Mozart : Requiem (Orchestre national de France / James Gaffigan)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: France Musique
Views: 4,848,839
Rating: 4.9073195 out of 5
Keywords: France Musique, Orchestre National de France, mozart, requiem, musique classique, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Amadeus, Orchestre national de France, James Gaffigan, Requiem Mozart meilleurs enregistrements, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem
Id: Dp2SJN4UiE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 49sec (3049 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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On our 1 year anniversary, I would like to leave ye of troubled minds with a direct line to the heavens.
And remember, the past is merely prologue. You have complete control over your life from this moment forward. Be the person you want to be. It is all up to you.
And know this. I am so happy each and every one of you is here.