moving into my dream NYC apartment: empty apartment tour & living alone!

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yeah I'm out that Brooklyn now I'm down in tra I'm right next to the Nero but I'll be hood forever I'm the new Sinatra and since I made [Music] it hello Vlog another day another Vlog so today is so exciting because it is my mov let's go so we're actually headed there right now to my new apartment and guys it is my dream apartment I'm so excited to show you guys it's going to be a very busy hectic but very exciting day I'm caffeinated I'm energized [Music] so we're officially saying goodbye to my old apartment we're going to have one last look at her One Last Goodbye Oh my gosh she looks so empty oh my gosh it looks so much smaller without my furniture this little Studio she's Tiny But Mighty okay she served us well it's time to say goodbye goodbye it's officially the end of an era the new apartment you guys are going to go insane you guys are going to go crazy I'm so excited to show you guys goodbye I'm about to show you my new apartment okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my [Music] gosh I have no words I literally have no words like I don't even know what to say first of all this view you guys thought I had a nice view in my last apartment this beats that times a million this actually looks unreal to me I cannot believe it oh my God oh my God I am in disbelief I can't believe this is real life you guys have no idea like this is my dream apartment like everything about it the Florida ceiling windows The View okay let me give you guys a proper empty apartment tour because we need to do this apartment Justice okay so you walk in and this is the apartment look at this view from the kitchen this kitchen is straight up my dream kitchen and then this is the living room and then over here is the bedroom your girl is officially living in a one bedroom apartment we're leveling up you [Music] guys I have no worth other than thank you like you you watching this thank you for just like watching me and supporting me I would never ever even imagine myself in a place like this and it would not be possible if it wasn't for you I hope you guys know how grateful I am for each and every single one of you like words can't even begin to describe how much I appreciate and love you guys how much I appreciate this apartment this opport Unity like never in a million years did I think I'd be living in a place like this like never sorry to get really sentimental there I should probably start moving my stuff in [Music] go you going to see the apartment for the first time go go go go Pika it's okay this is our new home she's like no I'm out Pika come here now her exploring the bathtub already are you excited it's a lot bigger than our old place huh say hello to our new home Pika she's so confused right now you guys oh my God holy hallelujah oh my God that's cool right [Music] there say hello June hello my Uber driver for the day we are headed to Home Depot because I have so much furniture that needs to be made my mattress is literally on the floor right now because I don't have a drill he's the one that's going to use the drill not me so he's the Uber driver the handyman guys every single move I've ever had my brother has built pretty much all my furniture my last apartment I remember he was building my bed and there was no AC and it was like middle of the summer almost 100° he was like building my bed [Music] shirtless at least the apartment's way better this time yeah now this apartment has heat in AC comment down below say thank you June thanks [Music] June [Music] so guys I'm at Home Depot right now I've never been here so I'm a little bit intimidated because it is huge in here they have everything like I'm not even sure what I'm looking for at this point anymore I got everything I need but I'm just like wandering around cuz it's just [Music] massive look at P just chilling here good job guys me and PE princesses we just watched the guys do the [Music] [Applause] work [Music] please excuse the look of my bathroom and myself right now your girl just woke up I got that morning crust on my [Music] face [Music] Pik are you hungry yeah I know give me one [Music] second good morning you guys I'm here with Pika and we are both just amazed at this view I'm going to be honest even sleeping in this apartment last night it did not feel like my apartment and I actually had trouble falling asleep even though I was so tired from moving I could not fall asleep even waking up I was like where am I what is life like I'm definitely not adjusted lowkey Pika though she's a bougie cat because I feel like she's already adjusted like she was meant to live in a place like this but yeah today is really exciting because my couch is delivering today I'm so excited to show you guys we're nowhere near done with decorating this place my apartment is so bare right now I'm definitely going to be doing more unpacking and decorating apartment Vlogs so if you're not subscribed already what are you doing okay what are you doing Pika has her back turn to those of you who are not subscribed so go [Music] subscribe all righty guys you know the Vibes our first pre-workout jam session in the new apartment got to play a flyer song for this [Music] one sorry she [Music] me [Music] we're opening up a new oxy shred for the new [Music] apartment I got my little pre-workout cocktail the super cute new cup that I got it comes with like a little straw and a lid this kitchen is actually massive compared to my last kitchen like there is just like so much space here I'm not used to it and this is quite literally my dream kitchen I've always wanted like a little kitchen island and a window