Mozart. Flute and Harp Concerto K299. Zubin Mehta, Julia Rovinsky, Guy Eshed
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Channel: Julia Rovinsky
Views: 1,887,657
Rating: 4.8468223 out of 5
Keywords: Zubin, Mehta, IPO, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Harp, Flute, Mozart, Harp concerto, Flute concerto, Julia Rovinsky, Guy Eshed, Rovinsky harp, Eshed flute, Flute harp, Classical Music, Horngaher, Harpconcerto, Юлия Ровинская, התזמורת הפילהרמונית, концерт, арфа, флейта, моцарт, נבל, חליל, מהטה, מוסיקה קלאסית, flute harp concerto, harp flute concerto, mozart harp, mozart flute harp, flûte harpe, harpe concerto, flûte concert, mozart, amadeus, mozart harp flute, flute and harp, Orchestra
Id: 4oj_2Lmb23A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2016
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