MQTT in Node RED: Building a Dashboard and Logging Data

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Hello and welcome to High Voltages. In the previous video, we saw how  we can create a circuit in Wokwi to   simulate our IoT projects. We learned how  to publish and subscribe to MQTT messages   using ESP32 and visualize the data  on the dashboard created in Node RED. In the previous video, I didn't go into  the details of how I created the dashboard,   but in this video, I'm going to show how we  can create a similar dashboard in Node RED. So, in this video, we will discuss  how to use MQTT in Node RED,   how to create a dashboard, and  how to log data to CSV files. Before starting, let's discuss what Node RED is. Node RED is an open-source visual  programming tool that simplifies the   development of IoT applications. It provides  a browser-based interface that allows users   to create flows by connecting nodes, and in  this video, that's what we are going to do. We are going to use the MQTT  functionality in Node RED and   use the data that is coming through  MQTT to visualize it on the dashboard. All the codes and functions that we are going to  write, or the complete tutorial in written form,   will be available on the High Voltages website,  and I will put the link in the description. So, before starting, make sure  to like, subscribe, and share. The first thing that we will do is to install Node  RED. To install Node RED, we will go to this URL: Here,  you will find instructions to install   Node RED on different platforms such  as Raspberry Pi, Docker, Android, etc. But since we are using a Windows system and  planning to use it locally, we will go to this   URL. Here, you'll see the prerequisites, and  we will need a supported version of Node.js. Since we are using Windows, we will go to this  URL here. The first thing that we need to do is   install Node.js. To do that, we will go to this  URL, and from here, we can install the latest   version of Node.js. Make sure, after installation,  that Node.js and npm have been added to your path. Since I have already installed Node.js, I will  open the PowerShell window and verify it using   this command, which will tell us the Node  and npm version. So, you see, we have the   18.1 6.1 node version and 9.5.1 npm version.  It verifies that we have Node.js in our system. Then, we will copy this URL and paste it here  to install Node RED. It will take some time,   and once the installation has been completed,  we will write Node-RED. You will see various   messages on the PowerShell window, and you  can see "Server now running at this URL." So, we will copy this URL and paste  it in our browser. You will see this   flow which we created for the last  video. This flow was responsible for   creating the dashboard. Let  me show you the dashboard. So, we will remove this and add "SL UI" to  the URL, and you will see different gauges   and buttons to control the ESP32. Since  ESP32 is not connected at the moment,   it looks empty. So, we will go back, and  now we will be working on another flow. This empty window is called the flow, and on the  left-hand side, we have different nodes. There are   different nodes for different purposes. Firstly,  we will do a "Hello World" example in Node RED. So, firstly, I will drag and drop this inject  node, which is the input node as well. To show   the messages, I will drag and drop this debug node  and connect these two nodes. Since this inject   node shows the timestamp, once I click it, I will  be able to see the timestamp in the debug window. So, I will click this, and you will  see a warning, "Node has undeployed   changes. It is necessary to deploy after  any change you made." Once we have deployed,   now let's try running it again. You will be  able to see the timestamp in the debug window. So, you can access the debug window from here.  Now, let's double click on this inject node,   and you will be able to see some properties that  you can change. Let's write the name "input," and   we will change it to a string. In the string, we  will write "hello world." I will press "done," and   then we will have to deploy. Once deployed, click  here, and you will see "Hello World" message. Now we will need to install some palettes to  use the dashboard functionalities. Palettes are   the connection of nodes. For example, here, you  see function palette, which includes different   functions. Similarly, we need a palette for  using the dashboard nodes. We will have to click   on this hamburger button and go to this option  "manage palette." We will go to "install," and   here we have to search "Node RED cont open."  We will need this palette. We will click on   "install." Since I have already installed it,  I am not seeing the option for installation,   but you will see the option here,  and you can click on "install" here. Similarly, we will need the Node RED dashboard.  