MPLS VPN Overview

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in this video I'm going to show you how impious VPNs are going to work little bit differently so I'm just going to give some overview of how the of it is going to work but in fact we'll probably get into some more practical based impedance and 3b pins later on sessions so as we have already discussed in our previous session if you remember we have seen some of the basic basic things about these line connections like we have been using dedicated lines for over years very long back which provides a separate dedicated point-to-point connections but the problem with these lines are it's not scalable at the same time they are very expensive solution now most of the LEAs line connections in traditional works have replaced with VPN type of implementations which is going to provide a virtual a point-to-point connection between the two different sides over the surface port on it now we got two major categories of VPN models we have something called overlay model and we took model which we discussed in detail in previous sections now overlay model the service border is just providing a layer two virtual connection between the two endpoints here it's more like a virtual point-to-point connection where service border is not participating any of the customer recordings so when you talk about peer-to-peer models the service border is responsible for take taking the routes of the customer and installs in the routing table and it's responsible for sending collaborate and then finally reaches our customer now we have also seen some of the advantages and disadvantages of both the models now in this section we'll we'll see how MPLS VPNs are going to differ and how MPLS VPNs are going to work exactly when you compare with other models now the first thing when you say MPLS multi-protocol label switching now I can see the name itself says label switching which means when you your packets from the customer side it enters as a normal IP packet and inside the service for network from this end to other end it will be a label switch and it is not going to forward based on the IP packets it's a pure it will be forwarded zone labels label switch that's what a label switching says here so forward the package builds on the labels instead of anonymous IP packets right is going to combine some of the advantages of both overlay model and the p2p model now let us see how it is going to work we have seen now in case of MPLS the packets enters as a normal IP packet and then goes to the router providers order and then it goes as a label packet and then it will identify the label and change the label to another label and then finally reaches on it now in case of MPLS just like just like we discussed you know p2p model also the customer let's say $10 network is going to advertise his network to the provided starter which means we are going to do some modeling between the service border and the customer and now the service port is going to maintain the routes in is separate we are a floating table now we are if is a virtual not forwarding where the provided Edgewater is going to maintain his separate routing tables for each and every customer let's say you have another customer let's say customer B or custom all XYZ whatever so if he is connecting here it's a custom XYZ also connect to the same B then those routes are placed in a separate vrf routing table now once the provider is router receive the routes now the same thing happens on the other side also this customer advertises its own network to the provided router and the P router is going to maintain the customer route in the separate we are a product able now in order to exchange the routes from one end to another end from P to P we are going to configure something called VPN v4 peering has to be established between P to P now we can have a direct weep in v4 peering between P to P or or if you are working for a big service for network you can have a weap envy for being established to any of the P router and then back to pee again so here let's take an exam whatever whatever the way you are doing so there is a VPN reappearing has to be established between p2p router now this peering is more similar to your tunnel what we do in a GRE or IPSec tunnels it's more similar kind of thing now once we establish a we believe pairing between these two now what what the P router is going to do is P router receives a normal avi packet now it's going to take that IP packet and once we establish the beep in v4 it is going to add one label and that label will be your VPN label now based on this VPN label now this P router is going to see this label and based on that label information it will simply try to forward to another edge of the prodigy order without actually seeing any any information inside the IP packet which means now any traffic coming from customer to reach from one P to another P it is only concerned about the label not it is not not at all bothered how what is the what is the source from where the packet is coming what is the destination what is exactly inside that IP packet so it's going to see that label and then it will automatically switch based on the label again that label is built based on the OSP o4e ARP protocol running inside the city's port network that again I'll come to that much more in detail how the labels of what other labels are added how the label information is propagated about all those things now based on this label it is only concerned to forward the packet on the other end now if you talk about here unlike your Peter bit model now the P router do not know anything about the customer nor so it do not maintain any of the customer routes which means now the studies Porter do not need to maintain any of the customer routes except the provider edge router now this P router is only going to maintain the customer routes in a separate vrf routing table and this P router is going to maintains the customer odds in a subject running table whereas the complete service border router which is P routers they don't really bother what what are the customer loves because the entire packet from one end to another end is forwarded based on the label it is a label switch so it the good thing about the MPLS VPNs when you compare with a PETA PETA model is it's going to provide a bgp free code which means without actually running any BGP without actually running any BGP inside the city's border we are we are still providing the reachability from one side to another side of the cust one unlike in the P dipp'd model apart from providing the BGP free core it also just look like a frame relay where the packets from one end to another end or label switch just like your layer two so in general generally we call as MPLS works at OS m or low of 2.5 so it's going to forward the packet based on the labels more like a layer 2 layer 2 technology but at the same time it is responsible for exchanging the route from from customer to customer and we are going to configure some p2c routing through that so in this section we have seen like some basic introduction to impious VPNs how they exactly work but probably in our next sections we get into some more in detail a practical verification of how the labels are assigned how LDP and then we also see some more in detail like the different kinds of configurations we do
Channel: Sikandar Shaik
Views: 74,891
Rating: 4.7005348 out of 5
Keywords: MPLS VPN, MPLS
Id: _f5a359rNa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon May 05 2014
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