Mr Horn (1979)

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Mr. Horn (1979) (TV)

Western [3 h 0 min]
David Carradine, Richard Widmark, Karen Black, Richard Masur
Director: Jack Starrett

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 6.9/10 (98 votes)

Directed by Jack Starrett. Who is not M. Night Shyamalan.

More info at IMDb.
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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you [Music] you [Music] howdy I'm whoring around guys right over there [Music] [Applause] I'm looking for mr. horn you the talking boy your Sieber aren't you yeah that's the fact you like this working for the Valley Ranch not as much as last year good you come work for me as my assistant big opportunity big paid dollar a day doing what I'll tell you as we go but now we got to get to Fort Bowie so long right yep it's a 3-quart ride come on we'll go to the ranch now you pack up whatever you own everything everything how all that take it there's not a clone gee how's that ten minutes let's go where you going on weirdo in the tree been shot 28 times who told you that that's what you're here damn people say anything who can be shot 28 times and Liz I've been wounded 28 times some was knives some with arrows least a couple of cloves 28 times shot ridiculous Mountain real you got an idea mr. Horan especially with a couple of - shindig anybody's got a nice voice doo dee doo dee doo dee doo doo doo doo doo oh boy I got a heart [Music] any [Music] behind [Music] [Music] eight sing my throat away to heaven what I sang horrible everything's going to look natural go on sing and don't get up life is like a mountain rail row with an engineer whose brain are they hustles or friendly I don't think neither keep singing watch the curves the fills the tunnel it was friendly they'd probably be close have a fall turn a hobby I would probably be good keep your hand on the throttle and your eye upon the ring al what's happening don't keep calling me al a name's mr. Sieber keep saying put your trust alone in Jesus never falter never fail keep your hand up alternate on pas bishop honey bunny ah well you're the talking boy what do you say he said his chief has sent him to speak to the mighty man of iron all right I'm here tell him to start whaling the ene entire day happy the Sun know how far you go Mingo och och oh don't be like oh sure total feel he says the final war is about to start his chief warns you not to join the chase against him if you join the chase against him you'll have to kill you which would make him very sad oh I wouldn't fill me with very much joy either tell his chief I have to track him I may not always like it but it's my job meanin tabhec a nice cat kahshanna who is chief Geronimo mr. horn the one and only [Music] [Applause] Oh howdy the cynic Seaver I'm glad to see you there's mr. horn my assistant to autonomous best never broken wedding they're taking me right to where he scam lieutenant them are two of his closest friends I just said that we ahead portable that's right well you mean mr. horn join the column I can use all the guns I can get [Music] [Applause] there's three kinds of people's in this world there's colored people's there's white people's and those jackasses all soldiers are jackasses ever been in an Indian battle ever kill anybody then you've got to do what I tell you let's appraise mr. horn mr. free afternoon mr. free ain't much on talking but you stay with mr. free you stay right with him whatever he does you do I know where wherever he goes you stay right alongside fine because she can't get cute I know sounds crazy but he can't get killed and he knows stay with it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I can go go thank you thank you can also toggle yeah Allah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] chuja never forgave anarchy [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right expected em all right well you took position just now you took position oh you know help that's true but nobody else beat him up the hill I said stay with mr. free but instead you went after tor Geronimo's best men kind of helped end things Damon I'm not going with you you know I asked about you before hiring you porn they said the white Indian pretty careful you never know about him no close friends lots of enemy that true I guess why don't people like you I don't know they never handle getting it up no sorry [Music] their general look straight ahead Royals don't look him in the eye because you know he's boiling this morning uh some of you're gonna have to make your mind whether you're soldiers or whether you're dilettante so today you're gonna look at the physical thrill with the animals first of all do you know what [ __ ] and cursed are would be please take pain soldiers ambushed you're no better than that yet no general that one took position that's the one where in the world you won't do a thing like that that I was mostly just interested in saving my butt when it's always the Lord will provision you gotta promise me shot nerve what's that you're bringing Geronimo I can't do that he surrenders when he wants to we both know that I'll promise you anything nope I can't do it President Cleveland wants to replace me with general matter miles yeah selection here at the general the best General Crook that was real good what you do click the Hilton how bad is mine there's four kinds of people's in this world there's colored people's as white people's there's jackasses and there is general mile [Music] mr. hard