This is the palette that we will need,   and you will have to click "install" here to  install that. Once you have done installing,   you can click on "close." Now,  when you will look at your nodes,   you will find a dashboard palette  here with different functions. So, the first thing that we are going to create is  to create a dashboard. I will delete all of this,   click on "deploy," confirm, and then I will  drag and drop gauges. Then I will need a chart,   and then I will need buttons. I will rename this  to "temperature gauge," and the group is, we will   have to define all the elements of our dashboard  in a group. So, I will create a new group. I will   call it "our dashboard," and I will add it to the  "Home" tab. Then I will update this and click on   "done." Here, I will select the "our dashboard"  and rename it to "humidity gauge." Similarly,   here, I will change the label to "temperature  chart," and the group is "our dashboard." The   label is "humidity chart." Then button, I will  call it "temperature logs," and this one is   "humidity logs." Okay, once you have renamed, you  can click on "deploy," and it will be deployed. Now I will go to UI, and you will see the "our  dashboard" that we have created. This is the   humidity gauge, this is the temperature gauge,  then we have temperature chart, humidity chart,   temperature logs, and humidity logs button. We  will rearrange them later. So, I'll go back,   and similarly, I will add a few more blocks. I  will add this switch, and I will call it "LED."   Then I will get this slider, and I will call  it "Servo." I can change it from minimum 0 to   180 degrees, and the step is one. I will click on  "done," and then I will select this Color Picker,   and I will call it "neopixel Color Picker." I  think I forgot to change the group of the previous   one, so I will change the group of these as well.  Okay, then I will deploy this, and if I go to UI now, you will see this is the switch for LED,  this is the Color Picker that we be using   for the neopixel LED, and we will be changing  color from here. This is for Servo motor,   and the previous, and these are the humidity and  temperature gauges. So, the basic layout of the   dashboard is ready. To rearrange these elements,  we will go back to the flow, click here on this,   and go to "view," and click on "dashboard." Here,  you will be able to change that. For example,   I would like to pull this temperature gauge at the  top. I will deploy it, and if I go back to the UI,   you will see the temperature gauge and humidity  gauge, temperature chart, humidity chart,   or you can do it this way. Deploy, see temperature  gauge, temperature logs, and okay. Now we will   change a few properties of these elements. For  example, for the temperature gauge, we will change   the units to degrees Celsius, and we can set the  max-min value to -20 to 60 degrees Celsius. So   now, our temperature gauge will only show the  values between -20 to 60 degrees Celsius. Then,   done. Similarly, for humidity, units should  be percentage, 0 to 100, and done. For LED,   we will change it to string, and here we will  write "on" and "off" for payload string. Here,   we will write "off," and we will press "done."  For the Servo motor, we have already changed the   minimum range to zero and maximum to 180, and we  will press "done." Then, for the neopixel color,   we have already changed the label and changed the  format. We will change the format to RGB. That's   it. We have already added the properties of these  CES. Let's see what difference it has made. Now   you can see we are seeing the units here, and this  is from 0 to 180. Now we are going to use the MQTT   nodes in our user interface. The MQTT nodes can be  found in the network palette, and we have MQTT in   and MQTT out. MQTT in is more like subscribing  to a topic, and once you receive a message on   that topic, this node will be triggered. MQTT out  is for publishing the messages. Firstly, we will   use the MQTT out function, and we will connect it  to the LED. We see this warning here, so we will   click on this, and we have already set up our MQTT  broker, which is the public MQTT broker. If you   haven't, you can click on "add new MQTT broker,"  and you can write the server protocol, client ID,   for security, username, password, and everything  you can configure your MQTT broker here. Since I   have already done that, I will select this broker.  In the topics, I will write "lights," quality of   service should be one, and I will click on "done."  So, you see this has disappeared. I will click on   "deploy," and you should see a message here in  Powell that you are connected to MQTT broker.   Now let's check if we are able to send MQTT  messages from our dashboard. I'll go to UI,   and this is the LED button, and I will open the  Wokwi project that we created. I will run this as   well. Now let's click on LED, and you see the  LED is turned on. Now let's work on the other   functionalities. Similarly, we will send this MQTT  out for neopixel and for Servo. I will connect the   Servo, and I will change the topic to "Servo,"  quality of service one, and for neopixel, we will   change the topic to "lights/neopixel," quality  of service one. We will connect these two. We   will deploy this. We will go to UI and run this.  