MPC X Special Edition is Perfect for Trap Beats!

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so it is Wednesday May the 3rd and uh it's pretty early in the morning we got a live beat review tonight too so if you guys are watching this later on the beat review is over but if you are watching this today the live beat reviewers tonight so check that out but a few of you guys wanted me to make a trap beat on the mpcx special edition because I guess I must be the uh trap MPC producer on here Bolo [Music] all right before we get started today make sure you guys go ahead and pick up my drum kits they all sound really dope and they're only 10 bucks a piece I'm working on a new kit right now but I'm going to be using one of my older kids today probably The X Factor kit but go ahead and click that link in description and go ahead and get my drum kit stay they're all pretty pretty dark on decent also if you guys need to get some new equipment I have a link to it is my personal link so you guys can go ahead and use it to get a whole bunch of equipment off the site with no credit or background check okay so that means you can go ahead and get it order it and just pay it off over time now it's not everything on the site but it's a lot of stuff on the site that you can get with no credit or background check and if you guys just need to just get some stuff for yourselves just go ahead and use my link it helps me out and thank you to everybody who did use it so far so today we're going to be making a beat on the NPC special edition and I'm going to be making this beat with no Cuts or breaks so you're going to see all the mess-ups everything I'm not using no keyboard I'm going to be using everything on the MPC SE everything and uh we're gonna make a trap style beat since I guess uh you guys want to see how to make trap beats so for all you people who asked how to import drums and how to do all this stuff just watch the whole video and I'm gonna try to get it done today so let's go ahead and get it full beat no cuts no breaks let's get to it right now all right so first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna go ahead and change this over to eight bars because I like to do everything at double time and I'm gonna put this probably around about one let's do it crazy time signature 133 and then let's go ahead and pick some sounds in here so let's try to pick some you know some nice little Moody sounds in here add a piano and maybe add maybe one more sound and then we just add some drums to it so let's go ahead and use uh the fabric XL right here and let's use some moving pads and see we can come up with all right see we got [Music] that sounds that sounds pretty good I think I'm gonna use that I'm gonna go right here to pad perform and I'm gonna go ahead and put this in one of my favorite uh uh scales I'm gonna do this in C Minor [Music] sounds pretty cool let's go and add that in there [Music] [Music] oh that's actually kind of cool um of course let's just go ahead and add like a dark piano in here as well so let's go ahead and when you guys pick these plugins a lot of you guys are like well I can't select a different plugin every time you go to another track you want to use a different plugin you have to create a new plugin program so this is stuck on one which is going to play that fabric plug in go ahead and press this right here and do plug-in too and now it'll give you a new plug-in right here it's pretty easy so now let's go ahead and go to sounds and I'm going to go right here to the uh uh I'm gonna stick in fabric Excel they have a lot of great sounds in here so I'm going to stick right here I'm going to pianos classic Grand and there we go load times are a lot faster in here [Music] let's add that in there [Music] [Music] all right that sounds pretty cool let's go ahead and turn some of this stuff down because it can get a little loud right here so let's uh turn that piano down a little bit [Music] all right that sounds good that sounds good and then I'm gonna do another track with the piano in here and uh we're gonna push this octave up a little bit so let's go back and Pat it for him and push this octave up [Music] where are you and you know what let's go ahead and put this in notes and that way it'll just play all the notes that's associated with it so that's cool [Music] that sounds pretty good [Music] I know [Music] that sounds pretty good sounds pretty good so I got everything quantized I got it quantized at a 1 16 hope you guys can see all that well well you really can't because screen is kind of blocked but I have everything quantized in the 1 16 right now and uh yeah sounds pretty cool now let's go ahead and add maybe uh one more sound and usually I would add something using the mini D but since Akai did not include mini D with all of the sounds when you bought the MPC XL I'm not going to use that I don't understand why they didn't include it but that's for me not to really no I don't know why they ain't I don't know why they added in there so let's go and add another uh let's go ahead another uh plug-in in there and let's go through some sounds and let's see what we can find in here I might try to see what they got in this op X4 this is pretty interesting now