mr. horns new with this so I thought to relaxing some mr. hard there ain't never been a theme like minion Crawford who didn't we catch it's the shadow we missed in didn't we see who else was a Cochise never even come close to him who else was it ah manna we didn't get him either and he was over 80 who else was it remember anybody else well don't matter you just remember mr. horn you got no need to worry you got us on your side the world's oldest Indian scout and the Army's most experienced captain right in it [Music] I don't know what happened in it he's changed real bad but I mean just the shell and the berry used to be got skinny in 15 days yep yeah any suggestion well why don't you cut us loose and we'll head up into the mountains you head to South that way through chillin wait a week we could be long enough to be back by then I hope good luck out good luck to you to us mr. Hart mr. prey [Music] [Applause] [Music] I dunno about this place these are low he goes back 20 years used to like this part of the main piece here the cavalry and I had a little trouble charging it very luck being dumb man have been gone for an hour yep time to move [Applause] do it mr. Fried's all yours oh yeah hey hey hey my home was taken - I was just a little shaver we'll always remember everybody hates everybody Nicki's Apache but he hates Geronimo because Mickey's Tunde love that she had Geronimo through okawa patchy he's a lot of crap why do you do it that my job I got a punished Geronimo better he surrendered a Krypton miles crippled treated fair why did he have to surrender at all is this his old country [Music] [Music] he don't go down [Music] of course we do [Music] yeah sorry I might only bring you old folks and kids I'll never change yep [Music] a budget oh sure there's ol Jack not good little order you around like that that was Nana how come you know so much about a package I mean this a little more [Applause] [Music] nice juice [Music] ha ha no porygon cargo annually de vista Papa John cargo Alina [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey give me your leg [Applause] assumed spelling Capitan del ejército americano what's he saying he says are you a captain in the United States Army almost hopeless Americana the Kimo Aharoni more don't you move what'd you tell him I told him we're American soldiers and we're said to bring back your animal what could you want thankful for patches want to know how come so many Indians tell him general cook says it takes one to catch one what I lost call your taste lost battle Kokomo Sergio come no se que vamos once again su Camino pause [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he's still alive okay mr. horn [Music] [Applause] what happens now cook is finished [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh arms welcome to Fort Boise general miles as element this is my newly drafted what's going to put an end event in there and bring lasting peace to Arizona I'm placing my heliographs and strategic points within a hundred mile radius along with route stacks Geronimo won't be able to make a move now without our knowing if he tries to run was just passing the section to section fresh troops always available I feel this best to be kept is strictly a military operation so with no further delay I just miss all civilians counts immediately all doubts without exception - spirits no comment about the heliograph yeah I got a comment after your tester honorable with your funny mirrors you can gentlemen to be more specific about the operation I ain't done with my comment general I spent half my damn life trying to make things alright Nevers older than one word from you and it's all over we known each other since Gettysburg when you was a young officer and I got my leg shot it I watched you then general and the truth is you was one dumb jackass and he's got no smarter over the years gentleman rich Leon if you must Alaska's back biggest back you see the meantime we'll get rich Hey yes first part gets better how do we even know there's anything down here huh because I'm a great miner it's true I discovered the first copper mine in all Arizona why last year alone the profit was $800,000 Wow that makes me feel better hey wait a minute if you're so rich how come you're killing yourself I never said I was rich you said I didn't say I still own the mine you sold it yep how much too little how much $400 dollars you know I hope we don't find anything why is that Ford it man the heliographs signal is based on Morse code it's the most modern device you're out of uniform soldier the rest of you need haircuts [Music] [Music] they took our patio certainly they burn the entire camp ours is coming now that's a fact I told you think Peggy's back well I ain't going nothing what they paid before how much should I ask for Oh double triple favor you go there triple h's what Triple H's that's what it cost so we don't come back you fool we don't want you back we're doing just fine then what the hell are you here for watch your language I have a lady up here to see you are you mr. Sieber yeah that's the fact I remember Crawford sister no I thought you was a baby probably wasn't you last heard about me okay this is Evan Crawford sister miss Crawford yes mr. Horne Abdul mr. Horne you know Emma - son I've come to Bowie to set up Emma's Affairs and well you know how soldiers are they move so much I only really knew him through his letters and he wrote so much about you well I guess we had some times yes and well I wanted to thank you for being his