Moving Java Forward Keynote

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Great to see that project Leyden is still on the table.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/kaperni 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi my name is shawarth chander long time member of the java team and i'm proud to be your host today this is the third java edition of oracle developer live and whether you're joining for the first time or coming back we're very excited for you making time with us today today we're going to explore all the amazing parts of how java can enrich your life enrich your life as a developer in terms of enabling new ideas in terms of empowering your career we're also going to explore how java can address modern things like modern application development in our keynote you'll hear from george saab aurelio garcia riero manish gupta and chad aramura who will take us through that journey we'll also learn about other technologies that are enabling java for modern application development such as verizonna and grawl vm we have a rich collection of speakers that are going to be presenting on a myriad of topics today both in breath and in depth but i would like to also highlight two of our external speakers that have made time to join us today the first is venkat subriminium who comes from denver who is a java champion and is also very active in the java community through the denver java user group we also have mala gupta developer advocate at jeff brains who's also a fellow java champion and is advocating for java through the new delhi java user group my parents home city so hello to everyone back in new delhi but it's great to see the community also participating with us in today's event it's also important to understand how you are using java we love to hear your stories how it's empowered your career how it's enabled your career how it's brought you the ability to come up with something innovative we want to hear from you and if you're a customer of java we want to understand how java is powering your business how it's making it successful in so many unique ways we'd love to hear your stories so we can share your stories with the entire java community and yes we do read all of your comments it's also important to invest in yourself after today taking your learning you can go to oracle university and continue forward with the free training we have with our oracle explorer badge program it's free training uh that allows you to prepare for the eventual certification program all offered for free through very small micro uh micro sessions to allow you to understand all of the places of java that can advance your career and there's even another rich place to find content java magazine articles authored by developers for developers a lot of the topics you'll hear today will be uh eventually seen in java magazine and lastly i encourage you to stay connected stay connected by following at openjdk and at java on twitter we'll provide more updates in terms of the evolution of java through both of these handles but also stay connected with the speakers you're going to hear from today most of them are on social you can follow them on twitter and keep the conversation going it's time we start today's keynote i'd like to introduce george saab vice president java platform group chair open jdk governing board george welcome to the stage thank you shara it's real pleasure to be here with you today and uh we're going to celebrate over 25 years of innovation on the java platform there are a lot of reasons why java has been popular for so long it's easy to use because of its simple syntax strong typing and broad standard library it's very reliable has a robust and secure jvm which is very very heavily tested including all of the libraries uh there's tremendous openness because we have a very transparent development process which we'll talk about a little bit today and finally a long history of dedication to platform independence helping you be agnostic towards operating system and hardware choices we see that even today java is celebrated in the industry because of its constant evolution based on formal specifications even as more choices exist java remains the number one programming language extending its reach to many different kinds of enterprises and helping developers tackle transitions in technology as it has with cloud and machine learning with that success in the enterprise a demand continues for developers to advance their java skills there's a rich collection of publishers covering new use cases and best practices and we see how java continues to future-proof developer careers with opportunities to stand out through certification programs the technology landscape is changing now at an increasing pace programming models and software architectures evolve to leverage new hardware developments and improvements in performance let us tackle new problems when we're thinking about the evolution of java we balance this to bring innovation while offering sustainability and compatibility so as we move java forward there are a number of promises that are important we have to balance and include trust innovation and predictability we steward the evolution of java in the open jdk community you can see the development as it happens and gain a better understanding of the thought that has gone into the design of new java features and the tradeoffs that have been considered we also have projects helping libraries in the ecosystem to add support for new java versions and features this can help you gain insight into the direction for java and to prepare for future opportunities you can rest assured that despite the increased pace of delivery of new java features the same care is taken to ensure that new versions remain stable secure and performant