moving to disney world | dcp move in | disney college program

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let's go to Disney World [Music] hi guys what's up welcome back to my YouTube channel if you're new my name is free and I'm so happy you're here today is like a huge deal for me because I am moving to Disney World so weird to say what the what the Disney World oh my God like it literally does not feel real oh my God I can't process this like okay we're good I'm good I'm just excited I have not been in Disney World since before covet the last time I was in Disney World was the beginning of 2020 and now it's mid 2023 like I I haven't been to Disney World in like three and a half years and I used to go all the time and I just miss it so much and I'm so so excited this is like a huge dream come true I've always wanted to work at Disney World and it's just crazy like I'm literally moving there like I'm literally moving there today time to get ready I'm just doing a super light makeup look and we're gonna be in the car for the next nine hours so gotta love that yeah let's do your makeup okay so right now I'm finishing up my makeup and I'm filming a little Tick Tock like get ready with me to go to Disney World that's basically it it is Sunday May 7th and I move in tomorrow morning at 9 10 a.m so today is like our Drive day and then we're gonna go like eat at Disney Springs I'll move into my apartment tomorrow for those of you that I don't know I am doing the Disney college program I go to the University of Alabama and I'm gonna be a PhotoPass photographer which I'm so excited about and I'll be taking photos in Hollywood Studios which is so cool but basically I move in tomorrow and then I have traditions on Thursday and then I'll do training and everything and I hope I can bring you guys along for all of that I've been watching like DCP YouTubers for the longest time and I thought it would be super cool for me to continue the tradition and maybe be a little DCP YouTuber myself okay hair and makeup are done now I just really need to get dressed and finish packing something this is crazy this is wild I'm so excited hi guys we are on the road and we just ate lunch and now we are getting gas and we're on the road to Florida we've been in the car for like what time do we leave oh okay four hours okay that's pretty good four hours so we have like five more I would say we're doing great that's basically it this is the back of the car it's pretty loaded and the trunk's very loaded too so that's it I'll see y'all in a bit [Music] this time [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we're eating dinner at Wine Bar George foreign [Music] [Music] hi guys good morning it is officially move-in day and I'm so excited I'm gonna show you guys what I'm wearing but I'm gonna have to put on something else for my top because we're not allowed to wear tank tops for our picture just now realizing that um my makeup is done my ears are on but I want to take them off obviously like removing and stuff they're just they're just here for the Vibes super excited we're gonna leave in like 20 minutes I think um I freak it out okay yeah bye there it is [Music] okay my room is done this is it we have cutie little pillows I made this little photo wall and then we have some little Decor over here we have some photos we have my ears and then over here we just have a couple little things picture a little Flamingo and then my dresser we also have this little blank mirror which I love and then you open it and here is my closet my shoes some little extra things fan and my little bag this is our bathroom this is my area bathroom this is our kitchen and living room we have a TV which is really nice and yeah [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: bryanne hollis
Views: 7,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uClFy5hWSGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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