friend he didn't have many I worked both ways I just wanted to say that I just wanted to say how did he die couldn't very well write that letter one shot no pain you never knew where Hanna that's good is Nick ah [Applause] thank you even even in this coffin all right blow it up what do you think she's pretty cause he's your own age don't you boy you're wrong she's very sad all right but she ain't fat enough all right [Music] why the hell would they feel a thing like that [Music] [Music] [Music] I may have made an errand dismissing you I admit it perhaps there still is room for civilian Scouts in addition of course my hero Oh [ __ ] you ain't court one warrior with that thing we've come close on several occasions but arithmetic is not why we're here I'm rehiring you because I'm sending captain Lawton with my best troops on a major campaign I'll run Geronimo into the dirt now I've given my word to the president how long to reassemble your Scouts no two weeks maybe less negative s I never liked to keep the president waiting general I I said some insulting things to you when you fired me I was bad my pride was hurt but I just want you to know one thing I meant every damn word I said [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] yes I was showing off I'm sorry today with the rope Oh let's try to make an impression I see I just wanted you to know that now I know that that's right I just told you that all and yes you can go then yeah don't seem to be moving no ma'am you're not closing the door come in I haven't done this in a long time ma'am I'd like to go out and get drunk I'll wait right here I'll tie the truth yeah I'm a riding and cracking and mine and it's hot out there and even if you were the horrible Sal I've been happy I'm not sure that compliment I was hoping [Music] you [Music] all the quiet today when you figure will pick up Geronimo's trail already half if about a half an hour ago you could have told me yeah we good morning you know that stupid jackass I believe anything quickly hey [Applause] drama split up as men have them went straight ahead and rest of them went more east which way you wanna go which way you want to go out of the class mr. hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay yeah I guess so except once again my bad leg is all my good leg get the juice out of the bag there with you they wanted to try to kill me I shouldn't be surprised what a waste of good booze mr. Morin you keep saving my life someday I gotta get around to thanking you for your efforts or they try to do this for they figured only you could leave aspect but they figured wrong come morning I'll be dancing need some help yeah I don't need no help day my horse won't stand still salt will mount up mr. horn move ain't waiting for you [Music] [Music] in fact works all the time that's good even smart though they always just like this taking stay back week so well you can get this Barbie is dumb [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're looking to get drunk before breakfast if you want to hear my opinion about no I don't want your opinion to want to idiot damn voice many of you think it's fun getting shot well it ain't I think it just that you're clumsy well somebody else get wounded all the time it's the worst worst words what the worst me oh hell no shadow shattered my hip floors creak shot he was on horseback fire just the one time wonderful marks Thank You mr. Barr stop you all right now you sure no go on get back to work Ricki I'm sorry you're on your own now gonna do it no we talked about it enough I just wish it was more experience pressing remember you got to keep the pressure how will you proceed working no matter what you gotta promise me something you keep this with you always what for if it goes bad you gotta kill yourself don't let him torture you dead I know trust me you gotta promise me if it goes bad you'll kill yourself take care top Mickey take him home [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he wants to kill in there you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when are we June July August maybe I don't know that's what I thought [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what I think I think hiding in the smoke right there you know what else what we didn't die and I [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's on [Music] [Music] [Music] ha ha [Music] [Applause] me [Music] so he knows she can know Gucci oh dear oh the Cucina go yet Tamara it an ECE come when I had your years I was no water I found I had skills me either it might be I was with a mother I care for a wife I loved much and a baby [Music] it was a life of quiet my mother called me the one who Yong and then the white skins the white skins and one day they killed my mother they killed my mother and my wife my mother and my wife and my baby and my baby and my baby I became nauseous because I was more deeply wronged than the others and now you come to me and say so Ranger yeah I'll lose my freedom do you call this last month's freedom why should I so range because we got five thousand warriors we got eleven Ishikawa can run 70 miles in a day and a white skin nah when we attack it it's a massacre when you attack it is a battle is that just no you take $20 for the sculpt of an Indian baby and you call a screw and to such a people you say I should surrender no I say you must surrender I'm not saying it's right but they don't care if they're wrong because there's 5000 of them dating there's just nothing else for it you can die out here in