trust is built on oracle's continued leadership in driving java forward while also embracing the contributions from around the industry and we'd like to thank those individuals and businesses who participate in helping java's continual improvement for long-term innovation we invest in projects which cover areas where the software world is going at the moment we have the richest pipeline of new features in the history of java at the heart of this innovation pipeline are the innovation projects that are in openjdk these projects take a long-term view of where we've been where the world is going and aim to solve the bigger challenges facing developers while maintaining a java feel ensuring that the billions of lines of java code out there can continue to move forward along with the language with the opportunities provided by more frequent releases we have found ways of delivering which allow for feedback before a feature is set in stone we've introduced ways of getting features into the hands of developers through a system of early access releases and through the concepts of experimental incubator and preview features let's take a look at this in action here you can see the preview feature system with multiple features having released now as a part of this process remember a feature is complete in the preview stage but there is the chance that it may change based on real world feedback we're excited to say that both records pattern matching for instance of have become standard features of the java language and the j package tool is coming out of the incubator phase since 2017 we've kept the promise of offering a new release every six months each release offers incremental innovation and improvements while we continue to develop transparently in the open and at the same time offering developers the opportunity to participate more directly to shape the future of java let's explore this in more depth the six-month releases are different from the previous major releases we haven't magically found a way to do three years of development in six months instead each release includes a smaller increment of change but puts features in developers hands more quickly in addition to the six month releases oracle offers long-term support releases which accumulate the improvements across those intervening six-month feature releases the number of features in an lts release is similar to what you previously saw in a major release for enterprises considering ongoing ease of maintenance lts releases are an excellent choice but now developers also have the option of accessing new features in a final form earlier since the introduction of the new cadence oracle has offered lts releases every three years with five six-month releases in between while it took some time for the ecosystem to adjust i'm pleased to say that support for new releases has been steadily increasing as developers have enjoyed the faster availability of new features the demand for lts releases has grown as a result oracle is pleased to announce that we will offer the next lts after 17 in just two years instead of three this means that the next lts release will be java 21 in 2023 rather than java 23 and 2024 this also means fewer six-month releases in between making it even easier to start new development on a six-month release knowing that an lts release is just around the corner another important change is to licensing terms one consistent request we've heard is that java developers want longer availability to oracle jdk for production use i'm pleased to announce that with the java 17 lts we will offer the oracle jdk binaries free for production use this will extend to one year past the release of the next lts from oracle after that date updates to jdk 17 will only be available for production use to java sc subscription customers usage for development and testing will remain available at no cost for all updates and with that i'm pleased to turn things over to aurelio garcia ribeiro who runs java product management and he will take us through some of the key features since java 11 up to and including the features in java 17. aurelio thank you george back in 2018 after the launch of jdk 11 which was as you know the previous long-term support release just before the release of 17 brian getz the java language architect summarized the changes that happen in jdk releases leading to 11. since there are many users who are still on 11 and will therefore receive the cumulative benefit of all of those releases when they move up to 17 i'd like to borrow a page from brian's book and do a recap of the most interesting features that have been delivered with jdk 12 217 as it has now become the standard future releases come out like clockwork every six months and are relative to this older massive releases small with jdk 12 we have the first preview feature and we see it back for a second pass in jdk 13. here's my choice of the most important changes from 2019. now java 14 in march of 2020 was a bit larger it was in this release that a feature that had been previewed in earlier versions officially was added to the platform there was also a bit of work done on memory management this release also starts adding a few removals and deprecations to my running list java 15 added a few more deprecations and removal and improved some of the work done on garbage collection jdk 16 added the first apis from project panama the project that aims to make interaction between java and non-java libraries easier it also brought in changes to the open jdk infrastructure and finally jdk 17 added a good set of features to my running list since jdk 17 is the latest one those features are new to everyone and i will use ball to write that those entries in the list that's it for my choices we now have a quite uh long list but it seems a bit arbitrary