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what is up guys welcome to my first Vlog in which I'm going to speak about moving to Luxembourg what is it like living here finding a job and other interesting things that you might want to know and don't worry I'm going to skip the part where I explain very Luxembourg is what the population is how many people live here you know the weather and stuff like that if you are watching this video you've already probably decided to move here or you're applying to do so in the near future so I'm going to get straight into some point I have my list here with topics that I'm going to cover in this video I'm gonna leave some timestamps as well just in case you already know about some things you can just skip them and go to the parts that you want to know about okay so the first topic that I'm going to cover is salary jobs where to find them what you can expect minimum salary in Luxembourg is 2 200 Euros as per 2022 depending on the job that you're looking for and obviously your experience it can go a lot higher but that's like the minimum that you should ask for if you're planning to move here if you're coming from a corporate job then you should be expecting anywhere between 50 and 60k as a starting salary which would be the base after that you can expect to go up to 100K per year finding a job here isn't that difficult compared to other cities because not many people want to move here for me the best website that you can find a job in Luxembourg is obviously LinkedIn you have plenty of choices there are plenty of companies are moving here so you can go through specific skills you can search for a specific job that you're good at for example I.T compliance Regulatory and stuff like that you'll be able to find lots of recruiters there you can just reach out and see what they have to offer you there's also a website called that's that the official website for Luxembourg where you can search for jobs since you clicked on this video I'm guessing that you've already have a job offer so you're just looking to see some useful tips what is that living in Luxembourg so the second topic that I'm going to cover is a place to live guys I cannot stress this enough because finding a place to live in Luxembourg is super difficult so I would suggest you to try and search for a place maybe one or two months before coming to Luxembourg and just to let you know that even if it's not a season here finding a place to stay is very difficult like all the hotels fully booked so you have to prepare very very well I'm gonna leave some agencies that I personally think that are legitimate enough that will assist you in finding a place to stay here I'm gonna put them in the description down below or rental cost you can get a place uh in Luxembourg City Center for about two thousand Euros per month that will provide you a one bedroom apartment which is not very good for the money but yeah it's a high standard country so this is what you can expect if you're thinking about living in cross-border destinations because lots of people do it Germany is very nearby the tier is the University Belgium the near Syrian Belgium is Arlon and also France which is Mets and tionville but let me tell you before you think about living outside of Luxembourg there are a few things that you should know and your employer is not going to mention them and also nobody told me I had to find out by myself so for each country there is a specific law and if your job is offering a hybrid remote working policy which means that you can work three days from the office to from home and that might not be the case because in Germany you have 19 days in which you can work from home after that like if you want to work more than 90 days from home you will have to pay double tax so you have to register in Germany pay tax there plus pay tax here which is not very convenient because you're going to be tax double the same goes for France and Belgium and the difference is that you have a little bit more working days from home but I don't think they pass like 34 or 37 or something like that it's not very high also um even if you go from Luxembourg City Center to any of those three cities by car obviously or by bus for about one hour you can get there by car for about 45 minutes on the weekends however if you try to do this during the weekdays that time goes up to one and a half hours up to two hours as well I lived in Trier for about one week and I had to travel for two hours on the weekdays from Monday to Friday it has like a huge traffic on the highway and I really do not recommend it if you can find a place to live in Luxembourg that would be perfect for you because you don't have like a limit on which you can use your remote working policy even though living in those countries is pretty cheaper compared to Luxembourg I don't think it's personally worth it also if you're thinking about moving here I would suggest you to have a car with you if you don't have a car don't think that you can come here and buy one because it probably be much more expensive to buy a car here than in your home country also if you want to come here and live in a hotel because in my situation when I came here we stayed for one week in a hotel thinking that it's enough time to find a place because in Bulgaria for example one week is plenty of time and agencies start calling you right after you tell them what you're expecting from a property and they offer you multiple choices that you can select well here it's not the case agencies literally do not lift their fingers if you're not here in person and you speak with them and even then they are not very helpful my advice is just try as hard as you can to find a place to stay before you come here in Luxembourg as I said in my case we came here and one week after that we didn't find a place to live so we had to book another hotel but unfortunately everything was fully booked Airbnb everything was useful so we had to travel to Trier that's what I mentioned that I lived for one week in three year and we had to travel back and forth for like a week which is super exhausting tours they uh predestination this is so four hours in total uh you spent just in traveling it was terrible so my personal suggestion is if you're not able to find a place in the city center you can look for other places which are not exactly in the heart of Luxembourg City for example Ash which is very nearby one hour with a bus so one hour with the bus may sound a lot but trust me it's not here so rent there can go as low as 1 400 euros per month for a one bedroom apartment that's excluding the bills the bills usually in the city center variety between 150 to 150 Euros per month that's electricity water heating the same goes for ash another fact that you might not know is when you try to find a place to live most of the agencies will ask you to provide some sort of documents which you might think that it's way too personal but trust me it's very normal for people here to ask those things the first thing is your work contract the actual one not a copy also a copy of your ID or passport and if you're living with a partner theirs as well so Employment contract and copy of your ID also they might ask you how much exactly you're going to be paid the first time they asked me this I was like whoa what is this you don't need to know that I mean why would you need my working contract and my copy of the ID if you haven't even find a place where I can stay you're just