the mountains or you can live in peace in your reservation I give you my word surrender and you can stay here in Arizona I know it isn't much of a choice that's all you got now you choose [Music] you [Music] Taron hold your head up there chief hey that's good okay [Applause] now listen everybody I don't like surprises I don't suppose you do something very unusual happened here at Bowie and I don't think it should go unnoticed now that the Telegraph has started flashing a news across our country and this is going to be a very famous man I'm talking about but before his hat size starts to enlarge just let me say one thing I haven't always agreed for this man but I'll tell you this the more we've been together the more some of the crazy things you did turn out to be right gentlemen if this isn't a man who pays much attention to ceremony so what else is there to say but this the man who captured Geronimo general Nelson miles you're miles on behalf of your men deep appreciation you okay that's peaceful general tell us how it was in a sense thank you you are getting schooled missed everybody sooner or later you live Thank You major external it was my job and it needed doing and I did it to hell with you general applause major please please I would rather be remembered as the man who brought lasting peace to Arizona rather than as the man who captured your honor mo ah thank you thank you the thought of peace foremost in my mind I have ordered all Apaches hostile and otherwise to be sent immediately to Central Florida no you can't do that that swampland these are desert people you send them there you'll kill them all general you're an idiot thank you thank you come on old man let's go I would like to say one more thing I would like to thank the officers in the [Music] get this wagon out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] excuse me ma'am someone told me I could find a room here surely you just saw in the register I was just I was wondering you would you be how long would you be staying damn I'm Krystina Erwin is my name the widow or wind see how cleverly I work that in well uh I have an appointment because everyone I need to get cleaned up excuse me of course of course please I hope you like your room I don't require much well if you don't we can always shift you around very good down why don't you remember me my name is to be Crawford unseen Arizona we I'm sorry I've heard a lot about you don't believe any of it mm-hmm the good part was there any time to tap what your air what about my hair it used to be long it's Delia is that just wear it up looks better down we're certainly is unpredictable but I hours years how was yours you you you man okay so tell more I gotta close mr. har I'm John Noble some brandy sure give mr. horn there a man-sized snifter if you please come in sir let us have a look at you okay can have a look at us at the same time oh I know we resemble riffraff but some of us have fared quite well in life one of us is an Irish Earl to our members of parliament to our senators and there's always a state governor or so lurking around here somewhere you know mr. horn none of us lives in Cheyenne any more than is necessary but you see we all have one common interest cattle high marks excellence then you also know our problem rustlers correct we need very badly and very quickly help and we're prepared to pay top dollar mr. Horne you on a bounty hunter a bounty hunter mr. horn is a killer who works outside the law and none of us at this table would go near such a person hmm no what we're looking for is a first-class cattle detective not all of us sure you quote your record is impressive enough obviously we've done some checking on you angered a man very successful but you left Marshall again successful Kenya left outstanding service in the spanish-american war what's the problem boys you drink too much we don't know that a drunk can handle our needs well I've known it down a few point lying about that I guess this is the first time they're calling a drone these to my face I never yet been hired for a job I couldn't do this is always a first time I probably could use a wall saying [Music] chances are I could hit the ceiling I can get close enough I in this anime you rich bastards I cleaned out half the wrestlers from northern Colorado and you know that you want to send for me in the first place don't give me this stuff about how I am or some high standards hire me don't iron quick blown smoke you know I'm sure you want me you know where to find me gentlemen I think we found the man who can handle our needs [Laughter] [Music] Oh must be pretty fancy over there Cheyenne clever I'm talking about now course it on that a station folk in there too often whiskey so you're Tom Horne I heard about you except I always thought she was eight feet tall shoot I didn't know they filed at that high what do you want me to do so do you want me to kill raw any of you all of you how many of you have to die it was peace it wouldn't be fair you're right four against one that'd be a hell of a thing I don't know about you guys but I don't want to my conscience I'd say [Music] darn it [Music] your cattle yeah that one there I've got a J bar and bran they all got a J bar in don't even think about it you boys are going to go on trial for rustling insufficient evidence case dismissed never iCarly [Applause] [Music] help yourself to some more brandy mr. horn you're a very generous man no ice in the winter that's what I give away mr. horn what I'm saying to you now I'm not saying to