Mr. Beat and I are Cousins! (and Related to US Presidents and European Royals)

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hi this is matt baker and today i'm going to show you how i am related to another famous youtuber you might know mr beat recently the youtube channel genievlogger has been doing videos on youtuber family trees last year he covered sam arenau as well as mr beat and currently he's doing me in doing the research for these videos he discovered something interesting mr beat and i are 11th cousins so today i'm going to show you a bit of mr beet's family tree as well as a bit of my family tree and i'm also going to show you exactly how our two trees connect but first i want to introduce you to our sponsor myheritage because you might be wondering how you can research your own family tree well my heritage makes it very easy you can sign up now for a 14 day free trial and if you decide to keep it you'll get 50 off so long as you know the names of your parents and grandparents my heritage does the rest once you enter that information the website will automatically add discovery links which you can click on to get suggestions on how to grow your tree myheritage is able to do this by comparing the names on your tree to the names on other people's trees as well as to the 15 plus billion records that it gives you access to it also has lots of great tools it allows you to print your tree in a bunch of cool formats and it can even animate your old photos so why wait sign up for your free trial right now by using the link in the description or pinned comment who knows maybe you'll discover that you too are related to mr p and i okay so first of all let me introduce you to mr beat's family tree and show you some of the cool things that the genie vlogger discovered when researching it i'll start with his paternal line for the sake of privacy i've left off the names of any living people other than mr beat and i but here you can see mr beat's grandfather john beat who passed away in 2015. he's shown in a military uniform and this is because he served in the korean war he was the son of gertrude struble and william beat this couple lived in kansas which is where the beat family still lives to this day however william beat's father henry beat was originally from ohio and if we go back just one more generation we discover that the beet family actually originated much farther away you'll notice that mr beet's great great great grandfather spelt his name a bit differently this is because he was born in france near the border with germany john beat immigrated to the united states in the 1850s which was when over a million people came from germany and settled in the american midwest as was the case with many new immigrants to north america in those days john beat changed the spelling of his surname to something more english sounding so beat became beat now if you're familiar with mr beat's channel you'll know that he focuses a lot on u.s history and in particular he knows a lot about the various u.s presidents in fact he's made a song for every single u.s president from george washington to donald trump therefore when the genie vlogger was researching mr beats family tree he paid close attention to how mr beat might be related to some of his favorite presidents and he discovered that he was in fact related to several of them the u.s president that mr b is most closely related to is dwight eisenhower let me show you how as i mentioned mr beat had a great grandmother named gertrude strobel while the strobles descend from a man named peter struble from germany and peter struble had a daughter named maria who married a man named hans eisenhower and together they were the great great great grandparents of u.s president dwight eisenhower so that makes mr beat president eisenhower's fifth cousin four times removed which is a fairly close relationship let's now look at mr beat's maternal side mr beat's maternal grandmother who is still living is the daughter of mabel whitcomb and it is the whitcomb family that connects to both mr beat and me but before we look at that connection let me first point out the goal trees if we go up three generations from mabel whitcomb we get an ancestor of mr beet named mary goltry daughter of nathaniel goldtree and if we go up to more generations from there we come to a man named oliver goultry now according to the genie vloggers research oliver goldtree owned a plot of land in new jersey that was part of what's known as the middlebrook encampment this encampment is where george washington and his continental army were staying in 1777 during the height of the american revolution and it's also where the very first flag of the united states was unfurled and flown so that's yet another interesting connection between mr beat and us history but back to the whitcombs if we follow mr beat's whitcomb line we find that it leads to an ancestor named joseph whitcomb who was one of the earliest settlers in new england he was not a mayflower passenger but he arrived in the colony of massachusetts bay just north of plymouth rock about 10 years later now here's the thing joseph whitcomb is also one of my ancestors mr b descends from him via his son job whereas i descend from him via his son josiah josiah whitcomb had a grandson named david who married betty white no not that betty white and they had a daughter named eunice she married a man named timothy houghton and together they moved up to nova scotia where timothy became the founder of the town of chester which is located near tang cook island which if you watched the previous video i made about my family tree you'll know is the location where most of my ancestors came from note that three generations down from eunice whitcomb the whitcomb name was still being used by my ancestors in this case as a middle name which seems to indicate that they knew that the whitcombs were a very old and important family if we go to more generations down we come to emma cross who married gabriel baker they were the parents of arnold baker my paternal grandfather so because mr beat and i both descend from joseph whitcomb that makes us 11th cousins now as i mentioned mr beat is also related to several u.s presidents well so am i the closest being the two bushes remember that betty white i pointed out earlier well she was the great great grandchild of john prescott another early settler of new england another one of john prescott's great-great-grandchildren was samuel prescott one of the patriots who rode with paul revere during the american revolution interestingly my two sons descend on their mother's side from another one of the writers that night william dawes anyway samuel had a sister named lucy who in turn had a great great granddaughter who married a man named james bush their grandson prescott bush became a u.s senator note that his parents chose to name him prescott to mark their connection to the famous prescott family from early u.s history of course even more important than senator prescott bush was his son and grandson who both served as u.s presidents okay so that's how mr beat and i are related to each other and also to some u.s presidents but what about royalty a few years ago on this channel i made a video where i explained how most people of european descent can somehow connect back to european royalty so what about mr beat and i do we carry any blue blood well yes we do and let me show you how let's go back to joseph whitcomb now when you're working this far back you have to realize that records can be quite shaky and you can't always believe everything you see online when you're using a genealogical website such as you're relying on other people's research and often people make assumptions without checking the paper trail to confirm everything so you've got to be careful and understand that most things this far back are tentative at best joseph whitcomb is a good example because i've seen at least two different people listed as his father but in either case he almost certainly was a fairly recent descendant of an englishman named thomas whitcomb and thomas whitcomb was very likely the great-great-grandson of a man named sir john cornwall who served as a member of parliament in england if we follow the cornwall line we discover where the cornwall surname comes from it comes from richard of cornwall who was an illegitimate son of prince richard the earl of cornwall prince richard was the son of king john of england and in fact richard was also elected by several german nobles to serve as the holy roman emperor although he was never crowned now again let me remind you that none of what i've shown you in this video is actually all that incredible most people with at least one english ancestor can trace a line back to king john and most people in north america whose families have been here for a while probably have at least one ancestor from the very early days of european settlement therefore most people in north america are related to most other people in north america one way or another and that means that most americans are probably related to their presidents this even includes people of african american descent as i pointed out in my video on the barry gordy family so the amazing thing is not the fact that one person is related to another person the amazing thing is figuring out exactly how and that involves doing some research into your own family tree which is why i encourage you to sign up for myheritage using their 14-day free trial again you can find a link to that in the description or pinned comment in the description you can also find the links to the videos by the genie vlogger which go into much more detail on both mr beats family tree as well as mine i encourage you to check them out thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: UsefulCharts
Views: 191,104
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Id: m4XCDdCWi4A
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Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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