because they're just shown in the order on which they arrive let's group them to see if we can distinguish some patterns here once we group them like this we can see the results of the projects that george was just mentioning when we had a shorter list based on what was available on any six-month period the japs seemed arbitrary now that now we can see that as before we have a nice collection that covers the java language the libraries and improvements in the jvm we also have improvements in serviceability and other changes finally we get to see what has been referred to as the harder part of the stewardship choosing things to deprecate and remove to ensure that we can continue moving the platform forward language features are mostly the result of the work done in project amber they represent the most visible changes to the platform which most developers will become familiar with the benefits of language improvements go to developers who write new applications or who refactor all their code they make it easier to write good code or in some cases harder to write bad code they are the most common reasons that developers give for wanting to move up to a new release but in order to receive the benefit of a new language feature a developer must code old applications don't get any benefit out of new language features i will review this list in detail soon but let's first do a quick review of the rest of the categories the library enhancements are sometimes similar to language features new apis will be useful only for new code or code that refactors them there are a couple of such new apis in incubator modules that we get from project panama these apis will make it easier to create libraries that take better advantage of vector operations many libraries used for machine learning artificial intelligence and cryptography could receive a significant performance boost from these apis it will also make it easier to leverage non-java libraries now the impact of new apis is sometimes greatly amplified by library developers many developers will never use these apis directly but will benefit from improvements in frameworks and third-party libraries that will use them now work done in jdk libraries can have an impact on to existing applications that use them we have refractors some of the code used in the serial number generators that will make it easier to find the right random number generator and will make it simpler for the maintainers of the libraries there's also some improvements in these realization filters that will allow us to limit which classes can be deserialized in a way that doesn't involve every developer having to code for a filter or trying to establish one single filter for the whole jvm at startup those adopting jdk 17 will also get some performance improvements by the jvm that's the engine that powers all java applications so they all get better the list here includes a new garbage collector algorithm called set gc that aims at having soup millisecond pulse times regardless of how large the heap that they work on gets it should be able to handle heaps of up to 16 terabytes now there are improvements also for g1 the default garbage collector with these changes the java runtime will free memory faster and will take advantage of new malware memory unlike the language changes improvements to the jvm will bring enormous value even to existing applications that are not recompiled with jdk 17. improvements in the jvm can also make the life of developers easier by providing more information to help debug existing applications in jdk 11 we introduced jdk flight recorder which allows tools to figure out what is going on in the java runtime when an application is running it is designed to provide very detailed information with minimal overhead so that it can be left always on and monitor systems in production without paying a high performance penalty before this change you have to wait for a flight recorder to be done and then you can only analyze the data after the fact with the new streaming events for flight recorder you can monitor a jvm in real time and get the same information that was previously only available asynchronously there is also an improvement on the level of information that is provided when a null pointer exception is thrown before this change a null pointer exception would only provide the method file name and line number of the code that triggered the exception this was all well and good for simple cases but if there were multiple possible variables in that one line of code it was hard to determine precisely which one had triggered the exception the new error messages will now say precisely the full access path that triggered the exception jdk 17 also delivers a new port as many know apple has embraced arm 64 processors for the new computers this new port of the jdk aims to continue delivering the high performance runtime that we're used to on those new systems it will complement nicely the arm 64 port that we added for linux a few releases back now not all of the work in the jabs is for delivering new features we also spend time on making it easier to work on open jdk for more than a decade we use mercurial as the source control system for the code in openjdk switching to git might sound like it would be an easy thing and it could be if you rush it but we took the time to do it right the tools that work on mercurial were updated to work in a similar matter in git and there was a lot of thought on how to bring in the history in a way that preserved the information but it still made it feel as if we had been using git all along the last two categories are the ones that most people would prefer didn't exist if language features are the candy these two are the vegetables we need to take steps to make it so that code written today will