you now you understand yeah because I'm a lawyer and I love and respect the law finish it you said what we really wanted was a bounty hunter you were right yeah I knew that but you better know this if you ever tell anybody I hired you as a bounty hunter I lie all the way to the grave you got that mr. Noble you have my word on that I don't give it off man could make important friends by clearing out Brown's hole set another dollars a wrestler well it certainly is top dollar I'll lie all the way to the grave mr. horn all the way to the grave to the 20th century mr. note [Music] [Music] to die which one of you wants to die now [Music] I want you out of Browns own now I'm very famous in town trying to keep the company that what we're doing have you really killed hundred men oh you're serious in general I would know I'd talk like that the more they think I've done unless I have to do Oh praying the better appears pretty good to me you got to day lose weight hours and I'm coming back if you're still here you die who that [Music] [Music] all right we ought to get out there tonight cuz we burned there's five of us and we ain't running babies out there I think he's out there somewhere it's cold I think it's go to snow good then priest but off [Music] you [Music] Here I am [Music] [Music] [Music] looking at you running handy manny ketchup I mean acai man so when he was young in his bed now we just grin can tell lies he thinks it can hold more than me hi Deb I'm staying at the adoshem you got it now mention city is so challenged those are by the liquor naturally thanks for introducing me to your lady friend I can see you manners are greatly improved [Laughter] wasn't coffee [Music] there were three I'd added with a puzzle in the tempest muttered low and where for d-major the lightning to explode so you're always exactly hey you nothing I don't think your says yesterday what do you say hooray but this is for real okay one chill - how many men you really care I never kill anybody then good you know what is the real business come on yeah we all die Dom we all die so this moment please oh hi Eddie you got to get out now and that's no fool look I got to rest you cellphone they're actually going to try it for the murder that boy like to represent you Tom you don't have to take them use your lawyer but no he remembers mr. noodle fine son I want to get you out of this you'll see they're trying to be mighty damn mysterious big surprise as they say we'll see about that now what about character witnesses I don't care what it costs we'll bring him in from anywhere anywhere at all yeah Seaver if you get a hold of Seaver super Al Sieber in Arizona glow over Tucson somebody else mr. Noble Oh Mason think I did it [Applause] [Music] please continue mr. Nigam well I I tried to get after him a boy but but they shot it yeah they must have shot him 15 times accident to kind of try to try to protect my wife and all of a sudden it - he just got get clear then we we seen in their effort to let Rock Andrews in by the time we reached Willy he was dead shot dead and someone had placed a rock under his head please continue mrs. Nichol we didn't know what to do I never saw Freddy flat know what to do he's always known what to do I don't know why they do that to Willie they put a rock on his head [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] boy that's the only bidder he's supposed to have oh and don't be silly talking through the ball all right you always have I want Peter just don't tell anybody and will you just move I don't have a gun in my purse from but I do have a file Gerwin sweetest thing ever in a fair job which is hostess put it in a cake it isn't funny calm before you cleaned out Brown's hole rustling was the biggest business around and all that kind they want to see you dead you're being railroaded don't you know it all and that's all that Cheyenne Club not not Noble but the senators and the governor's they want you gone too because they're scared to death your town very hired you I'm always on your side ma'am I can't very well lose count [Music] cut that out Ernestina it's a jail not a saloon aside from being employed as an acting deputy you're also qualified stenographer isn't that correct mr. snow yes sir I'm a statement we're about to hear it is verbatim yes sir every word verbatim one thanks confirm what I don't know speaks times call Joe Lefors Jolla forest please please just before I hit Cheyenne mr. Forrest please speak up most of the day I spend with a nickel place I saw the spot and I heard about the rock and then it wasn't much of a problem figuring out who did it no the problem was making him come clean play that I met horn and a challenge into a little drinking back he drinks heavy he always has I took a suite at the ocean I stationed deputies snow in the next room close enough so we could get where we spoke and deputies snow wrote down everything mr. Horne said or Batum yes did you drink with this man yeah sure what's a connecting door open could have been myself you are the best man to cover up a trail I ever did see horn friends oh thank you and if you want to cover up a trail let me tell you how I go barefooted yeah you see I was giving him compliments and feed them a lot of whiskey and I could tell it was working out myself Leflore that's me I studied where the nickel boy was killed and if he was waiting long you must have got awful hungry our friend Joe sometimes I get so hungry I would kill my own mother for some broke but I never stood until I get my bed myself ha how