MPC Custom Drum Programs | Drum Program Previews

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hey what's up guys it's abstract I make videos on Sample based hip-hop in today's video I'm going to show you guys how you can put together a drum program with your own custom sounds and then save it to then load it up in another project I also want to show you how you can make a preview for the drum program that way when you're scrolling through all of your kits you can get a preview of what it sounds like step one what you want to do is you want to go to your browser and you want to find the folder that contains all the samples that you want to load up on your pads so I've got a folder here and now when you know when you are assigning uh samples to pads what you want to do is you want to hit a pad and when it lights up green that means it's ready to have a sample loaded to that pad so you can scroll in your list find a kick that you like I like that one so I'm going to hit the load button and now it's on that pad also when you're scrolling through instead of hitting the load button you can just hit your main encoder and that'll load it right so then what you want to do is you want to go ahead and arrange the samples the way that you want so I'm just going to load a bunch here [Music] let me get some kicks [Music] all right and let me get some hats all right it's a lot of good sounds in here okay and then I'm going to go to another folder let's see and I'm gonna get some open hats all right there we go so all of these pads are full I've got 16 samples loaded up and uh here's another quick tip if you want to change the colors of your pads right now it's kind of hard to see but these are lighting up blue if you want to change the color of each pad what you want to do is you want to hit that little pencil icon and then you want to hit the part that says pad color and for example I know that this first row here these are all my kicks I'm going to color those uh red ones so there's there's two buttons here single pad we'll color the pads that you select so those four are red or if you do all pads it'll color all of them that one color so for now I'm going to do single pad I'm going to keep the kicks red and then I'm going to do the snares blue and I'm going to keep the hi-hats yellow and uh open hi-hat Orange right so I have red blue yellow orange so now that's going to stay like that and you know the colors help you remember what is what and next thing you might want to do is you might want to name this program as well so again hit that pencil icon and at the top here where it says program I'm going to go ahead and rename that so I'm going to name this one just for the video I'm going to name it example one all right hit do it and now when I go to my main screen it tells me what's there example one now guys it's really important for you to name stuff as you go along making your Beats otherwise when you start to get a lot of elements it can get really confusing and then you forget what to what all right so the next thing we want to do is you want to go to menu and then save now this menu is going to pop up and it's going to say project project as and then the next one says drum program so you want to save that drum program and if I were you I'd go ahead and I'd make a new folder on your hard drive or your SD card make a new folder and name it custom drum kits or my drum kits or something like that I already have a folder here and it's called abstract custom kits so I'm going to double tap that folder open it up and then I'm going to save it so now that I've got a blank project an empty project I'm going to show you that I can load up that drum program that I made so I'm going to go to browse I'm going to look for the folder where I saved that drum program which I know is in abstracts custom drum kits now open that folder I'm going to sort by programs and there it is example one I'm going to load it up there's the kit that I made earlier foreign and the name so the next thing that that I want to show you guys how to do is how to create a preview so that when you're scrolling through all of your custom drum kits you can get you can hear a little clip of what it sounds like just in case you forgot what kind of samples are in there this can help you remember and so what we need to do is we need to just record a little uh a little a little sequence of the samples so let's see I got my BPM at 90. so you're going to go ahead and record a pattern [Music] okay so I've got my little example there and that's a nice little overview of every sample that's in this drum program so then what I want to do is I'm going to hit the little pencil icon and I want to do bounce the sample it's then what I want to do is I want to go to sample edit and I want to find that bounce example one now when I play this that's the little Loop that I came up with so now what I'm going to do is I have this sample bounce Dash example one so that is the drum Loop that I recorded I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to find the folder where I saved all my custom drum kits I'm going to save that there and now the next part of what you need to do you're going to have to hook up your MPC to your computer and I'm going to show you what to do on that next step here all right guys so the next step what you need to do is you need to hook up your MPC to your computer and put it into controller mode when you do that the drive for your MPC which for my MPC it's this one right here MPC live too what you're going to do is you're going to open that and you're going to find the folder that where you saved all of your custom kits so that folder is this one abstracts custom drum kits and what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to make a new folder and you reach you need to rename this folder previews with the brackets exactly like this right when you make that folder you're going to click it and you're going to drag it into the folder where you have all of your custom kits so I've actually done that already and as you can see when I open this up there's the folder right there previews now I want to scroll down remember when I saved that Loop I want to find that Loop that I saved which is right here bounce example one copy that and paste it into that previews folder and then I want to rename it so I want to rename it whatever I named the kit example one and then Dot X p m dot wave just like that and that is how the file needs to be formatted in order for the MPC to realize that it's a preview and assign it to that custom drum kit now I'm going to take you back to the MPC and I'm going to show you that this is working all right guys so I'm just going to go ahead I'm going to try and find that same folder where I saved all my custom drum kits which is abstracts custom drum kits I'm going to filter by drum programs and there we have example one and there's the audition right and you see it plays automatically okay so that is great so if you want to go ahead and do that for each custom drum kit it doesn't just have to be drum kits it can be um it can be key groups it can be songs that you've chopped up already that you've you know sliced up on the pads and you want to save that for another day uh you can make previews for all of your custom um programs so that is how you make previews for your drum programs and I hope you guys learned something from this video if you did please hit the Thumbs Up Button And subscribe if you want to see more content like this I appreciate it and comment if you have any questions or if you have any tips or if there's a video that you want to see you know please leave a comment and thank you so much for watching peace
Views: 798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc, akai, live2, mpclive2, custom, drum program, drum kit, assign, how to, mpc x, mpc one, mpc keys
Id: 4zJGt3cevT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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