continue working in the future one example of that is that we need to discourage the use of internal apis with jigsaw in jdk 9 we gain the ability to restrict access to those apis that are not guaranteed to remain in the platform or that might change with little or no warning these internal apis were widely used at the time so turning access on access off by default would have kept many common frameworks and libraries from moving at past jdk8 instead we kept the access open but added additional warnings so that people had time to migrate away from internal apis several years later with jdk 16 we made it so that by default you no longer had access to internal apis but you could flip that back with a single command line option now in jdk 17 we removed the single command line option you can still tell the runtime to allow access to internal apis but now you will have to specify each package that you want to access to individually we don't plan to make any further changes to the way you gain access to those internal apis but still nobody should be using them because now that most people are not using them we are more likely to be willing to change those internal apis with shorter notices so please again don't use internal apis and finally although we are almost fanatical about maintaining backward compatibility there are features that have to be removed if we want to keep moving forward these features are not just ones that we don't like or ones that we think have good replacements the logic to decide what should be removed takes all of that into account but it also factors what the cost of just keeping it can be if we just leave it along having them in the platform imposes attacks on all new features you have to make sure that any new functionality interacts correctly with all the existing ones the items on this list do not provide the value that we thought they would either because they didn't see much adoption or because other improvements have made them obsolete now we don't want to surprise anybody by removing things with little warning so we first deprecate the functionality and only remove it in a later release how many releases a feature is deprecated before is being removed depends on many factors like how easy it is to replace it and how much is still being used okay i promise we should take a look now at those language features jdk 16 added records which saved developers the need to deal with some of the boilerplate one had to create when writing a class that simply aggregates immutable data take for example a simple class to express a coordinate we just want to pass around an immutable pair of integers x and y but we're going to need a constructor to set the values and we want all the classes to implement an equals let's not forget also we want a hashcode it would also be useful to see those values if we use tostring and we want to be able to access those values so we need methods to read them now all of this extra code could easily be outer generated by your ide so writing it is not such a big deal but that doesn't help us when trying to read the code and understand what is this class for we will have to review all of these auto-generated code before we can be sure that this is boilerplate and there's nothing but ceremony behind those methods what if we could tell java to handle all of these for us instead of saying class we say record the compiler then can make sure that our record gets all of those required methods without us having to include them in our code if for some reason some of those methods weren't just boilerplate let's say you needed a constructor to say to do some validation on the incoming data well you just need to implement the constructor and the compiler will provide the other ones this way whatever is written is indeed required and when reading the code you only see things that are necessary no boilerplate records are not just about eliminating boilerplate though they represent a much deeper improvement to the platform for example when deserializing records the runtime won't simply force values into the fields when a record is deserialized the system actually calls the record constructor in that way if there are any checks being done they don't get bypassed making this realization of records relatively safer records also set the stage for further improvements in a later version we will aim to add pattern matching on records switch expressions extend switch so that it can be used as either a statement or an expression that is returning a value both forms can use the traditional case values column with fall through or the new case value that's the arrow which has no fall through we also added a new way of leaving switch yield works similarly to break but it returns a value this is what a traditional statement switch look like in this example the switch statement really wanted to be an expression it wants to return a value using a switch expression we can return a value so that you don't need for example that extra variable also another improvement is that we can now have multiple constants separated by commas for each branch finally the cases in a switch must be exhaustive you have to provide a path for all possible values which normally means that you have to provide a default however when you're operating on an enum the compiler can check and make sure that you have covered all the valid use cases which means that you don't need a default if you cover all of the cases this works really nice as well with cl classes making the switch expression much easier to write and to understand than the equivalent switch statement jdk 17 adds sealed classes they are available in preview in jdk 16. sealed classes and interfaces restrict which other classes or interfaces may extend or implement them in java you sometimes use a class hierarchy