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and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr mey employee you can be greetings trainee today we take another look at one of the important jobs here at Mr mey namely mayonnaise massager now many of you may be surprised to hear that mayonnaise needs massaging and uh well it does isn't that right employee Dinkleman well you know what it doesn't exactly require massaging so wait mayonnaise massager isn't even a real job title nope I totally made it up you see I find that mayonnaise makes my skin very Supple and uh very soft and also the uh the massaging releases the vinegary and eggy flavor oh that is so disgusting well you got to admit the Mayo I put on that fish burger you just ate with pretty tasty right just relax relax and just listen to my voice [Music] [Applause] relax [Applause] Mr mey a brand new series premieres Friday September 22nd at 8:30 on Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr Media employee you can be greetings trainees one piece of equipment that every Mr Media employee should know intimately is the banator my coworker Parker will explain thank you Josh all I do is take a hot beef patty from the grill then I throw it into the bonor like such and then I press the button down here and then it goes up through a series of mysterious two Thin valves where it gets its bun it gets scrubbed with scrubbing agents and it gets its condiments and then finally it's wrapping so then it plops out here the Mr Meaty food faucet all wrapped and ready for a hungry customer so all you have to remember is in goes the meat out comes the treat oh Josh please help me who ordered a Parker Josh please quick the burgers are piling up behind me and they're really hot woo Mr Meaty a brand new series premieres Friday September 22nd at 8:30 on Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr mey employee you can be hello trainees meet your new best friend the microphone it is the single most important tool here in the welcome Zone and must be treated with respect welcome yeah your first tip is to always use the proper terminology when placing an order to the kitchen uh two Mr Meaty burgers with extra onion and a man latte please with using proper enunciation you will be able to Parker Parker Parker Parker I'm trying to explain something communication is a key in an effective stepa Josh I am your step father I'm trying to explain something here yes no matter how imature you'd like to get with the microphone the one thing you should never do is this well that's good the worm nice moves buddy I think I broke my back Mr mey a brand new series premieres Friday September 22nd at 8:30 on Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr mey employee you can be salutations trainee to today we focus on a very important role at here at Mr mey the assistant grease distribution technician it sounds like a big title and it carries with it an equally big responsibility employee Dinkleman here will give an example of some of the responsibilities of the AGT uh yeah so uh basically all you do is just like squirt the meat real good with this bottle of Grease here and then you just sort of you know rub it in there into the meat using oh dish towel towel or a tissue or you know a sweat sock whatever is Handy and that's it m yes and there you have it the mysteries of the assistant Greece distribution technician revealed have a nice day uh here's your sock back dude don't miss the grand opening of Mr mey a brand new Nick TV series Friday September 22nd at 8:30 only on Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr mey employee you can be oh hello trainees this is the freezer where our quality meat products are stored to ensure extended periods of freshness and that is the freezer door which unfortunately locks from the outside it wasn't my fault this time if you should find yourself stuck in the freezer don't worry food is an excellent insulator against the cold uh uh uh uh behold the uh emergency meat bed note the meat mattress and convenient french fry uh duvet you see pure Comfort what the blim blim is are going on in here we're saved we're saved do you Bo have any idea how long I've been waiting for my 26 burgers and 27 diola I'm going to Burrito explosion now wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait dibs on the meat bed Mr mey a brand new series premieres Friday September 22nd at 8:30 on Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr mey employee you can be hello again trainee today we will discuss the 5c rule this refers to the acceptable amount of time that food can touch the floor and still be okay for a customer to eat observe and one two three the goth girl I'm going to go talk to her I'm going to the video game store dude chicken leg fighter two without yeah and I got a date 5c rule uh four five mhm see still okay to eat good idea I'm [Music] starving Mr mey a brand new series premieres Friday September 22nd at 8:30 on Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr mey employee you you can be hello again trainee um it is our privilege to introduce Mr mey's founder and CEO Mr Edward R Carney all right out of my way you spiky right n it All Began in 19 fall at the world fair in St Louis Missouri now I