in the kitchen this is the oxy Tri from HP labs in the flavor mango this is by far one of my favorite flavors it is so bomb and I stacked it with creatine for the gains yeah if you guys are interested in trying this pre-workout I actually have a code it's Lena 10 never feel pressure to use my code I love you if you do and I love you if you don't but what I do care about is if you're subscribed so go ahead and check are you subscribed I need all the pre-workout energy because I have not worked out in like almost a week because I've been so busy packing moving unpacking and yeah my workout routine kind of went out the window but it's all good because we're going to get back in it together you guys going to hold me accountable I'm going to hold you accountable so if you're watching this right now Here's your sign to move your body today whether it's going outside on a walk going to the gym going to a workout class so yeah cheers to moving our body today and clear up the closing [Music] door [Music] you never feel the way I feel you don't know if my love is real baby listen to me here's the de when you're not here I'm not the same I'm a new chapter bab been suck in a bed for days I've been staring at the telephone cuz when you're I miss face later f body F there's no need to bring it up nothing you say makes it better your girl just finished at the gym I had a really good workout but I'm not going to lie I was struggling okay it was like my first workout in almost a week so woo it was humbling but we got it done now we headed back home [Music] so we're back home from the gym I just made my post-workout protein smoothie I usually add half a banana in this but I forgot but yeah anyway right now I'm just adding a bunch of stuff to my Pinterest for my apartment Decor inspo cuz guys we are nowhere near done with this apartment I still have like so many boxes to unbox I'm not even done unpacking my apartment right now she looks very plain Jane okay everything is just white but trust me we're adding personal some color so yeah if you want to stay tuned for the moving series videos make sure you subscribe I'm sorry guys I know I keep saying this but being here in this apartment just feels so unreal like it feels like I'm living a dream right now yeah this is going to be my time to get sentimental let me catch a SI before I do that so whether you're a real one or you're new here by the way hello welcome glad to have you here but the real ones know like this was not my reality 2 years ago even a year ago just 2 years ago I was a broke college student honestly barely affording my rent every month living in a four floor walk up with three other roommates living in the smallest room that could barely fit my bed and the year before that I was living with my parents they live in a one bedroom but they have like a den which is supposed to be like an office or storage space I was living in that room it was literally a room with no windows and I remember at that time I was so unhappy especially because I was one of the only one of my friends living back at home because I couldn't afford to dorm at my college anymore and this is all to [Music] say sorry I'm getting emotional ew why am I crying and I'm bringing the all up just because I want you guys to know how genuinely grateful I am like the past few years doing YouTube I never ever thought that this would this would ever become my reality and I would never ever be living in a place like this ever have this life that I have now if it wasn't for you guys genuinely you guys changed my life and not just for this like YouTuber living in a nice place like you guys changed my life my happiness I used to be so depressed I used to feel so lonely I had no friends I was so insecure in myself and just so unhappy you guys gave me something that I've never had before and you guys have genuinely given me a purpose and just something to look forward to wake up to every single day I literally talk to you guys every single day in the comments in my messages sometimes you guys comment Lena you help me so much you motivate me like no you motivate me and you have changed my life and I promise you I will never ever take that for granted 2 3 years ago I was watching other YouTubers living their dream life and just wondering like how the heck did that even happen I've been on the other end of things and I just hope you know I see you guys as more than just people that follow me I genuinely care about each and every single one of you and I think about you guys every single day I pray for you guys every single day and I just hope that I can give you guys an ounce of the happiness purpose and motivation that you guys genuinely give me every single day this apartment of course is a dream but it is nothing compared to the genuine love and support that you guys have given me I'm such an ugly crier and I know when I watch this back I'm going to be like e whether you're a first- Time viewer here or you've been a real one for a long time I see you and I appreciate you and anything you want to achieve in life I believe in you I was the least confident least motivated a person and if I could do it I promise whatever you want in this life whatever you want to achieve you can do it too I've been rambling for so long if you actually watch through that I want you to comment down below Pikachu so I know you're a real one and actually watch through that whole thing I love you guys so so much and I hope to catch you in my next video bye [Music] guys oh I'm taking a right J
Channel: LenaLifts
Views: 741,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aWkwxIJnieU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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