Mr Bean in Room 426 | Full Episode | Mr. Bean Official

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(DOG BARKING) (CHOIR SINGING) Thieves everywhere! (DINGS) (RAPID DINGING) -Uh, Bean. -Yes. -Would you like a pen, sir? -Thank you very much. Can I move your car, sir? (SIGHS) (DINGS) -Good morning. If you'd like to check in, sir. -Thank you. British. (DINGS) (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) (SIGHS) -WOMAN ON PHONE: Hello? -Hello! (BED CREAKING) (BED CREAKING) (BED CREAKING) (SHUSHING) Thank you very much. (CLEARING THROAT) Hello? (TV BLARING) MAN 1 ON TV: I don't believe it! (TV GOES SILENT) (TV BLARING) Goodness me. I... What a response... Terrible... The crowd is... MAN 2: Get out of here. MAN 3: The players are... (CHORAL MUSIC PLAYING ON TV) MAN 4: Do you know what you are to me? (CHORAL MUSIC PLAYING) MAN 5: The whole town. A spring morning in Paris. (CHORAL MUSIC PLAYING) (VOLUME INCREASING) WOMAN 1: That's my heart beating. MAN 5: Does it go like a subway train? (SPORTS FANS CHEERING) (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING) MAN 6: Look, coming down off the hill! MAN 7: Hang on, Joe. (CHORAL MUSIC PLAYING) Will you be quiet! (MUSIC STOPS) Sorted him out. (DRILL ROARING) (BANGING) (DUCK SQUEAKS) (SCOFFS) (WATER RUNNING) (WHISTLING) (DRILL ROARING) (DRILL STOPS ROARING) Uh, excuse me. I've got a bit of a problem. Could you... Certainly, sir. How can I help, sir? Well, I left my watch in the bathroom, and now I can't open the door. -Allow me to try, sir. -Must be jammed or something. -Yes, very odd. -I don't understand. It was all right earlier. HOTEL MANAGER: The lock's on the other side. I need to get my watch back. I'm sorry, sir. Nothing like this has ever happened before. -I'll get someone on to it right away. -Good. Morning. (SCOFFS) (PEOPLE CHATTERING) WOMAN: I don't think I'll be able to eat again for a week. Excuse me. Are these all right? -No. I do apologise, sir. -That's okay. (EXCLAIMS IN DISGUST) (GRUNTS) So hot. (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) (SHUSHING) (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) (WOMAN SCREAMING) (PEOPLE APPLAUDING IN DISTANCE) (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) -Thank you. -That was marvellous, Mr La Rue. Marvellous. They love you. They always do, dear. Now, how about just one more encore? One more. They deserve me, the darlings! Okay, Matthew. Take Mr La Rue's trunk to his car. (CLEARS THROAT) -426, please. -Certainly, madam. Here. That's my frock. (EXCLAIMS IN PAIN) (CHOIR SINGING)
Channel: undefined
Views: 11,533,865
Rating: 4.6371555 out of 5
Keywords: mister bean, MR BEAN, mister bin, mr bean 2017, english comedy, bean, Rowan atkinson
Id: Yi9207WmpTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2010
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