MPC2000 Install - The Gotek Floppy Emulator

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I've been wanting to install one of these but I could not find any info doing this, this will be immensely helpful! Would you mind linking to the emulator you purchased?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/burgerfinger 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
today we're going to be installing the gotek floppy emulator into the mpc2000 it is a fairly easy process however there are several steps that need to take place so let's get started inside the package there will be some instructions screws and of course the emulator on the front you have your display the usb port and two buttons on the back we have two connections one white connection and one black ribbon connection you will need a cushion a screwdriver a small flat screwdriver and a box to keep all your screws in we'll start by taking off the four screws two on each side of the mpc faceplate there are also three screws on the back of the plate that will need to be removed as well please remember to keep all the screws together and try to remember which screws went where as some of them are different sizes once we have removed those seven screws we will now take off the fader knob and put it in the box in order to completely remove the faceplate we will need to flip the unit over and access the three screws that are on the front panel after removing these screws we will then flip the unit back over and gently pry apart the front faceplate from the unit it may feel like it doesn't want to come off but with a little force it should pop right out now we have exposed the three screws that we need to take off in order to remove the face plate once these three screws have been removed we can gently finesse the face plate off of the unit this is a great opportunity to go ahead and grab a brush and dust off any excess lint or debris that may have gotten caught in between the buttons or display next we will peel off the pads so we can give them a thorough cleaning and wipe off the sensors now there is a top plate containing six screws two in the center two on each side we will need to remove this top plate which is connected by one ribbon in order to access the floppy drive once we pull this top plate off you should have enough slack to access the ribbon from underneath the ribbon is held by two pins that will need to be pushed away from the ribbon downward in order to release the ribbon you will want to remember which direction the ribbon was in so when you go back to install it you connect it the same way here is where it will connect and here are your two clips that you will need to push down in order to release the ribbon now we want to take this top panel and gently place it somewhere where it's not going to fall or be disturbed here's our hard drive this is a great opportunity to closely inspect your board and your casing for any dust or debris that may be inside my unit has only been opened once probably in 98 just a year or so after i purchased it so i'm gonna take this opportunity to go ahead and blow out any debris that may be inside now we are ready to remove the floppy drive i want to remove this piece of tape so that i can lift up the ribbon to access our connections you can see here is our white connector which we will have to remove by gently wiggling the connector away from the floppy drive once you have it off just go ahead and place it out of the way somewhere now we will gently wiggle the ribbon away from the floppy drive be sure and keep track how the ribbon was connected for when we go to install the gotek there are four screws that are holding the floppy disk to the casing underneath the unit you will see one two three and four we will now flip the unit upside down so that we can comfortably remove those screws once we remove all four screws the floppy drive will detach itself from the casing and we will easily be able to slide the drive from out of the unit we will now remove the screws from the casing and place them in our little cup or off to the side we will then flip the unit back over so that we can get ready to install the gotek emulator and since i have the unit open i want to go ahead and grab my brush and brush away any lint or debris that may have built up again just to be safe now we are ready for the emulator as you can see the unit is made of plastic there are four holes which line up exactly with the casing and here is your white connector and your ribbon connector but before we do anything we want to grab our small flat head screwdriver there are two jumpers on the emulator one which we need to remove and one which we need to swap first we are going to go ahead and swap the jumper it's on the second set of pins we want to remove that jumper and place it here on the first set of pins from the second to the first set of pins gently pry up on the jumper being careful not to damage any pins from the ribbon connection once it's pried up you should be able to pull it up and set it on the first set of pins making sure that you press down so that the connection is good if you look in between the jumper and the white casing there are letters m o is where we want to be here's our second jumper that one we just want to get rid of so again take your flat head screwdriver pry up on it until you are able to grab it with your fingers pull it completely off and set it off to the side now we have successfully assigned our jumpers to ammo next we're going to want to connect our ribbon be sure that the pins line up with the ribbon and you're going to want to apply pressure while wiggling remember to use finesse so that we don't damage anything once the ribbon is in we will take our white connection and do the same you're going to want to apply a good amount of pressure to the white connection for there is a little notch that will have to snap in we want to be sure that all our connections are firmly in place so that we don't have to reopen the unit again once both connections are securely in place we are now ready to mount the gotek emulator to the