seeing my profile if it matches so now that we've covered the topic in finding a place to live let's go to the register as a resident of Luxembourg this is very important to do so because of number of reasons firstly you're gonna have to register in the community where you live this means that if you live in Luxembourg City you have to register in there if you live in Ash you have to register in that specific community so after you've registered as a resident you get access to your healthcare tax card and SSN number the SN number is going to be used in every Healthcare facility hopefully we don't have to use it but just in case you have it so there's an app called doctena which you have to download and register there provide your SN number you don't have like a personal doctor here just book an appointment uh with a doctor whoever is available near you and then you go pay by cash or by card in in advance or at the medical center and after that your employer is going to reimburse you part of that amount the rest will be covered by the country you're going to get your tax card 30 working days after you register as a resident it is very important to provide this tax card to your employer because the first month you get here you're not going to pay the full salary that you can expect I'm going to put a tax calculator as well the best one that I found online can calculate how much money you're going to get exactly but don't worry once you provide the tax card to your employer the amount is going to be reimbursed with your next salary it's just that the first month you're not going to receive a full salary as you mentioned but a higher percentage will be deducted from it the regular tax percentage that is going to be applied to your salary is about 27 it's a bank preferences there are two major banks that people in Luxembourg usually use one of them is Bank of Luxembourg and the second one is sparkasse it's not necessary to open a bank account here in Luxembourg you can actually use your personal bank account from the country that you're coming from and depending on what currency you are if you're in Europe you don't actually need a bank account here but if you want to open a bank account here bear in mind that you cannot just go to the bank branch you have to make an appointment that could take up to two weeks the next thing I'm going to talk about is cost of products specifically for restaurants groceries bars and clothing I've gathered some information about the prices in Luxembourg that I'm going to display right now so you can have a look at basic prices for basic products speaking about groceries you should bear in mind that working hours in Luxembourg are pretty bad most of the restaurants in the city center start closing at around 4 30 pm and by the time you finish work around seven or six pretty much everything is already closed the the few things that are left open working up until 10 or 12 am Max that's including bars and some restaurants as soon as you finish work I would suggest you to go straight to the supermarket unless you want to be left without groceries most of the companies provide around 18 meal vouchers each equal to 10 EUR and 80 cents you can use them in the whole country okay so the next thing is public transport since first of March 2020 the public transport in Luxembourg is completely free this means that you can use buses trains and trams but bear in mind that if you live outside of Luxembourg you can travel for free up until the board after that you have to pay to get to your desired City other than that public transport is pretty good it's very clean as you can see bus trams everything is very well maintained and and it's practically brand new okay so the next thing is car parking parking zones great for garage some use for applications that you can use for parking parking permits and speed limits parking in Luxembourg in general is pretty hard because the whole city has Center is like a big zone different areas of the Zone but they're all paid unless it's Sunday so from Monday to Saturday you have to pay big anywhere between 1 and 2 Euros per hour but I would suggest to get a garage prices for the garages are usually 100 to 250 euros per month as I mentioned there is an application that you can use which is going to show you where exactly you can park your car how much it's going to cost and you can actually use it to pay your parking it's called City and it's very useful so speed limits so the speed limit for the city center is 50 kilometers per hour in some zones it's dirty but I think that's just general for each country in Europe So speaking about cars we cannot go without mentioning gas prices at the time that I'm filming this video diesel prices are two euros and two cents and petrol is one year and 75 cents per liter for me the best gas station is total energies So speaking about cars we have to also mention carb maintenance if you're coming from a broad video with your own car please make make sure that it's in good technical condition because most people here drive brand new cars and speaking about maximum five years old if your car is more than 5 years old you're gonna struggle finding an auto service that is going to assist you in case of an emergency if something happens and you need to repair your car I would suggest you to do that in Germany interior or in France in jonville and Mets also please make sure that you bring your spare tire and emergency kit on the way coming here another thing that I want to mention is car washes if you're a guy like me who likes to wash his car by his own there are a few choices I'm going to leave the exact location down in the description and the last part I'm going to cover is Beauty and I'm not just speaking about you guys but also for the ladies if you want to do your nails that's going to set you back up to 50 euros the lowest that you can get is 35 Euros for the guys Barbers usually cost about 50 euros as well depending on the type of service that you're looking for just a simple haircut will be between 25 to 35 Euros if you're expecting a a fade cut they're gonna have to pay 50 euros okay so coming to the end of this video uh the last thing I'm going to mention is postal services post of Luxembourg is pretty huge they're actually some sort of a bank they also have a hotel and shops where you can buy mobile phones and other Mobile plans in general it's not that expensive depending on the country that you're going to send your products to or you're going to receive if you purchase things from Amazon they usually come in the post so you can collect them by yourself bear in mind that tax card and Social Security numbers are usually sent through the post and also bank I mean this is absolute Madness but this is how they do business in Luxembourg okay guys I'm calling this a wrap thank you very much for watching this video I hope you find the tips that I gave you useful for sure nobody mentioned those things when I came here so this is why I wanted to do this video for you feel free to like this video subscribe to my channel as future videos will be coming up I'm gonna be traveling around Europe in the next couple of months so there will be plenty of stuff that I wanted to share with you guys so thank you once again for watching until next time
Channel: The Balkan Guy
Views: 27,038
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Id: UR9oXL0bqL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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