Mozart's Secret Society - Documentary

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] had managed to break free from his father and the Archbishop of Salzburg and was now married and living with his new wife in Vienna his music had taken the City by storm which made many of the other musicians insanely jealous but Mozart had entered a successful and happy stage of his life Mozart yearned for a place where he could express his ideas musical political or otherwise in an environment of support and equality and he found just that with the Freemasons perhaps you might wonder why a young man like Mozart would be attracted to Freemasonry social conditions at the beginning of that century were very different from what they are today although he was a great genius in music he was little above the rank of a servant in Freemasonry he was able to meet with high and lowborn they were brothers they met as equals the Masons were founded in the Middle Ages but by the 18th century they had evolved into a Brotherhood of philosophers devoted to doing good works their beliefs of democracy and equality amongst men helped provide the spark for the French Revolution we have the French Revolution and we have the American Revolution in which free thinking men certainly participated George Washington as we know was a Freemason and in France we certainly the Freemasons played an important part in the thinking that generated the revolution the free thought the philosophical Freedom the Notions of democracy although they are a democratic organization much of the suspicion that exists about them is due to the secretive way that they conduct their meanings these gatherings are based on certain ancient formulas and ceremonies that extend back in time to the ancient Greeks you probably have heard of the ancient Pythagoras and in music he is credited of course with the invention of the diatonic scale through a system of proportions interestingly in Freemasonry we also give some Credence to the Pythagorean system based on the universe being founded on a series of numbers Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher from the 6th Century BC whose theorem made it possible to create and execute perfectly straight angles this sacred geometry allowed the early Masons to perform seemingly miraculous Feats of Engineering in the Gothic architecture of the Middle Ages Pythagoras contributions had such an impact on Masonic thought that the set square is one of the main symbols of Freemasonry to this day masonry is derived from the operative Masons who built the Great Cathedrals and castles and Abbeys of Europe in the Middle Ages sacred geometry was a very important aspect when they were building when we talk about the secrets of Masonry the secrets of the operative Masons was indeed how they constructed how they had those great vast stone walls yet pierced with windows that would still stand it may seem unusual today in a society where all knowledge is available to everyone that Concepts like the Pythagorean theorem needed to be kept a secret for the early Masons it was essential if everyone knew how to build a cathedral they would be out of business in order to protect their livelihood they developed a strict hierarchy that kept their vast architectural knowledge secret as the secrets were passed down through the generations initiation rituals and secrecy policies became more elaborate and the Masons became more than just a guild of builders we see a building of the cathedrals coming to an end and the reformation and so on the stonemasons couldn't maintain their own lodges because there wasn't work for them and that's when they invited in The prominent people in the various professions the philosophers the scientists when they were invited to join The Lodges masonry was not restricted to a single race or religion by the end of the 18th century members were required to believe in one supreme being with an All-Seeing Eye who they called the grand architect of the universe the organization developed secret handshakes and symbols to represent their religious beliefs and their Origins by the end of the Middle Ages during the time of the Crusades the Masons had opened their membership to all free men who passed initiation and the Gill became a fraternity known as the Freemasons the Freemasons may have appeared to be a philosophical gentleman's club during Mozart's time however it has long been speculated that they are much more than that Freemasonry acquired a political Dimension that angered monarchies across Europe many Freemasons like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were advocates for the termination of limitations to social Mobility and believed in the ideals that spurred the French Revolution of 1789 for these beliefs Freemasons were arrested by monarchs who feared limitations on their power their ideas were so feared in Austria during Mozart's time that the Empress Maria Theresa tried to ban the order altogether any opposition to Freemasonry is always based on lack of knowledge perhaps blatant ignorance whether that's by choice or by Misfortune I'm not prepared to say but certainly we've always been accused of being a secret society and that is not true the opposition to Freemasonry has always been from groups of people who misunderstand or who don't know and where there is lack of knowledge there is often opposition there is often suspicion much of the suspicion and speculation about Freemasonry revolves around the number of powerful men that have been Freemasons throughout the ages and the extent these men have influenced world events most of the founding fathers of the United States were Freemasons as were president Theodore Roosevelt Franklin D Roosevelt Harry Truman Lyndon B Johnson and Gerald Ford yes Masonic lodges do discuss their business behind closed doors like any Corporation or or any family the secretive nature of Freemasonry and the theories about its Origins are simply the stuff that best-selling novels and blockbuster movies are made of but to Mozart Freemasonry provided a place of support and refuge from a society that simply didn't understand how he saw the world or how to Revere his talents Mozart's World was music which relied heavily on the rules of symmetry order and balance Concepts that also play an important role in Freemasonry someone has said that architecture is Frozen music and you could go in reverse that music is liquid architecture that I think maybe is is the basis of our our thinking through music and Freemasonry to his fellow Freemasons he's considered brother Mozart to this day and the lessons that Mozart learned from his Masonic Brethren would heavily influence his music in the latter part of his life culminating with the Masonic Masterpiece The Magic Flute yeah with the moral support of his new wife constanza and his Masonic Brothers behind him the confidence and Independence Mozart found in Vienna pushed his career to its peak he basically attained the status of musical Superstar but the unique venues he chose for his concerts restaurant Inns and Masonic lodges also allowed people of all classes to be touched by his music the high point of his financial success when he was when he was about age 30. he's living in in the most luxurious apartment that he's ever had right in the middle of the old walled city of Vienna and that's and he's living very comfortably money did not keep his life free of tragedy Mozart and constanza would have six children but sadly only two would survive also on May 28 1787 Wolfgang's father Leopold passed away in Salzburg in spite of their difficulties Mozart cared a great deal for his father and felt