to reuse code via inheritance right but sometimes it can be used also to model the various possibilities that exist in a domain like the kind of shapes supported by a graphics library when we want to use class hierarchy in this way restricting the set of subclasses can streamline the modeling what we need is a superclass to be widely accessible but not widely extensible let's look at a simple example a class is sealed by applying the sealed modifier to its declaration then the permits clause specifies the classes that are permitted to extend the seal class a seal class and its permitted subclasses must belong to the same module if they're declared in a if they're declaring an unnamed module they have to be in the same package every permitted to class must directly extend the sealed class and every permitted subclass must choose a modifier to describe how to continue the ceiling initiated by the superclass it could be final and allow no more subclassing it could in turn be sealed which means it will have its own set of permitted subclasses or it could be non-sealed java lang class will get two new methods so that code using reflection will be able to determine if a class or interface is sealed and if so to get a list of the permitted two classes with jdk 15 we add text blocks which were previewed in jdk 13 and 14. test blocks are multi-line string literals that can be represented in code without having to deal with most escape sequence and clunky concatenations let's take a look at another example imagine you want to assign some html into a string in your program before text blocks to represent the multi-line block of text we have to process strings using new landscapes and concatenating multiple strings manually processing the strings is error prone and the resulting code is hard to read this could be even worse if the string happened to contain a few double quotes we will need to escape them wouldn't it be nice if we could just cut and paste text unmodified right into our java editor here we see the result of replacing the traditional string literal with the text block it looks a lot like a traditional string literal it uses the same set of scape sequences it just uses a different delimiter three double quotes and it can span multiple lines note that moving to multiline format leaves us with a dilemma we normally want to indent the text blocks along with our code but we probably don't want the incidental indentation to show up in the string we use heuristics to determine which indentation is part of the string and which is accidental and we trim off the accidental indentation in this example the grey dots represent the left indentation which was deemed accidental the algorithm will also trim spaces to the right of the last non-white character in each line the resulting string looks like what you would have gotten from the original code which each line ending after the closing bracket jdk 16 also delivers pattern matching for instance off which allows us to express the conditional extraction of components from objects in a more concise and safer manner let's see an example we've all seen or written code like this we have an object which could hold different types and we want to do something with it if it happens to be of a particular type three things are going on here one we have to test to see if the object is a string two we have to declare a new string so that we can cast the object and three we have to cast the object into the new variable so that we can treat it like a string using pattern matching we can reduce the code into a single line that does all of those three things the variable s is only created if the object is a string if so the object is automatically casted into the variable and the variable is in scope only inside the brackets of the if statement if there is an else part of the conditional the new variable is not a scope in the else part jdk 17 adds as a preview feature pattern matching for switch expressions and statements being a preview means that this change is not yet permanent and using it will require a command line argument at compile time and at runtime pattern matching for switch allows expressions to be tested against patterns current switch statements work on a few types numeric enums and strings if we wanted to use patterns to check for a certain number of possibilities we will need to use a chain of if-else statements using pattern matching in a switch expression we can make this clearer remember that the case statement has to be exhaustive so in most cases you want to add a default value which is now allowed with a case for null this makes the code much easier to read and maintain if you want to learn more about any of these features take a look at we will also have later sessions where many of the ones i showed will be covered in much more detail in one of my sessions i will focus exclusively on the features added in jdk 17. i will also have a session where i introduce java management service java management service is a new oci native service that aims to address the complexity of managing securing and tuning java at scales jms will help users answer questions like what are all the java versions that i have installed which versions are being used by which application and are all my versions up to date and secure java management service is offered at no additional cost to our subscription customers as well as when managing workloads running in oci if you want to learn more about jms and see a very short demo join me in my session later today and now to share with you the value that javascription can bring to everybody i'd like to introduce my colleague manish gupta vice president marketing java platform group thank you aurelio good to be here given java's prevalence and oracle's role as a steward and innovation