MOZART METAL COVER | Rondo Alla Turca / Turkish March
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Channel: Trubaduuri Matti Oksa
Views: 443,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal cover, mozart, bodom, fast, fast guitar picking, rondo alla turca, turkish march, turkkilainen marssi, heavy version, esp, ltd, ltd kh-202, tokai, gold flake, dachshund, mäyräkoira, insane guitar, funny, grilling, sausage, flame, fire, guitarist, guitar cover, instrumental, golden guitar, awesome, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, iMovie, Logic Pro X, home made
Id: dUbAHClUez4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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