him to Crane over the edge of the shelf he looked more like a vulture looming over its prey than an educational tool that day was the first time my mother stayed in the reception area she felt I was old enough to be left without a hand to hold the dental assistant brought me to the room and sat me on the chair cheerfully telling me to stay put while she tended to another patient I was left alone with mr. tartar who grinned at me like he always did we watched one another for a few minutes before I lost interest and turned my attention to the large bay window overlooking the busy Boulevard below suddenly there was a clattering sound which was followed by a light thud and a grunt the giraffe was on the floor face flat against the cold linoleum tile oh did you knock mister tarter over ask the dental assistant as she walked in she beamed at me and picked up the toy sitting it on the counter she then slipped her hand into the opening in the back of its head allowing her to open and close its mouth which produced the same clattering sound I had heard moments before don't worry I'm not mad let's be friends she said using a somewhat masculine voice I didn't quite match the creatures appearance I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat but but I didn't I tried to say but the assistant didn't seem to be listening to me she returned mr. tartar to his proper spot on the shelf then proceeded to tilt my chair back I couldn't move my head anymore not with her little torture hooks jabbing me and scraping the surface of my teeth the nail on the chalkboard noise gave me mild goosebumps but something else turned the molehill sighs lumps into the Rocky Mountains mr. tartar moved I wasn't entirely sure if I was seeing it right maybe I was imagining things Eddie been on the very top shelf or the one underneath she must have put him on the wrong shelf I figured toys can't move I thought to myself feeling silly about my paranoia I wasn't a baby anymore I was brave and strong like a grown-up the assistant finished her preliminary work then excused herself to tell the dentist I was ready for the exam just as she disappeared around the corner I heard the clattering of teeth coming from the other end of the room I winced as I lifted my torso to try and see mr. tartar was now watching me intently from the guest chair now I confess I had a pretty active imagination as a kid I had plenty of imaginary friends I liked to act as though my toys were real and I gave them each distinctive personalities that being said they never moved of their own volition I was always well aware that I was the one controlling them this was different and doing it I and scream for my mom but this was the one in first time she had left me on my own and I didn't want to blow it hello I whispered tensely the giraffe did not respond instead it looked at me with its beady little eyes I heard the dentist footsteps approaching and turned my head towards the cubicle entrance in mere seconds it took for the dentist to come into view I felt something brush up against my leg mr. tartar had found its way onto the chair now I see you and mr. tartar are getting along well said the dentist amusedly I resisted the urge to scream though I could feel pressure building in my throat ignorant to what was happening the dentist tossed the puppet aside we'll play with mr. tartar later okay I'm going to start the checkup open wide he instructed I remember the intense sensation of fear I felt as I sat in that dentist's chair terrified the puppet was going to get me I didn't want to take my eyes off him for fear that it would move again but the dentist kept sliding in the way through the sloshing and slurping of suction devices in my mouth I could hear the chittering of teeth whenever mr. tartar disappeared from my sight my feet instinctively curled inwards trying to keep away from the edges of the chair as though afraid of a monster trying to grab me from the foot of my bad as soon as the dentist removed his tools from my mouth I tried to warn him about mr. tartar but he immediately stuck a spongy duckbill shaped apparatus in my mouth and told me to keep my mouth shut for 60 seconds I waited as a disgusting banana flavored foam boozed out and trickled towards my throat I had to close my eyes and focus so I wouldn't throw up from this hideous flavor and sensation invading my mouth by the time it was done mr. tartar had moved closer the dentist followed my gaze and smiled hello I'm mr. tartar he sat on the puppets behalf my face twisted into a disapproving grimace as he gleefully thrusts the toy towards my face bringing it inches from my nose I could see it's supposedly plastic teeth lined with cracks and imperfections if I didn't know any better I would have sworn they were real there was far too much detail on each individual tooth for a mass-produced toy aren't you going to say hello he asked wiggling the plush in front of my face um hello mr. tartar I mumbled with the apparatus still in my mouth the man grinned and sat him on my lap here's what we're going to do he said motioning to the slid at the back of his head we're going to play a game okay you'll be mr. tartar and I'll be the toothbrush he reached for an old demo brush with bristles that pointed in every direction the clinic had glued googly eyes and drawn a smile across its back to make it seem friendlier in a higher pitched voice the dentist spoke again I I misses toothbrush I hear you want to make sure your mouth is in tip-top shape ha ha ha open wide and I'll show you how it's done I reluctantly obeyed him sliding my hand into the puppet and prying its mouth open one by one he massaged the teeth and shared a multitude of cleaning techniques that I had mastered years ago heap rattled on and on and with each condescending tip I had to force myself not to roll my eyes at him then he pulled out the dental floss I should have known what was going to happen next as he slipped one hand into mr. Tartars mouth I could feel the drafts head trying to clamp down on it my tiny hand tried as hard as I could to keep his mouth open but the more I resisted the stronger it pulled he's going to bite you I warned the dentist laughed ha ha ha don't be silly mr. tartar wouldn't eat me he only eats little kids I tensed up my face twisting in horror he must have seen the look of shock on my face because he quickly followed up with I'm just kidding mr. tartar wouldn't hurt anyone as though on cue mr. Tartars pearly whites clenched down against his hand with all their might I remembered the scream I remember the blood I remember his half severed thumb hanging from his hand people flooded the room in a flurry of panic I tried to say I hadn't done it I tried to tell them mr. tartar had bitten him but I'd been caught with my hand in the cookie jar so to speak I could feel their accusatory glares burning me with hatred and then the look of disappointment on my mother's face my family was banned from that clinic now ascent to counseling I was eventually forced to admit what I had done because no one ever believed my story which brings me back to my most recent appointment and those three stuffed animals on the shelf a kangaroo a crocodile and a dragon they watched me and I watched them I made sure to never take my eyes off of them until I left the room as I made my way down the hall I heard the clattering of teeth like maniacal laughter echoing from behind me you
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 99,180
Rating: 4.8856683 out of 5
Keywords: CreepyPastaJr., CreepyPastaJr, CreepyPasta, Horror, Creepy, MrCreepyPasta, CreepsMcPasta, creepy pasta, Nightmare, Scary, Fear, Puppet, MrTartar, Spooky, Storytelling, Narration, Fiction, Manen_Lyset
Id: d6Goi8C_7TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2015
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