didn't have nothing but a bathtub full of PK but but look at me now I'm ruling the ninth largest meat per in it on you universe and I will not rest until every man woman and child has a Mr me a me five times a day now boys boys you better get back to work or I'm going to have your lels on a cracker I'm going to eat that Cracker yeah you all right he's a lunatic here we go just just doing this Mr mey a brand new series premieres Friday September 22nd at 8:30 on Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr mey employee you can be hello again trainee today I will demonstrate the ancient art of dealing with irate customers well here comes one now watch the master hey this burger tastes like it was left in a mum's tomb for 5,000 years sorry bud I just work here yeah I'd smack you silly if I weren't so weak from Hunger wow dude that was totally smooth huh well here comes some more excuse me but the food you served me was still alive it totally crawled off the track yeah it totally did I saw it I totally agree oh yeah I'm on break though wow man what a way to handle a situation huh here comes another one what is going on here where are the customers at boogers should be flying off the shelves uh you should probably speak to the manager manager I started this company don't you sass me you Sparky headed cow party it's time that you boys was whipped in the shape somebody get my whip now get over here here a goat Josh then you got us in trouble uh I don't know anyone named Josh youever figh an old man oh it is on now go on you get the whip first don't miss the grand opening of Mr mey a brand new Nick TV series Friday September 22nd at 8:30 only on [Music] Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr Media employee you can be hello again trainee the Mr mey Corporation Prides itself on freshness and that is why we have devised a method to ensure our products are as fresh as can be excuse me this bun is harder than concrete oh let me take that if you suspect staleness simply perform the counter test by smacking the bun on the table if it thuds it's time for new buns and don't let green moldy buns scare you either you can return them to their original luster with the Mr Meaty brand food spray [Music] paint voila disgusting why do I keep coming back here probably cuz you think I'm so hot please how could she resist our buns they're fresh Mr mey a brand new series premieres Friday September 22nd at 8:30 on Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr mey employee you can be hello again trainee today we examine another important position in the Mr medy job Pantheon executive overseer of microwave operations sounds important employee Dinkleman oh well it is indeed employee red Grove comma Josh quite important well can you give us a brief description of the responsibilities of the E M O uh okay here it goes Whenever there is a piece of meat in this microwave I get to push the button like this and then what well that's it really I thought to wait for another piece of meat guess well don't you have to remember move that piece of meat first oh I wish that job belongs to the chief executive overseer of tactical microwave offloading operations but I'm hoping to get promoted to that position in a year or three h well thank you for your time employee Dinkleman no biggy I had nothing better to do don't miss the grand opening of Mr mey a brand new Nick TV series Friday September 22 at 8:30 only on [Music] Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr mey employee you can be hello again trainee you might be wondering whether employees get a discount on any food purchased at Mr mey uh the answer is yes it's 10% of 1% which means you get .01% off the total purchase price so eat up hi we're like too hungry but we like spent all our money on 72-hour waterproof mascara not a problem ladies I mean this meal is on the house Scarab it totally works totally dude how could you waste food like that uh correction my friend it was not a waste it is my duty as a Mr Media employee to make sure all babes are properly fed is that in the training annual don't know never read it me neither Mr mey a brand new series premieres Friday September 22nd at 8:30 on Nick and now another helpful tip to make you the best Mr Media employee you can be greetings trainee my name is wik I bring words of encouragement to you from the MR mey corporation head office our company is large large and powerful powerful like a huge octopus ever stretching its greedy tentacles sorry what I meant to say was large and imposing humble friendly ugly cly fuzzy company anyway we encourage you to think beyond the word job why not consider devoting an entire lifetime to the F of meat-like treats to the masses run run while you can you don't know what they're like they're cruel always watching out all hail the meat meat is the glory I pledge allegiance to the Mr me get me out of here you're the only one who can help I hate my job break time Mr mey a brand new series premieres Friday September 22nd at 8:30 on Nick
Channel: Blank Ice Cream
Views: 1,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr meaty, nickelodeon, puppet show
Id: okza4dWKeLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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