As you can see, the Servo. Let's move it. You see   the Servo is moving. Let's try the neopixel. Let's  change the color to red. Neopixel returns the data   in the RGB form, and ESP32 expects the data in RGB  form. I mean, we have to change the format. So,   what we are going to do is we are going to delete  this and add a function here between these two   nodes. We will add the function. We'll double  click the function, and we can call it "Parse RGB   values." We will paste this. What this function  is doing is it is getting the values in the form   of RGB RGB, and it is converting to RGB. It  is just removing this and this bracket. So,   we'll click on "done." We will connect it to this,  and now we'll deploy this. We'll go back to UI,   and here. Okay, now let's try. Okay, now you  see the colors are matching. See, that's it.   Now we will try to receive the data from ESP32.  I will stop this for now and go back. So, this is   our flow. To receive the data, we will need the  MQTT in function. We are going to subscribe to a   desired topic and wait for the message. Once the  message is received, it returns the message. ESP32   will be sending data on "temp" topic, as we have  defined it here, "temp data," and it will send the   data in the comma-separated values. So, what we  are going to do is we are going to receive that   data, and for now, I will show it in the form of  debug to show how we are receiving the data. Here,   the topic is "temp data." We will deploy, we  will go to debug, and run this. So, let's wait,   and you see we are receiving the values in the  comma-separated values. What we are going to do   is we are going to separate these two values and  send them to their respective gauges. For that,   I'm going to remove this. I'm going to add a  function here and call it "Extract Temperature,"   and I will call this "Extract Humidity." For  temperature, I'm going to use this function.   What it is doing is it is reading the payload,  then it is removing any white spaces, and then   it is splitting it using the comma as a delimiter,  and then it is converting the values into a float,   and it is returning the first value. So, we  will click on "done." Similarly, we will need a   function for extracting the humidity, and we will  paste it like this. The function is similar; the   only change is this. It is returning the second  value, which is the first index of the values. So,   we will click on "done," and we will connect these  two with this, and now we will send this value to   the temperature gauge and temperature chart, and  the humidity, we will send it to humidity gauge   and humidity chart. We will deploy it to see  the changes. I'll click on UI, so you see the   temperature here and the humidity is here. Let's  try to change the temperature to, let's say, 39,   humidity to 39, and you see the charts and the  gauges are functional now. Now we'll go back.  Now, let's move on. Next, we're going to  log MQTT data to a CSV file. To do that,   we'll drag and drop the "write file" node. In  the "write file" node, we'll set the path of the   file. I have a path; I've created a folder, and  here I will create a file named "data_log.csv."   I will click on "done," and now we will  get the data and write it to the CSV file.  If I connect it directly to the file, it will  start logging data. However, we want to add a   timestamp, so we'll add a function here and  call it "add timestamp." In the function,   we will paste this. What we're doing in this  function is getting the data using the date   function, converting it to the ISO string, and  then adding it to the value coming from the MQTT   message. We will click on "done" and connect it  to this. From here, we will connect it to this,   and now we will click on "deploy."  Let's see if we are getting some data.  We'll go to the UI, and yes, we have received a  few values. Now, let's try to open the file. You   see, the file has been created. Let's open it. So, you see, now we are getting some data here   with the date and time. I will close this, and  that's it. Let's give it a try. I will run this.  You see the temperature; let's change the  temperature to 32, humidity to 74. Let's   see if it changes here. Yes, it has been changed,  and the temperature chart is working as well. Now,   let's try to see if we are able to turn on  the LED. Yes, it's working. Let's change   the angle of the servo; it works. Let's  change the Neopixel color; it works. So,   yes, that's it. Thank you for watching. Please  like, share, and subscribe for more such videos.
Channel: High Voltages
Views: 4,484
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Keywords: MQTT in Node-RED, Building a Dashboard, Logging Data, ESP32, MQTT Protocol, CSV File, Internet of Things (IoT), Hello World Example, MQTT, Node-RED, Dashboard, Logging, IoT, Hello World, nodered dashboard, nodered data logging, nodered esp32, mqtt node red, node red esp32
Id: TNHAZxwB-9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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