what I am going to do is I'm going to save this because you do not want to lose your projects even though I do have this on the backup so let's save this let's go to Project and let's go to beat sessions and let's just name this bolo YT for YouTube and let's call it five three for May 3rd or something 5-3 all right and let's just uh save that for right now I'll rename it later on all right so we got that in there let's try to find some more sounds [Music] well they got some good stuff in here [Music] let's go here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that sounds good I might use that yeah but probably down [Music] sounds good let's just add that in there real quick [Music] oh that sounds kind of hard yeah that's hard let's go ahead and uh let's go ahead and turn that down a little bit [Music] that's hard right there let's go ahead now and I think we're pretty good I think we could add some drums in here so instead of me like loading up my drum kits like already pre-made and stuff like that I'm gonna go ahead and just find some sounds that I like which it's actually better because since you can't stream from the disc on here you have to save everything in a program and saving all the sounds of the program takes so much space let's just go ahead and just pick the sounds that we need and we're going to be using the X Factor kit today so let's go ahead and do that so let's go right here and use a drum program we got uh program one I'm gonna just name this so I know what's going on just gonna call this drums and just do that right there and then now let's go and add some drums let's go to browse and we're going to go right here to The X Factor kit I'm gonna go and use a clapping here so we can play it [Music] is that one [Music] had that in there too oh yeah that was it [Music] all right so we got and then and then what we're going to do is let me add a steering here too let me add a snare but I'll do that later on so let's go ahead it uh add these uh hi-hats in here real quick and let's go ahead and change this to a 1 8 and let's go ahead and uh get that done [Music] oh say okay so we got that done now let's go ahead and do this at a 1 16th and we're going to do a triplet on here to get that and some people like to use the one Thirty second but I like the 116 because it gives it like a different type of Bounce to it so let's go and over dub that [Music] and we're just going to keep this real simple um I might go back in and do some other stuff but just for time's sake I don't want to be on here all day I'm just going to leave that real simple just to show you guys that you can still make something dope with just simple drums like you don't have to add so much stuff in here a lot of people add so much stuff to these beats and a lot of these beats don't really even get picked up with so much stuff in it because there's no room for the artist to get on so leave room leave space for the artists so here we go let's use a clap [Music] oh that's cool that's cool nice ass oh that's kind of loud so let's go ahead and go into the mixer right here and as you guys can see it's panned to one side already let's go ahead and just uh pan this over kind of get it just right and turn this down a little bit yeah yeah that sounds good thank you [Music] and what I'm gonna do I've been doing this over on my twitch lives I've been I've been uh like going in here and like certain sounds I've been adding like delays to them so let me go and add this delay effect on here let me go right here into this uh delay sync right here and let me go right here turn this down to about wet dry to about 11 and turn his feet back down turn this up a little bit more there we go so now we got that oops [Music] you could barely hear it but it's in there but you can hear it I might you know what yeah it sounds good it sounds good like that [Music] now we add the other one in here all right [Music] turn it down [Music] yeah so now what we're going to do is we're gonna go right here we got our base oh that thing is loud let's go right here let's turn this down a little bit and then what we're going to do is so we can play the bass over all the keys what we're going to do is going to hit warp samples click on this little button right here you can't see it but it's the uh it's the little uh button where it has the keys on there and hold on let me see if I can scoot this camera up so y'all guys can see what I'm talking about there we go that makes makes things a lot easier this button right here just click on that and then it automatically sends it to where you now have a new um key group and now you have the bass in here and since I already have everything set I think I have everything set and key yeah hey yeah because I got my drums tuned in this kit [Music] oops what the hell oh I forgot I put it on auto save thank you MP yeah and since I already have it in the correct key so let's go and try to find a nice little Baseline [Music] all right I think I think I got some I might can make some quick [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's hard so now what we can do now is go back to drum kit and we have a kick right here and let's see how this kick sounds with the bass we might need it we might not [Music] all