leader for java it was truly important that we delivered an offering that served the largest population of developers and organizations globally building on java's pillars of trust innovation and predictability we launched the oracle javascript subscription that has a number of unique attributes it's simple and covers deployments regardless of whether in the cloud on-premises or in hybrid modes it's transparent the pricing structure and the discount structures are published on the website it allows for customers in a pay-as-you-go model to grow as their business needs evolve it includes continuous innovation adding new capabilities to increase the value that the customers experience over time it's not just one and done recent introduction and inclusion of the entitlement to growl vm enterprise and the java management service are two examples of such continuous innovation that have been added to the java se subscription and it's very important for us to bring the value of the oracle cloud infrastructure to the ecosystem and hence the attributes that come with the oracle java sc subscription are free for the workloads that are running on oracle cloud infrastructure no incremental cost to the customers a lot of powerful elements are packaged into the subscription offering the core components include first and foremost of course the oracle jdk binaries and the associated commercial license as you all know oracle contributes over 80 of the enhancements fixes bug fixes etc in every open jdk release and its developers have more experience writing and supporting jdk than any other vendor it has offers the world's best java support 24 7 all year round in 27 local languages supported by a team with members that each have more than 15 years of experience and work very closely with the java development team it includes security performance and stability updates that come directly from oracle the innovation leader this includes quarterly critical patch updates as well as interim updates for supported versions that have reached end of public update it also includes access to mission critical bug fixes before they get included in publicly available releases additional features include tools like the java management service that you heard from aurelio the advanced management console which serves the management capabilities on the desktop and now with the introduction java management service here's a server side solution as well it makes it easy for management of your java estate regardless of where it's deployed and how big the deployment is java management service is a native service on oracle cloud infrastructure that intends to provide visibility insights and tuning for the java deployments across clouds and on-prem and groviem enterprise which is a high performance compiler that can boost performance of existing codes when running in just in time mode or offer instantaneous startup times when running in ahead of time compilation mode this all while reducing memory and compute requirements hence saving tremendous cost to the operators its polyglot capability makes crawl beam enterprise the ability to compile programs written in java and other languages making it attractive for modern app development the entitlement to crawl vim enterprise is included with the subscription at no additional cost to the customers and finally the java success program it's a unique program including a number of perks such as from oracle university free java licensing and certification to the customers of java sc subscription so what is the experience that the customers are seeing what is the value that's derived by the customers of the javascript subscription the list is very long i'll cover a few pieces here the customers are able to maintain the right security posture and manage compliance requirements in a much better manner than they could otherwise they have the tools and access to the best technical resources for management of their entire java estate they have the flexibility to move at the pace of their business with the subscription they can update portion or all of the java state when the business requires such and achieve the security and compliance objectives according to an analysis done by an by a third party analyst that was conducted last year the flexibility from the java ac subscription gives them about a 30 savings over a four year period when compared to achieving security and compliance objectives with regular six month updates and withdrawal vm enterprise the performance boost and resource savings can result in substantial efficiency improvement for any organization recently to better understand the drivers for commercial support of java we conducted a study with idc the results as you can see show that there are diverse reasons and interest for why an organization selects a commercial support structure these range from performance optimizations to access your technical resources uh to access to local language support and and the list is quite long as you can see what's important is that there are many reasons and and a reason might be appropriate for an organization that might be a smaller size or a very large organization doesn't matter they all can benefit from the javascription and the oracle subscription aligns very well with the research data that you see here and as a result of that alignment and meeting the needs of the marketplace what we have seen over the last three years is the subscription oracle has won the trust of thousands of customers ranging from very large fortune 10 enterprises to the smaller development houses in private and public sectors and across all of the industries globally over 50 percent of fortune 100 organizations are included in the customer base since the introduction of the subscription three years ago we have seen a very high