much you get for killing friends over this is horn now this is Harlem speaking French oh it all depends on how fat my employers are but I would say that at least $600 at least $100 apiece is a fair average earn the car myself why did you put the rock onto the kids head it after he was dead horn that's the way I hang out my sign to collect money for this kind of a job myself does it ever get to bothering you horn why ever should it get to bothering me friend Joe chili is my specialty I I look up look on it as a business proposition and I think I have a corner on the market [Applause] the court [Applause] we're in the damn corner it's hard to me I want it I was a good friend of mine myself how far was the nickel boy when you killed him falling about 300 yards now was the best shot I ever made and the dirtiest trick I ever done I know mr. horn for years I never once did a curse word come for me I never once did he touch whiskey was never never touched whiskey and he saved me from an Apache ambush yes sir he saved me I only brought Crawford back even though he was bad wounded here right here bad sleep he run out he brought Crawford back I tell you something I tell y'all something no no no no that said any aid what I mean had it but it worried me I mean I asked your something the force you I understand once you were something now you're a bum like me you make up confessions for money ha how much they paying you for this one two three thousand I knew many men great men men you in this room never heard of men like tazza local the mangas and some men you have heard like Cochise and Geronimo and we brought them all done and not one of them could do what mr. horn could do and that's what I got ask you why do we have to bring him down what law says we got to do it why why why do I have to have to bring him down why do we why we have to bring him down hi great no reason yes I was drinking sure I was drunk if you give me enough whiskey I'll probably tell you I shot my own mother that's what you want to hear but I just don't talk the way that confession has me sounding you ask anyone that knows me and they'll tell you that's true I don't know about you but when I'm drinking I usually can't remember anything the next day but I do remember him asking me was the rock a sign and I said yeah I supposed it was but I didn't tell him I put it there I didn't put it there why would I ambush a baby and shoot him in the back as the army ask the Pinkertons ask anybody would Tom Horn do a thing like that I don't know what else to tell you I didn't do it I didn't do it I didn't you ready yet Leland Leeman we're going to try this now or what we need five more gallons of water how much times I got sorry tom that's okay [Music] sixteen hours more so don't shoot the horn Oh soldier get me out of here he's doing it get me out cuz you got your gun oh Lord Charlie get there and let's check out and try and find me horse got away we'll just do it you soak like this don't happen why is it always me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay what happens now I don't much want to hurt you but you're going to have to look at that door you're gonna have to kill him maybe a dozen people out and me too to get passed now you got two guns anyone can do it you can but even with a dozen dead still going to be millions us and just one of you maybe you can make it to the mountains I mean your murder in the mountains but you've got to come down sometime and when you do there's gonna be millions us waiting still only one of you open the main door Eddie open it yourself damn you I've never killed innocent man in my life well you're gonna have to if I open that door so you better get used to it ah shoot come on come on hey I got no family you took Ernestina there's nobody gonna mourn me come on far away you couldn't ask for a better man to start with still gonna be millions huh only one of you I used to be great great [Music] remember I remember once I was showing on Ernestine [Music] there when the days [Music] close the date [Music] Tom you never kill that kid did you why'd you give yourself up would you skate for because I could you drink the better brand of whiskey when you just enjoy them probably tastes better that's a fact no no I don't hold good as I used to never could hold it good I didn't and why not remember Mickey free ah sure go one-eyed Apache but I couldn't get killed yeah I heard from it I am thinking you're right Oh mostly pictures can you write sure so I could make all the numbers that's half the battle [Music] [Music] [Music] let's bring in a man the trouble horn down who are they on newspaperman sheriffs and marshals some doctors whole bunch of politicians here on horse [Music] can I do anything yeah hot sing lights railway to here you know I can't sing right [Music] life is like a mountain railroad with an engineer's [Music] run successful from the cradle to the grave watch the kernels never falter never sway on the throttle and your eye upon the rail I understand that new oil stock I told you about is a real good chance coming through turn me around so I can look at the past [Music] we'll be any last words tom anything at all [Music] you can't hurt her Christian [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you [Music] you
Channel: Suneleb
Views: 4,997,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2ozjwnG55Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 21sec (8541 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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