casing turn your unit onto its side and with one hand you're going to want to grab the emulator so that it doesn't fall out though the holes of the emulator line up perfectly with the casing they are not threaded so you will have to create your own threads by forcing the screws in keep in mind that the emulator is made of plastic so we do not want to over tighten just get them nice and snug once the emulator is securely fastened we can now turn the unit back over now my ribbon is a little loose here so i'm going to go ahead and grab our tape from the floppy drive and just place it right over the ribbon to adhere it to the emulator i want to make sure that the tape does adhere to the emulator if not use a brand new piece of tape at this point we are now ready to reassemble the mpc2000 first thing we're going to want to do is take our top plate and connect the ribbon to the motherboard remembering which way the ribbon went should make it easier these two clips will snap up into place when the ribbon is securely fastened i went ahead and left the center screw in and kind of used it as a guide once i found the hole i went ahead and fastened the screw being sure not to over tighten just nice and snug then i went ahead and inserted the second screw also the side screws i had to play with it a little bit in order to line up the holes but with a little bit of finesse and patience it went smooth next i grabbed a rag and i wanted to wipe off my sensors and display one last time before i put the pads back on and the face plate now we are ready to place the pads over the sensors if you look underneath the pads there are two pins those pins should line up perfectly with the holes that are on the sensor plate once they flop into place go ahead and run your hand over the pads just to kind of get a feel don't worry about it too much once we put the face plate on it will all line up seamlessly now we are ready for the faceplate i'll take this time to wipe my screen [Music] once the screen is clean i want to blow it off make sure there's no lint or anything on there this next step will require some patience gently line up the faceplate with the unit and be careful with all the buttons everything should line up however there is a lip at the back of the unit the face plate needs to go over that lip if you look here i'm not over it yet so i will lift the face plate up prop it back and over the lip you may have to apply some pressure to the face plate while holding the unit in order to get the buttons to align with the holes perfectly be very careful once it's in place go ahead and test all your buttons make sure they feel correct if any of the buttons are pinched you will have to play with the face plate a bit just to get it right once it's in place you are now ready to fasten the faceplate to the casing now i went ahead and put the front screws in here but you won't have to do that just yet later in the video you will see i will have to remove those front two screws in order to get my front plate on checking the buttons again just to make sure that they work correctly everything feels good sliders are great however i wasn't satisfied with the alignment on the holes i want the gapage to be just right around my knobs i will now take my screws and fasten the front end of the faceplate next i will take the three screws for the back and fasten the rest of the faceplate it is key to not tighten the side screws until all the other screws are in place you want to be able to have wiggle room now that i have all of my other screws in place i will go ahead and fasten my side screws again the front two screws was an accident we will be taking those off later on next we are ready to install the front panel the front panel has brass tension flaps that will need to go underneath before you push it in completely you'll see what i'm talking about when you go to install it as you can see i'm having trouble putting the front panel on because the screws i need to pull those out now that those screws are out you should be able to snap the front panel into place you will have to press evenly so that it doesn't get caught up at an angle this step will take some playing with but as long as you remember that those brass tension flaps go underneath the lip it should snap in fairly simple now we want to take our mpc and turn it upside down so that we can put in the three screws that fasten the front face plate on once we fasten that plate we can go ahead and put our two front screws on the side that we had to pull out now that we have all of our screws in i'm going to go ahead and place the mpc on its back and one more time just check all the buttons i want to make sure there's no pinches or snags i want to make sure the buttons feel correct so that i can adjust anything before i move forward check the jog wheel and remember to put your knob on your slider if everything feels well the slider feels good all the buttons feel good we have now successfully installed the gotek emulator into our mpc let's go ahead and plug her in and power her up and see what happens if we did everything correctly we should have no issues emulator lights up the light is green we're good to go no more floppy disk no more discrete errors we have now upgraded our 2000 from a floppy drive to the gotek usb there is a link at the end of this video that will take you straight to another video that i did that shows you how to format the usb and install the operating system this may look like a crazy task but it's fairly simple we just have to have patience pay attention step by step and don't be afraid don't be afraid [Music] you
Channel: Bustillos Archive
Views: 1,653
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: mpc, mpc2000, akai, akai mpc, akai mpc2000, gotek, gotek floppy emulator, floppy emulator, floppy drive, usb drive, install, mpc install, mpc2000 install, mpc floppy, mpc usb, gotek install, drum machine, sampler, sequencer, beats, beat maker, beat making, how to mpc, how to install
Id: dkQxhzP0nQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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