renewal rate and consistently high customer satisfaction scores amongst our customers it's gratifying to see the success of the program i would like to take a moment and thank our customers that have given us the opportunity to serve them over the years thank you for your time today with that i would like to introduce chad ahrimura vp of developer advocacy for java we'll talk about oracle's commitment to the java ecosystem chad take it away thanks manish java's success is not just a story of great technology but about a global and diverse community eager to help one another succeed over the next few minutes i'm going to continue with our theme of trust innovation and predictability sharing some global numbers as well as some local success stories i'll end with a couple of announcements the story of java is truly a great one and nothing tells this story better than the numbers behind java's global community 12 million plus developers globally 1.8 million stack overflow questions answered almost a million certified developers building software that powers our world let's take one of these numbers and visualize it this is what community looks like we're looking at 200 java user groups overlaid on top of a map of the globe independently organized with a deep understanding of their respective local markets these user groups host some of the most experienced speakers in the world as well as those who have never been in front of an audience before they host student days hands-on workshops bowling nights pizza bashes they organize conferences and many other creative expressions to evangelize the java platform let's zoom in on just a couple of these stories first the kansas city jug small but mighty we'd like to thank it and recognize it for its ongoing commitments to meetups as well as organizing the kansas city developers conference or kcdc which i think is happening tomorrow now let's zip over to france the paris jug has been a tremendous influence in the french java community supporting unconferences like j alba and j chateau as well as helping many other java user groups activate and flourish throughout the country java bin in norway has helped multiple chapters stay active around the nordics and it also organized the java zone conference which has been a conference not just recognized on the regional stage but the international stage and if you haven't seen the teasers to javazone like stranger strings or game of codes i recommend that you check them out to these three jugs and all drug leaders around the world a special thank you for your leadership and commitment to the java community the java group at oracle is proud to continue to support you into the future another important group in the java community is the java champions the jc's are an esteemed group of self-selected individuals who have built successful careers around java and they've gone above and beyond by evangelizing java around the world as we did six months ago i'd like to again congratulate the newest members of the group thank you for your dedication to the community and welcome to the java champions now i want to introduce to you some of the new programs and the series that we've introduced that really help you move your career forward in java before i do that though i want to recognize and thank the java developer relations team at oracle chart chander david de la bassi dennis mccolgon nikolai parlog billy carrando and jose pomard now they're creating some amazing content and they've really really done a great job of creating shows like the inside java newscast which is time relevant stories about new features progress of projects like loom panama valhalla some of the latest industry gossip check that out on youtube sip of java is a series of one minute video shorts covering tips and tricks to make you a better java developer the inside java podcast is an audio series of interviews with the makers of java including alan bateman ron pressler julia bose chris hegarty gavin biermann and many more and jeff cafe is a monthly serving of java diving deep into one particular jdk enhancement proposal and i think it's filmed inside of a parisian cafe and finally is an aggregator of content developed by the java platform group at oracle as well as a place to find all of the shows i listed above finally predictability is knowing that oracle is continuing to invest in java and the community keeping its promises and stewarding forward the platform that has moved the world for the past quarter century without any further ado for our first announcement get ready because java day is coming back over the years java day has been a special regional event celebrating java with excellent talks oftentimes in the local language of the region this event has been our way to stay connected with you at the local level and will bring it back in the near future it's your opportunity to hear from oracle java experts as well as regional java luminaries stay tuned for more details by following and finally i'm thrilled to announce the launch of a new java website for developers of all experience levels with the same clean easily navigable experience of will be the home for a ton of resources to level up your skills find information on the community programs that we talked about today locate resources for those who wish to get involved with the building and testing of the jdk also a way to help promote java and a host of other information that we think will keep you coming back week after week think of this as your new destination portal for java and the door is opening today i'd like to end by once again thanking all of you for watching and being a part of one of the largest developer communities in the world thank you sharth over to you i'd like to thank our keynote speakers today they've given us a great foundation