right let's see how that goes [Music] okay so it did come another right there okay [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that sounds good I matched it up real good sometimes it takes a few times or sometimes you have to go into the grid and line it kicks up some stuff like that so you can line them up with the base or whatever so I got that right the first time uh I think it might need one more sound maybe maybe not uh but we're gonna we're gonna see what we can add let's go back in here let's go to one more track and then let's go ahead and add uh one more sound in here and uh yeah let's see what we got let's go back to the uh let's go now let's go to the melotron and you can never go wrong with the fluke you never go never go wrong with a little flute [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] yo my bad my bad y'all I had a setting on here where my camera cut off my bad on that but I'm back everything is still the same everything is still the same my bad [Music] all right so cool so we got everything in here and we pretty much have a whole beat so now what we're going to do is we're going to sequence everything out and how our sequence is very easy you know I'm saying I just go in here I select the first sequence right here I just call that intro and then I just do that and then how I do it is I break everything up in fours even though I'm doing this in double time I still break it up basically in four so fours will actually be eights because this beat is in double time so I do the intro which is four bars I come in here and I do a hook um so hook is two parts you know eight bar hook so this is the first part which is the first four bars hook one I do that then I copy this again and then I do this as hook two and do that and then I copy this again and I do this as verse one do that copy that again and do this as verse 2 and then I'll copy this one more time and then I do this as verse three and that's the three parts of the verse so I have 12 Bar verses all right just try to follow me on here and so now that I do that I can go in I can mute the stuff I don't want in here or I can add certain things to these tracks if I need to so let's go ahead and go back in here and oh yeah yeah I forgot to put my tag in here but if you guys want to listen to the finished beat you can go ahead and you can go ahead and go to my other page my bolo MP3 page and I will have the finished beat on that page so we're just going to pattern everything out play it one time real quick and then you guys can hear the Finish beat over at my other page which is bolo MP3 so make sure guys you know listen to the finished beat over there so let's go in here and let's mute some parts out that we don't need we know that that was the flute we don't need that um kicking base [Music] yeah [Music] so we we'll put that in there like that so for the uh for the first part of the hook we'll have everything in there [Music] all right second part of the hook we're gonna leave everything in there um and then [Music] actually uh we're gonna take that kick out [Music] back in here we're gonna do the first part of the verse and then we're gonna take that flute out leave the kick back in there [Music] I'm gonna leave that in there and then uh actually probably [Music] in that first low piano in there take that out and then the second part we're gonna leave everything in there except for the uh except for the flute we're gonna take the flute out and then the third part of the verse we're going to take this here kick out and then uh and take that flute out that's going to be in the chorus part and then now we have a whole song so now what we do is we go to main we go to song and we pattern this whole thing out so what we do is we hit record make sure we're on that first little group right here and then you'll see intro hook one hook two V1 V2 V3 so we're going to do intro hook one hook two V1 V2 V3 other another hook V1 V2 V3 for another verse and another hook so we have an intro a hook verse hook verse hook and then we're done and then we just go ahead and press play so this is what we have [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that sounds pretty good so it just shows that you can go ahead and make trap beats in here really easy without even using a keyboard you can just do everything with the MPC special edition everything loads up real good everything works great inside of here I'm very happy to have this shout out to Kai and shout out to all y'all who you know have got me to this point to where you know I can get this and show you guys this stuff so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this um the beat will be over at my other page at bolo MP3 so I if I would try to post this as soon as possible so you guys can hear the completed beat and uh yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this hope you guys learned something from it and like I always say peace out
Channel: Bolo Da Producer
Views: 34,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bolo Da Producer, mpc x se, mpc x special edition, Akai, Akai Pro, Beats, AkaiPro, Trap Beats
Id: jgCrO49hDXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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