his loss deeply in many ways Leopold kept his son grounded and without his financial advice Mozart's fortunes took a definite turn for the worse Mozart was one of those artistic Geniuses that never did things by halves his entire being was invested in the activity of the moment now whether that was music whether it was the ladies whether it was having a good meal and a good party every fiber in his body would vibrate with that intensity that of course produced the great music that's why we have it in an effort to generate income Mozart finally got what his father had hoped for him all along in 1788 he was appointed the Imperial and Royal Court composer of Vienna but the salary was very low and barely paid the rent his entire family struggled with various illnesses Mozart became very depressed and was forced to borrow money from his fellow Freemasons he eagerly wanted to Stage a comeback and regain some Financial Security he found an inventive new inspiration to compose Opera from a libretto pen by fellow Freemason Emmanuel schickenider the Opera entitled The Magic Flute was an imaginative fantasy and also gave Mozart a perfect opportunity to express his beliefs in true Masonic style through allegory and symbolism to the uninitiated The Magic Flute would appear to be just an imaginative adventure story but to those with eyes to see and ears to hear it is much more Freemason symbols convey ideas with spiritual and personal growth and are inspired by the original operative Masons the set Square represents uprightness virtue and forthrightness [Music] this symbolizes the Masonic ideals of friendship morality and fraternal love [Music] the use of the number three has a significant underlying meaning throughout the entire Opera uh there are at several points three characters the symbol of the the three boys who act as the guides on the journey towards Enlightenment the Queen's three ladies in waiting [Music] and the the sense of which the key structure of the piece from the outset of the Overture you have three chords that are played very distinctly and they themselves are built on thirds of progressions of thirds in the melody and then even in the in the bass descent it's down a third so in fact from the very first references in the Opera there's a sense in which oh we're not just hearing chords that are calling for us our attention be quiet the piece is about to begin it's actually signifying something as well and that it is this Masonic symbolism embedded in this piece so listen closely you will be instructed and to a Freemason hearing the Opera for the first time those chords instructing the ordinance to listen carefully of resounding meaning in the Pythagorean system three was the symbol of the deity of divine guidance [Music] the number three is the perfect number simply because one being Unity one plus two then produces three the words say the whole world is derived from that one plus two equals three Freemasons are concerned with three basic questions that every philosopher and every religion has dealt with where did I come from why am I here and where do I go from here those are the essential questions that every human asks of himself at some point or another especially in those serious moments the lead character to Nino is forced to endure some serious moments to make him confront his questions head on as he Journeys through three trials in order to save the princess pamina and to find meaning in his own existence things it's misunderstood about Freemasonry very often is that it is an initiatory order a man is initiated into Freemasonry these two opportunists are to be tried cover their eyes and escort them inside subject them to scrutiny until their hearts are pure [Music] and in The Magic Flute we have the trials the propagano I'm here where do you think we are I have no idea I just want out of here you must endure three separate trials silence separation and sanctity only then will you find your heart's desire we have the overcoming of those trials this is the trial I realized that I was only looking but there's not much to see oh Lord I did not move foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] to this day Freemasons must go through certain Rites of initiation before they are considered full members of the order and it is this Voyage of self-discovery that leads to the ultimate goal enlightenment [Music] the whole essence of the Enlightenment seems to be self-knowledge from the most ancient of days as we like to say from time immemorial over the portal of every chamber every Temple of initiation the words know thyself are inscribed that's the essence of Freemasonry I am Prince but like a lover without a true love a ruler without a purpose can never amount to anything until he uncovers his heart's desire in Freemasonry we offer a course in self-discipline at least to self-realization and finally self-fulfillment to be the best man you can be and that's why we never ask anyone to join we'll never ask man no matter how eager we think he might be it must be his decision he must be ready to answer those questions for himself what do you want in this sanctuary and prepare to make a sacrifice to the Brotherhood that governs this Sanctum sanctorum look I'm just trying to figure out what all these symbols mean just need some kind of Direction I suggest you ask yourself whether you are honest at heart as a place to start Mozart had certainly been through his fair share of Trials throughout his life many at the hands of the nobility the Opera stage allowed him a platform to express his views through symbolism and allegory when we get to the realm of the of sarastro in his court that's where we get a sense that yes there could be actual people being represented on stage [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] celestra May well have been the you know the largest grandister member [Music] papageno is the one that everyone can relate to a very good he comes right out of Grimm's Fairy Tales he's got human qualities everybody can recognize those human failings we are allowed to speak to each other it's human Mozart's delightful score and fantasy poked fun at the aristocracy he had grown to despise over the course of his career significantly the queen of the night has been associated with Maria Theresa and you'd be not unsurprised to learn that toward the end of Mozart's life the empress bans Freemasonry in Austria and it went underground even today Scholars and musicologists study The Magic Flute to discover all of the messages that Mozart may have been trying to convey but in the end the Opera transcends time because it's such an entertaining Masterpiece of Sight and Sound such a stunning work of musical composition that even in its day it became an immediate success [Music] logic notes will speak for me The Magic Flute was just the thing Mozart needed to change his fortunes but that was not to be between his rapidly failing health and visits from a mysterious man insisting that he compose a Requiem Mass Mozart became increasingly weak frail and delusional The Magic Flute perhaps Mozart's greatest operatic achievement would also be his last [Music] foreign
Channel: Sullivan Entertainment
Views: 8,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mozart, Mozart documentary, Mozart Masonic influence, illuminati, secret society, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, documentary, watch mozart's magic flute diaries, mozart's magic flute, GazeboTV, PBS, Anne of Green Gables Netflix, Kevin Sullivan, Masonic
Id: 1I0eYz8yENs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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