of the content you're going to experience in today's conference but a little bit of housekeeping to start our day the first is ask questions you'll all have the opportunity to ask questions to the session speakers it's your chance to understand the content by introducing the things that you want to learn it's also important to take some screenshots a lot of folks are watching today but you probably have a lot of colleagues that are missing today's event share some of the experiences you're watching on social by using our conference hashtag oracle dev live and lastly we have a lot of content for you today so don't worry everything is being recorded and shortly after the conference we're going to give you the link for all the on-demand replays not just for the keynote but the sessions themselves we're also bringing back something interesting from our last edition of oracle developer live and that is the participation badge during the course of every session you'll see a light bulb on some of the slides that's an indicator to remember some of the content on that slide you'll then be prompted with quiz questions during the course of the event answer those questions earn this badge and you'll be able to share that on social now when you go to the agenda remember this we have two tracks for you for the remainder of the event pick the session of your choice by clicking on the join now button but you do have the opportunity to move between sessions so always go back and click on the session that is currently in play for you to join that session now up next we have two sessions the first one is jdk 17 our next lts release by aurelio garcia rivero and a session on java and microservices by david cabelas and dimitri alexanderov i hope you all enjoyed today's event and i appreciate your time thank you [Music] i am aditya gupta my name is paul anderson and my name is gayle anderson i'm douchea from serbia ron presler paul sandoz i'm mala kisha william my name is simon ritter i'm james gosling my name is eric brown and i'm the director of the alice project at carnegie mellon university i've been a software engineer for the last 25 years i'm the executive vice president at ies mock my name is matthew gilliard and i work at twilio i am a software engineer at the monterey bay aquarium research institute i've been at sun microsystems in oracle for over 29 years i work at apple i'm mark reinhold chief architect of the java platform group at oracle i work at the norwegian welfare and labor administration work for a company called canva i guess i'm the guy that started this this whole madness java sucked me in it really moved my career from okay well it looks like i have to do software development to wow this is really fun for me java is you know the tool to be able to build and create whatever ideas i have in here when i finished writing my link list i stood back looked at the screen and said oh god can it be that simple my mind has stopped working so i went to my dad and i told him dad my jar file is corrupted he was like how do you know what a jar file is is the cornerstone of all my carrier java is the passport to the world i've traveled so many different countries because i'm fluent with java java has literally moved me i've traveled to lots of different countries to attend and to speak at java conferences and i've met a lot of amazing people along the way java moved me by allowing me to join the most dedicated group of professionals that i have ever had the pleasure of working with java has really moved me literally it changed the trajectory of my career java to me changed my career in a way that gave me like it gave me real immediate joy i cannot overstate how important being part of the german community has been to me personally and professionally the enthusiasm and camaraderie of the whole community i mean it's really really lovely what impresses me most is this large community of developers who are always there for you when you are stuck i know i'm drawing a legacy of many other programmers who built the very coding framework i'm using if someone says java to me i say now there's a programming language with class i say community and possibilities i will say java is the mother of programming languages when somebody says java i say how planet earth gets programmed i say scale and longevity relentless when someone says java i simply say jin jin jing java jin jin jing i say community i say java first job forever relevant that's the word i'm looking for relevant so a decade after decade java found a way to be relevant um and stay relevant by adopting to the need changing needs what are some of the new features i'm really excited about i'm really excited about the project panama i'm excited about the new six months release cadence of java i'm excited about json project gloom i'm really looking forward to project panama obviously excited about loom but i'm also very excited about how i'm really excited about java's new features for text blocks and records records record records records where will java be in the next 25 years who knows um it's it's so pervasive in all of our day-to-day lives we keep the current pace of development then java will be a very relevant language also in 25 years i think it's a very reasonable hope for me that my grandchildren will continue to bring their creativity to java when their time has come to work on it i can tell you one thing for sure it's going to continue to deliver value to the users of java [Music] jingle
Channel: Java
Views: 2,846
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: Developer Live, Developers, JDK, JDK 17, Java, Java 17, LTS, OpenJDK, Oracle, Oracle Cloud, Oracle Developer Live, Oracle Java
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 44sec (3164 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.